Interview with Jocelyn Gardner

1. Did you meet your goals for 2004 X-C?

Jocelyn: I met some of them. I wanted to break the school record and I did. I wanted to get a medal at the state meet, which unfortunately didn't happen. Overall, I just wanted a good season.

2. You have huge victory at McNeil, Are you comfortable with the 5000m distance.

Jocelyn: I love the 5000m distance. I'm sad that Texas doesn't run a 5k for women. I feel like the longer the race is, the better I run it.

3. How did the state meet race play out? Give us a detailed play by play.

Jocelyn: Bad. Well, for those there, they know there was cold rain right before we took off. I tightened up a little but didn't think anything of it. The gun went off and my plan was to either latch onto Erin or stay in the pack, depending on what Erin did. I got stuck in-between and after that I guess I had one of those \"I don't know what happened\" experiences. Girls I've been beating by more than 30 seconds passed me. It was just my worst race on a critical day.

4. What race/races were you peaking for this year?

Jocelyn: State and Footlocker

5. Are you competing at Footlocker South?

Jocelyn: Yep.

6. Who/What got you motivated to run?

Jocelyn: I was in elementary school and my P.E. coach, Coach Paton had a road runners program. A couple days a week we would just go out and run for the whole period and count how many laps we went. I always beat the guys so that motivated me. My sister also ran in junior high, so I obviously had to out do her.

7. Have you been a runner all of your life?

Jocelyn: Ever since elementary school except for when I was sick, and weak for about a year.

8. What type of summer training did you do to get prepared for this season.

Jocelyn: In previous years I haven't really done much summer training; however, this year I just did mileage and attended two awesome cross country camps.

9. Everyone has their favorite staple workout they do, what is yours?

Jocelyn: Since we're right next to A&M, we go and run there a lot. I have a route I could run every day. It's a 5-mile route that feels like 3.

10. Give us an example of a typical week of training for you during cross-country?

Jocelyn: Short run Monday morning then a long run that night. Tuesday, intervals in the morning, with a short recovery run after school. Wednesday an easy run in the morning. Thursday a tempo run in the morning, then an easy run after school, and Friday our staple pre-race workout.

11. A&M Consolidated always has a great team. What do you attribute that to?

Jocelyn: One man—Coach Wellmann

12. You are Senior and I am sure you are being heavily recruited what schools are on the top of your list?

Jocelyn: I've had schools call and write, but I'm still evaluating their programs. I want to be at a College/ University that is strong academically, has a great cross-country program, and an LDS institute program.


Here are 7 general questions I ask all of my interviewees:

1. What is your favorite word?

Jocelyn: Fast Feet (the words my parents use to cheer for me)

2. What is your least favorite word?

Jocelyn: Quit

3. What is your favorite thing about running?

Jocelyn: Running

4. What is your least favorite thing about running?

Jocelyn: If I figure that out I probably won't be running anymore.

5. What sport other than yours would you like to attempt?

Jocelyn: Anything that's a challenge.

6. What sports would you not like to attempt?

Jocelyn: I can't think of any that would be too bad to at least try once.

7. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

Jocelyn: Welcome home