District 12-5A Meet 2013

Mesquite, TX
Hosted by Mesquite

Results (FAT)

Licensed to Mesquite High School Skeeters
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/12/2013 08:30 PM
              12-5A  District Meet 2013 - 4/10/2013 to 4/12/2013               
                              E.H. Hanby Stadium                               
Event 501  Girls 3200 Meter Run Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Halbrook, Abby               Tyler Lee           11:15.00   12:02.00   10   
  2 Sanders, Allison             Tyler Lee           11:25.00   12:09.00    8   
  3 Maheshwari, Kajol            Heath               12:25.00   12:27.00    6   
  4 Davila, Lilly                North Mesquite      12:38.38   12:31.80    4   
  5 Ramirez, Madison             Mesquite            12:30.00   12:35.90    2   
  6 Mota, Alejandra              Horn                13:50.00   13:11.78    1   
  7 Williams, Mykala             Heath               13:02.00   13:17.40  
 -- Siguenza, Teresa             Horn                12:45.00         NT  
 -- Grant, Princess              Horn                13:30.00         NT  
 -- Cervantes, Martina           Mesquite            13:59.00         NT  
 -- Aguilar, Blanca              Mesquite            13:20.00         NT  
Event 502  Boys 3200 Meter Run Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Haynes, Benjamin             North Mesquite       9:52.24    9:54.22   10   
  2 Deller, Quintin              Longview             9:45.13   10:21.68    8   
  3 McKee, Spencer               Rockwall            10:37.26   10:23.87    6   
  4 Tokuz, Justin                Rockwall            10:39.21   10:28.56    4   
  5 Munoz, Diego                 North Mesquite      10:41.18   10:36.56    2   
  6 Beaver, Aaron                Mesquite            10:50.00   10:43.65    1   
  7 Hernandez, Alfonso           Mesquite            11:01.00   11:06.29  
  8 Grisham, Kevin               Longview            10:00.34   11:14.08  
 -- Hernandez, Jose              Mesquite            11:20.00         NT  
 -- Taylor, Sean                 Rockwall            10:42.74         NT  
 -- Goodspeed, Ryan              Tyler Lee                            NT  
Event 503  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity 5A
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Dr. John Horn High School                           47.56      46.88   20   
     1) Henry, Aatiya                   2) Jones, Bryanna                 
     3) Johnson, Arteshia               4) Young, Deja                    
     5) Bullocks, Daysha                6)                                
  2 Mesquite High School                                47.50      47.38   16   
     1) Russell, Kourtni                2) Osagiede, Adesuwa              
     3) Latham, Viershanie              4) Washington, Keyunt'a           
     5) Odebiyi, Blessing               6) Jackson, Janay                 
  3 Tyler Lee High School                               48.09      47.84   12   
     1) Payton, Bre                     2) Davis, Kym'Breona              
     3) Emanuel, Sarah                  4) Browning, Brittany             
     5) Hambrick, Dierra                6)                                
  4 Longview High School                                48.83      49.32    8   
     1) Humble, Alexandria              2) Coffer, Aleesa                 
     3) Hatton, Preea                   4) Jones, Myshia                  
     5) Thomas, Adriel                  6)                                
  5 Rockwall Heath High School                          48.60      49.88    4   
     1) Mishler, Maddie                 2) Ene, Cecil                     
     3) Engmann, Yorlynn                4) Frosini, Reagan                
     5) Baynes, Ashley                  6) Harris, Tatyana                
  6 North Mesquite High School                          48.78      50.16    2   
     1) Ray, Taylor                     2) Evans, Moriah                  
     3) Cooper, Teja                    4) Dunn, Vandala                  
     5) Estell, Sha'asia                6) Copeland, J'Lah                
  7 Rockwall High School                                51.07      52.20  
     1) Person, Ka'Briana               2) Njoku, Rose                    
     3) Schneider, Sarah                4) Hutton, Kaelyn                 
     5) Patterson, Alex                 6)                                
Event 504  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity 5A
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Longview High School                                41.60      41.75   20   
     1) Hasty, Jamycal                  2) Wall, Dionte                   
     3) Lawson, Jaylon                  4) Jones, Nathan                  
     5) Love, Jared                     6)                                
  2 Mesquite High School                                42.30      42.25   16   
     1) Miles, Octavious                2) Reed, Tyson                    
     3) Keeling, Khaeos                 4) Grant, Charles                 
     5) Strong, Traa                    6) Blythe, Robert                 
  3 Tyler Lee High School                               43.41      42.78   12   
     1) Wilkerson, Bryce                2) Allen, Diondre                 
     3) Williams, Kenneth               4) Smith, Kaleb                   
     5) Richardson, Jordan              6)                                
  4 Dr. John Horn High School                           43.30      43.04    8   
     1) Hawkins, Collin                 2) Wagner, Nehmiah                
     3) Ogwo, Emanuel                   4) Taylor, Emanuel                
  5 Rockwall Heath High School                          43.90      43.83    4   
     1) Johnson, Rashad                 2) Motlagh, Shyon                 
     3) Villa, Anthony                  4) Webber, Justin                 
     5) Johnson, Lawrence               6)                                
  6 Rockwall High School                                43.46      44.17    2   
     1) Montanez, Alex                  2) Wright, John                   
     3) Juanah, Tamba                   4) Warren, Chris                  
     5) Maxwell, Aaron                  6) Castille, Xavier               
 -- North Mesquite High School                          44.34         DQ  
     1) Bonesteel, Dylon                2) Sanders, Jareion               
     3) Smith, Tavoris                  4) Sanders, Savon                 
     5) Boyd, Kelvin                    6) Jones, Andrew                  
Event 505  Girls 800 Meter Run Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Church, Kodii                Horn                 2:20.00    2:19.66   10   
  2 Collins, Maiya               Rockwall             2:25.14    2:20.21    8   
  3 Allen, Kishana               Horn                 2:25.00    2:20.98    6   
  4 Nelson, Neka                 Mesquite             2:28.00    2:21.58    4   
  5 Fletcher, Emily              Heath                2:22.00    2:23.46    2   
  6 Spears, Arian                North Mesquite       2:28.44    2:28.90    1   
  7 Gonzalez, Janie              North Mesquite       2:31.40    2:30.91  
  8 Savage, Unique               Horn                 2:32.00    2:31.28  
  9 Drewery, Emily               Rockwall             2:28.40    2:37.57  
 10 Ward, Kristen                Longview             2:28.13    2:38.23  
 11 Palmer, Jade                 Tyler Lee            2:28.31    2:39.05  
 -- Munoz, Courtney              Heath                2:52.00         NT  
 -- Jaimes, Nina                 Heath                2:54.00         NT  
Event 506  Boys 800 Meter Run Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Kinsey, Gaines               Rockwall             1:56.30    1:56.52   10   
  2 Mann, Curtis                 Longview             1:59.03    2:01.67    8   
  3 Jones, Eric                  Rockwall             2:07.63    2:03.46    6   
  4 Williams, Jared              Tyler Lee                       2:05.10    4   
  5 Vasquez, Jose                Horn                 2:11.00    2:05.25    2   
  6 Ballard, Justin              North Mesquite       2:11.75    2:06.22    1   
  7 Tucker, Brandon              Tyler Lee            2:04.12    2:07.50  
  8 Worbs, Timo                  Rockwall             2:08.77    2:07.76  
 -- Marquez, Daniel              Mesquite             2:20.42         NT  
 -- Bannister, Ronnie            Mesquite             2:07.11         NT  
 -- Timmons, Dewarren            Longview             2:10.13         NT  
 -- Burkes, Jonte                Longview             2:07.80         NT  
 -- Monserate, Keith             Heath                2:08.00         NT  
 -- McAdams, Jalen               Horn                 2:08.00         NT  
 -- Brown, Zhonore               Heath                2:09.00         NT  
 -- Cornelio, Aziel              Tyler Lee            2:14.06         NT  
 -- Akanji, Steven               Horn                 2:12.00         NT  
Event 507  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Russell, Kourtni             Mesquite               14.50      15.05Q  2 
  2 Derosier, Tamia              Mesquite               15.10      15.38Q  1 
  3 Willis, Andrea               Mesquite               15.10      15.36Q  2 
  4 Brokenberry, Dyamond         Horn                   16.12      15.69Q  1 
  5 Hinton, Kaylee               Rockwall               15.10      15.39Q  2 
  6 Payton, Bre                  Tyler Lee              15.28      15.88Q  1 
  7 Harris, Tatyana              Heath                  16.21      16.90q  2 
  8 Estell, Sha'asia             North Mesquite         16.28      17.30q  2 
  9 Engmann, Yorlynn             Heath                  15.00      18.00   1 
 10 Brasel, Gabriel              North Mesquite         17.36      18.42   2 
 -- Hinds, Haley                 Heath                  17.01        DNF   1 
Event 507  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Russell, Kourtni             Mesquite               15.05      14.75   10   
  2 Hinton, Kaylee               Rockwall               15.39      14.96    8   
  3 Payton, Bre                  Tyler Lee              15.88      14.99    6   
  4 Derosier, Tamia              Mesquite               15.38      15.09    4   
  5 Willis, Andrea               Mesquite               15.36      15.45    2   
  6 Brokenberry, Dyamond         Horn                   15.69      15.91    1   
  7 Harris, Tatyana              Heath                  16.90      16.87  
  8 Estell, Sha'asia             North Mesquite         17.30      17.36  
Event 508  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims 
  1 Bracy, Jordan                Mesquite               14.46      14.40Q 
  2 McGruder, Roderick           Mesquite               14.49      14.49Q 
  3 Edmonds, Christian           Mesquite               15.59      15.21Q 
  4 Roberson, Jay                Tyler Lee              14.80      15.24Q 
  5 Haris, Barney                Tyler Lee              15.60      16.08Q 
  6 McCullum, Kendrick           North Mesquite         16.42      16.17Q 
  7 Wilson, Reese                Heath                  17.60      18.35Q 
Event 508  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Bracy, Jordan                Mesquite               14.40      14.40   10   
  2 McGruder, Roderick           Mesquite               14.49      14.49    8   
  3 Edmonds, Christian           Mesquite               15.21      15.21    6   
  4 Roberson, Jay                Tyler Lee              15.24      15.24    4   
  5 Haris, Barney                Tyler Lee              16.08      16.08    2   
  6 McCullum, Kendrick           North Mesquite         16.17      16.17    1   
  7 Wilson, Reese                Heath                  18.35      18.35  
Event 509  Girls 100 Meter Dash Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Washington, Keyunt'a         Mesquite               11.91      11.53Q  2 
  2 Henry, Aatiya                Horn                   12.01      12.26Q  1 
  3 Browning, Brittany           Tyler Lee              12.51      12.25Q  2 
  4 Jones, Bryanna               Horn                   12.60      13.20Q  1 
  5 Johnson, Arteshia            Horn                   12.30      12.26Q  2 
  6 Evans, Moriah                North Mesquite         13.58      13.29Q  1 
  7 Coffer, Aleesa               Longview               12.73      12.50q  2 
  8 Mishler, Maddie              Heath                  12.65      12.67q  2 
  9 Talton, Ke'Aundra            Heath                  12.86      13.09   2 
 10 Dunn, Vandala                North Mesquite         13.18      13.24   2 
 11 Ray, Taylor                  North Mesquite         12.54      13.32   1 
