Midway MS Invitational Meet CANCELLED 2020

Waco, TX
Hosted by Waco Midway

Meet Information


Wednesday, September 9

HOT Soccer Complex

6101 Airport Drive, Waco, 76708


6:00 pm: 7th grade girls

6:20: 7th grade boys

6:40: 8th grade girls

7:00: 8th grade boys

All races 1.7 miles (2700 meters)

7th graders may run in either race, but please no 8th graders in the 7th grade divisions.


Confirmation: Please email Ronald.boles@midwayisd.org if you are interested in competing.


ENTRIES: Unlimited entries in each race per school use tx.milesplit.com for entries. Entries due by Tuesday, September 8, 9:00 am.

AWARDS: Top 25 individuals in each race will receive a medal. NO TEAM AWARDS.

ENTRY FEES: $100 if you have 5 or more girls, $100 if you have 5 or more boys, no matter what division they run in.

Maximum for one school is $200.

$20 per individual if less than 5 runners of one gender.

Please make out checks to MIDWAY CROSS COUNTRY.

Bring your check to the meet, or mail to:

Midway High School

%Ronny Boles

8200 Mars Drive

Waco, TX 76710