Mesquite Poteet Run the Farm Invitational 2008

Mesquite, TX

Girls Varsity 4A-Under

	Event 2  Girls 2 mile Run 4A & Under Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Kitts, Carly              10 Midlothian             11:21.3    1
  2 Dillon, Chelsey              Mabank                 11:57.2
  3 Siebert, Megan            11 J J Pearce             12:07.0    2
  4 Hyde, Kara                10 Forney                 12:08.1    3
  5 Davis, Lanna              10 Pine Tree              12:12.8    4
  6 Corletto, Gabbie          12 Forney                 12:13.6    5
  7 Romero, Martha             9 Forney                 12:16.3    6
  8 Bovee, Vanessa            12 Rockwall Heath         12:17.1    7
  9 Blacklock, Tyler          12 Forney                 12:19.4    8
 10 Jones, Rachel             11 Episcopal Dallas       12:22.3    9
 11 Tonti, Christina           9 Episcopal Dallas       12:33.2   10
 12 Moeller, Andrea           11 Rockwall Heath         12:34.8   11
 13 Berry, Kinsey              9 Lovejoy                12:35.4   12
 14 Bush, Clara               11 Celina                 12:36.4   13
 15 Pittenger, Rhyland        12 Mesquite Poteet        12:36.7   14
 16 Boteler, Cheyenne         10 Midlothian             12:37.5   15
 17 Selvera, Tori              9 Ennis                  12:38.6   16
 18 Boudreau, Jessica         12 Forney                 12:40.0   17
 19 Hardenbrook, Kelli         9 Rockwall               12:44.9   18
 20 Coughlin, Aly             10 Rockwall Heath         12:48.0   19
 21 Valenzuela, Marissa        9 Rockwall               12:53.3   20
 22 Amendson, Samantha         9 Forney                 12:53.8   21
 23 Locklear, Jenna            9 Lovejoy                12:54.2   22
 24 Myers, Jackie             10 Rockwall Heath         12:54.9   23
 25 Hansell, Elise            10 Episcopal Dallas       12:55.4   24
 26 Martin, Mandy             10 Episcopal Dallas       12:56.0   25
 27 Lindwall, Grace           12 Pine Tree              12:56.3   26
 28 Ariyasinghe, Nethika      12 Midway                 12:57.3   27
 29 Davis, Meredith           12 Midlothian             13:00.9   28
 30 Howen, Kendall             9 J J Pearce             13:02.9   29
 31 Neeper, Dana              11 Midway                 13:05.3   30
 32 Riley, Maura              11 Episcopal Dallas       13:06.5   31
 33 Raburn, Chelsea            9 Ennis                  13:07.3   32
 34 Munoz, Cassie             12 Rockwall Heath         13:07.9   33
 35 Robey, Hannah              9 Pine Tree              13:08.9   34
 36 Tonti, Ashley             12 Episcopal Dallas       13:09.2   35
 37 Orsak, Callie             10 Celina                 13:11.0   36
 38 Beron, Celia               9 J J Pearce             13:14.3   37
 39 Hutchinson, Kayla         11 Pine Tree              13:15.2   38
 40 Lehew, Lizzie              9 Mesquite Poteet        13:16.1   39
 41 Lister, Kayla             10 Midlothian             13:16.5   40
 42 Vaughn, Molly             11 Mesquite Poteet        13:16.9   41
 43 Glendenning, Madison      12 Celina                 13:17.2   42
 44 Schwartz, Lindsey          9 Mesquite Poteet        13:17.6   43
 45 Worthey, Jocelyn           9 Celina                 13:18.2   44
 46 Salom, Nicole             10 Rockwall               13:19.3   45
 47 Hall, Whitney             11 Mesquite Poteet        13:20.1   46
 48 Taylor, Ayana              9 Sulphur Springs        13:21.7   47
 49 Turner, Tamira            11 Marshall               13:23.0   48
 50 Kruen, Hannah              9 Rockwall               13:23.4   49
 51 Rea, Kelsey               10 Lovejoy                13:25.0   50
 52 Keeler, Laura              9 Pine Tree              13:25.7   51

