Teague HS Relays 2017

Teague, TX
Hosted by Teague

JV Results

100	M Dash
Name Time	Points Place
Denbow, Andrew	12.52
Ovalle, Dominic	12.03	4	4th
Torres, Pedro	12.40
200 Meter Dash
Name Time	Points Place
Denbow, Andrew	26.24
Douglas, Ja’Bra...	25.65
Lovings, Kedrick	24.98	6	3rd
400 Meter Dash
Name Time	Points Place
Delgadillo, Gera...	59:20.00
Evans, JQ	1:10.99	2	5th
Evans, Josh	58:12.00
800 Meter Run
Name Time	Points Place
Delgadillo, Gera...	2:18:37.00	2	5th
Evans, Josh
1600 Meter Run
Name Time	Points Place
Aguilar, Gildardo	5:15.78	10	1st
Rivas, Jason	5:34.05	2	5th
Rodriquez Jairo	5:24.37	6	3rd
3200 Meter Run
Name Time	Points Place
Aguilar, Gildardo	12:04.00	6	3rd
Rivas, Jason	12:27.00
Rodriquez Jairo	11:45.00	8	2nd
110m Hurdles
Name Time	Points Place
Dickson, Eric	18:14.00	10	1st
Ovalle, Jack	20:16.00	1	6th
Teague HS Relays
Hosted by Teague High School
March	30,	2017
Team Summary
JV Boys
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300 Meter Hurdles
Name Time	Points Place
Dickson, Eric	44.69	10	1st
Ovalle, Jack	53.36
4x100	M Relay
Name Time	Points Place
Dickson, Eric	46:54.00	8	4th
Lovings, Kedrick
Ovalle, Dominic
Torres, Pedro
4x200	M Relay
Name Time	Points Place
Douglas, Ja’Bra...	1:37.86	16	2nd
Lovings, Kedrick
Ovalle, Dominic
Torres, Pedro
4x400	M Relay
Name Time	Points Place
Delgadillo, Gera...	4:01.85
Douglas, Ja’Bra...
Evans, Josh
Ovalle, Jack
Long Jump
Name Best Distance	Points Place
Denbow, Andrew	15-0.5
Lovings, Kedrick	15-5
Ovalle, Dominic	18-3.25	10	1st
Shot Put
Name Best Distance	Points Place
Espinal, Elias	36-2 6	3rd
Harry, Waltis
Whitehead, Jaden	38-8 8	2nd
Teague HS Relays
Hosted by Teague High School
March	30,	2017
Team Summary (Continued...)
JV Boys
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Name Best Distance	Points Place
Harry, Waltis	96-7 4	4th
Olvera, Ricardo	95-7 2	5th
Whitehead, Jaden	100-8.5	6	3rd
Triple Jump
Name Best Distance	Points Place
Dickson, Eric	36-5.5	6	3rd
Douglas, Ja’Bra...	34-8.5
Lovings, Kedrick
High Jump
Name Best Height	Points Place
Ovalle, Jack
Teague HS Relays
Hosted by Teague High School
March	30,	2017
Team Summary (Continued...)
