Flower Mound Invitational 2021

Flower Mound, TX
Hosted by Flower Mound


Boys 5,000 Meters Varsity
     Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
  1  Owen Cole                 10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        15:53.12
  2  Devon Judelson            11 Lewisville The Colony         15:55.63
  3  Aaron Ramirez             11 Lewisville Marcus             16:02.39
  4  Kolby Dax                 12 Lewisville Flower Mo..        16:07.64
  5  Riley Nedrow              11 Lewisville Flower Mo..        16:09.88
  6  Dylan Judelson            12 Lewisville The Colony         16:33.52
  7  Conrad Trezza             11 Lewisville Flower Mo..        16:42.42
  8  Luke Rakowitz             12 Cistercian Prep               16:53.11
  9  Carlos Tello              12 Northwest Nelson              16:54.11
 10  Adam Medina               10 Lewisville The Colony         16:59.52
 11  Brandon White             11 Lewisville The Colony         17:06.74
 12  Anthony Desimone          12 Northwest Nelson              17:09.16
 13  Robert Wohlitz            11 Lewisville Marcus             17:10.90
 14  Luis Tello                10 Northwest Nelson              17:13.60
 15  Tyler Schart              12 Lewisville Flower Mo..        17:14.80
 16  Ethan Howat               12 Northwest Nelson              17:35.03
 17  Brian Norton              11 Northwest Nelson              17:35.26
 18  Andre Lamarche            11 Dallas HSAA                   17:35.52
 19  Cameron Churchill-...     11 Coppell                       17:37.77
 20  Chase Morrison            12 Founders Classical A..        17:38.31
 21  Ethan Contreras           11 Lewisville Marcus             17:39.28
 22  Tyler Cross               11 Lewisville The Colony         17:39.85
 23  Adrian Morales            12 Lewisville The Colony         17:44.79
 24  Elijah Diaz                - Imagine International         17:51.69
 25  Blake Lyons                9 Lewisville Marcus             18:00.74
 26  Aadarsh Sankar            11 Coppell                       18:08.62
 27  Cooper Harris              9 Northwest Nelson              18:10.26
 28  Jase Wilson               10 Coppell                       18:12.64
 29  Nicholas Anderson         11 Lewisville Marcus             18:12.72
 30  Carlos Valdivia           11 Dallas HSAA                   18:18.60
 31  Stephen Lesage            11 Cistercian Prep               18:21.17
 32  Joshua Scaife             11 Dallas HSAA                   18:32.01
 33  Bunker Harris              - Coppell                       18:40.48
 34  Rohan Shanbhag            11 Coppell                       18:45.71
 35  Braden Lamb               10 Dallas HSAA                   18:47.61
 36  Caleb Griffin             11 Winston                       18:48.36
 37  Seth Dauber               12 Shelton                       18:51.89
 38  Jack Conger                9 Shelton                       18:53.17
 39  Lane Jacobs               12 Coppell                       18:54.81
 40  Andrew Murray              - Cistercian Prep               18:59.03
 41  Nicholas Kho              10 Coppell                       19:03.05
 42  Kai Robinson              12 Episcopal School Of ..        19:05.78
 43  Keegan Cobleigh            - Cistercian Prep               19:08.28
 44  Ethan Rechtiene           12 Dallas Christian              19:10.07
 45  Charles Reeg              11 Shelton                       19:11.10
 46  Mariano Baca               - Coppell                       19:11.37
 47  Noah Vetter               12 Cistercian Prep               19:12.41
 48  Marc Maalouf               - Cistercian Prep               19:16.13
 49  Rohan Schlehuber          11 Episcopal School Of ..        19:26.03
 50  Johnathan Dys             10 Dallas HSAA                   19:26.35
 51  Connor Whitacre           11 Dallas Christian              19:36.64
 52  Christian Gutierrez        9 Winston                       19:37.26
 53  Jerry (Phuc) Nguyen       12 Carrollton Smith              19:39.89
 54  Anuraag Ayancha           12 Coppell                       19:44.79
 55  Drew Stuckey              12 Shelton                       19:45.41
 56  Grant Young               11 Shelton                       19:49.51
 57  Quinn Muccio              12 Shelton                       19:51.81
 58  Declan Graham              9 Episcopal School Of ..        19:52.09
 59  Jesse Mathews             12 Dallas HSAA                   19:52.73
 60  Austin Taylor             10 Dallas HSAA                   19:54.01
 61  David Fernandes            - Cistercian Prep               19:56.78
 62  Miles Wooldridge          10 Episcopal School Of ..        19:59.49
 63  Cooper Nowell             11 Dallas HSAA                   20:01.45
 64  Carter Hoelzle            12 Dallas Christian              20:15.99
 65  Bryan Valdez              10 Winston                       20:35.84
 66  Keenan Amerson            10 Dallas HSAA                   20:40.65
 67  Sebastian Lee              - Cistercian Prep               20:56.88
 68  Sinai Nguyen              12 Lewisville The Colony         21:03.48
 69  Lucas Viscano             11 Imagine International         21:04.74
 70  Julian Banales             8 Imagine International         21:06.96
 71  Logan Kalustian           10 Lewisville The Colony         21:07.18
 72  Ajitesh Valluru           12 Uplift North Hills P..        21:12.53
 73  Santiago Trujillo          8 Imagine International         21:13.26
 74  Justin Adams               9 Winston                       21:20.90
 75  Chase Navarro              9 Uplift North Hills P..        21:30.09
 76  Kaustub Satluri           11 Uplift North Hills P..        21:36.88
 77  Jackson Stewart-St...      9 Shelton                       21:58.15
 78  Ayaan Chaudhry            11 Uplift North Hills P..        22:14.93
 79  Eric Anaya                 8 Imagine International         22:30.30
 80  Mandip Chhetri            11 Uplift North Hills P..        22:36.37
 81  Payton Dencklau           10 Dallas Christian              22:36.74
 82  Jonathan Walter           10 Shelton                       23:03.22
 83  Adam Alami                11 Uplift North Hills P..        24:37.12
 84  Gray Goldman              10 Shelton                       24:40.52
