Birdville Flyin Hawks Invitational 2014

Hosted by Birdville

Boys - Varsity 5A/6A

Cowtown Sports Running Club                                HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                      FLYIN HAWK INVITATIONAL - 10/11/2014                       
                         HOSTED BY BIRDVILLE HIGH SCHOOL                         
                                     TCC NE                                      
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 2  Boys 3 Mile Run CC 6A-5A V BOYS
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
252 Unknown                                                                      
  1 Steele, Brady                Lewisville Marcus                 1             
  2 King, Cameron                Frisco Wakeland                   2             
  3 Allison, Treet               Canyon                            3             
  4 Cummings, Drew               Lewisville Hebron                 4             
  5 Knight, Dylan                Canyon                            5             
  6 Cleveland, Alex              Grapevine                         6             
  7 King, Justin                 Frisco Wakeland                   7             
  8 Page, Luke                   Lewisville Marcus                 8             
  9 Oglesby, Cutter              Frisco Wakeland                   9             
 10 Davis, Ethan                 Lewisville Hebron                10             
 11 Cebulske, Alexander          Northwest Nelson                 11             
 12 Rankin, Nathan               Plano East                       12             
 13 Trevino, Joseph              Canyon                           13             
 14 Brady, Parker                Lewisville Marcus                14             
 15 Gonzales, Riley              Grapevine                        15             
 16 Davidson, Micah              Valley View                      16             
 17 Moore, Tristen               Plano East                       17             
 18 King, Yakari                 Northwest Nelson                 18             
 19 Waugh, Michael               Southlake Carroll                19             
 20 Teuscher, Ryan               Northwest Nelson                 20             
 21 Villagrana, Eric             Mesquite                         21             
 22 Caldwell, Colby              Aledo                            22             
 23 Arndorfer, Matthew           Prince Of Peace                  23             
 24 Thomas, Josh                 Coppell                          24             
 25 Hendrix, Logan               Lewisville Marcus                25             
 26 Tillman, Harrison            Aledo                            26             
 27 Summers, Michael             Lewisville Hebron                27             
 28 Reynolds, Jason              McKinney Boyd                    28             
 29 Wilhelm, Jacob               Canyon                           29             
 30 Gabriel, Garrett             Southlake Carroll                30             
 31 Barnes, Hunter               Valley View                      31             
 32 Walker, Edwin                Wylie East                       32             
 33 Murphy, Hayden               Grapevine                        33             
 34 Goff, Alex                   Denton                           34             
 35 Leland, Danny                Dallas Highl                     35             
 36 Miller, Conner               Lewisville Hebron                36             
 37 Blackmon, Cameron            Lewisville Marcus                37             
 38 Cobb, Christian              Canyon                           38             
 39 Hethcock, Jacob              Colleyville                      39             
 40 Duffy, Andrew                Lewisville Marcus                40             
 41 Sims, Nathan                 Coppell                          41             
 42 Bach, Bailey                 Canyon                           42             
 43 Moore, Tanner                Plano East                       43             
 44 Fehriback, Greg              N Richland H                     44             
 45 Arcila, Juan                 Southlake Carroll                45             
 46 Martinez, Alexis             Ft Worth Sou                     46             
 47 Brozovich, Kyle              Grapevine                        47             
 48 Huo, Alan                    Coppell                          48             
 49 Davis, Kevin                 N Richland H                     49             
 50 Card, Caleb                  Northwest Nelson                 50             
 51 Eskenazi, Moshe              Lewisville Hebron                51             
 52 Perfecto, Carlos             Arlington Houston                               
 53 Rodriguez, Daniel            Frisco                           52             
 54 Russell, Dee                 Colleyville                      53             
 55 Sanchez, Raul                Mesquite                         54             
 56 Kliewer, Andrew              Dallas Highl                     55             
 57 Martinez, Florencio          Northwest Nelson                 56             
 58 Kinneer, Jared               Northwest Nelson                 57             
 59 Akin, Josh                   Frisco Liberty                   58             
 60 Rasmussen, Emmett            Northwest Nelson                 59             
 61 Keto, Nicholas               Euless Trinity                   60             
 62 Pescatello, Cameron          Colleyville                      61             
 63 Barber, Grayson              Colleyville                      62             
 64 Ramirez, Celso               Mesquite                         63             
 65 Roemisch, Logan              Euless Trinity                   64             
 66 Davis, Oaklin                Aledo                            65             
 67 Meadows, Michael             Aledo                            66             
 68 Peacock, Eric                McKinney Boyd                    67             
 69 Barajas, Victor              Frisco Wakeland                  68             
 70 Whitaker, Collin             Frisco Independence              69             
 71 Bobb, Alex                   Frisco Wakeland                  70             
 72 Lescay, Daniel               Frisco Liberty                   71             
