College Park Invitational 2013

The Woodlands, TX

Boys JV (3 Miles)

 College Park High School                                   HY-TEK's Meet Manager
            College Park Invitational Cross Country Meet - 10/12/2013            
                            College Park High School                             
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 5  Boys 3 Mile Run CC JV Boys
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
183 Unknown                                            27:05.12                  
184 Unknown                                            27:09.69                  
  1 Breaux, Adam                 College Park          16:22.97    1             
  2 Filkowski, Adam              College Park          16:32.78    2             
  3 Golden, Daniel               The Woodlands         16:35.53    3             
  4 Konopczynski, Joseph         The Woodlands         16:48.15    4             
  5 Zin, Michael                 College Park          16:58.91    5             
  6 Martinez, Davin              The Woodlands         17:00.53    6             
  7 Champagne-Aves, Nicolas      College Park          17:07.84    7             
  8 Novak, Paul                  College Park          17:16.91    8             
  9 Vacek, Blake                 Conroe                17:18.50    9             
 10 Berarducci, Adam             The Woodlands         17:24.12   10             
 11 Baker, Isaac                 Conroe Oak Ridge      17:25.15   11             
 12 Smith, Tyler                 Conroe Oak Ridge      17:25.69   12             
 13 Schutt, Jonathan             College Park          17:26.59   13             
 14 Mittal, Shray                College Park          17:34.34   14             
 15 Harris, Connor               Humble Atascocita     17:35.62   15             
 16 Solis, Daniel                Conroe Oak Ridge      17:41.09   16             
 17 Villareal, Gerardo           Houston MacArthur     17:43.12   17             
 18 Hill, Derek                  The Woodlands         17:44.00   18             
 19 Opalko, Austin               The Woodlands         17:50.62   19             
 20 Schuler, Jacob               The Woodlands         17:53.69   20             
 21 Evetts, Samuel               Houston Stratford     17:54.84   21             
 22 Pinon, Alec                  College Park          17:55.15                  
 23 Fahey, Devin                 Houston Stratford     17:57.12   22             
 24 Piotter, Brice               The Woodlands         17:57.72                  
 25 Andrus, John                 The Woodlands         17:58.12                  
 26 Collins, Trent               College Park          18:01.78                  
 27 Walters, Braham              The Woodlands         18:02.06                  
 28 Villa, Patricio              Katy Cinco Ranch      18:03.81   23             
 29 May, Alex                    Katy Cinco Ranch      18:05.50   24             
 30 Benavides, Michael           Humble Atascocita     18:08.09   25             
 31 Kase, Robert                 The Woodlands         18:08.31                  
 32 Palermo, Camello             The Woodlands         18:20.59                  
 33 Zapata, Chris                Katy Seven Lakes      18:21.22   26             
 34 Viana, Kevin                 Galena Park           18:21.81   27             
 35 Phillips, Connor             Katy Seven Lakes      18:22.62   28             
 36 Edge, Jacob                  The Woodlands         18:23.38                  
 37 Samford, Cortland            The Woodlands         18:24.81                  
 38 Perez, Oscar                 Houston MacArthur     18:25.31   29             
 39 Rodriguez, Robert            Houston MacArthur     18:32.41   30             
 40 May, Ryan                    The Woodlands         18:33.66                  
 41 Collins, Tyler               College Park          18:34.34                  
 42 Villegas, Javier             The Woodlands         18:37.31                  
 43 Leigh, Robert                Katy Cinco Ranch      18:37.88   31             
 44 Cadena, Antonio              Conroe Oak Ridge      18:42.15   32             
 45 Berg, Jeff                   Humble Atascocita     18:42.97   33             
 46 Whisman, Nathanaiel          Katy Cinco Ranch      18:46.18   34             
 47 Renderos, Fabian             Humble Atascocita     18:46.97   35             
 48 Hanners, Alex                College Stat          18:47.69   36             
 49 Rivera, Matthew              Katy Seven Lakes      18:48.22   37             
 50 Rosado, Isaac                Houston MacArthur     18:48.88   38             
 51 Yeargan, James               Katy Seven Lakes      18:49.41   39             
 52 Brown, Austin                Houston Stratford     18:50.25   40             
 53 Berranger, Igor              Houston Stratford     18:50.56   41             