 12 Baynes, Ashley               Heath                  13.05      13.57   1 
Event 509  Girls 100 Meter Dash Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Washington, Keyunt'a         Mesquite               11.53      11.74   10   
  2 Browning, Brittany           Tyler Lee              12.25      12.20    8   
  3 Johnson, Arteshia            Horn                   12.26      12.24    6   
  4 Coffer, Aleesa               Longview               12.50      12.31    4   
  5 Henry, Aatiya                Horn                   12.26      12.32    2   
  6 Jones, Bryanna               Horn                   13.20      12.54    1   
  7 Mishler, Maddie              Heath                  12.67      12.91  
  8 Evans, Moriah                North Mesquite         13.29      13.17  
Event 510  Boys 100 Meter Dash Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Hasty, Jamycal               Longview               11.00      10.59Q  3 
  2 Warren, Chris                Rockwall               11.01      10.73Q  1 
  3 Jones, Nathan                Longview               10.59      10.76Q  2 
  4 Wall, Dionte                 Longview               10.73      10.82Q  1 
  5 Smith, Kaleb                 Tyler Lee              11.13      10.91Q  3 
  6 Wilkerson, Bryce             Tyler Lee              11.06      11.00Q  2 
  7 Webber, Justin               Heath                  11.08      10.88q  1 
  8 Ogwo, Emanuel                Horn                   11.00      10.98q  3 
  9 Grant, Charles               Mesquite               11.07      11.07   2 
 10 Miles, Octavious             Mesquite               11.44      11.38   1 
 11 Keeling, Khaeos              Mesquite               11.51      11.39   3 
 12 Williams, Kenneth            Tyler Lee              11.32      11.41   1 
 12 Sanders, Savon               North Mesquite         11.60      11.41   3 
 14 Juanah, Tamba                Rockwall               11.36      11.42   2 
 15 Bonesteel, Dylon             North Mesquite         11.88      11.53   1 
 16 Oliphant, Justyn             Horn                   11.40      13.14   2 
Event 510  Boys 100 Meter Dash Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Wall, Dionte                 Longview               10.82      10.73   10   
  2 Hasty, Jamycal               Longview               10.59      10.79    8   
  3 Jones, Nathan                Longview               10.76      10.88    6   
  4 Warren, Chris                Rockwall               10.73      10.92    4   
  5 Smith, Kaleb                 Tyler Lee              10.91      11.17    2   
  6 Wilkerson, Bryce             Tyler Lee              11.00      11.20    1   
Event 511  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Varsity 5A
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Dr. John Horn High School                         1:41.00    1:41.84   20   
     1) Johnson, Arteshia               2) Young, Deja                    
     3) Church, Kodii                   4) Henry, Aatiya                  
     5) Jones, Bryanna                  6) Bullocks, Daysha               
  2 North Mesquite High School                        1:41.55    1:41.87   16   
     1) Cooper, Teja                    2) Lewis, Breain                  
     3) Copeland, J'Lah                 4) Brown, Tyree                   
     5) Ray, Taylor                     6) Evans, Moriah                  
  3 Tyler Lee High School                             1:44.10    1:42.51   12   
     1) Davis, Kym'Breona               2) Payton, Bre                    
     3) Hambrick, Dierra                4) Emanuel, Sarah                 
     5) Muhammad, Shawne                6) Palmer, Jade                   
  4 Rockwall Heath High School                        1:44.00    1:44.57    8   
     1) Mishler, Maddie                 2) Pruitt, Kirstin                
     3) Ene, Cecil                      4) Frosini, Reagan                
     5) Baynes, Ashley                  6) Harris, Tatyana                
  5 Mesquite High School                              1:43.00    1:44.90    4   
     1) Osagiede, Adesuwa               2) Odebiyi, Blessing              
     3) Barnett, Taylor                 4) Latham, Nosharian              
     5) Nelson, Neka                    6) Larry, Ta'Quishia              
  6 Longview High School                              1:49.10    1:47.40    2   
     1) Pruitt, Tequisha                2) Humble, Alexandria             
     3) Hatton, Preea                   4) Jones, Myshia                  
     5) Thomas, Adriel                  6)                                
  7 Rockwall High School                              1:45.22    1:49.04  
     1) Hutton, Kaelyn                  2) Njoku, Rose                    
     3) Pettigrew, Jordyn               4) Person, Ka'Briana              
     5) Schneider, Sarah                6)                                
Event 512  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Varsity 5A
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Mesquite High School                              1:28.60    1:28.03   20   
     1) Bracy, Jordan                   2) Higgins, Rashard               
     3) Blythe, Robert                  4) Strong, Traa                   
     5) Grant, Charles                  6) Reed, Tyson                    
  2 Dr. John Horn High School                         1:31.00    1:29.32   16   
     1) Hawkins, Collin                 2) Taylor, Emanuel                
     3) Wagner, Nehmiah                 4) Atkinson, Jared                
  3 Tyler Lee High School                             1:30.28    1:30.17   12   
     1) Wilkerson, Bryce                2) Allen, Diondre                 
     3) Williams, Jared                 4) Maddux, Billy                  
     5) Williams, Kenneth               6)                                
  4 North Mesquite High School                        1:32.82    1:31.92    8   
     1) Bonesteel, Dylon                2) Cross, Caleb                   
     3) Sanders, Jareion                4) Jones, Andrew                  
     5) Smith, Tavoris                  6) Boyd, Kelvin                   
 -- Rockwall High School                              1:32.09        DNF  
     1) Wright, John                    2) Warren, Chris                  
     3) Njoku, Micah                    4) Montanez, Alex                 
