Jerry B Griffin Invitational 2022

Arlington, TX


Licensed to Elite Timing, LLC --Contractor License     HY-TEK's Meet Manager 2/20/2022 08:32 PM
                2022 Jerry B. Griffin Invitational - 2/19/2022                 
                            Dave Hill Meet Director                            
                               Wilemoth Stadium                                
Event 101  Men Long Jump Varsity
 Min. Jump for Mark = 19'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Key, Tyreon               12 South Garlan        21-03.00   21-04.50   10   
  2 White, Zavion             11 Arlington Bo                   19-01.50    8   
  3 Miles, Elijah             11 Fort Worth S                   19-00.25    6   
 -- Wheeler, Grayson          11 Sachse              20-03.00         ND  
 -- Bell, Ja'Marion            9 Fort Worth S                         ND  
 -- Watue-Fongang, Samuel     11 Grand Prairi                         ND  
 -- Williams, Jyden           12 Arlington Ho        19-10.00         ND  
 -- White-Moreno, Julian       9 Arlington Bo                         ND  
 -- De'Luna, Sean             12 Arlington Bo                         ND  
 -- Martin, Isaiah            11 Arlington Ho                         ND  
 -- Freeman, Chris            11 Grand Prairi                         ND  
 -- Scott, Courtlin           11 Sachse              17-02.75         ND  
 -- Crim, Jacob               12 South Garlan        17-05.25         ND  
Event 102  Men Triple Jump Varsity
 Min. Jump for Mark = 40'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Wesco, Bryant             10 Midlothian          44-04.75   46-06.00   10   
  2 Nickerson, Drew           12 Sachse              41-03.50   44-07.00    8   
  3 Mumphrey, Landon          11 Sachse              42-09.50   42-09.00    6   
  4 Miles, Elijah             11 Fort Worth S        39-00.00   41-04.50    4   
  5 McLemore, Marcus          12 Midlothian          39-07.00   40-04.25    2   
  6 Jackson, Simon            11 Grand Prairi        38-09.00   39-04.00    1   
 -- Freeman, Chris            11 Grand Prairi                         ND  
Event 103  Men High Jump Varsity
 Opening Height 5'6"
 Bar will rise in increments of 2"
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Wesco, Bryant             10 Midlothian           6-00.00    6-02.00   10   
  2 Key, Tyreon               12 South Garlan                    5-08.00    8   
  3 McDonald, Devonte         12 Fort Worth S         5-02.00    5-04.00    6   
Event 104  Men Pole Vault Varsity
 Opening Height 8' - 0"
 Bar increments of 6"
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Calkins, Caden            11 Sachse              10-06.00   10-06.00   10   
  2 Salzman, Jaxon             9 Midlothian                      9-06.00    8   
 -- Toombs, Zwaundy            9 Midlothian                           NH  
Event 105  Men Shot Put Varsity
 Min. Throw for Mark = 40'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Songer, Gabriel           11 Midlothian          37-02.00   45-00.00   2  10   
  2 Cavender, Joe             12 Midlothian          41-10.25   44-04.50   2   8   
  3 Holland, Jeremiah         12 Fort Worth E        40-08.50   41-04.50   2   6   
  4 Murillo, Darwin           12 South Garlan        35-05.00   40-10.50   2   4   
  5 Huff, Daleon              11 Lancaster           35-05.00   40-04.00   2   2   
 -- Benavides, Jacob          12 South Garlan        28-10.00         ND   1 
 -- Parham, Roman              9 Midlothian                           ND   1 
 -- Marks, Jeremiah           11 Lancaster           35-06.50         ND   2 
 -- Mayes, Ian                 9 Arlington Bo                         ND   1 
 -- Askew, Deondre            12 Grand Prairi                         ND   1 
 -- Tatang, Julien            10 Sachse              33-04.75         ND   1 
 -- Sims, Davion              12 Fort Worth D        34-04.75         ND   1 
 -- Smith, Caleb              12 Fort Worth S                         ND   1 
 -- Hamilton, Kristopher      12 Fort Worth D        35-09.00         ND   2 
 -- Counts, Jaron             11 Sachse                               ND   1 
 -- Gorvie, Raymond           12 Fort Worth S        35-07.75         ND   2 
 -- Guardado, Joshua          10 Fort Worth S                         ND   1 
 -- Larkin, Christopher       11 Fort Worth E        27-07.00         ND   1 
 -- Lee, Jonathan              9 Fort Worth E                         ND   1 
 -- Chatmon, Duvail           11 Lancaster           31-04.75         ND   1 
Event 106  Men Discus Throw Varsity
 Min. Throw for Mark = 120'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Songer, Gabriel           11 Midlothian            138-08  151-05.50   2  10   
  2 Wright, Cameron           12 Fort Worth W        28-04.50     137-02   2   8   
  3 Simmons, Zarius           12 Grand Prairi          127-03     133-08   2   6   
  4 Askew, Deondre            12 Grand Prairi                  130-08.50   1   4   
 -- Murillo, Darwin           12 South Garlan          116-08         ND   2 
 -- Parham, Roman              9 Midlothian                           ND   1 
 -- Mina, Tamunotekena        12 Arlington Bo          118-11         ND   2 
 -- Martinez, Joeb            11 Lancaster             108-06         ND   2 
 -- Smith, Caleb              12 Fort Worth S                         ND   1 
 -- Tone, Justin              12 Arlington Ho           96-07         ND   2 
 -- Perry, Christian          11 Grand Prairi           79-10         ND   1 
 -- Gorvie, Raymond           12 Fort Worth S           85-02         ND   1 
 -- George, Jaxon             12 Sachse                               ND   1 
 -- Guardado, Joshua          10 Fort Worth S                         ND   1 
 -- Cavender, Joe             12 Midlothian                           ND   1 
 -- Counts, Jaron             11 Sachse                               ND   1 
 -- Lee, Jonathan              9 Fort Worth E                         ND   1 
 -- Marks, Jeremiah           11 Lancaster             115-00         ND   2 
 -- Holland, Jeremiah         12 Fort Worth E          107-06         ND   2 