 73 Haddock, Chase               Southlake Carroll                72             
 74 Byram, Tristan               Frisco Wakeland                  73             
 75 Richter, Mason               Lewisville Hebron                74             
 76 Meadors, Michael             McKinney Boyd                    75             
 77 Sevin, Tommy                 Frisco Wakeland                  76             
 78 Mortimer, Enzo               Southlake Carroll                77             
 79 Taylor, Devin                Northwest Nelson                                
 80 Wynne, Nicholas              Frisco Liberty                   78             
 81 Massey, Wesley               Wylie East                       79             
 82 Morgan, Matthew              Denton Guyer                     80             
 83 McMahon, Brendon             McKinney Boyd                    81             
 84 Cornett, Carson              Frisco Wakeland                                 
 85 Duenas, Benjamin             Ft Worth North Side              82             
 86 Rigdon, Shane                Coppell                          83             
 87 Harvill, Jake                Dallas Highl                     84             
 88 Orona, Jonathan              Grapevine                        85             
 89 Gribble, Kyle                Aledo                            86             
 90 McCrary, Lucas               Canyon                           87             
 91 Ryan, Jack                   N Richland H                     88             
 92 Reese, Grant                 Coppell                          89             
 93 Munn, Brooks                 Dallas Highl                     90             
 94 Geyer, Stanton               Dallas Highl                     91             
 95 Herrera, Omar                Arlington Houston                               
 96 Stouder, Connor              Ft Worth Boswell                 92             
 97 Norton, Kyle                 Northwest Nelson                                
 98 Perez, Eric                  Ft Worth Wes                     93             
 99 Bowlin, Tucker               Frisco                           94             
100 Metzler, Kevin               Denton Guyer                     95             
101 Eberlein, Kyle               Grapevine                        96             
102 Mungra, Luis                 Colleyville                      97             
103 Sheffield, Mason             Lewisville Hebron                98             
104 Shirk, Chris                 Lewisville Marcus                99             
105 Herrera, Joey                Ft Worth Wes                    100             
106 Norton, David                Northwest Nelson                                
107 Franco, Carter               Irving Nimitz                   101             
108 Walker, Blair                McKinney Boyd                   102             
109 Miller, Jeremy               Grapevine                       103             
110 Alvarez, Ariel               Arlington Houston                               
111 Callejas, Bryan              N Richland H                    104             
112 Scott, Ryan                  N Richland H                    105             
113 Bates, Thomas                McKinney Boyd                   106             
114 Jaynes, Josh                 Wylie East                      107             
115 Miller, Russell              Frisco Independence             108             
116 Rangel, Victorino            Frisco                          109             
117 Cuevas, Austin               Mesquite                        110             
118 Vilches, Joe                 McKinney Boyd                   111             
119 Dotson, Tanner               Southlake Carroll               112             
120 Durkin, TJ                   Colleyville                     113             
121 Lucas, Kyle                  Denton Ryan                     114             
122 Payne, Matthew               Denton Ryan                     115             
123 Kittrell, Kameron            Grapevine                                       
124 Moralez, Isaac               Frisco Independence             116             
125 Meletio, Matthew             Dallas Highl                    117             
126 Gonzalez, Garrett            Valley View                     118             
127 Lewis, Logan                 Irving MacArthur                                
128 Buss, David                  Frisco Liberty                  119             
129 Briscoe, Troy                Coppell                         120             
130 Hernandez, Julio             West Mesquite                   121             
131 Moniak, Caleb                Ft Worth Boswell                122             
132 Williams, Mike               N Richland H                    123             
133 Magana, Jose                 Ft Worth North Side             124             
134 McAfee, Benjamin             Denton                          125             
135 Coleman, Tyler               Southlake Carroll               126             
136 Martin, Blaze                Denton                          127             
137 Nieto, Miguel                Ft Worth Car                    128             
138 Cervantes, Christian         N Richland H                    129             
139 Reyes, Luis                  Denton Ryan                     130             
140 George, Glen                 Denton Guyer                    131             
141 Gonzalez, Daniel             West Mesquite                   132             
142 Campbell, John Henry         Dallas Highl                    133             
143 Martinez, Austin             West Mesquite                   134             
144 Rocha, Jaime j               Irving Nimitz                   135             
145 Hamilton, Jack               Richardson Pearce               136             
146 Esquivel, Alexander          Dallas Sunset                                   
147 Benvegnu, Austin             Colleyville                     137             
148 McCurdy, Charlie             Plano East                      138             
149 Ayers, Quinton               Denton Guyer                    139             
150 Fane, Joel                   Mesquite                        140             
151 Wilson, Nigel                Dallas Skyline                                  
152 Jones, Brendon               N Richland H                    141             
153 Deutsch, Alexander           Frisco                          142             