     5) Fair, Calvin                    6) Castille, Xavier               
 -- Longview High School                              1:27.80         DQ  
     1) Lawson, Jaylon                  2) Jones, Nathan                  
     3) Wall, Dionte                    4) Love, Jared                    
     5) Howard, Travin                  6)                                
Event 513  Girls 400 Meter Dash Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Redic, Amber                 Longview               56.90      58.31Q  1 
  2 Latham, Viershanie           Mesquite               57.60      59.28Q  2 
  3 Bullocks, Daysha             Horn                   59.00    1:01.28Q  2 
  4 Reese, Jamiya                Longview               59.50    1:01.44Q  1 
  5 Collins, Maiya               Rockwall             1:02.85    1:02.70Q  2 
  6 Savage, Unique               Horn                 1:01.00    1:03.68Q  1 
  7 Pettigrew, Jordyn            Rockwall             1:02.68    1:04.75q  2 
  8 Dunn, Ladaja                 Tyler Lee            1:03.28    1:06.01q  2 
  9 Muhammad, Shawne             Tyler Lee            1:04.08    1:06.32   1 
 10 Conrad, Ashton               Horn                 1:03.00    1:07.52   1 
 11 Talton, Ke'Aundra            Heath                1:04.00    1:08.78   2 
 12 Moore, Darnesha              Mesquite             1:07.00    1:09.84   1 
 13 Brown, Bria                  Mesquite             1:09.00    1:10.35   2 
Event 513  Girls 400 Meter Dash Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Redic, Amber                 Longview               58.31      56.76   10   
  2 Latham, Viershanie           Mesquite               59.28      57.97    8   
  3 Bullocks, Daysha             Horn                 1:01.28      59.37    6   
  4 Reese, Jamiya                Longview             1:01.44      59.68    4   
  5 Collins, Maiya               Rockwall             1:02.70    1:01.44    2   
  6 Dunn, Ladaja                 Tyler Lee            1:06.01    1:06.99    1   
Event 514  Boys 400 Meter Dash Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Kinsey, Gaines               Rockwall               51.16      50.14Q  2 
  2 Howard, Travin               Longview               52.00      52.54Q  3 
  3 Johnson, Jamar               Longview               51.01      52.56Q  1 
  4 Blythe, Robert               Mesquite               52.20      50.44Q  2 
  5 Mann, Curtis                 Longview               51.00      53.07Q  1 
  6 Gamblin, Dameon              Mesquite               51.40      54.17Q  3 
  7 Villa, Anthony               Heath                  50.80      50.66q  2 
  8 Cross, Caleb                 North Mesquite         55.83      53.76q  1 
  9 Fair, Calvin                 Rockwall               52.51      55.91   1 
 10 Brisco, Marion               Tyler Lee                         56.24   2 
 11 Smith, Chris                 Tyler Lee              54.30      56.42   2 
 12 Peyton, Quincy               Mesquite               54.40      56.44   3 
 13 Brown, Kayveon               North Mesquite         56.36      57.47   2 
 14 Ehis, Favour                 Rockwall               54.84      57.78   3 
 15 Warren, Lincoln              Horn                   52.40      59.09   1 
 -- Ogwo, Emanuel                Horn                   49.70         DQ   3 
Event 514  Boys 400 Meter Dash Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Kinsey, Gaines               Rockwall               50.14      49.85   10   
  2 Howard, Travin               Longview               52.54      50.55    8   
  3 Villa, Anthony               Heath                  50.66      50.64    6   
  4 Johnson, Jamar               Longview               52.56      51.14    4   
  5 Mann, Curtis                 Longview               53.07      51.58    2   
  6 Gamblin, Dameon              Mesquite               54.17      53.36    1   
  7 Cross, Caleb                 North Mesquite         53.76      56.19  
Event 515  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Derosier, Tamia              Mesquite               46.00      46.91Q  2 
  2 Russell, Kourtni             Mesquite               47.00      47.25Q  1 
  3 Brown, Tyree                 North Mesquite         48.60      47.86Q  1 
  4 Johnson, Brittany            Horn                   47.80      48.70Q  2 
  5 Hinton, Kaylee               Rockwall               47.55      48.29Q  1 
  6 Smith, Ajsia                 Mesquite               48.00      49.58Q  2 
  7 Brokenberry, Dyamond         Horn                   49.10      50.46q  1 
  8 Engmann, Yorlynn             Heath                  50.24      51.58q  1 
  9 Harris, Tatyana              Heath                  50.12      52.08   2 
 10 Estell, Sha'asia             North Mesquite         51.95      53.14   2 
 11 Reynolds, Airius             Horn                   51.00      53.50   2 
 12 Brasel, Gabriel              North Mesquite         52.37      55.37   1 
Event 515  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Russell, Kourtni             Mesquite               47.25      45.44   10   
  2 Derosier, Tamia              Mesquite               46.91      45.77    8   
  3 Hinton, Kaylee               Rockwall               48.29      46.57    6   
  4 Engmann, Yorlynn             Heath                  51.58      46.89    4   
  5 Brown, Tyree                 North Mesquite         47.86      47.64    2   
  6 Johnson, Brittany            Horn                   48.70      47.72    1   
  7 Brokenberry, Dyamond         Horn                   50.46      49.37  
  8 Smith, Ajsia                 Mesquite               49.58      49.59  
Event 516  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 McGruder, Roderick           Mesquite               38.35      38.35Q  1 
  2 Bracy, Jordan                Mesquite               38.99      38.99Q  2 
  3 Roberson, Jay                Tyler Lee              40.10      40.10Q  2 
  4 McCullum, Kendrick           North Mesquite         41.87      41.87Q  1 
  5 Haris, Barney                Tyler Lee              43.50      43.50Q  2 
  6 Edmonds, Christian           Mesquite               44.23      44.23Q  1 
  7 Wilson, Reese                Heath                  44.70      44.70q  1 
  8 Taylor, Spencer              Rockwall                          44.71q  2 
Event 516  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 McGruder, Roderick           Mesquite               38.35      38.60   10   