 85  Saketh Kalvakuntla        12 Coppell                       25:00.08
 86  James Butler              11 Uplift North Hills P..        25:05.86
 87  Ryan Cuzalina             10 Shelton                       25:13.38
 88  Ascher Bouskila           11 Imagine International         26:56.32

5,000 Meters Varsity Team Scores
   Pl  Team                         Points
    1  Lewisville Flower Mound          32
    2  Lewisville The Colony            50
    3  Northwest Nelson                 68
    4  Lewisville Marcus                88
    5  Coppell                         136
    6  Dallas HSAA                     156
    7  Cistercian Prep                 158
    8  Shelton                         203
    9  Imagine International           243
   10  Uplift North Hills Prep         287

Boys 5,000 Meters Junior Varsity
     Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
  1  Cameron Jones              9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        17:31.11
  2  Ryan Kerr                  9 Grapevine                     17:31.77
  3  Nicolas Wiederkehr         9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        17:39.25
  4  Alex Smith                10 Northwest Nelson              17:49.68
  5  Drew Finnigan             10 Grapevine                     17:59.71
  6  Charles Smith              9 Grapevine                     18:07.62
  7  Jaden Feinberg            11 Lewisville Flower Mo..        18:09.32
  8  Parker Minter             11 Allen                         18:11.02
  9  Jonah Parker              10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        18:15.36
 10  Austin Lyda                9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        18:17.76
 11  Cole Comer                11 Grapevine                     18:22.41
 12  Ian Hunter                10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        18:26.92
 13  Daniel Risberg            12 Lewisville Flower Mo..        18:29.52
 14  Evan Gonzalez             11 Grapevine                     18:30.26
 15  Austin Wancio             10 Allen                         18:35.75
 16  Brice Saunders            10 Grapevine                     18:36.63
 17  Gavin Blad                 9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        18:40.82
 18  Truman Suh                 9 Grapevine                     18:43.39
 19  Ryan Pope                 12 Grapevine                     18:44.41
 20  Ethan Echeverria          12 Lewisville Flower Mo..        18:44.78
 21  Jack Markle                9 Grapevine                     18:46.25
 22  Andres Lucero              9 Grapevine                     18:49.97
 23  Jack Contreras            11 Lewisville Marcus             18:51.09
 24  Robert Hoff               12 Lewisville Flower Mo..        18:54.41
 25  Griffin Killeen            9 Grapevine                     19:10.30
 26  Kyle Mobley               10 Coppell                       19:11.77
 27  Jaydon Jones              10 Northwest Nelson              19:17.53
 28  Preston Stanley           12 Grapevine                     19:18.24
 29  Grant O'Neal               9 Coppell                       19:22.63
 30  Connor O'Hanlon           12 Grapevine                     19:24.91
 31  Dylan Pichon              10 Grapevine                     19:25.31
 32  Matthew Kremer             9 Grapevine                     19:25.89
 33  Dillon Khera               9 Coppell                       19:28.37
 34  Jacob Clark               11 Lewisville Marcus             19:32.34
 35  Anthony George            11 Lewisville Marcus             19:32.47
 36  Dylan Houck               12 Lewisville Flower Mo..        19:35.27
 37  Harrison Gallo            12 Allen                         19:36.64
 38  Charlie Hall              12 Grapevine                     19:40.12
 39  Jack Brunette             11 Lewisville Marcus             19:41.75
 40  Brady Hall                10 Grapevine                     19:42.32
 41  Mason Yates               10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        19:42.32
 42  Lennon Dawson              - Allen                         19:46.40
 43  Garrett Buckles           11 Lewisville Marcus             19:50.23
 44  Samuel Bulmer             10 Lewisville Marcus             19:55.33
 45  Ryan Schroeder            12 Greenhill                     20:01.45
 46  Alex Morales              12 Grapevine                     20:02.01
 47  Alan Baez                 12 Grapevine                     20:06.53
 48  Aaron Buemi                9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        20:09.36
 49  Gavin Deaton              11 Northwest Nelson              20:10.31
 50  Max Blumenthal            11 Greenhill                     20:12.76
 51  Seth Buraglio             10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        20:12.98
 52  Nathan Ashworth           12 Grapevine                     20:14.20
 53  Gabriel Martinez          12 Lewisville Marcus             20:18.05
 54  Benedict Simeon           11 Founders Classical A..        20:19.23
 55  Jonathan Zabolio           - Cistercian Prep               20:22.51
 56  Chase Vogler               - Allen                         20:25.37
 57  Jorge Garcia               9 Grapevine                     20:25.50
 58  Collin Baker               9 Dallas HSAA                   20:25.64
 59  Luke Monson                9 Grapevine                     20:28.72
 60  Kushal Kantharaja         10 Coppell                       20:29.94
 61  Peter Ellis               12 Cistercian Prep               20:32.68
 62  Ryan Goldstein            11 Greenhill                     20:34.91
 63  Azal Amer                 11 Greenhill                     20:37.15
 64  Luke Rain                 12 Cistercian Prep               20:38.93
 65  Joshua Pittner             9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        20:40.44
 66  Jadyn Wyatt                - Founders Classical A..        20:46.08
 67  Kairo Karp                12 Allen                         20:47.12
 68  Jackson Scott              9 Grapevine                     20:48.66
 69  Zachary Maier             11 Lewisville Flower Mo..        20:50.85
