District 3 & 4 1A Area Meet 2021

Burkburnett, TX
Hosted by Happy
Timing/Results ENDURO Timing

Meet Information


Dear Coaches & Athletes,

On Tuesday, April 13th, Happy ISD will host the District 3 and 4, 2021 Area Meet in Vega, Texas. The facility has been graciously offered by Vega ISD with an alternate date of April 14. As such, we are asking each school administrator to inform its coaches, students and fans of our desire to maintain the facility. Two years ago our area was well represented in the UIL State Track and Field Championship, and we hope to see similar results this year. As always, our races will be fairly and consistently run with the aid of each district team. There will not be a hospitality room provided, However we are looking into a lunch for coaches, workers, and administrators. Each school will be responsible for supplying their own workers. Please make sure to read all of the enclosed information carefully, and please be mindful of our early entry deadlines on TxMilesplit by 10:00 pm, April 9, 2021. An assignment list is also listed with the entry information. We would appreciate any extra assistance if you would so desire. Although we will have a scratch meeting scheduled, the final deadline is the last opportunity to add your athlete. We will not accommodate ANY day of the meet entries, only switches. If you have any questions, please email Jimmy Moore jmoore@happyisd.net or Stacy Perryman sperryman@happyisd.net. We hope that you find our policies to be helpful to everyone and in the best interest of the athletes. We appreciate your support and look forward to welcoming you and your athletes to the 2021 District 3 and 4 Area Track Meet. Thank you.


Jimmy Moore