  2 Bracy, Jordan                Mesquite               38.99      38.64    8   
  3 McCullum, Kendrick           North Mesquite         41.87      40.84    6   
  4 Roberson, Jay                Tyler Lee              40.10      41.39    4   
  5 Haris, Barney                Tyler Lee              43.50      43.09    2   
  6 Edmonds, Christian           Mesquite               44.23      43.81    1   
  7 Wilson, Reese                Heath                  44.70      45.01  
  8 Taylor, Spencer              Rockwall               44.71      48.43  
Event 517  Girls 200 Meter Dash Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Washington, Keyunt'a         Mesquite               24.60      24.37Q  3 
  2 Redic, Amber                 Longview               25.00      24.74Q  2 
  3 Latham, Viershanie           Mesquite               24.80      25.67Q  1 
  4 Young, Deja                  Horn                   25.01      25.09Q  2 
  5 Lewis, Breain                North Mesquite         25.80      25.62Q  3 
  6 Coffer, Aleesa               Longview               26.30      25.74Q  1 
  7 Browning, Brittany           Tyler Lee              25.89      25.10q  2 
  8 Frosini, Reagan              Heath                  25.77      25.69q  3 
  9 Copeland, J'Lah              North Mesquite         26.65      26.08   2 
 10 Davis, Kym'Breona            Tyler Lee              26.08      26.09   2 
 11 Jones, Bryanna               Horn                   26.88      26.11   2 
 12 Ene, Cecil                   Heath                  25.65      26.24   1 
 13 Jones, Myshia                Longview               26.56      26.66   1 
 14 Pruitt, Kirstin              Heath                  25.82      26.97   1 
 15 Larry, Ta'Quishia            Mesquite               27.80      27.17   3 
 16 Evans, Moriah                North Mesquite         27.12      29.37   1 
Event 517  Girls 200 Meter Dash Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Washington, Keyunt'a         Mesquite               24.37      24.58   10   
  2 Redic, Amber                 Longview               24.74      24.87    8   
  3 Young, Deja                  Horn                   25.09      25.07    6   
  4 Lewis, Breain                North Mesquite         25.62      25.08    4   
  5 Latham, Viershanie           Mesquite               25.67      25.11    2   
  6 Browning, Brittany           Tyler Lee              25.10      25.76    1   
  7 Coffer, Aleesa               Longview               25.74      25.94  
  8 Frosini, Reagan              Heath                  25.69      26.17  
Event 518  Boys 200 Meter Dash Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Atkinson, Jared              Horn                   23.10      22.28Q  2 
  2 Maddux, Billy                Tyler Lee              23.30      22.48Q  1 
  3 McGruder, Roderick           Mesquite               22.35      22.59Q  3 
  4 Lawson, Jaylon               Longview               22.00      22.62Q  2 
  5 Love, Jared                  Longview               21.80      22.63Q  1 
  6 Motlagh, Shyon               Heath                  22.68      22.88Q  3 
  7 Higgins, Rashard             Mesquite               23.40      22.87q  2 
  8 Kottwitz, Nicholas           Longview               23.16      22.93q  3 
  9 Williams, Patrick            Heath                  22.90      23.08   2 
 10 Jones, Andrew                North Mesquite         23.16      23.28   3 
 11 Reed, Tyson                  Mesquite               22.90      23.43   1 
 12 Njoku, Micah                 Rockwall               24.01      23.66   3 
 13 Sanders, Jareion             North Mesquite         23.51      23.68   3 
 14 Allen, Diondre               Tyler Lee              23.30      23.72   1 
 15 Castille, Xavier             Rockwall                          24.06   1 
 16 Boyd, Kelvin                 North Mesquite         25.19      25.08   1 
 -- Wagner, Nehmiah              Horn                   23.01         DQ   1 
Event 518  Boys 200 Meter Dash Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Love, Jared                  Longview               22.63      21.90   10   
  2 Maddux, Billy                Tyler Lee              22.48      22.20    8   
  3 Lawson, Jaylon               Longview               22.62      22.57    6   
  4 Higgins, Rashard             Mesquite               22.87      22.76    4   
  5 McGruder, Roderick           Mesquite               22.59      22.82    2   
  6 Motlagh, Shyon               Heath                  22.88      23.04    1   
  7 Kottwitz, Nicholas           Longview               22.93      23.09  
  8 Atkinson, Jared              Horn                   22.28      23.10  
Event 519  Girls 1600 Meter Run Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Halbrook, Abby               Tyler Lee            5:24.00    5:27.51   10   
  2 Sanders, Allison             Tyler Lee            5:28.00    5:29.49    8   
  3 Fletcher, Emily              Heath                5:35.00    5:32.25    6   
  4 Maheshwari, Kajol            Heath                5:40.00    5:32.32    4   
  5 Gonzalez, Janie              North Mesquite       5:47.97    5:47.55    2   
  6 Davila, Lilly                North Mesquite       5:55.67    5:48.60    1   
  7 Ramirez, Madison             Mesquite             5:45.00    5:54.71  
  8 Siguenza, Teresa             Horn                 5:45.00    5:56.13  
  9 Grant, Princess              Horn                 6:00.00    5:58.61  
 10 Aguilar, Blanca              Mesquite             6:15.00    6:16.00  
 11 Williams, Mykala             Heath                5:51.00    6:24.13  
 12 Sanchez, Sarah               Mesquite             6:23.00    6:27.63  
 13 Spears, Arian                North Mesquite       5:47.85    6:46.44  
Event 520  Boys 1600 Meter Run Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Haynes, Benjamin             North Mesquite       4:28.43    4:23.86   10   
  2 Tokuz, Justin                Rockwall             4:53.33    4:41.75    8   
  3 Deller, Quintin              Longview             4:59.50    4:41.99    6   
  4 McKee, Spencer               Rockwall             4:47.85    4:44.74    4   
  5 Bannister, Ronnie            Mesquite             4:43.11    4:45.76    2   
  6 Ballard, Justin              North Mesquite       4:51.98    4:49.23    1   
