
Girls 3200 meter Run Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Vanessa Aguirre               12   Houston YES Prep SW                15:49.95       1     
2     Zoe Torres                    12   Houston YES Prep SW                17:16.56       1     
3     Kimberly Gonzalez             11   Houston YES Prep SW                17:36.64       1     

Boys 3200 meter Run Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Daniel Rincon                 12   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        11:52.07       1     
2     Muse Nega                     10   Houston YES Prep SW                11:56.28       1     
3     Francisco Molina              11   Houston YES Prep Northside         12:19.53       1     
4     Gabriel Fonseca               10   Houston YES Prep Northside         12:42.45       1     
5     Kevin Martinez                11   Houston YES Prep SW                12:52.42       1     
6     Emmanuel Muniz                11   Houston YES Prep East End          12:52.81       1     
7     Leopoldo Gonzalez             11   Houston YES Prep SW                14:07.12       1     
8     Travis Alexander              9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       15:15.35       1     
9     Carlos Rojas                       Houston YES Prep Northline         15:39.68       1     

Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     56.59          1     
2                                        MS_YES PREP North Forest           56.97          1     
3                                        MS_IDEA Hardy                      57.28          1     
4                                        MS_YES Prep Northwest              57.64          2     
5                                        MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     58.47          1     
6                                        MS_IDEA Spears                     59.17          1     
7                                        MS_Harmony Ingenuity               1:01.17        2     
8                                        MS_YES Prep Southside              1:01.88        2     
9                                        MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     1:03.21        2     
10                                       MS_YES Prep Southwest              1:08.29        2     

Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     49.22          1     
2                                        MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     50.61          2     
3                                        MS_YES Prep Northwest              50.83          2     
4                                        MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     52.63          2     
5                                        MS_YES Prep Southwest              53.77          1     
6                                        MS_YES Prep Southside              53.81          2     
7                                        MS_IDEA Spears                     53.82          1     
8                                        MS_Harmony Ingenuity               56.20          2     
9                                        MS_IDEA Hardy                      1:00.55        1     

Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       56.15          1     
2                                        Houston YES Prep Southside         56.40          1     
3                                        Houston YES Prep Northwest         56.52          1     
4                                        Houston YES Prep SW                57.98          1     
5                                        Harmony Advancement (Houston       1:01.19        1     
6                                        Houston YES Prep Northside         1:02.07        1     
7                                        Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        1:03.60        1     

Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Houston YES Prep Southside         46.79          1     
2                                        Houston YES Prep SW                47.85          1     
3                                        Harmony Advancement (Houston       49.33          2     
4                                        Houston YES Prep North Fores       49.39          1     
5                                        Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       50.57          1     
6                                        Houston YES Prep Northwest         53.01          1     
7                                        Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        56.67          2     
8                                        Houston YES Prep Northside         58.59          2     

Girls 800 meter Run Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Jamileth Carbajal             8    MS_YES Prep Southwest              2:51.44        1     
2     Camilla Puente                7    MS_IDEA Spears                     2:54.15        1     
3     Keyla Majano                  7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     3:00.54        1     
4     Airyahna Reyes                7    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               3:11.70        1     
5     Mia Guzman                    6    MS_YES Prep East End               3:12.55        1     
6     Madeleine Figueroa            6    MS_YES Prep Northwest              3:15.00        2     
7     Nubia Hernandez-Garcia        8    MS_YES Prep Southwest              3:16.13        1     
8     Erika Juarez                  7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              3:22.20        1     
9     Camila Andrea Avila           6    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     3:29.48        2     
10    Cindy Sanchez                 8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     3:31.46        2     
11    Lara Saylam                   7    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     3:35.15        2     
12    Jazmin Price                  8    MS_YES PREP North Forest           3:35.60        1     
13    Stephany Azama                8    MS_YES Prep West                   3:39.95        1     
14    Gabriella Torres              6    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             3:43.13        1     
15    Ashley Argueta                8    MS_YES Prep West                   3:43.78        2     
16    Daphne Villavicencio          6    MS_YES Prep Southside              3:46.87        1     
17    Jade Davis                    7    MS_IDEA Spears                     3:56.29        1     
18    Amy Vierra                    6    MS_YES Prep Northwest              3:58.87        1     
19    Olawamiwa Afolabi             8    MS_YES Prep West                   4:08.53        2     
20    Mela Mobae                    7    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               5:12.29        2     

Boys 800 meter Run Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Aby Russom                    8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     2:27.34        2     
2     Kevin Villatoro               8    MS_YES Prep Southwest              2:32.91        2     
3     Christopher Rivera            8    MS_IDEA Spears                     2:33.85        2     
4     Kristopher Sanchez            7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     2:35.41        1     
5     Kolade Durodola               8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     2:35.48        2     
6     Habeeb Olaofe                 8    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             2:36.76        1     
7     Dylan Magee                   6    MS_IDEA Spears                     2:37.65        1     
8     Ian Ocegueda                  7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     2:43.52        1     
9     Elvin Oliva                   7    MS_IDEA Hardy                      2:46.34        1     
10    Jeffery Thomas                6    MS_YES Prep Southside              2:51.85        2     
11    J Cruz Garcia                 7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              2:55.72        2     
12    Ian Torres                    6    MS_YES Prep Southwest              3:01.41        1     
13    Chris Lujan                   7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     3:03.11        1     
14    Oluwatobi Adekunle            6    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     3:04.69        2     
15    Messiah Gage                  7    MS_IDEA Hardy                      3:06.86        2     
16    Jermiah Anderson              6    MS_IDEA Spears                     3:12.28        2     
17    Aaron Castro                  7    MS_YES Prep East End               3:15.16        1     
18    Andrew Castro                 6    MS_YES Prep East End               3:16.93        1     
19    Jose Maldonado                7    MS_YES PREP North Forest           3:49.51        2     

