By Abbey Santoro l Athlete Profile
Monday, Aug. 14: 5K distance + 1.5 cool-down
This morning I woke up and drove to practice, which I was excited and sad about because this is my last first day of practice! Today we had a track workout, so we did an 800m warmup and did our dynamic stretching and then hit the track for our workout, which added up to be 5000 meters. It was tough but good first track workout to start out the new season. After we finished the workout, we cooled down for a mile.
Total miles: 4.6 miles

Tuesday, Aug. 15: 7 miles easy
Today was the first day of school (bleh), so I got to school at 6:45 AM and put everything in the locker room. We had an easy 7-mile run today because of our workout yesterday, which was especially nice because it was the first day of school. Once we got back to the school, we did some strides and hip mobility and then hit the showers. After surviving the first day (barely), we all met in the weight room for strength training. Overall, the first day could have been worse.
Total miles: 7
Wednesday, Aug. 16: 2x2-mile tempo w/ 4x200m
It was the second day of school this morning and we had a speed workout. Before we started running, we did an 800m warmup and our dynamic stretching. We had 2x2-mile tempos with 4x200m in between. After we finished, we did some hip mobility exercises.
Total miles: 5
Thursday, Aug. 17: 6 miles easy
This morning we just had an easy 6-mile recovery run because of yesterday's hard effort. My legs felt like they were barely moving the entire run because of the workout yesterday. Once we finished, we did hip mobility and then took an ice bath to try to try and get rid of some of the soreness before our second time trial of the summer on Friday.
Total miles: 6
Friday, Aug. 18: 5K time trial + 2 miles warmup and cooldown
Today we met at the soccer fields by our school for our 5K time trial. We ran a mile on the course to warmup and then did our dynamic stretches before we started. We ended up just tempoing the whole thing in order to focus on packing up in races. After we finished, we walked back to the school and then ran a mile on the track to cool down.
Total miles: 5

Saturday, Aug. 19: 8 miles
Some of the girls on our team went up to one of our teammate's family's farm. In the morning we did an 8-mile long run on a country road that had plenty of rolling hills the entire way. Halfway through the run we got chased by wild dogs (eek!), but it was no big deal. When we finished, we chugged Gatorade and drove back to the barn to eat breakfast. The rest of the day consisted of lots of fishing, finding a baby mouse -- whom we named Fernando -- losing a phone in tall grass (and then finding it), and getting stranded on a golf cart because it ran out of power. It was a great Saturday.
Total miles: 8