 -- Larkin, Christopher       11 Fort Worth E           64-04         ND   1 
Event 107  Men 3200 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Barrera, Jeremiah         11 Arlington Ho        10:36.33   10:16.25   10   
  2 Quiroz, Edgardo              Arlington Ho                   10:21.48    8   
  3 Andrade, Luis             10 Arlington Ho        10:50.49   10:24.68    6   
  4 Grimaldo, Esau            11 Arlington Ho                   10:27.05    4   
  5 Murillo, Martin           12 Arlington Ho        10:46.14   10:32.69    2   
  6 Urquhart, Makarian        11 Midlothian                     10:53.98    1   
  7 Sosa, Jonathan            11 Grand Prairi                   10:56.48  
  8 Massey, Ethan              9 Sachse                         11:27.99  
  8 Nero, Jerimiah            10 Grand Prairi        12:12.48   11:27.99  
 10 Fiveash, Logan            11 Sachse                         12:06.90  
 11 Torres, Kowen             10 Midlothian                     12:07.95  
 12 Delgado, Jair             12 South Garlan                   12:42.09  
Event 108  Men 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
 Willie 'Daddy' Criss Memorial Event
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Sachse  'A'                                                    43.40   20   
  2 Arlington Bowie  'A'                                43.50      43.45   16   
     1) Rice, Dontavious 11             2) Buggs, Vexton 12               
     3) Campbell, Raphael 10            4) Duckett II, Tavares 10         
  3 Fort Worth Southwest  'A'                                      43.79   12   
     1) Bell, Ja'Marion 9               2) Nolden, Donovan 11             
     3) Dykes, Travis 12                4) Boswell, Martavious 10         
  4 Midlothian  'A'                                                43.92    8   
  5 South Garland  'A'                                             44.44    4   
     1) St. John, Bryson 9              2) Key, Tyreon 12                 
     3) Curtis, Bill 9                  4) Crim, Jacob 12                 
Event 109  Men 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ferguson, Jaylyn          11 Fort Worth S                      15.80   10   
  2 Omosaiye, David           11 Arlington Bo                      18.66    8   
  3 Jones, Davion             12 Sachse                            19.88    6   
  4 McDonald, Devonte         12 Fort Worth S                      21.58    4   
  5 Gonzalez, Alvaro          11 South Garlan                      25.30    2   
Event 110  Men 100 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Nolden, Donovan           11 Fort Worth S           11.66      11.55   2  10   
  2 Duckett II, Tavares       10 Arlington Bo           11.14      11.65   3   8   
  3 Buggs, Vexton             12 Arlington Bo           11.49      11.67   3   6   
  4 James, Markyiden          12 Fort Worth D           11.22      11.77   3   4   
  5 Davis, Keathon            10 Grand Prairi           11.74      11.77   2   2   
  6 Ware, Nkem                12 Fort Worth W           11.10      11.78   3   1   
  7 Davis, Eithan             12 Fort Worth D                      11.91   1 
  8 Rubell, Ke'shawn          12 Fort Worth E           11.00      11.95   3 
  9 Bell, Ja'Marion            9 Fort Worth S                      11.96   1 
 10 Franklin, Malik           10 Fort Worth W           12.50      12.03   2 
 11 Williams, Jyden           12 Arlington Ho           11.52      12.05   2 
 12 King, Keylon               9 Fort Worth D                      12.29   1 
 13 Major, Dumari             12 Arlington Ho           12.64      12.47   2 
 14 Dykes, Travis             12 Fort Worth S           11.24      12.57   3 
 -- Rice, Dontavious          11 Arlington Bo           11.45        DNF   3 
Event 111  Men 400 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Jackson, Simon            11 Grand Prairi           54.20      51.49   3  10   
  2 Baker, Elijah             12 Arlington Bo           51.17      51.72   3   8   
  3 Franklin, Malik           10 Fort Worth W         1:10.00      52.99   2   6   
  4 Rubell, Ke'shawn          12 Fort Worth E           55.00      53.66   3   4   
  5 Davis, Eithan             12 Fort Worth D                      54.16   2   2   
  6 Williams, Xion            10 Fort Worth S                      55.16   1   1   
  7 Wheeler, Grayson          11 Sachse                 52.30      55.61   3 
  8 Cantu, Averee             11 Midlothian                        56.09   2 
  9 James, Markyiden          12 Fort Worth D           55.21      56.21   3 
 10 Benson, Marcus            12 Fort Worth S                      57.35   1 
 11 Lopez, Leonel             10 Fort Worth E         1:06.55    1:01.36   2 
 12 King, Keylon               9 Fort Worth D                    1:01.92   1 
 13 Gonzalez, Alvaro          11 South Garlan         1:04.34    1:05.06   2 
 14 Miles, Elijah             11 Fort Worth S           55.20    1:05.40   3 
 15 Thomas, Quinton           11 Grand Prairi                    1:12.85   1 
Event 112  Men 4x200 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Arlington Houston  'A'                            1:30.00    1:30.09   20   
     1) Jenkins, Tavi'on 12             2) Adenugba, Daniel 11            
     3) Hale, Mar'kel 12                4) Williams, Donnavan 11          
  2 Sachse  'A'                                                  1:32.75   16   
  3 Fort Worth Southwest  'A'                                    1:32.96   12   
     1) Miles, Elijah 11                2) Benson, Marcus 12              
     3) Boswell, Martavious 10          4) Bell, Ja'Marion 9              
Event 113  Men 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ferguson, Jaylyn          11 Fort Worth S                      41.95   10   
  2 McLemore, Marcus          12 Midlothian                        42.81    8   
  3 Ball, McGuire             11 Sachse                            45.82    6   
  4 Ashley, Jack              10 Midlothian                        45.98    4   
  5 Jones, Davion             12 Sachse                            47.45    2   
  6 Omosaiye, David           11 Arlington Bo                      50.58    1   
