Ferris “Run with the Swarm” Cross Country Meet 2017

Ferris, TX
Hosted by Ferris

Meet Information

Ferris Run with the Swarm Cross Country Meet
October 7th, 2017

The Ferris Yellow Jackets Cross Country team would like to invite your cross-country team to participate in our Annual Run with the Swarm Cross Country Invitational. The meet will be held at Harris Farm, directly adjacent to Yellow Jacket Stadium on Saturday, October 7th, 2017.

Race Site: Harris Farm Directly East of Yellow Jacket Stadium
The site is directly across the street from the High School, adjacent to the Stadium. HS address: 1025 E. 8th Street, Ferris TX 75125

3 miles for the boys and 5/6A girls and 2 miles for the 4A and under girls, JV girls and Junior High divisions.

Parking and Concession:
Bus parking will be in the gravel-visitor side parking lot of the stadium.
Spectator parking will be on the home-side parking lot, as if you are headed to the baseball/softball fields. There will be a concession stand with drinks and snacks. Also, water will be provided at the finish line.

Race Times:
Rolling start at 8:30am in the order of: VG, VB, JVG, JVB, JHG, JHB

Individuals finishing in the top 10 will receive a medal at the finish line.
Trophies/Plaques awarded to the top 2 teams in Varsity and JV divisions and top team in the junior high divisions.

$100.00 for each team $15 per individual
Maximum fee $375

Make checks payable to:
Ferris All Sports Club
P.O. Box 581
Ferris, Tx. 75125

Any Questions:
Cell: 210-722-6826 Email: mwest01@ferrisisd.org