Girls 800 meter Run Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Dulce Canizales               11   Houston YES Prep SW                2:59.02        1     
2     Valeria Magarin               9    Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        3:02.84        1     
3     Berenice Lindero Hernandez    9    Houston YES Prep East End          3:04.37        1     
4     Leslie Marenco                9    Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        3:30.43        1     
5     Victoria Rodriguez            9    Houston YES Prep SW                3:35.07        1     
6     Soazca Gomez                  11   Houston YES Prep Northside         3:37.76        1     
7     Andrea Huerta                      Houston YES Prep Northside         3:46.10        1     
8     Caylin Campbell               10   Harmony Advancement (Houston       3:50.48        1     
9     Oreoluwa Ademisoye            9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       4:02.41        1     

Boys 800 meter Run Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Daniel Rincon                 12   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        2:17.45        1     
2     Oswaldo Aburto                10   Houston YES Prep SW                2:18.19        1     
3     Micah Lloyd                   10   Houston YES Prep Southside         2:18.20        1     
4     Luciano Leal                  11   Houston YES Prep Northside         2:24.03        1     
5     Pablo De Leon                 12   Houston YES Prep Southside         2:30.37        1     
6     Oscar Amaya                   12   Houston YES Prep SW                2:30.77        1     
7     Miguel Diaz                   12   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        2:31.61        2     
8     Fernando Torres               11   Houston YES Prep Northline         2:31.89        1     
9     Teslim Ayomide                12   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       2:33.58        2     
10    Jonathan Ortiz                11   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        2:34.60        1     
11    Gustavo Machin                11   Houston YES Prep West              2:35.38        2     
12    Jair Portillo                 11   Harmony Ingenuity (Houston)        2:36.22        2     
13    Sergio Galvez                 10   Houston YES Prep West              2:37.88        2     
14    Carlos Quiche                 10   Houston YES Prep West              2:38.00        2     
15    Ruben Ruiz                    9    Houston YES Prep East End          2:40.35        1     
16    Emmanuel Lawal                11   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       2:41.52        1     
17    Damien Gonzalez               10   Harmony Advancement (Houston       2:43.76        1     
18    Enrique Chavarria             9    Houston YES Prep Northside         2:44.55        2     
19    Dami Sobola                   12   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       2:46.42        2     
20    Antonio Rodriguez             12   Houston YES Prep East End          2:47.17        2     
21    Damian Lara                   11   Harmony Ingenuity (Houston)        2:47.20        1     
22    Gianluca Azuara               10   Harmony Advancement (Houston       2:53.07        2     
23    Kenlys Curbeira               10   Harmony Ingenuity (Houston)        2:53.55        1     
24    Jax'on Howard-Greene          11   Harmony Advancement (Houston       2:55.57        2     
25    Jovany Calixto                10   Houston YES Prep SW                2:58.72        1     
26    Joseph Santos                 10   Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        3:02.33        2     
27    Henry Dipeolu                 11   Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        3:12.74        2     
28    Daniel Contrares              10   Houston YES Prep North Fores       3:13.73        1     
29    Ethan Dang                    10   Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        3:17.36        2     

Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        MS_IDEA Hardy                      2:03.06        2     
2                                        MS_YES Prep Northwest              2:06.71        2     
3                                        MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     2:07.39        1     
4                                        MS_IDEA Spears                     2:07.95        2     
5                                        MS_YES PREP North Forest           2:09.18        2     
6                                        MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     2:11.33        1     
7                                        MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     2:14.70        1     
8                                        MS_YES Prep Southside              2:17.99        2     
9                                        MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             2:27.60        1     
10                                       MS_YES Prep Southwest              2:32.63        1     

Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        MS_YES Prep Northwest              1:51.25        1     
2                                        MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     1:53.23        1     
3                                        MS_IDEA Spears                     1:54.60        2     
4                                        MS_YES Prep Southwest              1:55.03        1     
5                                        MS_YES Prep Southside              1:56.88        1     
6                                        MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     1:57.50        2     
7                                        MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     1:59.54        2     
8                                        MS_Harmony Ingenuity               2:02.41        2     
9                                        MS_IDEA Hardy                      2:04.78        1     

Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       2:07.26        1     
2                                        Houston YES Prep Northwest         2:09.51        1     
3                                        Harmony Advancement (Houston       2:10.24        1     
4                                        Houston YES Prep Northside         2:16.60        1     
5                                        Houston YES Prep SW                2:19.25        1     
6                                        Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        2:25.46        1     
7                                        Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        2:30.62        1     

Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Houston YES Prep Southside         1:37.91        1     
2                                        Houston YES Prep SW                1:42.60        1     
3                                        Harmony Advancement (Houston       1:44.67        2     
4                                        Houston YES Prep North Fores       1:44.97        1     
5                                        Houston YES Prep Northside         1:50.30        2     
6                                        Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        1:51.19        2     
7                                        Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        1:51.45        2     
8                                        Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       1:53.24        1     
9                                        Harmony Ingenuity (Houston)        1:58.43        1     

