Plainview Invitational 2015

Plainview, TX

Meet Information


Location: Running Water Draw Park behind Furrs Dining off of I- 27 & Olton Road. Remember, Plainviews access roads are one way now.

Schedule:Rolling-Times Approximate
7-8AM: Registration
8:00AM Jr High Girls 2 Miles
8:30AM Jr High Boys 2 Miles
9:00AM JV Girls D1 (1A-4A) 2 Miles
9:30AM Var Girls D1 (1A-4A) 2 Miles
10:00AM JV Girls D2 (5A-6A) 3 Miles
10:30AM Var Girls D2 (5A-6A) 3 Miles
11:00AM JV Boys (Both Divisions) 3 Miles
11:30AM Var Boys D1 (1A-4A) 3 Miles
Var Boys D2 (5A-6A) 3 Miles

Division I and II guys will run together but be scored and placed separately. They will finish in separate chutes. Division I Varsity Guys Teams will have Green Wrist Bands in their packets. They will need to wear them on their right wrist for the Varsity Guys Division I Race. The Division I Varsity Guys will finish in the RIGHT CHUTE.

The top two teams in the varsity divisions and the top team in the JV divisions will receive plaques. The top 20 runners in each division will be given medals. JH runners will be given medals but not given places and coaches are responsible for the timing of their own athletes. The HS divisions will be timed & placed by certified SPATO officials.