Shiner Comanche Cross Country Meet 2016

Shiner, TX
Hosted by Shiner

Meet Information

Dear Coach,

The twenty-third annual Shiner Comanche Cross-Country Meet will be held on Saturday, October 1, 2016. You and your teams are invited to attend. The meet will be located at the Green Dickson Park in Shiner. Medals will be awarded to the first 20 finishers in all the divisions. A plaque will be awarded to the first and second place team in each division. The entry fee will be $70.00 per Varsity Team (limit 10 runners) and $60.00 per J.V. and Jr. High Team (no limit). Individual runners will cost $10.00 each. The large school varsity division will be 3A and up; 1A and 2A will be in the small school division. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN.

The running schedule for that day will be as follows:
8:30 Varsity Girls (two shoots ~ 2 mile course)
8:55 Varsity Boys (two shoots ~ 5 K course)
9:25 J.V. Boys and Girls (two shoots ~ 2 mile course)
9:50 Jr. High Girls
Jr. High Boys (two shoots ~ 2 mile course; boys delay start)

If you and your team would like to attend, please fill out and return this letter or reply to the email address below. All entries must be in by September 27, 2016.

Registration Information HERE!

Send to :
P.O. BOX 804