  7 Gonzalez, Alvaro          11 South Garlan                      56.58  
Event 114  Men 200 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Key, Tyreon               12 South Garlan           22.24      23.47   3  10   
  2 Buggs, Vexton             12 Arlington Bo           22.80      23.58   3   8   
  3 Jackson, Simon            11 Grand Prairi                      23.65   1   6   
  4 Baker, Elijah             12 Arlington Bo           22.12      23.72   3   4   
  5 St. John, Bryson           9 South Garlan                      23.86   2   2   
  6 Ware, Nkem                12 Fort Worth W           22.77      23.86   3   1   
  7 Hale, Mar'kel             12 Arlington Ho           23.42      23.86   3 
  8 Nolden, Donovan           11 Fort Worth S                      23.89   2 
  9 Rubell, Ke'shawn          12 Fort Worth E           24.23      23.89   2 
 10 Keefer, Luke              12 Sachse                 23.43      23.94   3 
 11 Carter, Michael           11 Grand Prairi           24.12      24.13   2 
 12 Boswell, Martavious       10 Fort Worth S                      24.24   2 
 13 Ogunmoyin, Favour         12 Arlington Ho                      24.80   1 
 14 Major, Dumari             12 Arlington Ho           24.56      25.26   2 
 15 Ivory, Keyon              12 Fort Worth D                      25.49   1 
 16 Robinson, Malachi         12 Fort Worth S                      26.11   1 
Event 115  Men 800 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Avendano, Angel           12 Arlington Ho         2:00.56    2:04.42   10   
  2 Williams, Xion            10 Fort Worth S                    2:10.80    8   
  3 Carter, Lucas             12 Sachse               2:23.33    2:13.26    6   
  4 Rodriguez, Daemon         11 Midlothian                      2:15.22    4   
  5 Ogunmoyin, Favour         12 Arlington Ho         2:25.00    2:15.26    2   
  6 Lopez, Leonel             10 Fort Worth E         2:33.18    2:15.93    1   
  7 Nero, Jerimiah            10 Grand Prairi                    2:20.81  
  8 Freeman, Chris            11 Grand Prairi                    2:23.83  
 -- Wamsley, Ellis            11 Arlington Bo         2:39.07         NT  
 -- Velazquez, Julio          12 South Garlan                         NT  
 -- Bridges, Kaeyronn         12 Fort Worth S                         NT  
 -- Cardenas, Benjamin        12 Midlothian           2:20.55         NT  
 -- Adam, Alba                10 Arlington Bo                         NT  
 -- Grisham, Caden            12 Midlothian           2:14.80         NT  
 -- Garcia, Gael               9 Arlington Bo                         NT  
Event 116  Men 1600 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
 -- Sosa, Jonathan            11 Grand Prairi                         NT  
 -- Rodriguez, Daemon         11 Midlothian           5:08.50         NT  
 -- Urquhart, Makarian        11 Midlothian           5:00.81         NT  
 -- Massey, Ethan              9 Sachse                               NT  
 -- Nero, Jerimiah            10 Grand Prairi         5:37.03         NT  
 -- Andrade, Luis             10 Arlington Ho                         NT  
 -- Murillo, Martin           12 Arlington Ho                         NT  
 -- Velazquez, Julio          12 South Garlan                         NT  
 -- Quiroz, Edgardo              Arlington Ho                         NT  
 -- Bridgins, Caeleb          12 Midlothian           4:58.27         NT  
 -- Carter, Lucas             12 Sachse               4:51.75         NT  
 -- Avendano, Angel           12 Arlington Ho         4:34.09         NT  
 -- Barrera, Jeremiah         11 Arlington Ho         5:01.84         NT  
 -- Fiveash, Logan            11 Sachse                               NT  
 -- Grimaldo, Esau            11 Arlington Ho         4:56.55         NT  
 -- Delgado, Jair             12 South Garlan                         NT  
 -- Espinoza, Alex            12 South Garlan                         NT  
Event 117  Men 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Arlington Houston  'A'                                       3:34.06   20   
     1) Adenugba, Daniel 11             2) Williams, Donnavan 11          
     3) Hale, Mar'kel 12                4) Avendano, Angel 12             
  2 Arlington Bowie  'A'                              3:28.20    3:35.86   16   
     1) Baker, Elijah 12                2) Battle, Dominick 10            
     3) Rice, Dontavious 11             4) Duckett II, Tavares 10         
  3 Midlothian  'A'                                              3:39.78   12   
  4 Sachse  'A'                                                  3:43.50    8   
  5 Fort Worth Southwest  'A'                                    3:45.06    4   
     1) Benson, Marcus 12               2) Nolden, Donovan 11             
     3) Williams, Xion 10               4) Ferguson, Jaylyn 11            
  6 Grand Prairie  'A'                                           3:46.06    2   
     1) Davis, Keathon 10               2) Jackson, Simon 11              
     3) Carter, Michael 11              4) Watue-Fongang, Samuel 11       
Event 201  Women Long Jump Varsity
 Min. Jump for Mark = 15'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Arceneaux, Makenzi        12 Arlington Bo        18-01.50   17-01.50   10   
  2 Hall, Meagan              10 Midlothian          18-02.00   16-06.50    8   
  3 Nixon, Kai                12 Midlothian          16-11.75   15-10.50    6   
 -- Pleasant, Khennidi        12 South Garlan        12-07.00         ND  
 -- Smith, Kanira             11 South Garlan        14-06.00         ND  
 -- Brown, Peyton             11 Sachse              15-03.50         ND  
Event 202  Women Triple Jump Varsity
 Min. Jump for Mark = 30'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Nixon, Kai                12 Midlothian          36-00.25   35-10.00   10   
  2 Arceneaux, Makenzi        12 Arlington Bo        36-09.00   34-09.00    8   
  3 Brown, Peyton             11 Sachse              34-01.00   32-09.00    6   
Event 203  Women High Jump Varsity
 Opening Height 4'4"
 Bar will rise in increments of 2"
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ferrell, Jade             12 Midlothian           5-04.00    5-04.00   10   