JV Boys
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Place Team	Points
1	Corsicana	133
2	China Spring	120
3	Teague	84
4	Centerville	65
4	Mexia	65
4	Robinson	65
7	Fairfield	52
8	Lorena	32
Teague HS Relays
Hosted by Teague High School
March	30,	2017
Division Point Totals
JV Boys
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Mens Results
100 Meter Dash
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Azaya Patrick	Teague	11.82
2	KAYLON PEOPLES	China Spring	11.99
3	dre’vaun cooper	Mexia	12.01
4	Ovalle, Dominic	Corsicana	12.03
5	DIARIAN ALEXAND	China Spring	12.10
6	wilmer davis	Mexia	12.17
200 Meter Dash
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	TRAE CHERRY	China Spring	24.31
2	DIARIAN ALEXAND	China Spring	24.56
3	Lovings, Kedrick	Corsicana	24.98
4	Zha Vonte	Griffin Robinson	25.13
5	McWilliams, Dequan	Fairfield	25.15
6	Jayron Anglin	Robinson	25.23
400 Meter Dash
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Alberto Gonzalez	Centerville	56.80
2	Michna, Cade	Lorena	59.60
3	ZACH BUNKLEY	China Spring	1:00.31
4	Sean Busby	Teague	1:01.87
5	Evans, JQ	Corsicana	1:10.99
6	Caleb Willis	Centerville	54:26.00
800 Meter Run
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Caiden Boss	Centerville	2:11:14.00
2	Sykora, Brock	Lorena	2:12:32.00
3	Carlos Rivera	Mexia	2:16:50.00
4	Andrew Fuentes	Robinson	2:18:03.00
5	Delgadillo, Gerardo	Corsicana	2:18:37.00
6	Joe Guerra	Robinson	2:19:48.00
1600 Meter Run
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Aguilar, Gildardo	Corsicana	5:15.78
2	JARET MAY	China Spring	5:21.45
3	Rodriquez Jairo	Corsicana	5:24.37
4	Tristan Hewitt	Robinson	5:32.18
5	Rivas, Jason	Corsicana	5:34.05
6	Dustin Angel	Teague	5:41.94
3200 Meter Run
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Dustin Angel	Teague	11:41.00
2	Rodriquez Jairo	Corsicana	11:45.00
3	Aguilar, Gildardo	Corsicana	12:04.00
4	JARET MAY	China Spring	12:13.00
5	Tristan Hewitt	Robinson	12:22.00
6	CAMERON JENKINS	China Spring	12:24.00
110m Hurdles
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Dickson, Eric	Corsicana	18:14.00
2	Izquerdo, Sergio	Fairfield	18:41.00
3	Alan Skipworth	Centerville	19:12.00
3	GABE FIELDS	China Spring	19:12.00
5	Ian Yale	Robinson	19:16.00
6	Ovalle, Jack	Corsicana	20:16.00
300 Meter Hurdles
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Dickson, Eric	Corsicana	44.69
2	Izquerdo, Sergio	Fairfield	45.06
3	MARCUS ROSARIO	China Spring	46.82
4	GABE FIELDS	China Spring	47.41
5	Mann, Joe	Lorena	47.62
6	Alan Skipworth	Centerville	48.53
Teague HS Relays
Hosted by Teague High School
March	30,	2017
Division Results
JV Boys
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4x100	M Relay
PL	-	Team	Mark
1	KAYLON PEOPLES	China Spring	45:34.00
2	Jaden Proctor	Mexia	46:25.00
dre’vaun cooper
Jalil Wright
kevin alexander
3	Haynes, Hunter	Fairfield	46:43.00
Crenshaw, Keyshun
Abram, Justin
Cordon, Timarco
4	Lovings, Kedrick	Corsicana	46:54.00
Dickson, Eric
Ovalle, Dominic
Torres, Pedro
5	Rodney Kuykendall	Teague	46:55.00
Azaya Patrick
Zack Satterwhite
Micah Thompson
6	Pate Leathers	Centerville	48:07.00
Perry Minor
Caleb Willis
Walyn McCall
4x200	M Relay
PL	-	Team	Mark
1	Jaden Proctor	Mexia	1:37.84
Jalil Wright
wilmer davis
Jacob Mitchell
2	Torres, Pedro	Corsicana	1:37.86
Ovalle, Dominic
Lovings, Kedrick
Douglas, Ja’Braylan
3	Azaya Patrick	Teague	1:38.55
Rodney Kuykendall
Tyrelle Canady
Isaiah Bell
4	Baxter Kay	Robinson	1:39.01
Jayron Anglin
Jalen Darden
Zha Vonte Griffin
5	Haynes, Tyler	Fairfield	1:39.75
Crenshaw, Keyshun
Ferguson, Cody
Abram, Justin
6	Pate Leathers	Centerville	1:40.07
Perry Minor
Peyton Rhoden
Walyn McCall
Teague HS Relays
Hosted by Teague High School
March	30,	2017
Division Results (Continued...)