Girls 400 meter Dash Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Chidinma Anoka                8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     1:07.21        1     
2     Ah'Kaylla Jackson             7    MS_YES PREP North Forest           1:09.83        1     
3     Averi Alexander               8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     1:10.75        1     
4     Lyn Ho                        8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     1:15.24        3     
5     Jaida Nelson                  8    MS_YES Prep Northwest              1:15.80        4     
6     Sophia Blandon                8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     1:16.60        1     
7     Leslie Lopez                  6    MS_IDEA Spears                     1:17.56        4     
8     Keyla Majano                  7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     1:18.74        3     
9     Miracle Banks                 8    MS_IDEA Spears                     1:19.78        2     
10    Aiyana Hamilton               7    MS_IDEA Hardy                      1:19.87        4     
11    Abigail Curiel                8    MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     1:20.02        2     
12    Mia Ball                      6    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               1:24.71        3     
13    Madeleine Figueroa            6    MS_YES Prep Northwest              1:25.19        2     
14    Ashley Argueta                8    MS_YES Prep West                   1:27.00        3     
15    Xania Mims                    6    MS_IDEA Spears                     1:27.84        3     
16    Jamileth Carbajal             8    MS_YES Prep Southwest              1:28.92        1     
17    Jermya Evans                  7    MS_YES PREP North Forest           1:28.99        4     
17    Kenadi Shelvin                8    MS_YES PREP North Forest           1:28.99        1     
19    Candy De La Fuente            8    MS_YES Prep East End               1:29.13        4     
20    Giana Johnson                 7    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     1:29.96        1     
21    Jaelyn Gonzalez               6    MS_YES Prep Southwest              1:31.98        1     
22    Daphne Villavicencio          6    MS_YES Prep Southside              1:32.88        2     
23    Divine Chidi                  7    MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     1:33.41        5     
24    Kimberly Pena                 6    MS_YES Prep East End               1:33.66        5     
25    Yeidy Espinoza                6    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             1:33.80        5     
26    Kelly Leon                    7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              1:34.02        4     
27    Olawamiwa Afolabi             8    MS_YES Prep West                   1:39.71        5     
28    Stephany Azama                8    MS_YES Prep West                   1:47.90        5     
29    Amya Oliver                   6    MS_YES Prep Southside              1:50.60        3     
30    Chloe Johnson                 8    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               1:58.82        3     

Boys 400 meter Dash Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Aby Russom                    8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     1:00.94        2     
2     Keandre Moore                 7    MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     1:02.80        3     
3     Maurice Smith                 7    MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     1:04.51        3     
4     Ehi Dauda                     8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     1:04.58        3     
5     Kristopher Sanchez            7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     1:04.97        2     
6     Kevin Villatoro               8    MS_YES Prep Southwest              1:05.14        1     
7     Sire Johnson                  7    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     1:05.49        4     
8     Habeeb Olaofe                 8    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             1:07.49        4     
9     Josoph Richard                8    MS_IDEA Spears                     1:07.50        3     
10    Blessed Onomen                7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     1:08.57        1     
11    Giovanni Alvarez              7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              1:09.75        1     
12    Darius Anderson               8    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               1:10.16        2     
13    Brodrick Hubbard              8    MS_IDEA Spears                     1:11.52        4     
14    Justin Hernandez              7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              1:11.83        1     
15    Godswill Nwankpa              8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     1:12.03        2     
16    Jeffery Thomas                6    MS_YES Prep Southside              1:18.07        1     
17    Khali Ellis                   8    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               1:20.13        4     
18    Messiah Gage                  7    MS_IDEA Hardy                      1:21.47        3     
19    Jorian Pickeny                6    MS_IDEA Hardy                      1:28.72        4     
20    Jose Maldonado                7    MS_YES PREP North Forest           1:38.14        1     

Girls 400 meter Dash Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Emeli Alvarado                9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       1:16.44        1     
2     Morgan Melton                 9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       1:19.81        2     
3     Valentina Torres              11   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        1:20.13        1     
4     Taylor Buford                 12   Harmony Advancement (Houston       1:21.85        1     
5     Itzareli Sierra               12   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        1:22.61        1     
6     Andrea Huerta                      Houston YES Prep Northside         1:24.99        2     
7     Andrea Reyes                  9    Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        1:25.77        2     
8     Alexandra Garay               11   Houston YES Prep North Fores       1:27.75        1     
9     Deisi Bellini                 9    Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        1:28.23        2     
10    Carisma Gonzalez              10   Houston YES Prep Northwest         1:29.00        1     
11    Haylie Rosas                  9    Houston YES Prep SW                1:31.41        1     
12    Paris Campoy                  9    Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        1:35.80        2     

Boys 400 meter Dash Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Oscar Cantera                 12   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        55.54          2     
2     Elijah Cacho                  10   Houston YES Prep SW                55.67          1     
3     Zechariah Dunn                12   Houston YES Prep Southside         55.85          1     
4     Micah Lloyd                   10   Houston YES Prep Southside         58.20          2     
5     Clyde Johnson                 11   Houston YES Prep North Fores       58.54          1     
6     Adenola Ojo                   12   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       1:00.30        1     
7     Omaren Smith                  10   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       1:00.43        1     
8     Loren Davis                   11   Houston YES Prep East End          1:00.94        2     
9     Naequane Kelly                9    Houston YES Prep Northwest         1:01.08        1     
10    Oscar Castaneda               12   Houston YES Prep Northside         1:02.27        1     
11    Pablo De Leon                 12   Houston YES Prep Southside         1:02.41        2     
12    Leonardo Martinez             9    Houston YES Prep SW                1:04.83        2     
13    David Ayofe                   11   Harmony Advancement (Houston       1:06.10        4     
14    Carlos Quiche                 10   Houston YES Prep West              1:06.20        4     
15    Damien Gonzalez               12   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        1:06.40        3     
16    Bradley Humber                12   Houston YES Prep North Fores       1:06.71        1     
17    Lekedrick Owens               10   Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        1:06.75        3     
18    Gustavo Machin                11   Houston YES Prep West              1:06.84        3     
19    Ose Onabhakere                12   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       1:06.92        2     
20    Sergio Galvez                 10   Houston YES Prep West              1:08.17        2     
21    Joshua Toomer                 8    Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        1:09.09        3     
22    Mason Ealy                    11   Houston YES Prep SW                1:10.18        2     
23    Daniel Contrares              10   Houston YES Prep North Fores       1:10.86        4     
24    Xavier Cooper                 9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       1:13.09        4     
25    Sean Boyd                     11   Harmony Ingenuity (Houston)        1:14.71        4     
26    Elmer Lopez                   12   Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        1:17.13        3     
27    Benjamin Alvarez              9    Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        1:20.56        4     