 70  Iyad Mohammed              - Greenhill                     20:52.23
 71  Broc Hall                 12 Allen                         20:54.46
 72  Wyatt Belanger             9 Grapevine                     20:55.77
 73  Cody Vineyard              9 Lewisville Marcus             20:56.75
 74  Aditya Pulipaka           10 Greenhill                     21:00.83
 75  Masen Vandivort           11 Grapevine                     21:02.43
 76  Rahim Hamid               10 Coppell                       21:02.75
 77  Brendan Wilson            12 Grapevine                     21:09.03
 78  Kaleb Mims                 9 Dallas HSAA                   21:09.11
 79  Alex Bautista             11 Greenhill                     21:09.25
 80  Ian Matthews              10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        21:10.44
 81  Rajan Gaitonde            10 Greenhill                     21:15.72
 82  Tanner Boyle               9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        21:17.18
 83  Aleksander Caros           - Founders Classical A..        21:18.12
 84  Karter Bassett            10 Lewisville Marcus             21:19.21
 85  Benjamin Bitzer           12 Lewisville Flower Mo..        21:20.89
 86  Ezra Ramirez               9 Allen                         21:21.56
 87  Juan Diaz                 11 Cistercian Prep               21:24.38
 88  Oliver Baker              10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        21:24.96
 89  Leonardo Redding          10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        21:26.65
 90  Isaiah Zavala              9 Founders Classical A..        21:29.13
 91  Gavin Godinez             10 Northwest Nelson              21:34.75
 92  John Iachetta              9 Dallas HSAA                   21:35.80
 93  Xander Lybbert            10 Founders Classical A..        21:36.70
 94  Corbin Chen                9 Coppell                       21:37.27
 95  Grant Rogers              11 Dallas HSAA                   21:40.14
 96  Timo Kamgang               9 Greenhill                     21:42.71
 97  Logan Drake                9 Lewisville Marcus             21:43.88
 98  Mateo Cartin              10 Founders Classical A..        21:45.06
 99  Benjamin Limsenben        12 Cistercian Prep               21:45.21
100  Daniel Sheley             11 Founders Classical A..        21:46.58
101  Saku Keranen              10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        21:52.55
102  Jaxon Wright              10 Northwest Nelson              21:53.83
103  Ethan Siders              10 Northwest Nelson              22:01.36
104  Kuran Patel               12 Greenhill                     22:06.84
105  Kaden Cornelison          10 Dallas HSAA                   22:08.33
106  Tristan Yuen               - Cistercian Prep               22:12.90
107  Terry Fang                10 Allen                         22:18.70
108  Bryan Bullis               9 Dallas HSAA                   22:21.58
109  Ishaan Kandoth             9 Greenhill                     22:23.05
110  Will Roppolo               - Cistercian Prep               22:27.04
111  Will Bigelow               9 Founders Classical A..        22:27.42
112  Maxwell Vo                11 Founders Classical A..        22:29.83
113  Alexander Pepi             9 Lewisville Marcus             22:31.25
114  Samuel Mckneely           10 Allen                         22:33.45
115  Ethan High                 9 Lewisville Marcus             22:35.71
116  Brandon Gage              12 Northwest Nelson              22:38.28
117  Gage Gambaro              10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        22:40.32
118  Madison Cifra-Rose        12 Lewisville Marcus             22:41.89
119  Emilio Rangel              - Allen                         22:46.78
120  Jack Cleavenger            9 Dallas HSAA                   22:48.99
121  Sam Williams              12 Lewisville Flower Mo..        22:51.40
122  Seth Lee                  10 Greenhill                     22:56.29
123  Harris Xie                 9 Greenhill                     22:57.88
124  Logan Bullis               9 Dallas HSAA                   22:59.37
125  Roland McNally            10 Founders Classical A..        23:01.36
126  Romney Lamarche            9 Dallas HSAA                   23:10.19
127  Alvin Williams            10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        23:17.18
128  Caedmon Huebner            9 Dallas HSAA                   23:19.14
129  Victor Anguiano            9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        23:35.56
130  Kaiden Kloser              9 Founders Classical A..        23:44.05
131  Gavin Woodward             - Founders Classical A..        23:48.15
132  Collin Dodge              10 Dallas HSAA                   23:55.59
133  Kevin Melendez            10 Grapevine                     24:04.48
134  Easton Rae                 9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        24:08.33
135  Eric Frayde-Guzman        12 Carrollton Smith              24:09.17
136  Krish Sirpal              10 Coppell                       24:19.29
137  Jonathan Galvan           10 Grapevine                     24:25.38
138  William Maher              9 Greenhill                     24:32.80
139  Jacob van Boerum           - Allen                         24:38.37
140  Syed Karim                12 Northwest Nelson              24:50.70
141  Elijah Mitchell            9 Uplift Hampton Prep           24:52.79
142  Arav Nanda                 - Lewisville Marcus             24:58.18
143  Vishnu Jayaraman           9 Coppell                       25:20.78
144  Dilen Patel               11 Greenhill                     25:20.86
145  Caden Woodward            12 Founders Classical A..        25:21.61
146  Samuel Sunna              11 Dallas HSAA                   25:22.71
147  Quinn Rorem               10 Dallas HSAA                   25:24.58
148  Carson Carey              12 Allen                         25:30.15
149  Samuel Serrata             9 Grapevine                     25:33.40
150  Liam Wilson                - Episcopal School Of ..        25:34.92
151  Will Adams                10 Northwest Nelson              26:23.16
152  Graham Steer               9 Founders Classical A..        26:28.78
153  Ben Reasor                12 Lewisville Marcus             26:45.40
154  Will Reynolds              9 Founders Classical A..        26:50.96
155  Taylor Rae                 9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        26:58.23
156  Ethan Matz                10 Imagine International         27:16.32
157  Eduardo Carbonel           - Episcopal School Of ..        27:21.98
158  Jack Cronin                9 Episcopal School Of ..        27:48.11
159  Tyler Breslin              9 Imagine International         27:48.21
160  Ben Moorman                9 Episcopal School Of ..        27:50.18
161  Leo Ontiveros             12 Cistercian Prep               28:18.31
162  Reid Moorman              12 Episcopal School Of ..        29:06.87
163  Newton Witter              9 Lewisville Marcus             29:53.42

5,000 Meters Junior Varsity Team Scores
   Pl  Team                         Points
    1  Lewisville Flower Mound          30
    2  Grapevine                        38
    3  Allen                           111
    4  Lewisville Marcus               119
    5  Coppell                         148
    6  Northwest Nelson                171
    7  Greenhill                       188
    8  Cistercian Prep                 228
    9  Dallas HSAA                     263
   10  Founders Classical Academ       274
   11  Founders Classical Academ       293
   12  Episcopal School Of Dalla       398

Boys 2 Mile Middle School
     Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
  1  Beck Fournet               8 Dallas HSAA                   11:09.51
  2  Brady Amerson              8 Dallas HSAA                   11:30.20
  3  Carlos Rodriguez           8 La Academia de Estre..        12:06.39
  4  Hayden Lake                7 Cistercian Prep               12:20.50
  5  William Baysah             8 International Leader..        12:32.10
  6  Samuel Nowell              - Dallas HSAA                   12:32.41
  7  Grant Bushboom             7 Dallas HSAA                   12:33.08
  8  Damien Hicks               7 Founders Classical (..        12:34.02
  9  Trotter Smith              - Founders Classical (..        12:38.44
 10  Landyn Cassels             8 Prestonwood Christia..        12:42.25
 11  Max Romney                 7 Founders Classical (..        12:49.28
 12  Fredy Davila               6 La Academia de Estre..        12:53.70
 13  Tucker Weeger              8 Shelton                       12:55.32
 14  Jaxen Seedorf              8 Founders Classical (..        12:58.58
 15  Will Oliver                7 Cistercian Prep               13:10.48
 16  Brayden Nowell             8 Dallas HSAA                   13:10.70
 17  Andrew Metrailer           8 Shelton                       13:14.54
 18  Shawn Jackson              6 International Leader..        13:16.23
 19  Daniel Martinez            8 La Academia de Estre..        13:23.28
 20  Albert Van der wal       11- North Texas Flyers            13:24.80
 21  Sivan Manikandan           7 Founders Classical (..        13:27.05
 22  Timothy Mie                8 Prestonwood Christia..        13:27.76
 23  Dakota Raymond             8 Founders Classical (..        13:40.61
 24  Jack Landis                8 Cistercian Prep               13:42.16
 25  Marco Teran-de la ...      8 International Leader..        13:45.05
 26  Alex Malakoff              8 Shelton                       13:46.72
 27  Jordan Hernandez           5 La Academia de Estre..        13:48.77
 28  Christian Oh               8 Cistercian Prep               13:55.46
 29  Doozer Hayman              8 Dallas HSAA                   13:58.42
 30  David Hernandez            8 La Academia de Estre..        14:03.14
 31  Alberto Macher             7 Cistercian Prep               14:06.04
 32  Vivek Subramanian        9-1 North Texas Flyers            14:22.43
 33  Mateo Maalouf              7 Cistercian Prep               14:22.92
 34  Xavier Kunovich            8 Shelton                       14:24.35
 35  Chase Apgar                8 Cistercian Prep               14:25.71
 36  Elier Cisneros             8 Nichols                       14:31.76
 37  Christian Berbarie         7 Cistercian Prep               14:33.80
 38  Peter Gum                  8 Shelton                       14:35.79
 39  Gabe Blouse                8 Founders Classical (..        14:39.18
 40  Liam Devlin                7 Cistercian Prep               14:44.29
 41  Tai Sablar                 7 Founders Classical (..        14:45.32
 42  Joshua Easton            11- North Texas Flyers            15:03.71
 43  Grayson Gosnell            8 Founders Classical (..        15:07.18
 44  Hudson Ramsey              8 Shelton                       15:08.66
 45  Michael Saltarelli         7 Prestonwood Christia..        15:10.01
 46  Lukas Stumm                7 Founders Classical (..        15:12.52
 47  Gunnar Webb                8 Dallas Christian              15:22.33
 48  Jaime Mendez               8 La Academia de Estre..        15:23.66
 49  Tobin Woodward             7 Founders Classical (..        15:25.18
 50  Tristan Gruchet            8 Cistercian Prep               15:26.52
 51  Caylen Joseph-Turner       8 International Leader..        15:26.56
 52  Joseph Lockhart            7 International Leader..        15:26.87
 53  David Baeta                7 International Leader..        15:35.49
 54  Graham Hellberg            7 Prestonwood Christia..        15:39.08
 55  Jules Tyler                8 Cistercian Prep               15:40.59
 56  Chase Dencklau             8 Dallas Christian              15:41.65
 57  Olufemi Adebiyi            8 Imagine International         15:48.51
 58  Gabriel Berbarie           8 Cistercian Prep               15:49.07
 59  Dhakir Ali Tahir           8 Imagine International         15:54.88
 60  Rishi Gopal                7 Cistercian Prep               15:54.93
 61  Gavin Jackson              7 Prestonwood Christia..        15:58.25
 62  Luciano Viscano            7 Imagine International         16:01.47
 63  Benny West                 7 Cistercian Prep               16:04.86
 64  Andrew Polanco             - Founders Classical (..        16:05.85
 65  Christopher Fu             8 Prestonwood Christia..        16:06.50
