ENDURO Timing - Contractor License 5/1/2015 - 12:35 PM
Southwest Preparatory Conference
Track & Field Championships
All Saints Episcopal School, Fort Worth, TX - 4/30/2015 to 5/1/2015
Event 11 Boys Triple Jump
Meet: ! 46-07.25 5/4/2013 Kendrick Spraglin, St. Mark's
Name Year School Finals Wind Points
Flight 1
1 Gragg, Avery Holland Hall 41-03.00 NWI 4
2 Stolper, Nathan Holland Hall 37-07.50 NWI
3 Katterhagen, Spencer John Cooper 36-05.50 NWI
4 Busby, Antonio Trinity Valley 35-07.50 NWI
5 Saprienza, Harrison Fort Worth C 35-04.00 NWI
6 Fichfel, Eli St Mary's Hall 35-03.50 NWI
7 Gay, Richard Houston Christian 35-03.00 NWI
8 Lenzen, Ben Cistercian Prep 35-01.50 NWI
9 Bond, Tristan All Saints E 34-07.00 NWI
10 Kinsella, John Michael Cistercian Prep 34-04.00 NWI
11 Blackman, Sawyer Trinity Valley 33-11.50 NWI
12 Hebert, Zachary John Cooper 32-07.00 NWI
-- Thompson, CJ Holland Hall FOUL
Flight 2
1 Hampton, Lee St John's 44-07.50 NWI 10
2 Evans, Brandon Fort Worth C 44-06.00 NWI 8
3 Evans, Brian Fort Worth C 43-00.00 NWI 6
4 Smith, Douglass Greenhill 41-04.00 NWI 5
5 Denmon, Omar Episcopal 39-09.50 NWI 3
6 Strickland, Matt Houston Christian 39-07.00 NWI 2
7 Woods, Gary Casady 39-03.50 NWI 1
8 Reyher, Fausto St Marks Of Texas 37-10.50 NWI
9 Garcia, Daniel St Marks Of Texas 37-07.00 NWI
10 Moye, Larson St John's 37-06.00 NWI
11 Harmon, Brendan All Saints E 37-05.00 NWI
12 Bennett, James Casady 37-03.50 NWI
13 Stevens, Niegel St Marks Of Texas 37-00.00 NWI
14 Stewart, Ian Cistercian Prep 36-03.50 NWI
Meet: ! 46-07.25 5/4/2013 Kendrick Spraglin, St. Mark's
Name Year School Finals Wind Points
1 Hampton, Lee St John's 44-07.50 NWI 10
2 Evans, Brandon Fort Worth C 44-06.00 NWI 8
3 Evans, Brian Fort Worth C 43-00.00 NWI 6
4 Smith, Douglass Greenhill 41-04.00 NWI 5
5 Gragg, Avery Holland Hall 41-03.00 NWI 4
6 Denmon, Omar Episcopal 39-09.50 NWI 3
7 Strickland, Matt Houston Christian 39-07.00 NWI 2
8 Woods, Gary Casady 39-03.50 NWI 1
9 Reyher, Fausto St Marks Of Texas 37-10.50 NWI
10 Stolper, Nathan Holland Hall 37-07.50 NWI
11 Garcia, Daniel St Marks Of Texas 37-07.00 NWI
12 Moye, Larson St John's 37-06.00 NWI
13 Harmon, Brendan All Saints E 37-05.00 NWI
14 Bennett, James Casady 37-03.50 NWI
15 Stevens, Niegel St Marks Of Texas 37-00.00 NWI
16 Katterhagen, Spencer John Cooper 36-05.50 NWI
17 Stewart, Ian Cistercian Prep 36-03.50 NWI
18 Busby, Antonio Trinity Valley 35-07.50 NWI
19 Saprienza, Harrison Fort Worth C 35-04.00 NWI
20 Fichfel, Eli St Mary's Hall 35-03.50 NWI
21 Gay, Richard Houston Christian 35-03.00 NWI
22 Lenzen, Ben Cistercian Prep 35-01.50 NWI
23 Bond, Tristan All Saints E 34-07.00 NWI
24 Kinsella, John Michael Cistercian Prep 34-04.00 NWI
25 Blackman, Sawyer Trinity Valley 33-11.50 NWI
26 Hebert, Zachary John Cooper 32-07.00 NWI
-- Thompson, CJ Holland Hall FOUL
Men - Team Rankings - 7 Events Scored
1) Episcopal 48 2) St John's 46
3) St Marks Of Texas 41 4) Holland Hall 29
5) John Cooper 24 6) Fort Worth Country Day 22
7) Trinity Valley 20 8) Greenhill 14
8) St Andrews Episcopal 14 8) Kinkaid 14
11) Houston Christian 11 12) St Stephens Episcopal 10
13) Casady 8 14) Cistercian Prep 6
15) All Saints Episcopal 5