Girls 200 meter Dash Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Dajonay Lee                   8    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               29.86          3     
2     Khania Thomas                 7    MS_IDEA Hardy                      30.07          2     
3     Emmalee Washington            7    MS_IDEA Spears                     30.45          1     
4     Aniya Hickman                 8    MS_IDEA Hardy                      31.00          3     
5     Lyn Ho                        8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     31.41          1     
6     Brooke Brown                  7    MS_YES Prep Northwest              31.55          4     
7     Kryssi Perkins                7    MS_YES PREP North Forest           32.03          1     
8     Kennedi Jones                 8    MS_YES Prep Southside              32.14          2     
9     Dea'Myah Malveaux             8    MS_YES Prep Northwest              32.75          4     
10    Genisis Osorio                8    MS_IDEA Spears                     32.89          2     
11    Ballie Tippons                7    MS_IDEA Hardy                      32.93          3     
12    Faith Adelaja                 7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     33.21          2     
13    Destiny Edwards               7    MS_YES Prep Southside              33.54          2     
14    Isabell Corado                8    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             33.64          1     
15    Jermya Evans                  7    MS_YES PREP North Forest           34.10          3     
16    Maiya Garcia                  7    MS_YES Prep Northwest              34.42          1     
17    Leylah Molina                 7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              35.00          2     
18    Destiny Reaves                7    MS_IDEA Spears                     35.01          1     
19    Jaidyn Gregg                  7    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     35.11          5     
20    Amerie Williams               6    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               35.19          4     
21    Mela Mobae                    7    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               35.28          2     
22    Jazmine Flowers               7    MS_YES Prep Southside              35.39          3     
23    Camila Andrea Avila           6    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     35.82          5     
24    Brittany Deshay-Smalls        8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     36.43          4     
25    Giselle Orellana              8    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             36.68          5     
26    Romina Gallegos               6    MS_YES Prep East End               37.31          4     
27    Evelyn Bernardino             7    MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     38.53          3     
28    Jaelyn Gonzalez               6    MS_YES Prep Southwest              39.03          1     
29    Kelly Leon                    7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              41.23          5     

Boys 200 meter Dash Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Beluchi Ugorji                8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     25.88          1     
2     Wahab Adeyemi                 7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     26.12          1     
3     Nathan Isibor                 7    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     26.62          3     
4     Kossi Agbolete                6    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     27.19          1     
5     Mehki Jolla                   7    MS_IDEA Hardy                      27.21          4     
6     Bryan Lopez                   7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              27.33          1     
7     Ikese Harris                  8    MS_IDEA Spears                     27.35          4     
8     Ladarius Lundy                7    MS_YES Prep Southside              27.42          2     
9     Domingo Hernandez             8    MS_YES Prep Southwest              28.62          1     
10    Isaiah Hernandez              8    MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     28.82          4     
11    Cameron Schultz               8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     29.09          3     
12    Brain Hubbard                 8    MS_IDEA Spears                     30.18          4     
13    Giovanny Gomez                7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              30.34          1     
14    Robert Jones                  8    MS_YES Prep East End               31.02          3     
15    Richy Gonzalez                8    MS_YES Prep Northwest              31.04          2     
16    Habeeb Olaofe                 8    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             31.63          1     
17    Camron Hypolite               8    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             31.92          4     
18    Muzzammil Sulaiman            8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     33.01          1     
19    Za-vandre Walton              8    MS_IDEA Spears                     33.19          3     
20    Antonio Quiroz                8    MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     36.49          4     
21    Jesse Martinez                6    MS_IDEA Hardy                      38.98          4     

Girls 200 meter Dash Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Payton Cowley-Hayes           12   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       28.25          1     
2     Justice Moore                 9    Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       29.36          1     
3     Nakiya Robins                 12   Houston YES Prep Southside         30.21          2     
4     Taylor Buford                 12   Harmony Advancement (Houston       30.58          3     
5     Carisma Gonzalez              10   Houston YES Prep Northwest         31.26          1     
6     Lauren Udalor                 10   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       31.44          2     
7     Mya Clark                     11   Houston YES Prep Southside         31.46          3     
8     Brailynn Barnaby              10   Harmony Advancement (Houston       32.19          3     
9     Annette Joseph                9    Houston YES Prep North Fores       32.54          1     
10    Clarissa Alvarez              10   Houston YES Prep SW                33.46          1     
11    Morgan Mann                   9    Harmony Ingenuity (Houston)        33.47          3     
12    Kalea Pete                    12   Houston YES Prep Northside         33.97          3     
13    Katherine Gomez               11   Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        33.98          3     
14    Yasmin Corvera                10   Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        34.06          2     
15    Morgan Melton                 9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       34.28          2     
16    Jaze Taylor                   9    Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        36.61          3     
17    Lai'La Cosey                  10   Houston YES Prep Southside         37.73          1     
18    Tylisa Fuller                 11   Houston YES Prep North Fores       38.31          2     
19    Shelsy Gallardo               9    Houston YES Prep SW                39.03          1     
20    Michelle Franco               9    Houston YES Prep SW                39.42          2     