 66  Abhinav Manthena           8 Imagine International         16:12.85
 67  John Robison               8 Prestonwood Christia..        16:12.94
 68  Jonah Shreffler          11- North Texas Flyers            16:21.68
 69  Brooks Harsila             8 Prestonwood Christia..        16:41.02
 70  Graham Preissler           8 Cistercian Prep               16:49.07
 71  Miguel Miranda             8 Nichols                       16:54.09
 72  J'Von Hodge                7 Nichols                       16:54.11
 73  Azi Mcconnell              - North Texas Flyers            17:06.77
 74  Seamus Slaughter           7 Cistercian Prep               17:06.96
 75  Shardul Devappa            8 Imagine International         17:07.65
 76  Ethan Edwards              8 Prestonwood Christia..        17:10.09
 77  Khalun Griffin             7 International Leader..        17:15.22
 78  Connor Bearden             - Founders Classical (..        17:16.14
 79  Xavier Vo                  8 Founders Classical (..        17:16.35
 80  Tres Adcock                7 Dallas Christian              17:16.67
 81  Romeo Teran                7 International Leader..        17:26.27
 82  Henry Hartnett             7 Cistercian Prep               17:26.79
 83  Coleson Harshman           6 Founders Classical (..        17:34.80
 84  Cameron Contreras          7 Shelton                       17:46.76
 85  Vishnu Yogesh              6 Imagine International         17:49.42
 86  Carter Ivory               7 Cistercian Prep               17:58.28
 87  Jack Malionowski           7 Prestonwood Christia..        18:13.12
 88  Johnny Quinn               7 Prestonwood Christia..        18:14.48
 89  Jack Glass                 8 Shelton                       18:22.01
 90  Daniel Bautista            8 La Academia de Estre..        18:30.46
 91  Andrew Wagner              7 Prestonwood Christia..        18:31.56
 92  Zachary Sisson             7 Cistercian Prep               18:49.09
 93  Anthony Requena            8 La Academia de Estre..        18:57.90
 94  Patrick Godsey             7 International Leader..        19:16.97
 95  Joshua Hascoe              8 Prestonwood Christia..        19:28.40
 96  Luke Alberto               6 Faith Family Academy..        19:28.54
 97  Mikhail Skariah            7 Prestonwood Christia..        19:59.90
 98  Idan Partida               6 Faith Family Academy..        20:47.79
 99  Uriel Rico                 8 Nichols                       21:02.14
100  Alejandro Mesa-Vec...      6 International Leader..        21:17.54
101  Ethan Wissinger            6 Imagine International         21:47.20
102  Jayden Fernander           7 Imagine International         21:59.73
103  Miles Schendle             7 Shelton                       22:07.45
104  Izaiah Sias                6 La Academia de Estre..        22:30.43
105  Yobanni Reyes              6 Faith Family Academy..        22:49.34
106  River Glass                8 Shelton                       24:16.13
107  Andrew Lu                  7 Cistercian Prep               24:20.68
108  Sheev Desai                8 Cistercian Prep               24:23.08
109  Caden Farrell              7 Imagine International         24:30.53
110  Kevin Ibarra               6 Faith Family Academy..        24:34.33
111  Jayden Singh               7 Imagine International         26:17.41
112  Ace Walling                6 Dallas Christian              27:54.86

2 Mile Middle School Team Scores
   Pl  Team                         Points
    1  Dallas HSAA                      32
    2  La Academia de Estrellas         91
    3  Founders Classical (Flowe       100
    4  Cistercian Prep                 102
    5  Shelton                         126
    6  International Leadership        141
    7  Founders Classical (Lewis       162
    8  Prestonwood Christian Aca       175
    9  North Texas Flyers              208
   10  Imagine International           270

Girls 5,000 Meters Varsity
     Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
  1  Margaret Thompson         10 Hockaday                      18:17.46
  2  Victoria Schmidt          12 Episcopal School Of ..        18:22.98
  3  Sydney Knodel             12 Episcopal School Of ..        18:54.66
  4  Austin Owen               12 Lewisville Marcus             19:01.00
  5  Katie Gilberti            11 Lewisville Marcus             19:25.10
  6  Morgan Lamberson          12 Dallas HSAA                   19:30.69
  7  Eva Hirniak               10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        19:31.31
  8  Abbey Coberly             11 Lewisville Flower Mo..        19:34.48
  9  Gracie Little             10 Hockaday                      19:34.57
 10  Kamara Bradley            12 Northwest Nelson              19:37.63
 11  Ava Cole                   9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        19:38.69
 12  Natalie Spangher          10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        19:40.04
 13  Gabrielle Gilberti        11 Lewisville Marcus             19:42.21
 14  Aditi Silwal              11 Northwest Nelson              19:49.10
 15  Abigail Evans             12 Lewisville Marcus             19:53.60
 16  Hayden Raburn             12 Lewisville Marcus             19:54.23
 17  MJ Novelli                 9 Northwest Nelson              19:54.79
 18  Raquel Susko              11 Lewisville Marcus             19:57.69
 19  Audrey Elggren            10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        20:06.76
 20  Madalena Ritz-Meuret       9 Hockaday                      20:12.49
 21  Gianna Allen              11 Dallas HSAA                   20:14.73
 22  Carolina Banda            12 Lewisville The Colony         20:15.94
 23  Jasmeet Braich            10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        20:48.39
 24  Marlo Slater              10 Lewisville The Colony         20:57.39
 25  Ariana Deboer             11 Lewisville Flower Mo..        21:04.99
 26  Reyna Heisserer            - Northwest Nelson              21:06.23
 27  Susie Barroeta            12 Northwest Nelson              21:12.02
 28  Maya Poulter              10 Dallas HSAA                   21:18.43
 29  Jimya Wisner              10 Carrollton Smith              21:19.54