 54 Gabehart, Cameron            College Park          18:52.22                  
 55 Lozano, Thomas               Conroe                18:53.28   42             
 56 Chavez, Joshua               Conroe                18:55.09   43             
 57 Mendoza, Matthew             College Park          18:57.88                  
 58 Longoria, Alejandro          Conroe Oak Ridge      18:59.47   44             
 59 Phillips, Norman             Houston Stratford     19:01.97   45             
 60 John, Andrew                 College Park          19:03.97                  
 61 Rakla, Adam                  John Cooper School    19:05.66   46             
 62 Becerra, Ricardo             Conroe                19:06.56   47             
 63 Contreras, Omar              Galena Park           19:06.94   48             
 64 Cabrera, Johnny              Galena Park           19:07.22   49             
 65 Bryant, Zach                 Houston Cypr          19:07.47   50             
 66 Kleiber, Justin              Katy Cinco Ranch      19:08.50   51             
 67 Smith, Joshua                The Woodlands         19:09.56                  
 68 Zaldivar, Adrian             Houston MacArthur     19:11.22   52             
 69 Bartell, Matthew             College Park          19:12.15                  
 70 Achee, Benjamin              College Park          19:14.28                  
 71 Mundy, William               Houston Stratford     19:16.88   53             
 72 Gay, Nick                    Conroe                19:17.78   54             
 73 Janorske, Matthew            The Woodlands         19:18.18                  
 74 Henry, Cole                  Katy Cinco Ranch      19:18.59   55             
 75 Guerrero, Ray                Galena Park           19:18.94   56             
 76 Alarcon, Alvaro              Houston Stratford     19:19.34   57             
 77 Solorzano, Gerardo           Humble Atascocita     19:19.72   58             
 78 Reiter, Blake                Klein                 19:20.44   59             
 79 Vazquez, Santiago            Conroe Oak Ridge      19:22.28   60             
 80 Washburn, Conner             Humble Atascocita     19:24.15   61             
 81 Ross, Aaron                  College Stat          19:24.84   62             
 82 Mendoza, Ryan                Katy Seven Lakes      19:25.62   63             
 83 Garza, Kevin                 Conroe Oak Ridge      19:28.75   64             
 84 Kiker, Duncan                The Woodlands         19:29.09                  
 85 Sims, Ian                    Houston Cypr          19:29.81   65             
 86 Brock, Ben                   Houston Cypr          19:30.44   66             
 87 Burnham, Bailey              Houston Stratford     19:30.84                  
 88 Terry, Jared                 Humble Atascocita     19:32.50   67             
 89 Morytko, John                Conroe Oak Ridge      19:34.38                  
 90 Hernandez, Nathan            Houston MacArthur     19:39.00   68             
 91 Savard, Cameron              Katy Seven Lakes      19:40.59   69             
 92 Frost, Jonathan              Katy Seven Lakes      19:42.69   70             
 93 Garcia, Julio                Klein                 19:44.50   71             
 94 Brehany-Wellman, Kaelan      College Park          19:45.00                  
 95 Pouwer, Levi                 Klein                 19:45.25   72             
 96 Sampson, Jack                Katy Cinco Ranch      19:45.91   73             
 97 Williams, Joseph             Katy Seven Lakes      19:47.72                  
 98 Baumgarten, Jonah            The Woodlands         19:48.31                  
 99 Villanueva, Christian        Houston Cypr          19:48.94   74             
100 Acevedo, Adrian              Klein                 19:50.22   75             
101 Munoz, Joel                  Galena Park           19:51.62   76             
102 Breewood, Nick               Houston Cypr          19:55.47   77             
103 Castellow, Dylan             Humble Atascocita     19:55.94                  
104 Riley, Brett                 Katy Seven Lakes      19:56.12                  
105 Gonzales, AJ                 Houston MacArthur     19:57.84   78             
106 Jamil, Omar                  John Cooper School    19:59.31   79             
107 Goodridge, Christian         John Cooper School    20:01.41   80             
108 Burchfield, Jacob            College Stat          20:03.78   81             
109 Leigh, Jordan                Humble Atascocita     20:06.18                  
110 Santillan, Enrique           Houston MacArthur     20:10.06                  
111 Sanguinetti, Fredy           Katy Cinco Ranch      20:11.15                  
112 Sanchez, Juan                Katy Cinco Ranch      20:13.84                  
113 Malespin, Carlos             College Park          20:14.09                  