Boys 200 meter Dash Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Eric Shannon                  12   Houston YES Prep Southside         24.51          1     
2     Oscar Cantera                 12   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        25.11          1     
3     Taelen Jones                  11   Houston YES Prep Southside         25.24          3     
4     Brian Broussard               12   Houston YES Prep Southside         25.45          1     
4     Dawson Williams               12   Harmony Advancement (Houston       25.45          3     
6     Elijah Sandifer               12   Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        25.76          4     
7     Nathan Frost                  10   Harmony Advancement (Houston       26.10          3     
8     Dylan Moniaga                 9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       26.19          4     
9     Gustavo Alvarado              10   Houston YES Prep Northside         26.25          2     
10    Clyde Johnson                 11   Houston YES Prep North Fores       26.46          2     
11    Bradley Humber                12   Houston YES Prep North Fores       26.64          1     
12    De'Marion Davis               9    Harmony Ingenuity (Houston)        26.94          2     
13    Erick Garcia                  12   Houston YES Prep SW                27.11          1     
14    Micheal Dipeolu               10   Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        27.29          3     
15    Anthony Moore                 10   Houston YES Prep North Fores       27.31          1     
16    Adenola Ojo                   12   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       27.85          4     
17    Angel Zamarripa               10   Houston YES Prep Northline         28.28          3     
18    Michael Longoria              11   Houston YES Prep East End          28.63          2     
19    Leonardo Martinez             9    Houston YES Prep SW                28.87          2     
20    Israel Akinwale               12   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       29.05          4     
21    Jordan Mata                   12   Houston YES Prep Northside         29.12          3     
22    David Esper                   10   Houston YES Prep Northwest         29.65          2     
23    Jovany Calixto                10   Houston YES Prep SW                30.27          2     
24    Caleb Parks                   10   Houston YES Prep Northwest         30.69          2     

Girls 1600 meter Run Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Jamileth Carbajal             8    MS_YES Prep Southwest              6:27.08        1     
2     Nayeli Davilla                8    MS_IDEA Spears                     6:54.48        1     
3     Nubia Hernandez-Garcia        8    MS_YES Prep Southwest              7:37.86        1     
4     Lara Saylam                   7    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     7:46.31        1     
5     Hannah Suggs                  8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     8:01.82        1     
6     Erika Juarez                  7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              8:01.99        1     
7     Isabella Lopez                8    MS_IDEA Spears                     8:39.42        1     
8     Jazmin Price                  8    MS_YES PREP North Forest           9:40.39        1     
9     Favour Akindeyi               8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     10:24.97       1     

Boys 1600 meter Run Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Christopher Rivera            8    MS_IDEA Spears                     5:51.19        1     
2     Kevin Villatoro               8    MS_YES Prep Southwest              5:52.18        1     
3     J Cruz Garcia                 7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              5:58.20        1     
4     Ian Ocegueda                  7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     6:09.79        1     
5     Prahlad Uchila                8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     6:41.60        1     
6     Kolade Durodola               8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     6:44.13        1     
7     Jaziel Majano                 5    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     6:45.19        1     
8     Gael Mar                      6    MS_IDEA Spears                     7:00.21        1     
9     Ian Torres                    6    MS_YES Prep Southwest              7:16.29        1     
10    Fernando Davila               8    MS_IDEA Spears                     7:34.91        1     
11    Chris Lujan                   7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     8:40.83        1     
12    Jayden Zepeda                 6    MS_IDEA Hardy                      8:50.06        1     
13    Jose Maldonado                7    MS_YES PREP North Forest           8:51.45        1     

Girls 1600 meter Run Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Vanessa Aguirre               12   Houston YES Prep SW                7:18.43        1     
2     Berenice Lindero Hernandez    9    Houston YES Prep East End          7:18.90        1     
3     Zoe Torres                    12   Houston YES Prep SW                7:28.66        1     
4     Kimberly Gonzalez             11   Houston YES Prep SW                7:45.43        1     
5     Oreoluwa Ademisoye            9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       8:00.92        1     

Boys 1600 meter Run Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Daniel Rincon                 12   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        5:10.92        1     
2     Francisco Molina              11   Houston YES Prep Northside         5:16.53        1     
3     Kevin Martinez                11   Houston YES Prep SW                5:33.76        1     
4     Leopoldo Gonzalez             11   Houston YES Prep SW                5:36.01        1     
5     Muse Nega                     10   Houston YES Prep SW                5:37.13        1     
6     Fernando Torres               11   Houston YES Prep Northline         5:38.08        1     
7     Jonathan Ortiz                11   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        5:38.16        1     
8     Gabriel Fonseca               10   Houston YES Prep Northside         6:02.17        1     
9     Enrique Chavarria             9    Houston YES Prep Northside         6:14.11        1     
10    Jair Portillo                 11   Harmony Ingenuity (Houston)        6:16.40        1     
11    Dylan Moniaga                 9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       6:16.46        1     
12    Gianluca Azuara               10   Harmony Advancement (Houston       6:54.00        1     
13    Alfredo Patino                11   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       6:54.10        1     
14    Joseph Garcia                 12   Houston YES Prep East End          7:08.87        1     
15    David Ayofe                   11   Harmony Advancement (Houston       8:35.67        1     

Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     4:55.90        1     
2                                        MS_YES PREP North Forest           5:08.76        1     
3                                        MS_IDEA Spears                     5:18.51        1     
4                                        MS_YES Prep Southwest              5:30.27        2     
5                                        MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     5:44.41        2     
6                                        MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             5:54.76        2     
7                                        MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     5:55.45        2     
8                                        MS_YES Prep East End               6:07.06        2     

Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     4:07.20        1     
2                                        MS_YES Prep Northwest              4:24.20        1     
3                                        MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     4:28.24        1     
4                                        MS_YES Prep Southwest              4:28.35        1     
5                                        MS_IDEA Spears                     4:41.83        1     
6                                        MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     4:47.65        1     

Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Harmony Advancement (Houston       5:09.31        1     
2                                        Houston YES Prep SW                5:17.79        1     
3                                        Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        5:24.69        1     
4                                        Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        5:39.80        1     

Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Houston YES Prep SW                3:55.45        1     
2                                        Houston YES Prep Northside         4:13.90        1     
3                                        Harmony Advancement (Houston       4:22.73        1     
4                                        Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        4:31.39        1     
5                                        Houston YES Prep East End          4:37.23        1     
6                                        Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        4:45.84        1     

Girls 100 meter Dash Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Mmesoma Amagwula              6    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     14.31          4     
2     Melanie Williams              7    MS_YES Prep Northwest              14.35          4     
3     Ah'Kaylla Jackson             7    MS_YES PREP North Forest           14.45          1     
4     Chinaza Amagwula              8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     14.60          2     
5     Spring Sanders                7    MS_IDEA Hardy                      14.67          5     
6     Ameria Williams               8    MS_YES PREP North Forest           14.74          1     
7     Denesy Garcia                 8    MS_IDEA Spears                     14.78          4     
8     leilani Rucker                8    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               14.80          3     
9     Brielle Woods                 6    MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     14.83          5     
10    Phebe Onyeka                  8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     15.10          1     
11    Katelyn Jones                 6    MS_IDEA Spears                     15.22          3     
12    Nariah Robertson              7    MS_IDEA Spears                     15.25          5     
13    Brittany Deshay-Smalls        8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     15.47          4     
14    Roxana Rojas                  8    Houston YES Prep Northline         15.54          4     
15    Aleena Martinez               8    Houston YES Prep Northline         15.61          5     
16    Keilah Henderson              7    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     15.64          2     
17    Paedyn Conway                 6    MS_YES Prep Southside              15.72          2     
18    Ballie Tippons                7    MS_IDEA Hardy                      15.99          3     
19    Leylah Molina                 7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              17.18          1     
20    Kennedi Jones                 8    MS_YES Prep Southside              17.61          3     
21    Jerzi Scott                   8    MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     17.84          2     
22    Eliana Rodriguez                   Ms_yes Prep Northline              17.86          5     
23    Valerie Delgado               8    MS_YES Prep Northwest              18.43          5     
24    Daphne Villavicencio          6    MS_YES Prep Southside              18.43          1     
25    Yssbeth Rosales               6    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             18.54          3     
26    Ariel Boyd                    6    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             21.18          2     

Boys 100 meter Dash Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Muzzammil Sulaiman            8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     12.27          1     
2     Nathan Isibor                 7    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     12.38          1     
3     Beluchi Ugorji                8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     12.61          2     
4     Alan Zida                     8    MS_IDEA Hardy                      12.69          2     
5     Bryce Early                   8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     13.11          1     
6     Jovari Galloway               8    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               13.16          4     
7     Bryan Lopez                   7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              13.48          1     
8     Giovanni Alvarez              7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              13.58          1     
9     Julius Williams               8    MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     13.69          4     
10    Darius Anderson               8    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               13.70          4     
11    Domingo Hernandez             8    MS_YES Prep Southwest              13.90          1     
11    Mathew Zerangue               8    MS_IDEA Spears                     13.90          3     
13    Caleb Bouldin                 8    MS_YES Prep Southside              13.91          2     
14    Camron Hypolite               8    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             14.08          3     
15    Joe Gonzalez                       Ms_yes Prep Northline              14.33          3     
16    Karrell McDougle              6    MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     14.55          2     
17    Khali Ellis                   8    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               14.63          3     
18    Derik Randolph                6    MS_YES Prep Southside              15.59          3     
19    Mason Garland                 8    MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     16.81          4     
20    Jose Calderon                 6    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             19.61          4     

Girls 100 meter Dash Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Nakiya Robins                 12   Houston YES Prep Southside         14.23          3     
2     Krystle Shields               12   Houston YES Prep SW                14.34          1     
3     Alissa Thomas                 10   Houston YES Prep Northwest         14.71          1     
4     Mya Clark                     11   Houston YES Prep Southside         14.75          1     
5     Latiarah Johnson              9    Harmony Ingenuity (Houston)        14.81          3     
6     Annette Joseph                9    Houston YES Prep North Fores       14.98          1     
7     Kendall Booker                9    Houston YES Prep Northwest         15.06          4     
8     Niniade Owaode                11   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       15.14          1     
9     Jodi Vu                       10   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       15.27          2     
10    Ayisha Dia                    9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       15.42          4     
11    Brailynn Barnaby              10   Harmony Advancement (Houston       15.59          4     
12    Oluchukwu Ugorji              12   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       15.86          1     
13    Samantha Torres               9    Houston YES Prep Northside         15.91          2     
14    Marilyn Estrada               10   Houston YES Prep Northwest         15.98          1     
15    Diana Flores                  9    Houston YES Prep Northside         16.36          2     
16    Yasmin Corvera                10   Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        16.61          4     
17    Taylor Evans                  9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       16.78          2     
18    Tylisa Fuller                 11   Houston YES Prep North Fores       16.86          2     
19    Jaze Taylor                   9    Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        17.20          3     
20    Deisi Bellini                 9    Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        17.55          4     
21    Shelsy Gallardo               9    Houston YES Prep SW                17.87          2     
22    Michelle Franco               9    Houston YES Prep SW                18.04          2     

