College Park Invitational 2008

The Woodlands, TX

Boys JV

College Park High School                                   HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                   Puma College Park Invitational - 10/11/2008                   
                            College Park High School                             
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 5  Boys 5k Run CC J.V. Boys
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Vibrock, Eric                Conroe The Woodl      17:51.00    1             
  2 Golden, John                 Conroe The Woodl      17:56.00    2             
  3 Redondo, Eric                Humble Kingwood       18:04.00    3             
  4 Johnson, Zac                 Conroe The Woodl      18:06.00    4             
  5 Morales, Aaron               Klein Oak             18:08.00    5             
  6 Reyes, Isaac                 Conroe The Woodl      18:12.00    6             
  7 Reidy, David                 Humble Kingwood       18:17.00    7             
  8 Terry, Logan                 Humble Kingwood       18:21.00    8             
  9 Vann, Maurice                Klein Oak             18:23.00    9             
 10 Rose, Jordan                 Klein Oak             18:25.00   10             
 11 Schneider, Phil              Conroe The Woodl      18:25.30   11             
 12 McCurtain, Tyler             Humble Atascocita     18:29.00   12             
 13 Williams, Jason              Conroe The Woodl      18:32.00   13             
 14 Beck, Travis                 Humble Kingwood       18:33.00   14             
 15 Silha, Joe                   Humble Kingwood       18:35.00   15             
 16 Henry, Jonathan              The Woodlands Co      18:42.00   16             
 17 Wilson, Greg                 Conroe The Woodl      18:43.00   17             
 18 Piotter, Mark                Conroe The Woodl      18:46.00                  
 19 Johnson, Mathew              Klein                 18:47.00   18             
 20 Engel, Evan                  The Woodlands Co      18:48.00   19             
 21 Bowen, Doug                  Conroe The Woodl      18:48.60                  
 22 Masterson, Brian             Humble Kingwood       18:54.00   20             
 23 Dunn, Jordan                 Conroe The Woodl      18:58.00                  
 24 Maxwell, Nick                Conroe The Woodl      18:59.00                  
 25 Cramer, Jonathan             Klein Oak             19:00.00   21             
 26 McCarthy, Ryan               Humble Atascocita     19:03.00   22             
 27 Herrington, Josh             College Station       19:09.00   23             
 28 Walsh, Cody                  Willis                19:09.30   24             
 29 Martin, Miles                College Station       19:12.00   25             
 30 Champion, Cam                Klein Oak             19:16.00   26             
 31 Beyette, DJ                  Humble Atascocita     19:19.00   27             
 32 Cooper, John                 Conroe The Woodl      19:20.00                  
 33 Cuevas, Justin               Tomball               19:20.50                  
 34 Martin, John                 The Woodlands Co      19:21.00   28             
 35 Baca, Kyle                   The Woodlands Co      19:21.40   29             
 36 Ward, Thomas                 Humble Kingwood       19:23.00   30             
 37 Vannauker, Peter             Humble Kingwood       19:27.00                  
 38 Haney, Drake                 Klein Oak             19:28.00   31             
 39 Cummock, Alex                Humble Atascocita     19:30.00   32             
 40 Seulean, Jared               The Woodlands Co      19:31.00   33             
 41 Borgers, Brendon             Humble Atascocita     19:33.00   34             
 42 Arriaga, Aaron               Klein Oak             19:34.00   35             
 43 Richardson, Paul             The Woodlands Co      19:35.00   36             
 44 Marshburn, James             Tomball               19:40.00                  
 45 Wilson, Capers               Humble Kingwood       19:47.00                  
 46 Hays, Dylan                  Humble Kingwood       19:50.00                  
 47 Goldstein, Grant             Humble Kingwood       19:50.30                  
 48 Parva, Ben                   Humble Kingwood       19:52.00                  
 49 Jenkins, Brian               The Woodlands Co      19:54.00   37             
 50 Zgabay, Austin               The Woodlands Co      19:57.00                  
 51 Medrano, Alex                Humble Atascocita     19:59.00   38             
 52 Lynch, Noah                  College Station       20:00.00   39             
 53 Cranotis, Alex               Humble Kingwood       20:01.00                  
 54 Gladden, Zach                Conroe Oak Ridge      20:03.00   40             
 55 Kelly, Brian                 Humble Kingwood       20:04.00                  
 56 Amaral, Victor               The Woodlands Co      20:05.00                  
 57 Yount, Garrett               Willis                20:08.00   41             
 58 Boardman, Chris              College Station       20:13.00   42             
 59 Bellamy, Cameron             The Woodlands Co      20:14.00                  
 60 Grethen, Kevin               Friendswood           20:15.00   43             
 61 Miller, Brandon              College Station       20:19.00   44             
 62 Trobaugh, Garrett            Humble Atascocita     20:20.00   45             
 63 Lebsack, David               The Woodlands Co      20:20.60                  
 64 Zisman, Ryan                 Humble Atascocita     20:21.00                  
 65 Bordelon, Brian              Friendswood           20:24.00   46             
 66 Aaron, Willie                Conroe Oak Ridge      20:26.00   47             