154 Weir, Cameron                Richardson Pearce               143             
155 Bolander, Louis              N Richland H                    144             
156 Meyer, Austin                Ft Worth Boswell                145             
157 Roque, Roberto               Mesquite                        146             
158 Torres, Christian            Arlington Houston                               
159 Martinez, Miguel             Ft Worth Sou                    147             
160 Leonard, Benjamin            Denton Guyer                    148             
161 Rodriguez, Jett              Euless Trinity                  149             
162 Bush, Alec                   Coppell                         150             
163 Dellinger, Jacob             Denton Ryan                     151             
164 Ewing, Eric                  Denton                          152             
165 Tanaka, James                Colleyville                                     
166 Gonzalez, Adrian             Ft Worth Car                    153             
167 Dunham, Sam                  Frisco Liberty                  154             
168 Lang, Matthew                Prince Of Peace                 155             
169 Myers, Robert                Aledo                           156             
170 Jaimes, Osvaldo              West Mesquite                   157             
171 Watkins, Nathan              Ft Worth Sou                    158             
172 Owens, Markel                Frisco Independence             159             
173 Welkener, Joseph             Plano East                      160             
174 Spiegel, Andrew              Wylie East                      161             
175 Tovar, Uriel                 Ft Worth Car                    162             
176 Hernandez, Otzidi            Irving Nimitz                   163             
177 Head, Brandon                Frisco                          164             
178 Lazalde, Alex                West Mesquite                   165             
179 Sowell, Mathew               Frisco Independence             166             
180 Taylor, Gavin                Ft Worth Wes                    167             
181 Sadler, Easton               Denton Guyer                    168             
182 Stovall, Julian              Ft Worth Wes                    169             
183 Salgado, Omar                Euless Trinity                  170             
184 Holladay, Dylan              Colleyville                                     
185 Goff, Adam                   Denton                          171             
186 Gartman, Dennis              N Richland H                    172             
187 Reeves, Garrison             Denton Ryan                     173             
188 Jones, Zack                  Ft Worth Boswell                174             
189 Gansen, Andrew               Euless Trinity                  175             
190 Estrada, Guillermo           West Mesquite                   176             
191 Reynolds, Richard            Aledo                           177             
192 Brandon, Connor              Prince Of Peace                 178             
193 Baumgartner, Denver          Richardson Pearce               179             
194 Warneke, Kaleb               Prince Of Peace                 180             
195 Mondy, Noah                  N Richland H                    181             
196 Tschirhart, Lane             Colleyville                                     
197 Parrilla, Juan               Ft Worth North Side             182             
198 Hernandez, Cristian          Ft Worth Sou                    183             
199 Bonhert, Max                 Denton Ryan                     184             
200 McAloon, Brant               Frisco Independence             185             
201 Casey, Perrin                Ft Worth Boswell                186             
202 Cisneros, Jonathan           Ft Worth Tri                                    
203 Quinones, Manuel             West Mesquite                   187             
204 Arellano, Marco              Denton                          188             
205 Konda, Evan                  Colleyville                                     
206 Aguinaga, Christian          Ft Worth Wes                    189             
207 Mawi, Isehaq                 Wylie East                      190             
208 Garcia, Francisco            Valley View                     191             
209 Favela, Brahaan              Ft Worth Eas                    192             
210 Morales, Antony              Irving Nimitz                   193             
211 Caldera, Daniel              Irving Nimitz                   194             
212 DeLabra, Saul                Dallas Sunset                                   
213 Bell, Jonathan               Colleyville                                     
214 Cornell, James               N Richland H                    195             
215 Adams, Colton                N Richland H                    196             
216 Orta, Alan                   Ft Worth North Side             197             
217 Johnson, Christian           N Richland H                    198             
218 Neveloff, Seth               Wylie East                      199             
219 Saucedo, Daniel              Ft Worth Car                    200             
220 Williams, Nicholas           Denton Guyer                    201             
221 Wiley, Tristen               Euless Trinity                  202             
222 Ramirez, Moises              Ft Worth Wes                    203             
223 Dickens, Addison             Wylie East                      204             
224 Silva, Christian             Ft Worth Eas                    205             
225 Guardado, Issac              Ft Worth Eas                    206             
226 Whitman, David               Frisco Independence             207             
227 Ballard, Elijah              Garland Lake                                    
228 Berrier, Jacob               Richardson Pearce               208             
229 Grass, Justin                N Richland H                                    
230 Sawko, Jack                  Denton                          209             
231 Thompson, Tyler              Prince Of Peace                 210             
232 Tipps, Houston               Valley View                     211             
233 Holland, Nathan              N Richland H                                    