 30  Ella Bengtsson            10 Northwest Nelson              21:21.54
 31  Emily Broach              12 Lewisville The Colony         21:22.20
 32  Lola Isom                 11 Hockaday                      21:26.79
 33  Sydney Mayes              10 Lewisville Marcus             21:29.13
 34  Caroline Petrikas         11 Hockaday                      21:29.53
 35  Hannah Christiansen       10 Dallas HSAA                   21:36.05
 36  Ashlynn Barrett           12 Lewisville The Colony         21:37.26
 37  Wendy Lemus               11 Lewisville The Colony         21:47.54
 38  Lauren Bauroth             9 Dallas HSAA                   21:57.19
 39  Azalia Johnson            10 Uplift Hampton Prep           22:15.00
 40  Sarah Blount              12 Northwest Nelson              22:16.12
 41  CiCi Sprouse              12 Hockaday                      22:16.48
 42  Brie Johnson              11 Hockaday                      22:17.77
 43  Rylie Noel                11 Northwest Nelson              22:23.45
 44  Ava Russo                  - Northwest Nelson              22:35.80
 45  Lena Slater               10 Lewisville The Colony         22:39.51
 46  Abigail Rodgers           12 Dallas HSAA                   23:04.87
 47  Tyne Hayman               12 Dallas HSAA                   23:55.81
 48  Florence Wreh             12 Carrollton Smith              24:43.12
 49  Megan Wilson              10 Lewisville The Colony         24:48.20
 50  Citlali Ramirez            - Carrollton Smith              24:51.41
 51  Ella Trevino               9 Shelton                       24:55.11
 52  Sydney Carter             11 Shelton                       24:59.45
 53  Alexandra Mendoza         12 Lewisville The Colony         26:05.64
 54  Katie Guerra               9 Shelton                       26:11.72
 55  Alisha Ladhani             - Carrollton Smith              26:31.30
 56  Carlie Kantor             11 Carrollton Smith              27:00.89
 57  Srijita Kommaraju         10 Uplift North Hills P..        27:29.77
 58  Alexis Gomez               9 Lewisville The Colony         28:02.83
 59  Karuna Boparai            10 Uplift North Hills P..        28:42.88
 60  Anjana Chepur              9 Uplift North Hills P..        32:03.60
 61  Chloe Lim                 10 Uplift North Hills P..        32:33.58
 62  Tulasi Komanduri          10 Uplift North Hills P..        32:52.65

5,000 Meters Varsity Team Scores
   Pl  Team                         Points
    1  Lewisville Marcus                43
    2  Lewisville Flower Mound          47
    3  Northwest Nelson                 84
    4  Hockaday                         88
    5  Dallas HSAA                     118
    6  Lewisville The Colony           140
    7  Carrollton Smith                208
    8  Uplift North Hills Prep         250

Girls 5,000 Meters Junior Varsity
     Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
  1  Elizabeth Henry           10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        20:32.65
  2  Avery Anderson             9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        20:39.57
  3  Lilly Miller               9 Founders Classical A..        20:45.07
  4  Katelynn Johnson          11 Lewisville Marcus             21:02.98
  5  Olivia St. John           10 Grapevine                     21:14.80
  6  Blaikley Himes             - Grapevine                     21:20.18
  7  Avyree Sakovich           11 Lewisville Flower Mo..        21:20.71
  8  Ava Jones                 10 Northwest Nelson              21:30.16
  9  Lynn Hendrickson          11 Lewisville Flower Mo..        21:33.77
 10  Claire Bettencourt         9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        21:47.09
 11  Kailyn Clark              10 Lewisville Marcus             21:49.27
 12  Betty Jirova               - Northwest Nelson              21:54.05
 13  Rachel Arrington           9 Coppell                       21:54.13
 14  Sophia Donohue             9 Lewisville Marcus             21:58.99
 15  Katy Irick                12 Grapevine                     22:01.99
 16  Kaylee Wilson             11 Greenhill                     22:06.34
 17  Elizabeth Gazzam          11 Grapevine                     22:10.23
 18  Quinlan Voss               9 Grapevine                     22:13.74
 19  Kaylee Gray                9 Lewisville Marcus             22:17.86
 20  Emma Linton               11 Founders Classical A..        22:18.69
 21  Mahek Khandelwal          10 Coppell                       22:18.92
 22  Emily Nelson               9 Northwest Nelson              22:21.01
 23  Catherine Henderson       10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        22:22.49
 24  Mian Le                   10 Founders Classical A..        22:25.90
 25  Lucy Martinson             9 Coppell                       22:25.98
 26  Jane Carvajal              - Allen                         22:29.94
 27  Felicity Schaper           9 Founders Classical A..        22:33.45
 28  Bailey Hammock             9 Grapevine                     22:34.61
 29  Marlo Linan               10 Allen                         22:36.77
 30  Jeana Scheurich           10 Coppell                       22:40.08
 31  Abby Meseberg             11 Allen                         22:40.60
 32  Katherine Wilson          10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        22:41.09
 33  Mallory Embry             11 Lewisville Marcus             22:41.77
 34  Taeya Dieffenbach         11 Northwest Nelson              22:45.77
 35  Molly Bulmer              12 Lewisville Marcus             22:50.15
 36  Ella Hallen               10 Grapevine                     22:53.79
 37  Zoey McBain               11 Lewisville Flower Mo..        22:58.02
 38  Laney Mcbride              - Allen                         22:58.11
 39  Caitlin Tullos             9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        23:01.25
 40  Elizabeth Song            12 Lewisville Flower Mo..        23:02.09
 41  Zella Stutz                9 Lewisville Marcus             23:03.87
 42  Isabella Baeza             9 Lewisville Marcus             23:09.89
 43  Taylor Wilsey             11 Lewisville Marcus             23:16.47
 44  Rand Ali                  10 Allen                         23:21.09