JV Boys
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4x400	M Relay
PL	-	Team	Mark
1	Caiden Boss	Centerville	3:44.03
Walyn McCall
Perry Minor
Caleb Willis
2	MARCUS ROSARIO	China Spring	3:44.18
3	Keshawn Rice	Teague	3:48.64
Hunter McDaniel
Micah Thompson
Rodney Kuykendall
4	Anderson, Zane	Fairfield	3:48.80
Izquerdo, Sergio
McWilliams, Dequan
Haynes, Tyler
5	Mason Gregg	Robinson	3:58.19
Andrew Fuentes
Joe Guerra
Armani Johnson
6	Jaden Proctor	Mexia	3:59.84
mark martinez
Jalil Wright
Jacob Mitchell
Long Jump
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Ovalle, Dominic	Corsicana	18-3.25
2	MARCUS ROSARIO	China Spring	18-2
3	Rodney Kuykendall	Teague	17-7
4	Jalil Wright	Mexia	17-1.5
5	PEYTON HOFFREIC	China Spring	17-0.5
6	Smith, Jace	Lorena	16-7.25
Shot Put
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Isaiah Bell	Teague	40-4
2	Whitehead, Jaden	Corsicana	38-8
3	Espinal, Elias	Corsicana	36-2
4	Brady King	Robinson	35-10.5
5	Bryson Crowley	Centerville	35-7
6	Ethan Linder	Robinson	35-6.5
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Michna, Cade	Lorena	117-1
2	Travis Lemons	Teague	103-11.5
3	Whitehead, Jaden	Corsicana	100-8.5
4	Harry, Waltis	Corsicana	96-7
5	Olvera, Ricardo	Corsicana	95-7
6	Sparks, Tyler	Lorena	95-6.5
Triple Jump
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Armani Johnson	Robinson	37-3.5
2	MARCUS ROSARIO	China Spring	36-8
3	Dickson, Eric	Corsicana	36-5.5
4	Rodney Kuykendall	Teague	36-4
5	Sean Busby	Teague	36-0
6	Lane Fuentes	Teague	35-0
High Jump
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Kaden Weathers	Mexia	5-2
2	Dustin Wharton	Robinson	5-2
3	Armani Johnson	Robinson	5-1
4	AARON LEONARD	China Spring	5-1
5	Mann, Joe	Lorena	5-0
Pole Vault
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Haynes, Tyler	Fairfield	10-0
2	Alberto Gonzalez	Centerville	9-6
3	Darren Gassaway	Robinson	9-0
4	Pate Leathers	Centerville	8-6
Teague HS Relays
Hosted by Teague High School
March	30,	2017
Division Results (Continued...)
JV Boys
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100 Meter Dash
Name Time	Points Place
Daeja Harris	14:38.00
Deajah Hamilton	14:54.00
200 Meter Dash
Name Time	Points Place
Daeja Harris	30.50
Deajah Hamilton	30.50
Savannah Kellum	30.76
400 Meter Dash
Name Time	Points Place
Kailee Marchand	1:19.50
Sara Autrand	1:08.25	10	1st
Savannah Kellum	1:11.18	4	4th
800 Meter Run
Name Time	Points Place
Jamesha Hatcher	2:41:12.00	10	1st
Natalia Salazar
Robin Nesbit	2:46:21.00	8	2nd
1600 Meter Run
Name Time	Points Place
Brooke Leather...	6:41.44	6	3rd
Erin Rachel	7:16.92	1	6th
Robin Nesbit	6:09.51	10	1st
3200 Meter Run
Name Time	Points Place
Brooke Leather...	14:24:28.00	10	1st
Kailee Marchand	16:25:07.00
Natalia Salazar	15:04:05.00	6	3rd
100 Meter Hurdles
Name Time	Points Place
Kaylee Barrett	20:14.00	2	5th
Lauren Hall
Teague HS Relays
Hosted by Teague High School
March	30,	2017
Team Summary
JV Girls
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300 Meter Hurdles
Name Time	Points Place
Kaylee Barrett	1:03.45	2	5th
Lauren Hall	1:00.62	4	4th
4x200	M Relay
Name Time	Points Place
Daeja Harris	1:58.75	16	2nd
Jamesha Hatcher
Sara Autrand
Savannah Kellum
4x400	M Relay
Name Time	Points Place
Jamesha Hatcher	4:51.19	20	1st
Kaylee Barrett
Robin Nesbit
Sara Autrand
Long Jump
Name Best Distance	Points Place
Daeja Harris	13-11.5	6	3rd
Lauren Hall	12-9.5
Savannah Kellum	11-4.25
Shot Put
Name Best Distance	Points Place
Charity Starr	27-1.5	8	2nd
Coral Chavez
Tylie Bruce
Name Best Distance	Points Place
Daesha Yarboro...
Erin Rachel
Lisa Amparan	77-10 8	2nd
Triple Jump
Name Best Distance	Points Place
Sara Autrand	28-3.5	8	2nd
Savannah Kellum	27-5 2	5th
Teague HS Relays
Hosted by Teague High School
March	30,	2017
Team Summary (Continued...)
JV Girls
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High Jump
Name Best Height	Points Place
Sara Autrand
Pole Vault
Name Best Height	Points Place
Belle Johnson	6-6 10	1st
Teague HS Relays
Hosted by Teague High School
March	30,	2017
Team Summary (Continued...)
JV Girls
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Place Team	Points
1	Fairfield	151
2	Corsicana	93
3	Mexia	92
4	Lorena	71
5	Centerville	45
6	China Spring	34
7	Teague	32
8	Robinson	24
Teague HS Relays
Hosted by Teague High School
March	30,	2017
Division Point Totals
JV Girls
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Womens Results
100 Meter Dash
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Chambers, Kayleigh	Mexia	13.98
2	Jackson, Daybre’ell Mexia	14.00
3	Laquasha Ellison	Corsicana	14.31
4	Hayley Coplen	Lorena	14.69
5	Kristin Wright	Teague	15.49
6	Victoria Daniels	Corsicana	14:01.00
200 Meter Dash
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Strain, J’Myia Mexia	28.30
2	Whitmire Centerville	28.73
3	Daniels, Zaria	Mexia	28.79
4	Jackson, Daybre’ell Mexia	29.41
5	Brooke Foreman	Lorena	29.73
6	TAYLOR LARSEN	China Spring	29.86
400 Meter Dash
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Sara Autrand	Fairfield	1:08.25
2	Rachel Powell	Teague	1:08.91
3	Maria Hernandez	Centerville	1:10.12
4	Savannah Kellum	Fairfield	1:11.18
5	Kandice Smith	Corsicana	1:14.00
6	Jasmyn Franklin	Lorena	1:14.05
800 Meter Run
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Jamesha Hatcher	Fairfield	2:41:12.00
2	Robin Nesbit	Fairfield	2:46:21.00
3	Jasmyn Franklin	Lorena	2:47:25.00
4	Brooklyn Thompson	Teague	2:54:20.00
5	Tliyah Paley	Corsicana	2:57:36.00
6	Kandice Smith	Corsicana	3:00:31.00
1600 Meter Run
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Robin Nesbit	Fairfield	6:09.51
2	Kenzie Schnizer	Robinson	6:40.19
3	Brooke Leatherman	Fairfield	6:41.44
4	Taylor Morgan	Centerville	6:58.33
5	Caroline White	Corsicana	7:14.27
6	Erin Rachel	Fairfield	7:16.92
3200 Meter Run
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Brooke Leatherman	Fairfield	14:24:28.00
2	Heavyn Moltzer	Lorena	14:55:58.00
3	Natalia Salazar	Fairfield	15:04:05.00
4	Kenzie Schnizer	Robinson	15:13:42.00
5	Amy Day	Lorena	15:21:02.00
6	Madelynne DZamba	Lorena	15:52:59.00
100 Meter Hurdles
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Whitmire Centerville	18:25.00
2	LAUREN DUNHAM	China Spring	18:39.00