 53 Westdyke, Cindy            9 Celina                 13:26.9   52
 54 Massey, Megan             10 Sulphur Springs        13:27.8   53
 55 Ortega, Melaney           11 Forney                 13:28.3   54
 56 Brown, Laura               9 Forney                 13:30.5
 57 Kelbly, Erin              12 Midway                 13:31.3   55
 58 Pekarek, Marissa          10 Lovejoy                13:32.4   56
 59 Slovak, Ashley            11 Midlothian             13:32.9   57
 60 Montemayor, Alex          11 Ennis                  13:34.7   58
 61 Morales, Lenica           11 Rockwall Heath         13:35.2   59
 62 Valencia, Kynmbahl        11 McKinney North         13:37.7   60
 63 Clarissa, Espinoza         9 Midlothian             13:38.9   61
 64 Snider, Brooke             9 Midlothian             13:39.3   62
 65 Bickham, Blair             9 Celina                 13:40.6   63
 66 Hare, Melissa             11 Celina                 13:40.9   64
 67 Nagel, Emily               9 Midway                 13:41.4   65
 68 Lindwall, Hannah           9 Pine Tree              13:41.9   66
 69 Kirkland, Allison         12 J J Pearce             13:42.3   67
 70 Monroe, Alex               9 Lovejoy                13:43.3   68
 71 Henke, Aubrey             10 Lovejoy                13:44.2   69
 72 Dose, Michelle            12 Rockwall               13:45.6   70
 73 Vulpitta, Katy            10 Celina                 13:47.5
 74 Kramer, Allison           12 Episcopal Dallas       13:48.0   71
 75 Whelan, Maria             12 McKinney North         13:48.5   72
 76 Soldat, Randi             11 Rockwall               13:53.1   73
 77 Robinson, Amanda           9 McKinney North         13:53.8   74
 78 Gienger, Elizabeth        11 Lovejoy                13:54.2   75
 79 Schock, Victoria          10 Marshall               13:54.7   76
 80 Roundtree, Cheyenne        9 Lovejoy                13:54.9
 81 Green, Krissa              9 Marshall               13:55.0   77
 82 Zambrano, Alexsis          9 Ennis                  13:55.4   78
 83 Foster, Chelsey            9 Sulphur Springs        13:56.7   79
 84 Mitchell, Maddie           9 Lovejoy                13:57.0
 85 Hull, Jamie               10 West Mesquite          13:57.4   80
 86 Vega, Anna                 9 Ferris                 14:01.1
 87 Marshall, Taylor           9 McKinney North         14:03.8   81
 88 Loeb, Madison              9 McKinney North         14:05.5   82
 89 Holy, Megan                9 Ennis                  14:06.3   83
 90 Jones, Veronica           11 Mesquite Poteet        14:06.7   84
 91 Ritterbach, Michelle      10 Kemp                   14:07.9   85
 92 Morales, Calleigh         10 Ennis                  14:09.2   86
 93 Manning, Valerie             Mabank                 14:10.9
 94 Smith, Victoria           12 J J Pearce             14:11.4   87
 95 Arnold, Allison           11 J J Pearce             14:15.2   88
 96 Rowe, Heather             10 Rockwall               14:17.2   89
 97 Stein, Ellen              11 Rockwall               14:24.4
 98 Hawkins, Frankiesha       10 Sulphur Springs        14:24.9   90
 99 Owens, Samantha           10 Sulphur Springs        14:26.0   91
100 Caffey, Erica             10 Midway                 14:28.7   92
101 McCarty, Briana           11 Kemp                   14:30.4   93
102 Jimenez, Ariel             9 Mesquite Poteet        14:33.3   94
103 Cantu, Claudia             9 Celina                 14:33.6
104 Hightower, Anne           11 J J Pearce             14:34.5   95
105 Hensel, Alex              10 Midway                 14:37.9   96
106 Nunez, Cynthia            11 West Mesquite          14:39.4   97
107 Crowson, Kaci             11 Sulphur Springs        14:40.5   98

108 Gregory, Ashley            9 Sulphur Springs        14:48.7   99
109 Watson, Kelly             12 Pine Tree              15:03.5  100
110 Springer, Sara               Mabank                 15:12.7
111 Burkett, Alexia            9 Marshall               15:13.1  101
112 Welke, Stephanie          10 Kemp                   15:15.1  102
113 Sirmans, Heather           9 Marshall               15:22.5  103
114 Saldivar, Claudia         12 West Mesquite          15:29.7  104
115 Garcia, Claudia            9 Mesquite Poteet        15:34.2
116 Ibarra, Yoanna            11 West Mesquite          15:54.4  105
117 Sanchez, Marisol          12 West Mesquite          16:01.2  106
118 Rosa, Roxanne             11 Terrell                16:04.6
119 Cubine, Courtney           9 Kemp                   16:20.2  107
120 Romero, Juana             11 West Mesquite          16:24.8  108
121 Payne, Alason             10 Terrell                16:29.7
122 Riley, Louise             10 Terrell                16:44.2
123 Powell, Brianna            9 Kemp                   16:56.2  109
124 Ashley, Savanah            9 Marshall               17:04.8  110

                                   Team Scores
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Forney                       39    3    5    6    8   17   21   54
      Total Time:  1:01:37.40
         Average:    12:19.48
   2 Rockwall Heath               93    7   11   19   23   33   59
      Total Time:  1:03:42.70
         Average:    12:44.54
   3 The Episcopal School Of D    99    9   10   24   25   31   35   71
      Total Time:  1:03:53.40
         Average:    12:46.68
   4 Midlothian                  141    1   15   28   40   57   61   62
      Total Time:  1:03:49.10
         Average:    12:45.82
   5 Pine Tree                   153    4   26   34   38   51   66  100
      Total Time:  1:04:58.90
         Average:    12:59.78
   6 Mesquite Poteet             183   14   39   41   43   46   84   94
      Total Time:  1:05:47.40
         Average:    13:09.48
   7 Celina                      187   13   36   42   44   52   63   64
      Total Time:  1:05:49.70
         Average:    13:09.94
   8 Rockwall                    202   18   20   45   49   70   73   89
      Total Time:  1:06:06.50
         Average:    13:13.30
   9 Lovejoy                     208   12   22   50   56   68   69   75
      Total Time:  1:06:10.30
         Average:    13:14.06

  10 J J Pearce                  222    2   29   37   67   87   88   95
      Total Time:  1:06:17.90
         Average:    13:15.58
  11 Ennis                       267   16   32   58   78   83   86
      Total Time:  1:07:22.30
         Average:    13:28.46
  12 Midway                      269   27   30   55   65   92   96
      Total Time:  1:07:44.00
         Average:    13:32.80
  13 Sulphur Springs             360   47   53   79   90   91   98   99
      Total Time:  1:09:37.10
         Average:    13:55.42
  14 McKinney North              369   60   72   74   81   82
      Total Time:  1:09:29.30
         Average:    13:53.86
  15 Marshall                    405   48   76   77  101  103  110
      Total Time:  1:11:48.30
         Average:    14:21.66
  16 West Mesquite               492   80   97  104  105  106  108
      Total Time:  1:16:02.10
         Average:    15:12.42
  17 Kemp                        496   85   93  102  107  109
      Total Time:  1:17:09.80
         Average:    15:25.96