Preseason XC Countdown: Boys #7

<p> Texas MileSplit is counting down the 12 days until the first full weekend of cross country meets. &nbsp;Each day we will highlight one boys team and one girls team, with the idea that they are &quot;programs to watch&quot; for the upcoming season. &nbsp;This series is not intended to be a true ranking of the top 12 teams in the state overall, but instead an opportunity to highlight schools that have had strong recent success or have lots of talent returning for this fall.</p>

To really be considered a top program, you have to be consistent - and Del Rio has been in the top 10 in Texas for the last 3 years.


If you just look at the returning 5K rankings, Del Rio doesn't appear all that impressive (they come in at 12th overall and 10th among 6A teams).  In the 3 Mile rankings, however, the Rams really shine: they rank 3rd among all teams in Texas.  The truth is probably somewhere in the middle, as the famous saying goes, and that's where we have the team ranked.  There's a lot going for this Del Rio team: they finished 5th in the 5A state championship last year with two seniors on the team (though one was former #1 Cesar Moreno), and Paul Delgado showed signs during track season of developing into a strong front-runner with his 4:19/9:37 combo.  The 2014 Rams will have three more seniors in the top 7, in all likelihood, so they need to make waves in the brand-new 6A classification before graduation takes its toll.  One more interesting tidbit on this team: over the last 3 years, Del Rio has had an average final ranking of 9.7 considering all classifications; expect that consistency to continue this fall.


  Del Rio (TX)  
  1) Paul Delgado   16:07.50 37
  2) Daniel Bermea   16:23.80 75
  3) Josh Lowe   16:27.58 88
  4) Jesse Arreola   16:27.80 90
  5) Sergio Ramirez   17:31.40 470
  Average Time: 16:35.62 Total Time: 1:22:58.08 1-5 Split: 1:23.90
  6) Edson Venegas   17:58.70 682
  7) Jason Davila   18:29.60 916