  7 Munoz, Diego                 North Mesquite       4:55.21    4:50.60  
  8 Tucker, Brandon              Tyler Lee            4:55.20    4:51.17  
  9 Beaver, Aaron                Mesquite             5:10.00    4:56.00  
 10 Brown, Zhonore               Heath                5:13.00    4:56.60  
 11 Killian, Nick                Heath                5:10.00    4:56.81  
 12 McAdams, Jalen               Horn                 4:55.00    5:00.35  
 13 Hernandez, Alfonso           Mesquite             5:07.00    5:01.07  
 14 Grisham, Kevin               Longview             5:12.20    5:05.73  
 15 Taylor, Sean                 Rockwall             5:02.77    5:08.92  
 16 James, Austin                Heath                5:04.00    5:10.40  
Event 521  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity 5A
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Dr. John Horn High School                         4:04.00    4:01.63   20   
     1) Bullocks, Daysha                2) Savage, Unique                 
     3) Allen, Kishana                  4) Church, Kodii                  
     5) Johnson, Brittany               6) Conrad, Ashton                 
  2 Mesquite High School                              4:11.00    4:02.76   16   
     1) Nelson, Neka                    2) Barnett, Taylor                
     3) Derosier, Tamia                 4) Latham, Nosharian              
     5) Odebiyi, Blessing               6) Smith, Ajsia                   
  3 Longview High School                              3:58.50    4:04.53   12   
     1) Reese, Jamiya                   2) Redic, Amber                   
     3) Ward, Kristen                   4) Hatton, Preea                  
     5) Thomas, Adriel                  6)                                
  4 North Mesquite High School                        3:54.42    4:07.04    8   
     1) Brown, Tyree                    2) Lewis, Breain                  
     3) Copeland, J'Lah                 4) Cooper, Teja                   
     5) Spears, Arian                   6) Evans, Moriah                  
  5 Rockwall High School                              4:19.67    4:07.66    4   
     1) Collins, Maiya                  2) Pettigrew, Jordyn              
     3) Njoku, Rose                     4) Hinton, Kaylee                 
     5) Drewery, Emily                  6) Person, Ka'Briana              
  6 Tyler Lee High School                             4:12.00    4:10.87    2   
     1) Hambrick, Dierra                2) Palmer, Jade                   
     3) Dunn, Ladaja                    4) Emanuel, Sarah                 
     5) Sanders, Allison                6) Halbrook, Abby                 
  7 Rockwall Heath High School                        4:17.00    4:21.14  
     1) Baynes, Ashley                  2) Talton, Ke'Aundra              
     3) Pruitt, Kirstin                 4) Fletcher, Emily                
     5) Harris, Tatyana                 6) Malone, Becka                  
Event 522  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity 5A
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Mesquite High School                              3:26.50    3:23.65   20   
     1) Gamblin, Dameon                 2) Higgins, Rashard               
     3) Blythe, Robert                  4) Strong, Traa                   
     5) Keeling, Khaeos                 6) Jones, Javon                   
  2 North Mesquite High School                        3:29.80    3:25.19   16   
     1) Cross, Caleb                    2) McCullum, Kendrick             
     3) Sanders, Jareion                4) Jones, Andrew                  
     5) Haynes, Benjamin                6) Smith, Tavoris                 
  3 Rockwall High School                              3:28.10    3:25.27   12   
     1) Jones, Eric                     2) Wright, John                   
     3) Kinsey, Gaines                  4) Fair, Calvin                   
     5) Montanez, Alex                  6) Njoku, Micah                   
  4 Longview High School                              3:25.00    3:25.89    8   
     1) Howard, Travin                  2) Johnson, Jamar                 
     3) Mann, Curtis                    4) King, Cedric                   
     5) Burkes, Jonte                   6)                                
  5 Rockwall Heath High School                        3:33.80    3:27.89    4   
     1) Motlagh, Shyon                  2) Villa, Anthony                 
     3) Williams, Patrick               4) Johnson, Rashad                
     5) Wilson, Reese                   6)                                
  6 Tyler Lee High School                             3:29.12    3:31.55    2   
     1) Maddux, Billy                   2) Williams, Jared                
     3) Brisco, Marion                  4) Roberson, Jay                  
     5) Smith, Chris                    6) Richardson, Jordan             
 -- Dr. John Horn High School                         3:29.00        DNF  
     1) Atkinson, Jared                 2) Taylor, Emanuel                
     3) Akanji, Steven                  4) Vasquez, Jose                  
Event 523  Girls Discus Throw Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Allen, Dominique             Horn                  122-00     130-00   10   
  2 Timmons, Marketta            Tyler Lee           09-06.50     105-05    8   
  3 Jackson, Kaswana             Mesquite               87-00      92-08    6   
  4 Daniels, Brianna             North Mesquite         67-10      89-08    4   
  5 Haggerty, Keyunna            Tyler Lee              95-00      85-10    2   
  6 Reed, Carisha                North Mesquite         90-09      79-04    1   
  7 Patterson, Alex              Rockwall               81-01      77-07  
  8 Mack, Tanisha                Mesquite               76-00      77-03  
  9 Walker, Sarah                Horn                   86-00      75-01  
 10 Loera, Vanessa               Mesquite               91-00      73-06  
 11 Faust, Madelin               Rockwall               73-02      72-10  
 12 Zeno, Maia                   Heath                  84-02      70-01  
 13 Cardenas, Jocelyn            Heath                  56-02      53-02  
 -- Cork, Dadrionna              North Mesquite         88-05       FOUL  
Event 524  Boys Discus Throw Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Akens, Aaron                 North Mesquite        166-11     164-01   10   
  2 Defebaugh, Cameron           Rockwall              145-11     139-05    8   
  3 Nichols, Michael             North Mesquite        150-02     136-09    6   
  4 Henry, Antron                Tyler Lee             115-00     133-07    4   
  5 Elia, Kalan                  Horn                  120-08     127-06    2   
  6 Thomas, Phillip              Horn                  125-02     125-01    1   
  7 Watson, Sterling             Mesquite              123-05     118-02  
  8 Willingham, Tyler            Mesquite              126-09     113-11  
  9 Mareno, Nick                 North Mesquite        102-06     107-11  
 10 Escobedo, Chris              Rockwall              114-01     105-07  
 11 Elbert, Trevor               Heath                  95-06     100-11  
 -- Lorts, Brian                 Rockwall              120-09       FOUL  
Event 525  Girls High Jump Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Church, Kodii                Horn                 5-02.00    5-02.00   10   
  2 Derosier, Abigail            Mesquite             5-00.00    5-00.00    8   
  3 Brown, Tyree                 North Mesquite       4-10.00   J5-00.00    6   
  4 Muhammad, Shawne             Tyler Lee            5-00.00    4-10.00    4   
  5 Osagiede, Adesuwa            Mesquite             4-06.00   J4-10.00    2   
  6 Davis, Kym'Breona            Tyler Lee            5-00.00    4-08.00    1   
  7 Hargrave, Kiana              Longview             5-04.00   J4-08.00  
  8 Njoku, Rose                  Rockwall             4-08.00   J4-08.00  
  9 Schneider, Sarah             Rockwall             4-08.00   J4-08.00  
 10 Pruitt, Tequisha             Longview             5-08.00    4-06.00  
 10 Bradshaw, Lauren             Horn                 5-00.00    4-06.00  
 -- Conrad, Ashton               Horn                 4-10.00         NH  
 -- Barnett, Taylor              Mesquite             4-06.00         NH  
Event 526  Boys High Jump Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Anderson, Kerry              Rockwall             6-06.00    6-04.00   10   
  2 Fuller, Nick                 Horn                 6-00.00    6-02.00    8   
  3 Thomas, Stanley              Rockwall             5-08.00    6-00.00    6   
  4 Coby, Chris                  Longview             6-00.00    5-10.00    3   
  4 Maxwell, Aaron               Rockwall             6-00.00    5-10.00    3   
  6 King, Cedric                 Longview             6-00.00    5-08.00    1   
  7 Jones, Ben                   Mesquite             5-10.00   J5-08.00  
 -- Smith, Tavoris               North Mesquite       5-04.00         NH  
 -- McCullum, Kendrick           North Mesquite       5-10.00         NH  
 -- Edmonds, Christian           Mesquite             5-06.00         NH  
Event 527  Girls Long Jump Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Henry, Aatiya                Horn                19-01.00   18-11.25   10   
  2 Latham, Viershanie           Mesquite            19-00.00   17-08.50    8   
  3 Jones, Bryanna               Horn                16-10.00   16-11.75    6   
  4 Derosier, Abigail            Mesquite            16-02.00   16-06.75    4   
  5 Baynes, Ashley               Heath               15-10.00   16-06.50    2   
  6 Davis, Kym'Breona            Tyler Lee           19-02.00   16-05.25    1   
  7 Church, Kodii                Horn                15-10.00   16-02.50  
  8 Pruitt, Kirstin              Heath               15-09.00   15-10.25  
  9 Muhammad, Shawne             Tyler Lee           16-10.00   15-08.50  
 10 Larry, Ta'Quishia            Mesquite            15-05.00   15-06.25  
 11 Ray, Taylor                  North Mesquite      15-10.00   15-05.50  
 12 Payton, Bre                  Tyler Lee           16-00.00   15-05.25  
 13 Dunn, Vandala                North Mesquite      14-08.25   14-10.25  
 13 Estell, Sha'asia             North Mesquite      14-06.00   14-10.25  
 15 Engmann, Yorlynn             Heath               17-01.00   14-09.25  
 16 Schneider, Sarah             Rockwall            14-05.75   14-01.50  
 17 Hinton, Kaylee               Rockwall            19-04.00   13-03.75  
 -- Njoku, Rose                  Rockwall            15-03.75       FOUL  
Event 528  Boys Long Jump Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Warren, Chris                Rockwall            22-02.75   22-01.25   10   
  2 King, Cedric                 Longview            21-08.00   21-11.50    8   
  3 Wilkerson, Bryce             Tyler Lee           21-11.00   21-07.25    6   
  4 Maxwell, Aaron               Rockwall            21-04.25   21-03.50    4   
  5 Coby, Chris                  Longview            21-00.00   21-03.25    2   
  6 Jackson, Dezmond             Mesquite            21-05.00   21-02.00    1   
  7 Higgins, Rashard             Mesquite            21-08.00   20-10.00  
  8 Jones, Ben                   Mesquite            20-05.00   20-05.75  
  9 Juanah, Tamba                Rockwall            20-05.00   20-03.50  
 10 Allen, Diondre               Tyler Lee           20-04.00   20-03.00  
 11 Smith, Tavoris               North Mesquite      19-08.50   19-08.75  
 12 Williams, Jared              Tyler Lee           21-10.00   19-08.50  
 13 McCullum, Kendrick           North Mesquite      20-06.75   19-07.75  
 14 Sanders, Savon               North Mesquite      19-09.00   19-07.50  
 15 Motlagh, Shyon               Heath               19-08.00   19-04.25  
 16 Willis, Justin               Heath               19-07.00   18-06.00  
Event 529  Girls Pole Vault Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Hinton, Kaylee               Rockwall            11-00.00   11-00.00   10   
  2 Malone, Becka                Heath                8-00.00    8-00.00    8   
  3 Chandler, Katie              Heath                7-06.00   J8-00.00    6   
  4 Schneider, Sarah             Rockwall             9-00.00    7-06.00    4   
  5 Helfferich, Lacey            Rockwall             7-06.00   J7-06.00    2   
  6 Roper, Robyn                 Longview            10-00.00    7-00.00    1   
 -- Aguilar, Blanca              Mesquite             6-06.00         NH  
 -- Hinds, Haley                 Heath                8-00.00         NH  
Event 530  Boys Pole Vault Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Roberson, Jay                Tyler Lee           16-02.00   16-00.00   10   
