2016 Burnet Middle School Cross Country Invitational 2016

Burnet, TX
Hosted by Burnet

Meet Information

Coaches - You are invited to join us on Wednesday, September 21 for the Burnet Middle School Cross Country Invitational located at Haley Nelson Park.

Haley Nelson Park is on the north side of Hwy 29 on the western edge of Burnet. There is a large limestone rock that has a Haley Nelson Park sign denoting where you need to turn. The park is located across from the Wells Fargo bank.

Entry Fees: $50 per division; $150 per school (maximum - 8th grade boys, 8th grade girls, 7th grade boys, 7th grade girls).

Medals will be awarded for the top 10 runners in each division.

If you plan on attending, please complete the attached registration form and return via email/scan

(cschubert@burnetcisd.net) to Coach Casey Schubert. Payment needs to be received by Monday, September 19. Please make checks payable to: Burnet CISD (please denote for HS Cross Country meet entry fee)
208 E. Brier
Burnet, TX 78611

5:00pm 7th & 8th grade girls - 2 mile run
5:30pm 7th and 8th grade boys - 2 mile run

Please register by September 16 and if you have any questions please email Coach Schubert. Hope you have a great beginning of a school year.

Register: CLICK HERE!