  2 Lawson, Kalani             9 Fort Worth D                    5-01.00    8   
  3 Morris, Alexis            10 Midlothian           5-02.25    4-10.00    6   
Event 204  Women Pole Vault Varsity
 Opening Height 6'-0"
 Increments of 6"
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Supelana, Chasry          11 Sachse               7-06.00    8-00.00   10   
  2 Artega, Elena             11 Sachse                          7-06.00    8   
Event 205  Women Shot Put Varsity
 Min. Throw for Mark = 30'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Fey, Madeleine            10 Midlothian          41-09.75   43-04.00   10   
  2 Chevez Lazo, Nelly        12 South Garlan        21-08.50   30-11.00    8   
  3 King, Jasmyne             12 Sachse              25-05.50   30-09.25    6   
 -- Paday, Angela             12 Arlington Bo        24-06.00         ND  
 -- Moore, Rhyan              11 Arlington Ho        28-06.00         ND  
 -- Watson, T' Andra          12 Fort Worth S                         ND  
 -- Salazar, Shany            12 South Garlan        27-04.00         ND  
 -- Brooks, Hannah            10 Midlothian          21-03.00         ND  
 -- Dawkins, Darlie           12 South Garlan        26-06.50         ND  
 -- Moore, Raeven             12 Arlington Bo        32-08.50         ND  
Event 206  Women Discus Throw Varsity
 Min. Throw for Mark = 90'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Moore, Rhyan              11 Arlington Ho          107-10     102-08   10   
  2 Brooks, Hannah            10 Midlothian             81-08      86-05    8   
 -- Moore, Raeven             12 Arlington Bo           80-11         ND  
 -- Yigletu, Tsion            12 Sachse                 69-11         ND  
 -- Paday, Angela             12 Arlington Bo           70-02         ND  
 -- Dawkins, Darlie           12 South Garlan           69-11         ND  
 -- Chevez Lazo, Nelly        12 South Garlan           56-03         ND  
 -- King, Jasmyne             12 Sachse              62-08.50         ND  
 -- Fey, Madeleine            10 Midlothian            144-07         ND  
Event 207  Women 3200 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Flores, Perla             12 Arlington Ho        11:50.96   11:44.01   10   
  2 Finnestad, Mayra          10 Midlothian          12:51.16   12:45.14    8   
  3 Leonard, Gracia           12 Sachse              12:56.69   12:56.50    6   
  4 Badawi, Ann               12 Arlington Se        13:49.98   13:05.05    4   
  5 Ortega, Ana                9 Sachse                         13:06.96    2   
  6 Flores, Daisy             12 Arlington Ho        14:18.32   13:46.62    1   
  7 Gutierrez, Ali            12 Arlington Se                   14:15.52  
  8 Danielson, Rachel         10 Arlington Bo        14:06.90   15:24.22  
  9 Mendez, Hazel             11 Arlington Bo        14:40.25   15:44.91  
Event 208  Women 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Arlington Bowie  'A'                                48.30      47.48   20   
     1) Brown, Tyler 12                 2) Nkwoparah, Janet 12            
     3) Vasher, Camryn 11               4) Johnson, Bailey 9              
  2 Midlothian  'A'                                     49.50      50.22   16   
Event 209  Women 100 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Nkwoparah, Janet          12 Arlington Bo                      15.12   10   
  2 Kindles, Mya              10 Fort Worth D           17.00      15.69    8   
  3 Lawson, Kalani             9 Fort Worth D           18.00      17.95    6   
  4 Barber, Kimora            10 Arlington Bo                      18.61    4   
Event 210  Women 100 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Johnson, Bailey            9 Arlington Bo           12.30      12.76   2  10   
  2 Lowe, Hannah              10 Sachse                 12.71      12.77   2   8   
  3 Squire, Ella              11 Arlington Se                      13.15   1   6   
  4 Powers, Grace             10 Midlothian             13.70      13.29   1   4   
  5 Hood-Miles, Keira         11 Sachse                            13.39   1   2   
  6 Brown, Peyton             11 Sachse                            13.40   1   1   
  7 Piper, Jayden             10 Arlington Se           13.23      13.64   2 
  8 Woody, Timaya             12 Fort Worth E           13.50      13.67   2 
  9 McCarty, Haileigh         11 Ft Worth You                      13.68   1 
 10 Brown, Tyler              12 Arlington Bo           12.33      13.96   2 
 11 Smith, Kanira             11 South Garlan           14.38      14.20   1 
 12 Williams, Lois            11 Fort Worth D           15.26      15.30   1 
Event 211  Women 400 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Stephen, Akaysha          11 Fort Worth D         1:02.26    1:02.69   2  10   
  2 Squire, Emmanuella        11 Arlington Se                    1:02.78   1   8   
  3 Bethany, Lazariah         11 Sachse               1:00.48    1:04.02   2   6   
  4 Bolden, Lamya             11 Arlington Bo         1:06.80    1:06.99   1   4   
  5 Stansberry, Lillie        10 Midlothian           1:05.85    1:07.06   2   2   
  6 Bradsher, Amani           12 Midlothian           1:03.16    1:07.49   2   1   
  7 Woody, Timaya             12 Fort Worth E         1:11.31    1:12.67   1 
  8 Green, De'Ambernique      11 South Garlan         1:11.97    1:18.53   1 
 -- Piper, Jayden             10 Arlington Se         1:02.77        DNF   2 
Event 212  Women 4x200 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Midlothian  'A'                                   1:45.50    1:49.12   20   
Event 213  Women 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Nkwoparah, Janet          12 Arlington Bo                      45.08   10   
  2 Kindles, Mya              10 Fort Worth D                      48.08    8   
  3 Lawson, Kalani             9 Fort Worth D                      52.80    6   
Event 214  Women 200 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Lowe, Hannah              10 Sachse                 28.37      26.75   3  10   
  2 Vasher, Camryn            11 Arlington Bo           28.60      27.55   2   8   
