Meet Information
San Antonio Flight Score Cross Country Meet
31 August 2018
Great Course
Exciting Flight Score Format
Under The Lights
San Antonio Home School Spartans invite you to our 12 th Annual Flight Score
Cross Country Meet the original Flight Score meet in Texas. New this year -
Division A flight races under the lights. High school coaches reserve a slot by
sending school name, coach name, phone, and estimated divisions by e-mail to Details below. Further details and maps to follow on web.
Location: Lindbergh Park, Port San Antonio, TX. Excellent venue! Accurately measured 3200
meter grass course with international style obstacles. Split signs, well marked. Fan friendly.
Google maps location: 3339 General Hudnell Drive, SA, TX 78226
Flight Score: a unique variation of traditional cross country; a rarely used, but distinctive format
very appealing to coaches, runners, and fans. Single numbered runner from each team competes
head-to- head with the same numbered runners from the other teams, i.e., all of the number seven
runners from each team start at the same time in one flight, then all the number six runners
depart in a second flight a few minutes later, then the number fives, fours, threes, twos, and ones
Scoring: per finish in each flight, first in ones flight equals one point, etc. Exciting aspect is
race-by- race scoring updates during the action - shows ebb and flow, and what is needed to win!
Divisions: three high school divisions to optimally match runners abilities (all races 3200m).
We highly encourage you to place the majority of your runners in flight races, Divisions A and
B, and restrict individual entries in Division C, which is not flight format, no team scoring.
Requirement - place your runners according to their current ability per following guidelines:
Division A - varsity level; seven (7) flight races - seven runners per team, one runner races per
flight. Approx ability for 3200m: Girls < 11:00 to 14:30 // Boys < 9:00 to 12:15. You may
enter one or two A teams per gender per school (team 1, team 2). Minimum six runners/team*
Division B - junior varsity level; five (5) flight races - five runners per team, one runner races
per flight. Approx ability for 3200m: Girls 14:30 to 17:00 // Boys 12:15 to 14:45. You may
enter multiple B teams per gender per school (team 1, team 2, etc.). Min four runners/team*
*Best to enter full flight teams; teams with only six (A) or four (B) will score maximum points
in the flight without a runner, i.e., score will be one point greater than last finishing runner.
Division C - novice level; standard format (not flight races), individuals only, no team scoring,
please limit C entries. Approx ability for 3200m: Girls > 17:15 // Boys > 15:00
Fees: $60 per Div A team, $55 per Div B team, and $12 per individual (C only); max fee $330
per high school.
San Antonio Flight Score Cross Country Meet
31 August 2018
Great Course
Exciting Flight Score Format
Under The Lights
San Antonio Home School Spartans invite you to our 12 th Annual Flight Score
Cross Country Meet the original Flight Score meet in Texas. New this year -
Division A flight races under the lights. High school coaches reserve a slot by
sending school name, coach name, phone, and estimated divisions by e-mail to Details below. Further details and maps to follow on web.
Location: Lindbergh Park, Port San Antonio, TX. Excellent venue! Accurately measured 3200
meter grass course with international style obstacles. Split signs, well marked. Fan friendly.
Google maps location: 3339 General Hudnell Drive, SA, TX 78226
Flight Score: a unique variation of traditional cross country; a rarely used, but distinctive format
very appealing to coaches, runners, and fans. Single numbered runner from each team competes
head-to- head with the same numbered runners from the other teams, i.e., all of the number seven
runners from each team start at the same time in one flight, then all the number six runners
depart in a second flight a few minutes later, then the number fives, fours, threes, twos, and ones
Scoring: per finish in each flight, first in ones flight equals one point, etc. Exciting aspect is
race-by- race scoring updates during the action - shows ebb and flow, and what is needed to win!
Divisions: three high school divisions to optimally match runners abilities (all races 3200m).
We highly encourage you to place the majority of your runners in flight races, Divisions A and
B, and restrict individual entries in Division C, which is not flight format, no team scoring.
Requirement - place your runners according to their current ability per following guidelines:
Division A - varsity level; seven (7) flight races - seven runners per team, one runner races per
flight. Approx ability for 3200m: Girls < 11:00 to 14:30 // Boys < 9:00 to 12:15. You may
enter one or two A teams per gender per school (team 1, team 2). Minimum six runners/team*
Division B - junior varsity level; five (5) flight races - five runners per team, one runner races
per flight. Approx ability for 3200m: Girls 14:30 to 17:00 // Boys 12:15 to 14:45. You may
enter multiple B teams per gender per school (team 1, team 2, etc.). Min four runners/team*
*Best to enter full flight teams; teams with only six (A) or four (B) will score maximum points
in the flight without a runner, i.e., score will be one point greater than last finishing runner.
Division C - novice level; standard format (not flight races), individuals only, no team scoring,
please limit C entries. Approx ability for 3200m: Girls > 17:15 // Boys > 15:00
Fees: $60 per Div A team, $55 per Div B team, and $12 per individual (C only); max fee $330
per high school.