Boys 100 meter Dash Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Oscar Cantera                 12   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        11.99          1     
2     Terraton Smith                12   Houston YES Prep Southside         12.00          1     
3     Britan Weddington             12   Harmony Advancement (Houston       12.12          4     
4     Jsesus Jaimes                 9    Houston YES Prep West              12.44          3     
5     Rojawn Boutlour               10   Houston YES Prep SW                12.47          1     
6     Jonathon May                  Sr   Harmony Advancement (Houston       12.61          4     
7     Elijah Sandifer               12   Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        12.63          3     
8     Brandon Lopez                 9    Houston YES Prep SW                12.77          1     
9     Jaiden Davis                  10   Houston YES Prep Northwest         12.84          2     
10    Mohamad Abouzanat             12   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       13.17          3     
11    Anthony Moore                 10   Houston YES Prep North Fores       13.26          1     
11    Jru'Darion Cooper             12   Houston YES Prep Southside         13.26          2     
13    Erick Garcia                  12   Houston YES Prep SW                13.40          1     
14    Jared Cooper                  12   Harmony Advancement (Houston       13.52          4     
15    Israel Akinwale               12   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       13.58          2     
16    Angel Zamarripa               10   Houston YES Prep Northline         13.67          2     
17    Tiyosi Fidelis                12   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       13.84          4     
18    Camron Johnson                10   Houston YES Prep North Fores       13.86          2     
19    David Esper                   10   Houston YES Prep Northwest         14.12          2     
20    James Fuentes                 9    Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        15.19          3     
21    Juan Zamudio                       Houston YES Prep Northside         15.71          4     
22    Oscar Alcala                  12   Houston YES Prep Northside         16.33          3     
23    Bryan Valero                  9    Houston YES Prep Northside         18.46          3     

Girls Shot Put Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Phebe Onyeka                  8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     26-1.50        1     
2     Aiyana Hamilton               7    MS_IDEA Hardy                      25-7           1     
3     Jonae Bazile                  8    MS_IDEA Spears                     25-5           1     
4     Zuliat Kamorudeen             8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     20-9           1     
5     Chelsea Bell                  8    MS_IDEA Spears                     20-8           1     
6     Kendyll Robinson              7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     20-4.50        1     
7     Alexandra Rodriguez           8    MS_YES Prep Southwest              19-8           1     
8     Ariel Boyd                    6    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             18-11.50       1     
9     Belinda Lopez                 7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     13-8           1     
10    Rofeeqah Olaseni              8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     13-0           1     

Boys Shot Put Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Brandon Higa                  8    MS_YES Prep Northwest              35-7           1     
2     Micheal Ikwunze               8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     34-6           1     
3     Camron Hypolite               8    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             29-4           1     
4     Blessed Onomen                7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     28-2           1     
5     Beruke Telila                 8    MS_YES Prep Southwest              25-11          1     
6     Abiola Babalola               8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     25-9           1     
7     Matthew Reyes                 7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              24-9           1     
8     Prince Igoni                  7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     23-11          1     
9     Jaime Meza                    6    MS_YES Prep East End               17-1           1     
10    Misahel Sanchez               6    MS_YES Prep East End               16-8           1     
11    Jose Calderon                 6    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             14-10.50       1     
12    Niko Mackey                   7    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               14-10          1     

Girls Shot Put Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Victoria Mancillas            12   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        25-6           1     
1     KaMiya Armstrong              12   Houston YES Prep Southside         25-6           1     
3     Faith Anderson                12   Houston YES Prep Southside         24-6           1     
4     Jamia Bradford                10   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        21-8           1     
5     Genesis Spivey Rhodes         9    Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        19-1           1     
6     Hope Gnakan                   9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       18-8           1     
7     Caylin Campbell               10   Harmony Advancement (Houston       17-7.50        1     

Boys Shot Put Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Mason Ealy                    11   Houston YES Prep SW                35-8           1     
2     Manuel Cruz                   12   Houston YES Prep East End          34-8           1     
3     Xavier Francis                12   Houston YES Prep Southside         32-6.50        1     
4     Brandon Buxton                10   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       31-7           1     
5     Caleb Igbokwe                 10   Harmony Ingenuity (Houston)        29-1           1     
6     Oscar Cantera                 12   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        27-10          1     
7     Julian Najera                 12   Houston YES Prep East End          27-8           1     
8     Muzzamil Abdussamad           11   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       27-1           1     
9     Anthony Valdez                10   Houston YES Prep SW                27-0           1     
10    Bradley Crosby                9    Houston YES Prep Southside         26-6           1     
11    Johnathan Diaz                10   Houston YES Prep North Fores       24-2           1     
12    Courtney Griffen              11   Harmony Ingenuity (Houston)        21-10          1     
13    Luis Maya                     10   Harmony Advancement (Houston       20-1           1     
14    Joshua Toomer                 8    Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        18-6.50        1     