3	Kynlee Bartosh	Lorena	19:47.00
4	Layla Knight	Teague	20:01.00
5	Kaylee Barrett	Fairfield	20:14.00
6	Litzy Cedellio	Corsicana	21:05.00
300 Meter Hurdles
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Whitmire Centerville	53.78
2	LAUREN DUNHAM	China Spring	54.60
3	Kynlee Bartosh	Lorena	58.25
4	Lauren Hall	Fairfield	1:00.62
5	Kaylee Barrett	Fairfield	1:03.45
6	Maria Hernandez	Centerville	1:04.99
4x100	M Relay
PL	-	Team	Mark
1	Victoria Daniels	Corsicana	54.56
Keayala Jackson
Laquasha Ellison
Tamea Crawford
2	EMILY BLANKENSHIP	China Spring	57.17
Teague HS Relays
Hosted by Teague High School
March	30,	2017
Division Results
JV Girls
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4x200	M Relay
PL	-	Team	Mark
1	Strain, J’Myia Mexia	1:55.68
Daniels, Zaria
Hernandez, Nicole
Jackson, Daybre’ell
2	Savannah Kellum	Fairfield	1:58.75
Jamesha Hatcher
Daeja Harris
Sara Autrand
3	Michela Curry-Renfro	Corsicana	1:59.00
Keayala Jackson
Tamea Crawford
Victoria Daniels
4	Brooke Foreman	Lorena	2:01.09
Makayla Uptmor
Tristan Hogeland
Kynlee Bartosh
4x400	M Relay
PL	-	Team	Mark
1	Robin Nesbit	Fairfield	4:51.19
Sara Autrand
Kaylee Barrett
Jamesha Hatcher
2	Alijah Dunn	Corsicana	5:16.42
Kandice Smith
Tliyah Paley
Edivon Sanchez
Long Jump
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Michela Curry-Renfro	Corsicana	14-7.5
2	Victoria Daniels	Corsicana	14-0
3	Daeja Harris	Fairfield	13-11.5
4	Rachel Powell	Teague	13-9
5	Tristan Hogeland	Lorena	13-9
6	Thompson, Baileah	Mexia	13-5
Shot Put
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Jones, Tiesha	Mexia	28-0
2	Charity Starr	Fairfield	27-1.5
3	Jackson, Ty	Mexia	26-0
4	Calla Cook	Lorena	25-3.5
5	Lauren Moses	Corsicana	25-2
6	Banks, Elesia	Mexia	25-1
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Brooklyn Thompson	Teague	91-2
2	Lisa Amparan	Fairfield	77-10
3	Jones, Tiesha	Mexia	75-11
4	Calla Cook	Lorena	75-10.75
5	Lauren Moses	Corsicana	74-6
6	Jamaria Diserins	Lorena	72-11.5
Triple Jump
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Kynlee Bartosh	Lorena	30-3
2	Sara Autrand	Fairfield	28-3.5
3	Jasmyn Franklin	Lorena	28-1
4	Kylie Cummings	Robinson	28-0.5
5	Savannah Kellum	Fairfield	27-5
6	TAYLOR LARSEN	China Spring	27-3
High Jump
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Strain, J’Myia Mexia	4-7
2	Keayala Jackson	Corsicana	4-5
3	Whitmire Centerville	4-3
Pole Vault
PL	Name	Team	Mark
1	Belle Johnson	Fairfield	6-6
2	Kylie Cummings	Robinson	6-0
Teague HS Relays
Hosted by Teague High School
March	30,	2017
Division Results (Continued...)
JV Girls
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