Meet Information
Teams: Arp, Gladewater, Harmony, Sabine, Troup, West Rusk, White Oak, Winona
High School and Middle School district Cross Country Championships will be held in Longview, at
LeTourneau University on Wednesday, Oct.
9, 2019. The rainout option will be
Thursday, Oct. 10.
Letourneau University 2100 S.
Mobberly Ave. Longview, Tx. 75602
The meet and first race will begin at 9:00 am. "Rolling Starts" will follow at the end of
each race. Below is the order and
earliest starting time for each race.
8:00 AM Pick
up packet
9:00 AM Varsity
Girls 2 Mile
9:30 AM Junior
Varsity Girls 2 Mile
10:00 AM Varsity
Boys 5K
10:30 AM JV
Boys 5K
11:00 AM Middle
School Girls 2 Mile
11:30 AM Middle
School Boys 2 Mile