  2 Lee, Jonny                   Rockwall            14-06.00   14-00.00    8   
  3 Herrscher, Will              Heath               13-00.00   13-06.00    6   
  4 Dennard, Garrett             Rockwall            12-06.00   12-00.00    4   
  5 Kinsey, Gaines               Rockwall            12-00.00   11-06.00    2   
  6 Gamble, David                Horn                12-06.00  J11-06.00    1   
  7 Magee, Jake                  Horn                11-06.00   11-00.00  
  8 Berlin, Tristan              Longview            10-08.00   10-06.00  
  9 Garrison, Nick               Mesquite             8-06.00    8-06.00  
Event 531  Girls Shot Put Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Allen, Dominique             Horn                36-00.00   34-01.00   10   
  2 Coffer, Aleesha              Longview                       33-09.50    8   
  3 Zeno, Maia                   Heath               30-01.00   33-05.25    6   
  4 Reed, Carisha                North Mesquite      33-03.00   32-09.50    4   
  5 Marco, Emily                 Mesquite            33-05.00   32-02.00    2   
  6 Daniels, Brianna             North Mesquite      33-02.00   32-00.00    1   
  7 Haggerty, Keyunna            Tyler Lee           34-00.00   31-00.00  
  8 Douse, Samantha              Horn                30-00.00  J31-00.00  
  9 Jackson, Kaswana             Mesquite            28-00.00   29-10.75  
 10 Timmons, Marketta            Tyler Lee           35-10.00   29-06.00  
 11 Curtis-Wilson, Mica          Mesquite            28-00.00   26-02.00  
 12 Patterson, Alex              Rockwall            28-04.00   26-00.00  
 13 Cork, Dadrionna              North Mesquite      26-00.25   25-11.50  
 14 Faust, Madelin               Rockwall            26-00.50   23-07.00  
 15 Cardenas, Jocelyn            Heath               23-04.00   19-01.25  
Event 532  Boys Shot Put Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Nichols, Michael             North Mesquite      48-07.00   47-09.50   10   
  2 Defebaugh, Cameron           Rockwall            46-04.25   45-11.00    8   
  3 Taylor, Patrick              Mesquite            47-03.00   45-09.75    6   
  4 Alvarez, Jonathan            Horn                43-05.00   45-08.50    4   
  5 Hultz, William               Tyler Lee           45-00.00   44-10.50    2   
  6 Lorts, Brian                 Rockwall            45-06.50   43-07.50    1   
  7 Henry, Antron                Tyler Lee           42-02.00   42-11.00  
  8 Dilworth, Dezmon             North Mesquite      42-03.50   42-09.50  
  9 Akens, Aaron                 North Mesquite      42-02.75   41-02.50  
 10 Elbert, Trevor               Heath               41-02.00   41-02.00  
 11 Thomas, Phillip              Horn                40-05.00   39-11.50  
 12 Wiliams, Cadell              Longview                       39-11.00  
 13 Willingham, Tyler            Mesquite            39-07.00   38-08.00  
 14 Bolin, Jackson               Rockwall            40-10.00   38-03.50  
 15 Elia, Kalan                  Horn                42-07.00   37-02.00  
 16 Watson, Sterling             Mesquite            35-01.00   35-11.00  
Event 533  Girls Triple Jump Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Latham, Viershanie           Mesquite            39-11.00   39-10.25   10   
  2 Brown, Tyree                 North Mesquite      35-02.00   38-07.50    8   
  3 Henry, Aatiya                Horn                37-08.00   37-07.75    6   
  4 Russell, Kourtni             Mesquite            35-11.00   34-05.75    4   
  5 Virgil, Cache                Horn                35-00.00   34-01.25    2   
  6 Baynes, Ashley               Heath               31-02.00   32-08.50    1   
  7 Barnett, Taylor              Mesquite            33-00.00   32-05.00  
  8 Estell, Sha'asia             North Mesquite      31-02.00   32-02.25  
  9 Hinds, Haley                 Heath               30-01.00   32-00.00  
 10 Ray, Taylor                  North Mesquite      32-06.00   31-11.00  
 11 Pruitt, Kirstin              Heath               30-02.00   31-10.25  
 12 Hargrave, Kiana              Longview            37-05.00   31-10.00  
 13 Hambrick, Dierra             Tyler Lee           32-00.00   31-06.75  
 14 Pruitt, Tequisha             Longview            38-02.00   31-00.50  
 15 Preciado, Nora               Tyler Lee           32-03.00   28-04.00  
 -- Payton, Bre                  Tyler Lee           36-09.00       FOUL  
Event 534  Boys Triple Jump Varsity 5A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jackson, Dezmond             Mesquite            44-00.00   45-03.00   10   
  2 King, Cedric                 Longview            45-00.00   44-03.50    8   
  3 Jones, Ben                   Mesquite            42-05.00   43-08.75    6   
  4 White, Destri                Horn                41-09.00   41-05.00    4   
  5 Smith, Tavoris               North Mesquite      41-00.00   41-01.00    2   
  6 Hasty, Jamycal               Longview            42-00.00   40-11.50    1   
  7 Young, Daelin                North Mesquite      41-01.50   40-08.50  
  8 Richardson, Jordan           Tyler Lee           41-05.00   39-04.75  
  9 Reddick, Celedric            Mesquite            39-01.00   37-11.25  
 10 Thomas, Stanley              Rockwall            37-09.75   37-10.75  
 11 Willis, Justin               Heath               35-08.00   35-07.00  
 12 Jones, Andrew                North Mesquite      39-09.00   35-05.75  
 13 Haris, Barney                Tyler Lee           36-01.00   35-05.00  
 14 Miller, Robert               Rockwall                       34-04.00  
             Women - Varsity 5A - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Dr. John Horn High School  154        2) Mesquite High School      150   
    3) Tyler Lee High School       94        4) North Mesquite High Schoo  64   
    5) Longview High School        57        5) Rockwall Heath High Schoo  57   
    7) Rockwall High School        44                                           
              Men - Varsity 5A - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Mesquite High School       132        2) Rockwall High School      130   
    3) Longview High School       127        4) North Mesquite High Schoo  83   
    5) Tyler Lee High School       75        6) Dr. John Horn High School  46   
    7) Rockwall Heath High School  21