Name: Travis Kocurek
Events: 1500/Mile & Cross Country
Hometown: Weimar, Texas
Classification: 5th Year Senior
When did you start participating in Track & Field / Cross Country? Sophomore year of high school, when I was 15 years old.
Who has had the greatest impact on your running career? My former training partner at Texas A&M University. He convinced me, despite me being hesitant, to run the race that ultimately proved to me that I could be good enough to run in college.
What's your favorite sport other than Track & Field / Cross Country? Football & Baseball
If you could participate in a different event in Track & Field, which would it be? Pole Vault. I have always thought it would be cool to be able to vault yourself really high into the air, and free fall back down to the mat.
What is the best part about being a college athlete? Being on a regular, consistent schedule every day.
After meeting Coach Parker, what was your first thought? WOW! This guy isn't much older than me!
What is one thing Coach Parker always tells you? Quit complaining and just do it. (He generally has a different choice of words to make the same point, though)
What opposing schools do you most look forward to competing against? Easy... SFA!
What is the highlight of your sports career? Anytime I run a personal best. To date, the 2010 Rice Twilight track meet, where I ran a 1500 meter personal best.
Do you have a nickname? What is it? Boots. My dad has called me this since I was barely able to walk since I would put his cowboy boots on and walk around. They came all the way up to my hip.
What are three words that best describe you? Spontaneous, shy, and loud (that comes after the shy stage)
If you had one million dollars, where would you go? Italy. And then I'd move to Colorado.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Be less indecisive.
If you had a supernatural power, what would it be? Teleportation. How cool would it be to teleport anywhere in the world RIGHT NOW!!??
Why did you choose to attend Sam Houston State University? I started my college career as a non-runner at Texas A&M and after a year and a half I decided to make a comeback. Coach Parker and Sam Houston gave me a shot to run, so I didn't think twice about transferring. To date, that is one of the best decisions I have ever made.
What is the most important thing you've learned as a SHSU Student-Athlete? Consistency and modesty are some of the most important qualities of a successful person. In athletics, especially distance running, where you continue to improve every year if you are consistent, this has never been more evident.
What single thing will you most miss about SHSU when you leave? My teammates. I love everyone of those guys. We basically all live together, except for 3 guys on the XC team. We are like a family in every respect, except that we don't share the same last name.
What is the biggest challenge you've had to overcome? As a runner, injuries and finding the courage to do push through the pain when most people would give up.
As a role model to young athletes, what advice can you give? Aside from the true necessities in life (food, water, and oxygen) all you really need to do is that which makes you happy. For me this is running. Everything else will fall into place and for the most part you can never be disappointed. If you are an honest and moral person, and do what makes you happy, you will be successful in any endeavor.
Name one thing that people would be surprised to learn about you? As I write this, I am in the process of applying to the Peace Corps!
What song is stuck in your head right now? Breakeven by The Script (as covered by Lisa Scinta-check it out on youtube!)
What is your favorite T.V. show? Man vs. Wild and Cash Cab
What is your biggest pet-peeve? Nothing is more frustrating than when you pay for something but don't get what you are paying for (i.e. when the internet at your house works intermittently)
What one thing can you not go a week without? Peanut Butter!!
What is your dream job? I don't think I have one. Anything that is rewarding and makes me happy.
What is your most valued possession? My SHSU ring
What is your best non-athletic talent? I can chirp like a bird J
Who is your favorite movie actor? Leonardo DiCaprio
What is your biggest superstition? I don't really have any
What is your biggest fear? Falling
What is your favorite food? Peanut Butter!!
What is the best movie you've ever seen? Inception
Movies or TV? Movies
Radio or MP3? MP3
Cars or Trucks? Cars
Daytime or Nightime? The transition between nighttime and daytime (early morning)
Summer or Winter? Winter
Track or Cross Country? Track
Playstation or Xbox? Playstation
PC or Mac? PC