Girls Long Jump Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Chidinma Anoka                8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     13-9.25        1     
2     Nariah Robertson              7    MS_IDEA Spears                     13-3.25        1     
3     Za'mauri Robinson             8    MS_YES PREP North Forest           13-2           1     
4     Averi Alexander               8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     12-9           1     
5     Aliyah Medrano                7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              11-8.50        1     
6     Janazia Rawls                 6    MS_YES Prep Southside              11-0.75        1     
7     Giana Johnson                 7    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     11-0.50        1     
8     Chinaza Amagwula              8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     10-11          1     
8     Destiny Reaves                7    MS_IDEA Spears                     10-11          1     
10    Xania Mims                    6    MS_IDEA Spears                     10-5           1     
11    Paedyn Conway                 6    MS_YES Prep Southside              9-11           1     
12    Phebe Onyeka                  8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     9-4            1     
13    Ashley Gonzalez               7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              8-3.75         1     

Boys Long Jump Middle School 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Aby Russom                    8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     17-4.50        1     
2     Chance Wilson                 8    MS_IDEA Spears                     15-6           1     
3     Brain Hubbard                 8    MS_IDEA Spears                     15-4.25        1     
4     Ehi Dauda                     8    MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     15-0           1     
5     Beruke Telila                 8    MS_YES Prep Southwest              14-5.50        1     
6     Blessed Onomen                7    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     14-1.50        1     
7     Brodrick Hubbard              8    MS_IDEA Spears                     14-0           1     
8     Giovanny Gomez                7    MS_YES Prep Southwest              13-9.50        1     
9     Mathew Zerangue               8    MS_IDEA Spears                     13-1.75        1     
10    Micheal Ikwunze               8    MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     12-11          1     

Girls Long Jump Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Krystle Shields               12   Houston YES Prep SW                13-5           1     
1     Annette Joseph                9    Houston YES Prep North Fores       13-5           1     
3     Dulce Canizales               11   Houston YES Prep SW                12-3.50        1     
4     Victoria Rodriguez            9    Houston YES Prep SW                12-3           1     
5     Leah Alvarez                  10   Harmony Advancement (Houston       12-2.25        1     
6     Gissel Cardenas               11   Harmony Advancement (Houston       11-5           1     
7     Lai'La Cosey                  10   Houston YES Prep Southside         11-0           1     
7     Oreoluwa Ademisoye            9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       11-0           1     
9     Emeli Alvarado                9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       10-11          1     

Boys Long Jump Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Eric Shannon                  12   Houston YES Prep Southside         18-0           2     
2     Rene Flores                   11   Houston YES Prep SW                16-10          2     
3     Anthony Moore                 10   Houston YES Prep North Fores       16-8           2     
4     Jonathon May                  Sr   Harmony Advancement (Houston       16-6           1     
5     Bradley Humber                12   Houston YES Prep North Fores       16-5.50        2     
6     Rojawn Boutlour               10   Houston YES Prep SW                16-3.25        2     
7     Jru'Darion Cooper             12   Houston YES Prep Southside         16-1.75        2     
8     Isaac Colina                  12   Harmony Advancement (Houston       15-11.75       1     
9     Oscar Amaya                   12   Houston YES Prep SW                15-7.50        2     
10    Damien Gonzalez               12   Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        15-7           2     
11    Britan Weddington             12   Harmony Advancement (Houston       15-1.75        1     
12    Ose Onabhakere                12   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       15-0.75        1     
13    Joshua Ayuk                   10   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       14-10          2     
14    Xavier Cooper                 9    Harmony Advancement (Houston       14-3.75        1     
15    Joseph Garcia                 12   Houston YES Prep East End          12-3           2     
16    Jaylin Ogunmakin              10   Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       9-11.50        1     

Girls Varsity Team Scores
      TEAM                               SCORE
1     Houston YES Prep SW                111
2     Harmony Advancement (Houston       68
3     Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       59
4     Houston YES Prep Southside         51
5     Houston YES Prep Northwest         36
6     Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        35
7     Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        22
8     Houston YES Prep East End          14
9     Houston YES Prep Northside         12
10    Houston YES Prep North Fores       10
11    Harmony Ingenuity (Houston)        2
Boys Varsity Team Scores
      TEAM                               SCORE
1     Houston YES Prep SW                112
2     Houston YES Prep Southside         101
3     Houston YES Prep Fifth Ward        69
4     Harmony Advancement (Houston       50
5     Houston YES Prep Northside         42
6     Houston YES Prep North Fores       26
7     Houston YES Prep East End          13
8     Harmony Innovation (Sugar La       9
9     Houston YES Prep West              4
10    Houston YES Prep Brays Oaks        3
11    Harmony Ingenuity (Houston)        2
11    Houston YES Prep Northwest         2
13    Houston YES Prep Northline         1
Girls Middle School Team Scores
      TEAM                               SCORE
1     MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     94
2     MS_IDEA Spears                     60
3     MS_YES PREP North Forest           57
4     MS_IDEA Hardy                      54
5     MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     42
6     MS_YES Prep Southwest              37
7     MS_YES Prep Northwest              36
8     MS_Harmony Ingenuity               14
9     MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     4
10    MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             2
10    MS_YES Prep East End               2
12    MS_YES Prep Southside              1
Boys Middle School Team Scores
      TEAM                               SCORE
1     MS_Harmony Innovation (Houston     103
2     MS_Harmony Excellence (Sugar L     92
3     MS_YES Prep Northwest              58
4     MS_YES Prep Southwest              48
5     MS_IDEA Spears                     46
6     MS_Harmony School of Fine Arts     36
7     MS_YES Prep Brays Oaks             7
8     MS_IDEA Hardy                      6
8     MS_YES Prep Southside              6
10    MS_Harmony Ingenuity               1