 67 Matjowski, Chris             Humble Atascocita     20:29.00                  
 68 Torres, Tito                 Tomball               20:34.00                  
 69 Birt, Cameron                Klein                 20:35.00   48             
 70 Davis, Doug                  Humble Atascocita     20:37.00                  
 71 Sohn, Eugene                 College Station       20:41.00   49             
 72 Pedro, Vasquez               Conroe Oak Ridge      20:41.90   50             
 73 Glenn, Daivd                 Willis                20:42.00   51             
 74 Wright, Jonathan             Katy Taylor           20:42.90   52             
 75 Trimble, James               Klein                 20:43.00   53             
 76 Laporta, Jesse               Klein                 20:44.00   54             
 77 Sacco, Vincent               Klein                 20:45.00   55             
 78 Barrientos, Jonathan         Klein Collins         20:46.00   56             
 79 McHugh, Dentyn               Klein Oak             20:53.00                  
 80 Vohl, Andrew                 Jersey Village        20:56.00   57             
 81 Herwald, Brady               College Station       20:57.00   58             
 82 Kaderabek, Ryan              Klein Collins         20:59.00   59             
 83 Bryant, Troi                 Klein Collins         21:00.00   60             
 84 Ezzelle, Mason               Tomball               21:01.00                  
 85 Jenkins, Kyle                Willis                21:06.00   61             
 86 Cuneydi, Blake               Klein                 21:07.00   62             
 87 Thomas, Morris               Conroe Oak Ridge      21:10.00   63             
 88 Lutan, Stephen               Houston Cypress       21:11.00   64             
 89 Hatcher, Sean                Willis                21:12.00   65             
 90 Valenta, Brandon             Klein Collins         21:14.00   66             
 91 Carter, Dillon               Houston Cypress       21:15.00   67             
 92 Florez, Vincente             Houston Cypress       21:16.00   68             
 93 Vela, Brian                  Klein Oak             21:16.70                  
 94 Dylan, Parrish               Klein Collins         21:17.00   69             
 95 Jones, Brandt                The Woodlands Co      21:18.00                  
 96 Pearce, Cameron              Klein                 21:22.00   70             
 97 Huff, Colin                  Humble Atascocita     21:24.00                  
 98 McLaughlin, Sean             Katy Taylor           21:29.00   71             
 99 Tran, Daniel                 Klein                 21:31.00                  
100 Taylor, Davis                Houston Cypress       21:32.00   72             
101 Ryan, Kass                   Houston Cypress       21:34.00   73             
102 Dowdy, Thomas                Friendswood           21:35.00   74             
103 Jacob, Wolf                  Conroe Oak Ridge      21:36.00   75             
104 Dorsey, Adam                 College Station       21:37.00                  
105 Doan, Peter                  Klein                 21:43.00                  
106 Ash, Ryan                    Friendswood           21:44.00   76             
107 Slater, Benjamin             Klein                 21:47.00                  
108 Autry, Tim                   Humble Atascocita     21:49.00                  
109 Landon, Elliott              Friendswood           21:52.00   77             
110 Olivo, christopher           Houston Cypress       21:54.00                  
111 Anderson, Jordan             Houston Cypress       21:55.00   78             
112 Chris, Beita                 Houston Cypress       21:55.30   79             
113 Nguyen, Francis              Jersey Village        21:56.00   80             
114 Zackary, Aaron               Houston Cypress       22:02.00   81             
115 Hendershot, Gavin            Klein                 22:04.00                  
116 Novak, Colby                 Willis                22:05.00   82             
117 Forkner, Alex                Conroe Oak Ridge      22:14.00   83             
118 Miller, Max                  Willis                22:16.00   84             
119 Ensley, Xavier               The Woodlands Co      22:19.00                  
120 Lafferty, Adam               Houston Cypress       22:20.00   85             
121 Jackson, Trenton             Katy Taylor           22:23.00   86             
122 Lovas, Cameron               College Station       22:23.80                  
123 Singh, Mani                  College Station       22:24.00                  
124 Masters, Brad                Klein Collins         22:26.00   87             
125 Clardy, Benjamin             Klein                 22:27.00                  
126 Landry, Donnie               Humble Atascocita     22:28.00                  
127 Lopez, Daniel                Jersey Village        22:30.00   88             
128 Bryant, Trendell             Spring DeKaney        22:34.00                  
129 Thurman, Hayden              Friendswood           22:35.00   89             
130 Limon, Giovanny              Spring DeKaney        22:37.00                  
131 Gill, Manrajdeep             Jersey Village        22:42.00   90             
132 Thurman, Colin               Friendswood           22:44.00   91             
133 Hillier, Ty                  Friendswood           22:53.00                  
134 Thompson, Daniel             Jersey Village        23:01.00   92             
135 Brower, Chris                Willis                23:02.00                  
136 Sparks, Brenden              Willis                23:02.80                  
137 Pagano, Jaden                Katy Taylor           23:03.00   93             
138 Johnecheck, Ian              Katy Taylor           23:03.70   94             
139 Martin, Andrew               College Station       23:04.00                  
