Meet Information
St. Thomas Episcopal Invitational
Saturday September 29, 2018
Willow Waterhole
5300 Dryad Dr, Houston, TX 77035
We will be using to sign up for the meet. You need to register your school and add athletes. Entries due: Sept. 24th
From the North /West: Take Sam Houston Toll Road South towards US ALT 90. Exit US ALT 90 East towards
Chimney Rock. Go North (Left) on Chimney Rock to Dryad which is south of Westbury High School.
From the South/ East: Take 610 West towards S. Main. Exit S. Main (US ALT 90 West) towards Chimney Rock.
Go North (Right) on Chimney Rock to Dryad which is south of Westbury High School.
Drop off at the corner of Dryad and Burdine. Only Buses will be allowed to park in Willow Waterhole.
Schedule: We will be using a rolling schedule, so start times will be tentative.
7:30 am check in / course preview
8:00am Varsity Girls: 2 miles
8:30am Varsity Boys: 5K
9:00am JV Girls: 2 miles
9:30am JV Boys: 5K
10:00 am Middle School Girls: Navy Division 2 miles
10:30 am Middle School Boys: Navy Division 2 miles
11:00 am Middle School Girls: Gold Division - 2 miles
11:30 pm Middle School Boys: Gold Division - 2 miles
Varsity: 10 individual medals; 2 team plaque
JV: 10 individual medals; 1 team plaque
Middle school: 15 individual medals; 1 team plaque (Navy); 10 individual medals; 1 team plague (Gold)
Up to 10 runners from each school may run in the varsity race. Unlimited entries in JV. All Middle School teams
must register in the Navy Division Up to 12 runners. If a team has more than 12 in Middle School, you must enter
an additional team or athletes in the Gold Division. If your school has less than 5 runners, you may pick the Navy
Division or the Gold Division. The Navy Division is the fast division; the Gold Division is the slow division.
All entries must be submitted on Entries are due by 5:00 pm Monday, September 24th.
Entry Fee
Varsity: $75/team or $15/individual (less than 5)
Junior Varsity: $75/team or $15/individual (less than 5)
Middle School Navy: $75/team or $15/individual (less than 5)
Middle School Gold: $75/team or $15/individual (less than 5)
Maximum of $325 per school
Teams with fewer than 5 total athletes in a division may pay $15.00 per athlete. Each team will be charged
according to the number of athletes that the school registers on September 24th. Maximum of $325 per school if
entered in multiple divisions. (HS and MS)
Please make all checks payable to St. Thomas Episcopal Cross Country c/o Bret Ramsey. All Fees are due at
the meet. St. Thomas Episcopal - 4900 Jackwood - Houston, TX 77096
Questions - Call Bret Ramsey (281) 725-0126 Email:
Saturday September 29, 2018
Willow Waterhole
5300 Dryad Dr, Houston, TX 77035
We will be using to sign up for the meet. You need to register your school and add athletes. Entries due: Sept. 24th
From the North /West: Take Sam Houston Toll Road South towards US ALT 90. Exit US ALT 90 East towards
Chimney Rock. Go North (Left) on Chimney Rock to Dryad which is south of Westbury High School.
From the South/ East: Take 610 West towards S. Main. Exit S. Main (US ALT 90 West) towards Chimney Rock.
Go North (Right) on Chimney Rock to Dryad which is south of Westbury High School.
Drop off at the corner of Dryad and Burdine. Only Buses will be allowed to park in Willow Waterhole.
Schedule: We will be using a rolling schedule, so start times will be tentative.
7:30 am check in / course preview
8:00am Varsity Girls: 2 miles
8:30am Varsity Boys: 5K
9:00am JV Girls: 2 miles
9:30am JV Boys: 5K
10:00 am Middle School Girls: Navy Division 2 miles
10:30 am Middle School Boys: Navy Division 2 miles
11:00 am Middle School Girls: Gold Division - 2 miles
11:30 pm Middle School Boys: Gold Division - 2 miles
Varsity: 10 individual medals; 2 team plaque
JV: 10 individual medals; 1 team plaque
Middle school: 15 individual medals; 1 team plaque (Navy); 10 individual medals; 1 team plague (Gold)
Up to 10 runners from each school may run in the varsity race. Unlimited entries in JV. All Middle School teams
must register in the Navy Division Up to 12 runners. If a team has more than 12 in Middle School, you must enter
an additional team or athletes in the Gold Division. If your school has less than 5 runners, you may pick the Navy
Division or the Gold Division. The Navy Division is the fast division; the Gold Division is the slow division.
All entries must be submitted on Entries are due by 5:00 pm Monday, September 24th.
Entry Fee
Varsity: $75/team or $15/individual (less than 5)
Junior Varsity: $75/team or $15/individual (less than 5)
Middle School Navy: $75/team or $15/individual (less than 5)
Middle School Gold: $75/team or $15/individual (less than 5)
Maximum of $325 per school
Teams with fewer than 5 total athletes in a division may pay $15.00 per athlete. Each team will be charged
according to the number of athletes that the school registers on September 24th. Maximum of $325 per school if
entered in multiple divisions. (HS and MS)
Please make all checks payable to St. Thomas Episcopal Cross Country c/o Bret Ramsey. All Fees are due at
the meet. St. Thomas Episcopal - 4900 Jackwood - Houston, TX 77096
Questions - Call Bret Ramsey (281) 725-0126 Email: