Student-athlete profile Molly Farrell

Women's Track & Field

Student-athlete profile Molly Farrell

Name: Molly Farrell

Events: Distance
Hometown: East Bernard, Tx
Classification: Senior

When did you start participating in Track & Field / Cross Country? Junior High
Who has had the greatest impact on your running career? My Cross country coach Susie Walters.

What's your favorite sport other than Track & Field / Cross Country? Sleeping, or Volleyball.
If you could participate in a different event in Track & Field, which would it be? Hurdles
What is the best part about being a college athlete? Going through every practice, meet, or just fun times with your teammates.
After meeting Coach Parker, what was your first thought? His eyes are really blue! Also that he seems like the kind of Coach I would like to run for. What is one thing Coach  Parker always tells you? Don't ever be late and don't get sick.

What opposing schools do you most look forward to competing against? SFA
What is the highlight of your sports career? Falling in a steeplechase practice and making it on youtube (, then having two Conference championship rings from my freshman year.
Who are your favorite sports heroes? Jenny Barringer, she is a strong runner and is always humble after races by giving the glory and credit to God.

Do you have a nickname? What is it? Schmitty Dolphin

What are three words that best describe you? Outgoing. Ridiculous. Caring.
If you had one million dollars, where would you go? Overseas and be a missionary.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would change my impatience for patience. I'm still working that one out.
If you had a supernatural power, what would it be? Invisibility

Why did you choose to attend Sam Houston State University? I trusted Jesse Parker to Coach me.
What is the most important thing you've learned as a SHSU Student-Athlete? I have learned to be thankful for every opportunity given to me, being a part of Sam Houston Athletics means coming into the best family in the world.

What single thing will you most miss about SHSU when you leave? I will miss my teammates, my coaches, and all the athletic staff that have been like family to me.

What is the biggest challenge you've had to overcome? The biggest challenge I had to come was realizing my true purpose in why I run and that it isn't about me and my glory.

As a role model to young athletes, what advice can you give? I would say learn to be humble in and out of the sport. There is more to life than competition.
Name one thing that people would be surprised to learn about you? I can flow and dance pretty good ;)
What song is stuck in your head right now? The Only Exception by Paramore
What is your favorite T.V. show? Friday Night Lights

What is your biggest pet-peeve? Proud attitudes
What one thing can you not go a week without? Chocolate

What is your dream job? To be a mom

What is your most valued possession? Jesus Christ
What is your best non-athletic talent? Like I said, I can flow and dance.

Who is your favorite musical artist? John Mark McMillan
What is your biggest superstition? Uh..... I knock on wood even though I think it's pointless, does that count?
What is your biggest fear? Passing up a chance to help someone in need.
What is your favorite food? Italian food
What is the best movie you've ever seen? Happy Gilmore

Movies or TV? Movies
Radio or MP3? MP3
Cars or Trucks? Trucks
Daytime or Nightime? Nightime = sleep time
Summer or Winter? Winter
Track or Cross Country? TRACK!
Playstation or Xbox?  Wii
PC or Mac? Mac all the way

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Molly Farrell

Molly Farrell

5' 5"