140 Stephen, Hall                Houston Cypress       23:05.00   95             
141 Hertel, Zachary              Jersey Village        23:07.00   96             
142 Coldwell, Robert             Houston Cypress       23:12.00                  
143 Ward, Corbin                 Klein Oak             23:18.00                  
144 West, Andrew                 Montgomery            23:27.00                  
145 Allan, Lawrence              Houston Cypress       23:29.00   97             
146 Seely, Adam                  Friendswood           23:40.00                  
147 Remschel, Hart               College Station       23:59.00                  
148 Martin, Jarrod               Klein Oak             24:15.00                  
149 Chaffin, William             Jersey Village        24:17.00   98             
150 Upchurch, Ryan               Klein                 24:25.00                  
151 Anderson, Zachary            Klein                 24:26.00                  
152 Vasquez, Christian           Friendswood           24:32.00                  
153 Jeff, Nelson                 Houston Cypress       24:33.00                  
154 White, MacKenzie             Houston Cypress       24:36.00                  
155 Vuitetonet, Steven           Houston Cypress       24:39.00                  
156 Avant, Danny                 Houston Cypress       24:40.00                  
157 Barria, Justin               Houston Cypress       24:45.00   99             
158 Wilson, Sam                  Katy Taylor           24:53.00  100             
159 Burton, Ross                 Klein Collins         24:53.50  101             
160 Husby, Alex                  Katy Taylor           24:54.00  102             
161 Jacandola, Jr.               College Station       25:16.00                  
162 Taylor, Damian               Spring DeKaney        25:22.00                  
163 Joyner, Justin               Willis                25:30.00                  
164 Brunson, Alex                Friendswood           28:14.00                  
165 Carmona, Edgar               Willis                28:52.00                  
166 Preston, Lane                Jersey Village        29:01.00                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Conroe The Woodlands         24    1    2    4    6   11   13   17          
      Total Time:  1:30:30.30                                                    
         Average:    18:06.06                                                    
   2 Humble Kingwood              47    3    7    8   14   15   20   30          
      Total Time:  1:31:50.00                                                    
         Average:    18:22.00                                                    
   3 Klein Oak                    71    5    9   10   21   26   31   35          
      Total Time:  1:33:12.00                                                    
         Average:    18:38.40                                                    
   4 The Woodlands College Par   125   16   19   28   29   33   36   37          
      Total Time:  1:35:43.40                                                    
         Average:    19:08.68                                                    
   5 Humble Atascocita           127   12   22   27   32   34   38   45          
      Total Time:  1:35:54.00                                                    
         Average:    19:10.80                                                    
   6 College Station A&M Cons    173   23   25   39   42   44   49   58          
      Total Time:  1:38:53.00                                                    
         Average:    19:46.60                                                    
   7 Klein                       228   18   48   53   54   55   62   70          
      Total Time:  1:41:34.00                                                    
         Average:    20:18.80                                                    
   8 Willis                      242   24   41   51   61   65   82   84          
      Total Time:  1:42:17.30                                                    
         Average:    20:27.46                                                    
   9 Conroe Oak Ridge            275   40   47   50   63   75   83               
      Total Time:  1:43:56.90                                                    
         Average:    20:47.38                                                    
  10 Klein Collins               310   56   59   60   66   69   87  101          
      Total Time:  1:45:16.00                                                    
         Average:    21:03.20                                                    
  11 Friendswood                 316   43   46   74   76   77   89   91          
      Total Time:  1:45:50.00                                                    
         Average:    21:10.00                                                    
  12 Houston Cypress Falls       379   64   67   68   81   99                    
      Total Time:  1:50:29.00                                                    
         Average:    22:05.80                                                    
  13 Houston Cypress Creek       387   72   73   78   79   85   95   97          
      Total Time:  1:49:16.30                                                    
         Average:    21:51.26                                                    
  14 Katy Taylor                 396   52   71   86   93   94  100  102          
      Total Time:  1:50:41.60                                                    
         Average:    22:08.32                                                    
  15 Jersey Village High Schoo   407   57   80   88   90   92   96   98          
      Total Time:  1:51:05.00                                                    
         Average:    22:13.00