Meet Information
During this crazy time, you may be thinking about your 2020 XC schedule, and I hope that you consider joining us in late August. I'm attaching information for College Station High School's Mud, Sweat, and Cheers XC Relay, which will be on Saturday, August 29, at the Top Tier Training Camp just outside of College Station, in Cooks Point. We are strategically located between Houston and Austin, and would be a great meeting point for schools from both areas to meet up for an early season test. The meet is a relay format (4 x 1.5mi), with each leg making one loop over log jumps, whoop-t-do's, and shallow mud pits. It's a fun way to begin the season! Make sure you watch the video below of 2014's event. It was especially muddy:)
If you are interested in bringing your team, please email me. I hope that you, your athletes, and your family are safe and well! We look forward to seeing you and your athletes in the Fall.
Divisions: Varsity Boys 8:30am
Varsity Girls 8:35am
JV Boys 9:30am
JV Girls 9:35am
Awards 10:30am
Awards: Trophies will be presented to each member of the championship and runner-up teams.
Entry Fee: $25 per relay team entered; $200 maximum fee for schools entered in more than
2 divisions. Payment can be mailed, or hand delivered on race day. Checks should be
payable to Top Tier Training. Top Tier Training
c/o Robert Ondrasek
3101 FM 1362 South
Caldwell, Tx 77836
Entries: A school may enter up to 3 teams in the varsity divisions and unlimited teams in the
JV divisions. Relay teams can run with less than 4 members, but they will not be
eligible for awards.
Josh Munson
PreAP Biology Teacher & Science Dept. Head
Head Girls XC Coach
College Station High School
Room 3106
If you are interested in bringing your team, please email me. I hope that you, your athletes, and your family are safe and well! We look forward to seeing you and your athletes in the Fall.
Divisions: Varsity Boys 8:30am
Varsity Girls 8:35am
JV Boys 9:30am
JV Girls 9:35am
Awards 10:30am
Awards: Trophies will be presented to each member of the championship and runner-up teams.
Entry Fee: $25 per relay team entered; $200 maximum fee for schools entered in more than
2 divisions. Payment can be mailed, or hand delivered on race day. Checks should be
payable to Top Tier Training. Top Tier Training
c/o Robert Ondrasek
3101 FM 1362 South
Caldwell, Tx 77836
Entries: A school may enter up to 3 teams in the varsity divisions and unlimited teams in the
JV divisions. Relay teams can run with less than 4 members, but they will not be
eligible for awards.
Josh Munson
PreAP Biology Teacher & Science Dept. Head
Head Girls XC Coach
College Station High School
Room 3106