  3 Brown, Tyler              12 Arlington Bo           26.26      28.16   3   6   
  4 Mayberry, Jerica          11 Arlington Bo           28.05      28.47   3   4   
  5 Stephen, Akaysha          11 Fort Worth D           27.40      28.48   3   2   
  6 Brown, Peyton             11 Sachse                            28.53   1   1   
  7 Hood-Miles, Keira         11 Sachse                            28.80   1 
  8 Watts, Micah              12 Fort Worth E           27.00      28.98   3 
  9 McCarty, Haileigh         11 Ft Worth You                      29.11   1 
 10 Stansberry, Lillie        10 Midlothian             27.92      29.66   3 
 11 Smith, Kanira             11 South Garlan           28.54      30.03   2 
 12 Green, De'Ambernique      11 South Garlan           29.18      30.14   2 
 13 Woody, Timaya             12 Fort Worth E           27.04      30.19   3 
 14 Allen, Hannah             11 Ft Worth You           30.31      33.41   2 
 15 Williams, Lois            11 Fort Worth D           32.19      34.38   2 
Event 215  Women 800 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Badawi, Ann               12 Arlington Se         2:23.52    2:37.08   10   
  2 Jones, Natile             10 Midlothian           2:37.65    2:41.41    8   
  3 Eischen, Anna             11 Sachse               2:34.45    2:43.30    6   
  4 Blanch, Madison           12 Midlothian                      2:44.89    4   
  5 Ortega, Ana                9 Sachse                          2:45.74    2   
  6 Bolden, Lamya             11 Arlington Bo         3:30.00    2:46.81    1   
  7 Gutierrez, Ali            12 Arlington Se                    3:03.43  
Event 216  Women 1600 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Flores, Perla             12 Arlington Ho         5:38.24    5:37.59   10   
  2 Danielson, Rachel         10 Arlington Bo         6:28.77    5:57.72    8   
  3 Finnestad, Mayra          10 Midlothian           5:54.71    5:59.37    6   
  4 Eischen, Anna             11 Sachse               5:31.59    6:06.39    4   
  5 Leonard, Gracia           12 Sachse               5:57.40    6:07.63    2   
  6 Jones, Natile             10 Midlothian           6:12.36    6:20.06    1   
  7 Flores, Daisy             12 Arlington Ho         6:47.24    6:35.97  
  8 Mendez, Hazel             11 Arlington Bo         6:17.25    6:46.19  
Event 217  Women 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Arlington Bowie  'A'                              4:15.00    4:11.73   20   
     1) Vasher, Camryn 11               2) Johnson, Bailey 9              
     3) Bolden, Lamya 11                4) Arceneaux, Makenzi 12          
  2 Midlothian  'A'                                   4:10.00    4:17.09   16   
  3 Fort Worth Dunbar  'A'                            4:40.00    4:33.09   12   
     1) Lawson, Kalani 9                2) Kindles, Mya 10                
     3) Stephen, Akaysha 11             4) Turner, Makenzie 9             
Event 301  Boys Long Jump Junior Varsity
 Min. Jump for Mark = 16'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ruffin, Xavier            11 Midlothian                     19-06.00   10   
  2 Saddler, Malachi          11 Arlington Ho                   19-04.00    8   
  3 Bates, Carsen             11 Midlothian          18-05.00   18-06.00    6   
  4 McCown, Stevie            11 Sachse                         18-01.00    4   
  5 Rhew, Nolan               10 Midlothian                     16-08.75    2   
 -- Thompson, Kenyon           9 Grand Prairi                         ND  
 -- Barney, Kelton             9 Grand Prairi                         ND  
 -- Wells, Timothy            10 Grand Prairi                         ND  
 -- Lockett, Kaliq             9 Sachse                               ND  
 -- Riddick, Ahmari            9 Sachse                               ND  
Event 302  Boys Triple Jump Junior Varsity
 Min. Jump for Mark = 36'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Lockett, Kaliq             9 Sachse                         42-09.00   10   
 -- Montanez, Caleb            9 Grand Prairi                         ND  
 -- Thompson, Kenyon           9 Grand Prairi                         ND  
 -- Herrera, Carlos            9 Grand Prairi                         ND  
Event 303  Boys High Jump Junior Varsity
 Opening Height 5'-0"
 Bar will rise in increments of 2"
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ontiveros, Ruben          12 South Garlan                    5-03.00   10   
  2 Rowley, Ethan              9 Midlothian                     J5-03.00    8   
  3 Henvey, Luke               9 Midlothian                      5-00.00    6   
 -- Kantarevic, Amar           9 South Garlan                         NH  
Event 304  Boys Pole Vault Junior Varsity
 Opening Height 7'-0"
 Increments of 6"
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Reed, Cooper              10 Sachse                          8-06.00   10   
 -- Jarvis, Collin            11 Sachse                               NH  
Event 305  Boys Shot Put Junior Varsity
 Min. Throw for Mark = 35'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Westbrook, Christian      11 Arlington Bo        34-08.00   40-06.50   2  10   
  2 Hawkins, J'Veon           10 Arlington Bo        31-11.00   37-00.00   2   8   
  3 Garrza, Eluy              11 Arlington Ho                   36-05.75   1   6   
  4 Simpson, Travis           10 Sachse                         36-00.75   1   4   
  5 Mcdonald, Cody             9 Grand Prairi                   35-11.00   1   2   
  6 Hernandez, Will           10 Grand Prairi                   35-10.75   2   1   
  7 Williams, Kaleb           10 Lancaster                      35-09.50   2 
  8 Mayes, Ian                 9 Arlington Bo                   35-05.25   1 
  9 Myers, Michael            11 Arlington Ho                   34-10.50   2 
 -- Plummer, Matthew          10 Fort Worth S        30-10.00         ND   2 
 -- Redmond, Kameron          10 Midlothian                           ND   2 
 -- Platas, Hector             9 South Garlan                         ND   1 
 -- Silva, Adam               10 Midlothian          27-10.00         ND   2 