114 Garcia, Alfredo              John Cooper School    20:16.78   82             
115 Ita, Christian               Houston Cypr          20:18.91   83             
116 Yardley, Turner              John Cooper School    20:22.15   84             
117 Knight-Turcan, Mace          Katy Seven Lakes      20:22.44                  
118 Bonilla, William             Klein                 20:23.56   85             
119 Stone, Matthew               Houston Cypr          20:26.22   86             
120 McCrady, Chris               Porter                20:26.84                  
121 Lindahl, Payton              Porter                20:27.41                  
122 Flynn, John                  Houston Stratford     20:27.78                  
123 Mejia, Raul                  Houston Stratford     20:37.38                  
124 Swingle, Tim                 Katy Seven Lakes      20:39.72                  
125 Maykopet, Andrew             Magnolia              20:41.09   87             
126 Sonthalia, Aditya            Katy Seven Lakes      20:42.53                  
127 Fexer, Harrison              College Stat          20:43.28   88             
128 Flint, Michael               Magnolia              20:43.69   89             
129 Smith, Travis                Porter                20:44.97                  
130 Cruz, Bryan                  Galena Park           20:45.41   90             
131 Roberts, Jake                Houston Stratford     20:45.62                  
132 Edson, Aaron                 Katy Seven Lakes      20:45.91                  
133 Velazquez, Marc              Conroe                20:46.18   91             
134 Kellar, Tristen              Houston Cypr          20:46.69   92             
135 Castillo, Chris              Houston Cypr          20:49.47   93             
136 Thomas, Andrew               Katy Seven Lakes      20:50.75                  
137 Solberg, Connor              Willis                20:52.25   94             
138 Hickman, Tim                 Katy Cinco Ranch      20:53.91                  
139 Miller, Garrett              The Woodlands         20:54.34                  
140 McNeill, Liam                Katy Seven Lakes      20:54.59                  
141 Sanchez, Eduardo             Galena Park           20:58.91   95             
142 McCabe, Patrick              College Park          20:59.69                  
143 Campbell, Nathaniel          Magnolia              21:00.15   96             
144 Lee, Jay                     Katy Seven Lakes      21:03.34                  
145 Jensen, Josh                 Willis                21:04.44   97             
146 McDonald, Brian (Alex)       Conroe Oak Ridge      21:15.15                  
147 Barolak, Thomas              College Park          21:21.94                  
148 Hernandez, Jesus             Houston MacArthur     21:25.75                  
149 Adams, Bryce                 Magnolia              21:28.12   98             
150 Lewis, Patrick               Houston Stratford     21:34.12                  
151 Jason, Calderon              Conroe Oak Ridge      21:36.18                  
152 Tran, Steven                 Magnolia              21:40.15   99             
153 Kuglen, William              College Park          21:41.38                  
154 Bailey, Drummond             Conroe Oak Ridge      21:43.88                  
155 Raza, Abbas                  Katy Seven Lakes      21:45.06                  
156 LeDuc, Cameron               Willis                21:57.34  100             
157 Fehr, Alexander              Magnolia              21:58.34  101             
158 Gil, Christian               Magnolia              22:01.09  102             
159 Salgado, Edwin               Galena Park           22:02.88                  
160 Boland, Payton               Magnolia              22:04.09                  
161 Dumler, Max                  Houston Stratford     22:05.84                  
162 Vessel, Josh                 College Stat          22:11.97  103             
163 Cody, Cornelius              Willis                22:16.62  104             
164 Pendleton, Tate              Katy Seven Lakes      22:17.91                  
165 May, Jonathan                Magnolia              22:26.59                  
166 Brunette, Kurt               Klein Collins         22:35.84                  
167 Baltazar, Miguel             Humble Atascocita     22:38.81                  
168 Pieniazek, Ethan             Willis                22:41.78  105             
169 McGuffey, Jackson            College Stat          22:44.59  106             
170 Cantrell, Taylor             Willis                23:00.69  107             
171 Bui, Andrew                  Katy Seven Lakes      23:03.12                  
172 Loden, Matthew               College Stat          23:09.44  108             
173 Lockridge, Bryan             Humble Atascocita     23:38.75                  