 45  Addison Moloughney         9 Grapevine                     23:24.07
 46  Emily Varney              12 Lewisville Flower Mo..        23:24.99
 47  Marisol Acevedo            - Northwest Nelson              23:27.57
 48  Addison Gittelman          9 Lewisville Marcus             23:28.14
 49  Isabelle Ortigoza         12 Coppell                       23:29.14
 50  Ashton Adams               9 Allen                         23:31.23
 51  Annie Reeder               9 Coppell                       23:34.85
 52  Brooklyn Chambers         11 Northwest Nelson              23:36.27
 53  Riley Reece               10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        23:36.32
 54  Kayla Brownell            11 Northwest Nelson              23:37.50
 55  Roslyn Ackermann           9 Grapevine                     23:37.76
 56  Avery Adams                9 Allen                         23:49.18
 57  Kamryn Bodine              9 Lewisville Marcus             23:49.74
 58  Ella Handel               12 Lewisville Flower Mo..        23:56.47
 59  Anna Sheley               11 Founders Classical A..        23:56.77
 60  Graysen Papen              - Founders Classical A..        24:03.11
 61  Gabi Sanchez              12 Grapevine                     24:04.51
 62  Kaitrina Kloser            9 Founders Classical A..        24:09.48
 63  Daniela Chavarria         12 Coppell                       24:09.57
 64  Eva Gensollen             10 Grapevine                     24:12.91
 65  Maya Winterburn            9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        24:21.24
 66  Avery Moreland             9 Grapevine                     24:23.75
 67  Brooklynn Dusuau          10 Grapevine                     24:25.01
 68  Breelyn Francis           10 Grapevine                     24:31.84
 69  Emily Kim                 11 Greenhill                     24:44.46
 70  Kaytlyn Price              9 Dallas HSAA                   24:49.61
 71  Khushi Chhaya             11 Greenhill                     24:51.08
 72  Baylee Dusuau             10 Grapevine                     24:53.59
 73  Sophie Laskowski          10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        24:55.40
 74  Maggie Cuppert            10 Northwest Nelson              25:05.49
 75  Saxon Moseley              9 Hockaday                      25:19.83
 76  Elizabeth Fox             11 Lewisville Flower Mo..        25:23.94
 77  Gabby Parham              10 Northwest Nelson              25:24.55
 78  Kami Bradley               9 Northwest Nelson              25:29.41
 79  Talia Mikalauskas         10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        25:37.05
 80  Sadie Burt                 9 Lewisville Marcus             25:42.83
 81  Brianna Henderson         10 Coppell                       25:50.77
 82  Avaleann White            12 Dallas HSAA                   26:03.54
 83  Noelle Sunna              12 Dallas HSAA                   26:08.98
 84  Ella Colley                9 Founders Classical A..        26:10.65
 85  Tabitha Welch              9 Dallas HSAA                   26:13.33
 86  Saakshi Barve             10 Coppell                       26:36.17
 87  Whitney Hopkin             9 Lewisville Flower Mo..        26:43.76
 88  Angela McCullough          9 Grapevine                     26:47.78
 89  Olivia Collins             9 Grapevine                     26:48.36
 90  Annabel Gilbert           11 Greenhill                     26:54.38
 91  Angela Kamgang            10 Greenhill                     26:58.19
 92  Ashlyn Wilbanks           10 Coppell                       26:59.20
 93  Harley Kester             12 Northwest Nelson              26:59.20
 94  Ava Callahan              10 Lewisville Marcus             27:14.85
 95  Liza Dirickson             9 Grapevine                     27:20.65
 96  Mckenna Karrigan           - Allen                         27:22.61
 97  Alisma Adhikari            9 Coppell                       27:31.30
 98  Fatimah Alsabah            - Allen                         27:34.85
 99  Mary Walsh                 9 Founders Classical A..        27:41.30
100  Farrah Sophia Tran        12 Hockaday                      27:43.78
101  Katelyn Hanna              9 Hockaday                      27:47.72
102  Annabelle Fox             10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        28:02.09
103  Meredith Rodgers          10 Dallas HSAA                   28:09.88
104  Nikki Gonzalez            11 Imagine International         28:23.11
105  Hannah Sanders             9 Allen                         28:25.10
106  Anisa Walji               10 Greenhill                     28:30.47
107  Alexis Garner              9 Lewisville Marcus             29:02.64
108  Lydia Rajadurai           10 Lewisville Flower Mo..        29:11.43
109  Maya Desai                10 Greenhill                     29:12.99
110  Emmakate Ostrom           12 Dallas HSAA                   29:52.87
111  Prisha Bhatt               - Imagine International         30:11.43
112  Caroline Potts             9 Dallas Christian              30:34.64
113  Faith Resendez             9 Dallas Christian              30:46.91
114  Itala Quiroz              11 Allen                         31:03.28
115  Kristin Liu                9 Hockaday                      31:11.90
116  Paola Moreno              10 Imagine International         31:20.82
117  Katelyn Allison            - Lewisville Marcus             31:21.72
118  Shilian Baier              - Grapevine                     31:26.06
119  Meera Malhotra             - Hockaday                      31:30.68
120  Harshetha Haritharan      10 Allen                         31:32.71
121  Maggie Gardner             9 Founders Classical A..        31:47.32
122  Avery King                 9 Dallas Christian              33:53.55
123  Kerrigan Abbott            9 Allen                         34:02.93
124  Mukunda Bodapati          11 Carrollton Smith              38:04.99

5,000 Meters Junior Varsity Team Scores
   Pl  Team                         Points
    1  Lewisville Flower Mound          29
    2  Grapevine                        61
    3  Lewisville Marcus                80
    4  Northwest Nelson                114
    5  Coppell                         127
    6  Founders Classical Academ       149
    7  Allen                           157
    8  Greenhill                       227
    9  Dallas HSAA                     270
   10  Hockaday                        301

Girls 2 Mile Middle School
     Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
  1  Emmeline Egger             7 Founders Classical (..        13:22.40
  2  Eliana Rivera              7 Founders Classical (..        13:29.92
  3  Alice Williams             4 Imagine International         13:52.51
  4  Ailien Le                  8 Founders Classical (..        14:09.08
  5  Aimy Le                    - Founders Classical (..        14:11.51
  6  Ellie Rectiene             8 Dallas Christian              14:24.32
  7  Abigail Christiansen       8 Dallas HSAA                   14:35.49
  8  Ava Wagner                 8 Prestonwood Christia..        14:38.57
  9  Maddie Robinson          13- North Texas Flyers            14:41.08
 10  Hailey Bearden             8 Founders Classical (..        14:42.37
 11  Isabel Henry               8 Shelton                       14:42.58
 12  Isabell Garcia-Del...      - Founders Classical (..        14:44.09
 13  Rachel Hill                7 Founders Classical (..        15:00.36
 14  Elise Schwendinger       11- North Texas Flyers            15:00.65
 15  Mia Resnick                8 Founders Classical (..        15:30.02
 16  Alex Segal                 7 Shelton                       15:36.98
 17  Trilby Schmidt             8 Shelton                       15:44.26
 18  Campbell Steinhagen        8 Dallas Christian              15:47.68
 19  Caroline Cobbs             8 Dallas HSAA                   15:50.87
 20  Erin Sheley                - Founders Classical (..        15:52.49
 21  Judith Alonso              6 La Academia de Estre..        15:56.57
 22  Joy Saenz                  7 Dallas HSAA                   15:58.22
 23  Briana Salazar             8 La Academia de Estre..        16:03.02
 24  Grace Laperi               8 Prestonwood Christia..        16:15.19
 25  Haitie Papen               - Founders Classical (..        16:21.35
 26  Harper Hill                6 Dallas Christian              16:28.94
 27  Katherine Keesy            8 Shelton                       16:38.03
 28  Tessa Mosley               8 Prestonwood Christia..        16:46.83
 29  Elizabeth Pineda           8 La Academia de Estre..        16:51.62
 30  Annabelle Nowell           - Dallas HSAA                   17:00.36
 31  Addison Followwell         6 Dallas Christian              17:04.82
 32  Clare Graham               7 Dallas HSAA                   17:07.14
 33  Sorette Sunna              7 Dallas HSAA                   17:12.02
 34  Glory Flage                7 Prestonwood Christia..        17:24.15
 35  Sofia Moreno               7 Imagine International         17:26.75
 36  Zara Moore                 7 Prestonwood Christia..        17:32.50
 37  Deshi Fournet              8 Dallas HSAA                   17:34.70
 38  Malia Paape                8 Prestonwood Christia..        17:39.47
 39  Ja'Nae Evans               7 Nichols                       17:41.75
 40  Kennedy Camp               6 Dallas Christian              17:59.13
 41  Camila Mendez              7 La Academia de Estre..        18:00.14
 42  Madeleine Potter           7 International Leader..        18:05.04
 43  Abigail Currie             8 Imagine International         18:06.95
 44  Jude Rodriguez             8 Nichols                       18:17.27
 45  McKenna Miller             7 Prestonwood Christia..        18:21.77
 46  Emma Eden                  - Founders Classical (..        18:28.91
 47  Priscilla Briones          7 La Academia de Estre..        18:46.01
 48  Clara Hamil                7 Dallas Christian              18:48.29
 49  Allison Vince              8 La Academia de Estre..        18:55.82
 50  Gissell Bonilla            8 Nichols                       18:55.95
 51  Mercadez Young             8 Nichols                       18:58.04
 52  Aleyda Garcia              8 La Academia de Estre..        19:06.13
 53  Abigail Tecza              7 Imagine International         19:11.53
 54  Isabel Iraheta             8 International Leader..        19:16.32
 55  Eriana Oliva               8 La Academia de Estre..        19:31.63
 56  Chelsea Anderson           7 International Leader..        19:50.53
 57  Amelia Shipley             7 Dallas HSAA                   19:58.54
 58  Gisselle Iraheta           6 International Leader..        20:02.83
 59  Emily Camero               7 Nichols                       20:10.29
 60  Amelia Postel              6 International Leader..        20:13.71
 61  Luna Maldonado             6 La Academia de Estre..        20:26.70
 62  Eleanor Beshear            7 Dallas Winston                20:48.69
 63  Natalie Rivera             5 La Academia de Estre..        20:57.20
 64  Analee Oliva               5 La Academia de Estre..        21:13.86
 65  Amelia Lewis               7 International Leader..        21:21.10
 66  Kora Lancon                7 International Leader..        21:28.84
 67  Jessica Perfect            6 International Leader..        21:33.69
 68  Lya Robles de Leon         7 International Leader..        21:36.12
 69  Jocelyn Jones              7 Nichols                       21:52.46
 70  Cailey Escobar             8 Nichols                       21:57.36
 71  Bliss Pettit               7 Dallas HSAA                   22:11.62
 72  Layken Webb                6 Dallas Christian              22:29.70
 73  Bria Rollison              7 Imagine International         22:57.02
 74  Kennedy Brewer             7 Prestonwood Christia..        23:01.60
 75  Rhema Iacovacci            7 Prestonwood Christia..        24:31.43
 76  Kaliya Duson               8 Nichols                       24:56.19

2 Mile Middle School Team Scores
   Pl  Team                         Points
    1  Founders Classical (Lewis        21
    2  Dallas HSAA                      79
    3  Dallas Christian                 89
    4  Prestonwood Christian Aca        96
    5  La Academia de Estrellas        119
    6  Imagine International           160
    7  Nichols                         193
    8  International Leadership        216