 -- Thompkins, Isaiah         11 Fort Worth S                         ND   1 
 -- Soto, Marcos              10 Midlothian          27-05.00         ND   2 
 -- Woodard, Nikkolas         10 Fort Worth W        20-00.00         ND   2 
 -- Crowe, Jalen              11 Lancaster                            ND   1 
 -- Cook, Malcolm              9 Fort Worth W        20-00.00         ND   2 
 -- Dolleh, Ibraham           11 South Garlan                         ND   1 
 -- Alvarez, Alan             11 South Garlan                         ND   2 
 -- Bennett, CJ               10 Sachse                               ND   1 
 -- Moreno, Evan               9 Grand Prairi                         ND   2 
 -- McMillan, Cameron          9 Lancaster                            ND   1 
 -- Pena, Andrew               9 Fort Worth S                         ND   1 
 -- Edwards, Omari            10 Arlington Ho                         ND   1 
 -- Lewi, Rukundo              9 Fort Worth W        20-00.00         ND   2 
Event 306  Boys Discus Throw Junior Varsity
 Min. Throw for Mark = 105'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Byrd, Jonathan            11 Arlington Bo          103-10     108-00   2  10   
  2 Simpson, Travis           10 Sachse                           107-06   1   8   
  3 Myers, Michael            11 Arlington Ho                     106-00   1   6   
 -- Chavez, Matthew           11 Fort Worth E                         ND   2 
 -- Woodard, Nikkolas         10 Fort Worth W           60-00         ND   2 
 -- Cook, Malcolm              9 Fort Worth W           60-00         ND   2 
 -- Alvarez, Alan             11 South Garlan                         ND   1 
 -- Bennett, CJ               10 Sachse                               ND   1 
 -- Thompkins, Isaiah         11 Fort Worth S                         ND   1 
 -- Soto, Marcos              10 Midlothian             66-07         ND   2 
 -- Walls, Corey               9 Sachse                               ND   2 
 -- Williams, Corey           10 Midlothian                           ND   2 
 -- Williams, Kaleb           10 Lancaster                            ND   2 
 -- Mcdonald, Cody             9 Grand Prairi                         ND   1 
 -- Lewi, Rukundo              9 Fort Worth W           60-00         ND   2 
 -- Miles, Anthony            11 Arlington Ho                         ND   1 
 -- Edwards, Omari            10 Arlington Ho                         ND   2 
 -- Dolleh, Ibraham           11 South Garlan                         ND   1 
 -- Hernandez, Will           10 Grand Prairi                         ND   2 
 -- Santos, Francisco          9 Arlington Bo                         ND   1 
 -- Plummer, Matthew          10 Fort Worth S           67-03         ND   2 
 -- Silva, Adam               10 Midlothian             75-07         ND   2 
 -- Pena, Andrew               9 Fort Worth S                         ND   1 
 -- Monsivais, Roman           9 Arlington Bo                         ND   1 
 -- Platas, Hector             9 South Garlan                         ND   1 
Event 307  Boys 3200 Meter Run Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Gomez, Ector              12 Arlington Ho        11:28.25   10:51.36   10   
  2 Mendez, Isaac             10 Arlington Ho        12:32.54   11:39.71    8   
  3 Canales, Aaron            10 Arlington Ho                   11:40.14    6   
  4 Pechacek, Jon-Paul        10 Arlington Bo                   12:23.48    4   
  5 mendoza, franco           10 Arlington Ho                   12:38.35    2   
  6 Konkler, David            10 Midlothian                     13:14.85    1   
  7 Gonzalez, Martin          11 Grand Prairi                   13:25.03  
  8 Finnestad, Seth           11 Midlothian          13:01.54   13:44.43  
  9 Puente, Adrian             9 Grand Prairi                   14:16.86  
Event 308  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Junior Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Midlothian  'A'                                                45.43   2  20   
  2 Sachse  'A'                                                    45.86   2  16   
  3 Arlington Bowie  'A'                                           46.07   1  12   
     1) Dunkentell, Zach 9              2) Atwood, Elijah 9               
     3) Pointer, Reggie 9               4) Sims, Omarion 12               
  4 Arlington Houston  'A'                                         46.66   2   8   
     1) Saddler, Malachi 11             2) Young, Kenneth 10              
     3) Toler, Larry 9                  4) Martin, Isaiah 11              
  5 Fort Worth Eastern Hills  'A'                                  47.51   1   4   
  6 Fort Worth Southwest  'A'                                      47.71   2   2   
     1) Lindsey, Devonte 11             2) Rooks, Reiland 9               
     3) Nickerson, Keair 10             4) Simon, Demetrion 11            
  7 Grand Prairie  'A'                                             48.01   2 
     1) Bennett, Messiah 11             2) Barney, Kelton 9               
     3) Pennington, Stephan 10          4) Thomas, Kaden 10               
 -- Lancaster (Black)  'A'                                        X47.15   1  Zone Violation
     1) Johnson, Kendell                2) Sampson, Jamayle               
     3) Brown, Kam                      4) Shaw, Cedrick                  
Event 309  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ragle, Chad               11 Midlothian                        19.48   10   
  2 Astran, Samuel            11 Sachse                            20.70    8   
  3 Ontiveros, Ruben          12 South Garlan                      21.92    6   
  4 Kantarevic, Amar           9 South Garlan                      22.19    4   
  5 Collis, Logan             10 Sachse                            22.20    2   
  6 Riddick, Ahmari            9 Sachse                            25.04    1   
 -- Toombs, Zwaundy            9 Midlothian                          DNF  
Event 310  Boys 100 Meter Dash Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Montgomery-Bradley, Quin  11 Midlothian                        11.20   2  10   