234 Redig, Dylan                 Wylie East                                      
235 Cruz, Johnathan              Dallas Skyline                                  
236 Muckey, Jacob                Colleyville                                     
237 Montes, Edward               Irving Nimitz                   212             
238 Arango, Nicholas             Ft Worth Sou                    213             
239 Steinmetz, Phillip           Valley View                     214             
240 Tamplin, Sam                 Richardson Pearce               215             
241 Van Horn, Kevin              Denton                                          
242 Brown, Octavious             Ft Worth Eas                    216             
243 Greer, Michael               Oakridge                        217             
244 Villalobs, Juan              Ft Worth North Side             218             
245 Orta, Marlon                 Ft Worth Boswell                219             
246 Martinez, Norberto           Ft Worth Tri                                    
247 Murillo, Ismael              Ft Worth Car                    220             
248 Gomez, Enrique               Ft Worth Eas                    221             
249 Jaquez, Raul                 Ft Worth Car                    222             
250 Moreno, Fernando             Mesquite                        223             
251 Cornell, Duncan              N Richland H                                    
252 Jermstad, August             Richardson Pearce               224             
253 Parsons, Simon               Richardson Pearce               225             
254 Builta, Austin               Oakridge                        226             
255 DeMott, Matthew              Prince Of Peace                 227             
256 Skinner, Evan                Oakridge                        228             
257 Varela, Jesus                Ft Worth Tri                                    
258 Vasquez, Adolfo              Irving MacArthur                                
259 Clements, Noah               Garland Lake                                    
260 Gardiner, Dakota             Denton                                          
261 Resendiz, Faustino           Ft Worth Car                    229             
262 Weed, JC                     Prince Of Peace                 230             
263 Grant, Davis                 Valley View                     231             
264 Wright, Jeff                 Oakridge                        232             
265 Godoy, Amado                 Ft Worth Dunbar                                 
266 Gladden, Noah                Oakridge                        233             
267 Barragan, Nathan             Dallas Skyline                                  
268 Godoy, Guillermo             Ft Worth Dunbar                                 
269 Tarrant, Bennie              Ft Worth Dunbar                                 
270 Vidales, Adrian              Irving MacArthur                                
271 Gamez, Jesus                 Dallas Skyline                                  
272 Zhang, Michael               Oakridge                        234             
273 Dunleavy, Thomas             Garland Lake                                    
274 Thompson, Isaih              Ft Worth Eas                    235             
275 Flores, Jorge                Dallas Sunset                                   
276 Torres, Joshua               Dallas Sunset                                   
277 Grant, Austin                Valley View                                     
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Lewisville Marcus            85    1    8   14   25   37   40   99          
   2 Canyon                       88    3    5   13   29   38   42   87          
   3 Lewisville Hebron           128    4   10   27   36   51   74   98          
   4 Northwest Nelson            155   11   18   20   50   56   57   59          
   5 Frisco Wakeland             156    2    7    9   68   70   73   76          
   6 Grapevine                   186    6   15   33   47   85   96  103          
   7 Southlake Carroll           243   19   30   45   72   77  112  126          
   8 Aledo                       265   22   26   65   66   86  156  177          
   9 Coppell                     285   24   41   48   83   89  120  150          
  10 Colleyville Heritage        312   39   53   61   62   97  113  137          
  11 McKinney Boyd               353   28   67   75   81  102  106  111          
  12 Dallas Highland Park        355   35   55   84   90   91  117  133          
  13 Plano East                  370   12   17   43  138  160                    
  14 Mesquite                    388   21   54   63  110  140  146  223          
  15 N Richland Hills Birdvill   469   49   88  104  105  123  144  172          
  16 Frisco Liberty              480   58   71   78  119  154                    
  17 Frisco                      561   52   94  109  142  164                    
  18 Valley View                 567   16   31  118  191  211  214  231          
  19 Wylie East                  569   32   79  107  161  190  199  204          
  20 Denton Guyer                593   80   95  131  139  148  168  201          
  21 Denton                      609   34  125  127  152  171  188  209          
  22 Frisco Independence         618   69  108  116  159  166  185  207          
  23 Euless Trinity              618   60   64  149  170  175  202               
  24 Denton Ryan                 683  114  115  130  151  173  184               
  25 N Richland Hills Richland   690   44  129  141  181  195  196  198          
  26 West Mesquite               709  121  132  134  157  165  176  187          
  27 Ft Worth Western Hills      718   93  100  167  169  189  203               
  28 Ft Worth Boswell            719   92  122  145  174  186  219               
  29 Prince Of Peace             746   23  155  178  180  210  227  230          
  30 Ft Worth South Hills        747   46  147  158  183  213                    
  31 Irving Nimitz               786  101  135  163  193  194  212               
  32 Ft Worth North Side         803   82  124  182  197  218                    
  33 Ft Worth Carter-Riverside   863  128  153  162  200  220  222  229          
  34 Richardson Pearce           881  136  143  179  208  215  224  225          
  35 Ft Worth Eastern Hills     1040  192  205  206  216  221  235               
  36 Oakridge                   1136  217  226  228  232  233  234