174 Mellen, Kameron              Magnolia              23:54.34                  
175 Bounds, Tyler                Houston Cypr          24:04.44                  
176 Pagano, Matt                 Katy Cinco Ranch      24:06.06                  
177 Brown, Will                  Willis                24:17.47  109             
178 Rettenmaier, Philip          John Cooper School    24:40.56  110             
179 Marin, Aaron                 Katy Cinco Ranch      25:13.78                  
180 Tran, Thi                    Houston Cypr          25:28.78  111             
181 Dimarzo, Brennen             Conroe                26:40.38  112             
182 Lourma, Ivan                 Houston MacArthur     27:00.81                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 College Park                 23    1    2    5    7    8   13   14          
      Total Time:  1:24:19.41                                                    
         Average:    16:51.89                                                    
   2 The Woodlands                41    3    4    6   10   18   19   20          
      Total Time:  1:25:32.33                                                    
         Average:    17:06.47                                                    
   3 Conroe Oak Ridge            115   11   12   16   32   44   60   64          
      Total Time:  1:30:13.55                                                    
         Average:    18:02.71                                                    
   4 Katy Cinco Ranch            163   23   24   31   34   51   55   73          
      Total Time:  1:32:41.87                                                    
         Average:    18:32.38                                                    
   5 Humble Atascocita           166   15   25   33   35   58   61   67          
      Total Time:  1:32:33.37                                                    
         Average:    18:30.68                                                    
   6 Houston MacArthur           166   17   29   30   38   52   68   78          
      Total Time:  1:32:40.94                                                    
         Average:    18:32.19                                                    
   7 Houston Stratford           169   21   22   40   41   45   53   57          
      Total Time:  1:32:34.74                                                    
         Average:    18:30.95                                                    
   8 Katy Seven Lakes            193   26   28   37   39   63   69   70          
      Total Time:  1:33:47.09                                                    
         Average:    18:45.42                                                    
   9 Conroe                      195    9   42   43   47   54   91  112          
      Total Time:  1:33:31.21                                                    
         Average:    18:42.25                                                    
  10 Galena Park North Shore     256   27   48   49   56   76   90   95          
      Total Time:  1:35:46.53                                                    
         Average:    19:09.31                                                    
  11 Houston Cypress Creek       347   50   65   66   74   92                    
      Total Time:  1:38:43.35                                                    
         Average:    19:44.67                                                    
  12 Klein                       362   59   71   72   75   85                    
      Total Time:  1:39:03.97                                                    
         Average:    19:48.80                                                    
  13 College Station A&M Cons    370   36   62   81   88  103  106  108          
      Total Time:  1:41:11.56                                                    
         Average:    20:14.32                                                    
  14 John Cooper School          371   46   79   80   82   84  110               
      Total Time:  1:39:45.31                                                    
         Average:    19:57.07                                                    
  15 Houston Cypress Falls       450   77   83   86   93  111                    
      Total Time:  1:46:58.85                                                    
         Average:    21:23.77                                                    
  16 Magnolia                    469   87   89   96   98   99  101  102          
      Total Time:  1:45:33.20                                                    
         Average:    21:06.64                                                    
  17 Willis                      500   94   97  100  104  105  107  109          
      Total Time:  1:48:52.43                                                    
         Average:    21:46.49