Don't miss this amazing 4x400 performance.
Relive all of the action from the McKinney Lion Relays.

Week after week, our McKinney North videographer Dayn Jackson has brought several races of the week for our viewing pleasure. This week, he brings us another outstanding video, the McKinney North girls 4x400 relay.So, this 4x400 is unlike any other McKinney North 4x400 relay we've ever seen.***SPOILER ALERT*** I'll start off by saying, it had the typical McKinney North finish -- and the means they crossed the line in first. However, what happened after the gun went off was as atypical of a race that you've seen from McKinney North.How so, you ask? Well, it has a London Culbreath cameo! Culbreath made an appearance on the third leg of the relay, and boy did the position of everything make for quite the race that couldn't have been scripted any better.Culbreath gets the baton in traffic and contention for third place. You would think a national level elite distance runner would handle things like a typical distance runner, but whoa, you'd be mistaking majorly. Being on a team with a lot of big time sprinters, Culbreath channelled her sprinter teammates form and aggression. In the exchange zone, she handled herself like the other ladies on the 4x400. She was facing the right way, which isn't common for a lot of distance runners and she pulled the incoming runner impressively. If I had to grace her on that, she'd get a B+. Watch Culbreath hit the back stretch and show off her turnover like you've never seen before. She makes up a 15 meter deficit to take the lead and then displays her endurance to maintain the lead heading into the straightaway.With 100m to go, Culbreath went David Banner and totally transformed into a totally different person. She snatched off her white head band (that by her own adminssion, she never runs without) and powered through the finals 100m. With her hair flowing in the wind generated from her speed, she made up a 15 meter deficit and created a 10 meter lead for her teasm as she handed off in first place.Culbreath exchanged with anchor leg Jania Martin, who is one of the fastest girls in Texas, so needles to say the race was over.Watch McKinney North sprinters continue to wreck in the sprint relays even when they add a distance runner.