  2 Clemmons, Jehlani         11 Midlothian                        11.98   1   8   
  3 Moore, Murry              11 Fort Worth D                      11.99   2   6   
  4 Saddler, Malachi          11 Arlington Ho           13.44      12.01   4   4   
  5 Ofili, Cheta              10 Sachse                            12.02   2   2   
  6 Shabazz, Kyden            10 Fort Worth E           13.28      12.09   4   1   
  7 Honeycutt, Trenton         9 Sachse                            12.16   1 
  8 Bennett, Messiah          11 Grand Prairi                      12.17   3 
  9 Minor, Layne               9 Sachse                            12.28   3 
 10 Colter, Damario           11 Fort Worth W                      12.32   3 
 11 Hamilton, Dawn             9 Arlington Ho                      12.39   4 
 12 Cannon, Kaleb             10 Midlothian             12.62      12.40   5 
 12 Thomas, Kaden             10 Grand Prairi                      12.40   4 
 14 Stewart, Zyan             10 Lancaster              11.72      12.43   5 
 15 Jones, Omari              10 Lancaster              11.70      12.45   5 
 16 Mcdonald, Keuntay          9 South Garlan           12.34      12.50   5 
 17 Pennington, Stephan       10 Grand Prairi           11.90      12.56   5 
 18 Sands, Dylan              10 Fort Worth E                      12.72   4 
 19 Santilian, Carlos          9 Arlington Ho                      12.89   4 
 20 LaCroix, Jean             10 Fort Worth W           12.80      12.99   5 
 21 Holman, Stefon             9 Fort Worth W                      13.57   3 
 22 Howell, Traveonn          10 South Garlan                      14.08   1 
 -- Shaw, Cedrick                Lancaster ( Blac                 X11.28   2 
 -- Derrick, Marcus              Lancaster ( Blac                 X13.48   2 
 -- Tonson, Charlston            Lancaster ( Blac                 X13.61   3 
Event 311  Boys 400 Meter Dash Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 White-Moreno, Julian       9 Arlington Bo                      54.73   1  10   
  2 Boston, Terreon            9 South Garlan                      55.62   2   8   
  3 Bronston, Hearon          11 Sachse               1:02.87      55.84   4   6   
  4 Rhew, Nolan               10 Midlothian                        56.05   2   4   
  5 Lockett, Kaliq             9 Sachse                            57.08   3   2   
  6 Edwards, Calvin           11 Arlington Ho                      57.79   3   1   
  7 Rooks, Reiland             9 Fort Worth S                      58.05   2 
  8 Snell, Joshua             10 Lancaster              59.80      58.15   4 
  9 Stubblefield, Jawon       10 Lancaster              58.50      59.20   4 
 10 Watts, Quinton             9 Grand Prairi                      59.44   1 
 11 Walker, Xavier             9 Fort Worth W         1:10.00    1:00.41   3 
 12 Anderson, Dontrail         9 Arlington Ho                    1:00.47   1 
 13 Patterson, Jacob           9 Arlington Bo                    1:00.54   2 
 14 Nickerson, Keair          10 Fort Worth S                    1:01.16   2 
 15 Choice, Isaiah            10 Lancaster              59.50    1:01.99   4 
 16 Fashina, Ayomide          10 Grand Prairi                    1:02.56   3 
 17 Griffin, Neiman            9 Fort Worth W         1:10.00    1:05.89   4 
 18 Herrera, Carlos            9 Grand Prairi                    1:11.94   1 
 -- Johnson, Zavion              Lancaster ( Blac               X1:02.35   3 
 -- James, Canaan                Lancaster ( Blac               X1:05.48   1 
 -- Lockett, Chantler            Lancaster ( Blac               X1:07.58   2 
Event 312  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Junior Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Midlothian  'A'                                              1:37.11   20   
  2 Sachse  'A'                                                  1:39.48   16   
 -- Lancaster (Black)  'A'                                          XDNF  
     1) Brown, Kam                      2) Jones, Kainen                  
     3) Johnson, Kendell                4) Sampson, Jamayle               
 -- Arlington Houston  'A'                                            DQ  
     1) Martin, Isaiah 11               2) Young, Kenneth 10              
     3) Toler, Larry 9                  4) Santilian, Carlos 9            
 -- Fort Worth Eastern Hills  'A'                                     DQ   Zone Viloation
Event 313  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Gipson, Kayden             9 Midlothian                        46.96   10   
  2 Toombs, Zwaundy            9 Midlothian                        47.55    8   
  3 Porter, Issac             10 Midlothian                        47.58    6   
  4 Ontiveros, Ruben          12 South Garlan                      51.75    4   
  5 Gonzalez, Diego            9 Sachse                            53.10    2   
  6 Kirven, Johnny             9 Fort Worth D                      53.28    1   
  7 Collis, Mason             10 Sachse                            58.51  
  8 Astran, Solomon            9 Sachse                          1:01.23  
Event 314  Boys 200 Meter Dash Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Tillman, Keino            11 Fort Worth S                      23.80   2  10   
  2 Young, Kenneth            10 Arlington Ho                      24.35   4   8   
  3 White, Zavion             11 Arlington Bo           23.10      24.36   5   6   
  4 Battle, Dominick          10 Arlington Bo           22.90      24.53   5   4   
  5 Sims, Omarion             12 Arlington Bo           23.20      25.55   5   2   
  6 Boston, Terreon            9 South Garlan                      25.55   3   1   
  7 Norberg, Dane             10 Sachse                            25.67   4 
  8 Ofili, Cheta              10 Sachse                            25.73   4 
  9 Simon, Demetrion          11 Fort Worth S           26.33      25.80   4 
 10 Herrera, Carlos            9 Grand Prairi                      25.85   3 
 11 McKenzie, Makeio          10 Fort Worth E                      25.89   3 
 12 Montanez, Caleb            9 Grand Prairi                      25.95   2 
 13 Torres, Cameron           10 Midlothian                        26.25   3 
 14 Thomas, Antwan            10 Fort Worth D                      26.32   2 
 15 Loper, Anthony            10 Lancaster              25.20      26.35   5 
 16 Moore, Murry              11 Fort Worth D                      26.49   2 
 17 Benson, Donovan           10 Sachse                            26.65   1 
 18 Durham, Claude            11 Lancaster              24.10      26.68   5 
 19 Johnson, Sa'yun           10 Fort Worth E                      26.77   3 
 20 LaCroix, Jean             10 Fort Worth W           26.00      26.86   5 
 21 Jones, Omari              10 Lancaster              24.90      27.01   5 
 22 Nickerson, Keair          10 Fort Worth S                      27.41   2 
 23 Rowley, Ethan              9 Midlothian                        27.76   4 
 23 Griffin, Neiman            9 Fort Worth W           26.00      27.76   4 
 25 Thompson, Kenyon           9 Grand Prairi                      28.73   4 
 26 Holman, Stefon             9 Fort Worth W           26.00      28.93   5 
 27 Pena, Brandon             12 Arlington Ho                      41.25   1 
 -- Toler, Larry               9 Arlington Ho                         NT   1 
 -- Lockett, Chantler            Lancaster ( Blac                 X27.05   4 
 -- Derrick, Marcus              Lancaster ( Blac                 X28.90   1 
Event 315  Boys 800 Meter Run Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Pichardo, Christopher     10 Arlington Ho         2:17.52    2:16.55   10   
  2 Wamsley, Ellis            11 Arlington Bo         2:39.07    2:19.37    8   
  3 Torres, Kowen             10 Midlothian                      2:19.68    6   
  4 McArthur, Miles           10 Midlothian                      2:20.92    4   
  5 Henvey, Luke               9 Midlothian                      2:25.40    2   
 -- Montano, Pablo            12 Arlington Ho         2:30.00         NT  
 -- Lindsey, Devonte          11 Fort Worth S         2:19.56         NT  
 -- Siller, Thaddeus          12 Arlington Bo         2:15.26         NT  
 -- Stubblefield, Jawon       10 Lancaster            2:25.00         NT  
 -- Ordonez, Edgar            10 Arlington Ho         2:20.48         NT  
 -- Ouattara, Zachary          9 Fort Worth S                         NT  
 -- Ali, James                10 Sachse               2:29.48         NT  
 -- Borrego, Peter            10 Grand Prairi                         NT  
 -- Garcia, Gael               9 Arlington Bo                         NT  
 -- Adam, Alba                10 Arlington Bo         2:30.00         NT  
 -- Hamilton, Bryson           9 Grand Prairi                         NT  
 -- Kirven, Johnny             9 Fort Worth D                         NT  
 -- Crowley, Percival          9 Fort Worth S                         NT  
 -- Garcia, Mark              11 Grand Prairi                         NT  
 -- Perez, Franklin              Lancaster ( Blac               X2:11.38  
Event 316  Boys 1600 Meter Run Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
 -- Torres, Kowen             10 Midlothian                           NT  
 -- Salah, Yassaf             11 Grand Prairi                         NT  
 -- Wamsley, Ellis            11 Arlington Bo         5:30.06         NT  
 -- Redden, Jackson            9 Sachse                               NT  
 -- Pichardo, Christopher     10 Arlington Ho         6:00.00         NT  
 -- Rodriguez, Angel          11 Grand Prairi                         NT  
 -- Montoya, Juan                Arlington Ho                         NT  
 -- Saavedra, Aaron              Arlington Ho                         NT  
 -- Ordonez, Edgar            10 Arlington Ho                         NT  
 -- Gomez, Ector              12 Arlington Ho                         NT  
 -- Canales, Aaron            10 Arlington Ho                         NT  
 -- Flores, Anthony           11 South Garlan                         NT  
 -- Finnestad, Seth           11 Midlothian           5:46.69         NT  
 -- McArthur, Miles           10 Midlothian                           NT  
 -- Borrego, Peter            10 Grand Prairi                         NT  
 -- Adam, Alba                10 Arlington Bo         5:42.20         NT  
 -- Espinosa, Christopher     11 South Garlan         5:57.73         NT  
 -- mendoza, franco           10 Arlington Ho         5:45.00         NT  
 -- Mendez, Isaac             10 Arlington Ho         5:24.74         NT  
 -- Pechacek, Jon-Paul        10 Arlington Bo                         NT  
 -- McDonald, Jacob           10 Sachse                               NT  
 -- Mejia, Israel              9 Sachse                               NT  
Event 317  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Junior Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Arlington Bowie  'A'                              3:40.60    3:47.06   20   
     1) Atwood, Elijah 9                2) Garcia, Gael 9                 
     3) Patterson, Jordan 9             4) Rice, Tremayne 9               
  2 Lancaster  'A'                                    3:45.00    3:50.56   16   
     1) Choice, Isaiah 10               2) Snell, Joshua 10               
     3) Stubblefield, Jawon 10          4) Loper, Anthony 10              
  3 Arlington Houston  'A'                                       3:51.49   12   
     1) Martin, Isaiah 11               2) Young, Kenneth 10              
     3) Toler, Larry 9                  4) Edwards, Calvin 11             
  4 Grand Prairie  'A'                                           3:58.42    8   
     1) Barney, Kelton 9                2) Watts, Quinton 9               
     3) Thompson, Kenyon 9              4) Fashina, Ayomide 10            
  5 Sachse  'A'                                                  3:59.56    4   
  6 Fort Worth Southwest  'A'                                    4:02.13    2   
     1) Crowley, Percival 9             2) Lindsey, Devonte 11            
     3) Rooks, Reiland 9                4) Simon, Demetrion 11            
 -- Lancaster (Black)  'A'                                          XDNF  
     1) Johnson, Kendell                2) Perez, Franklin                
     3) Choice, Emanuel                 4) Sampson, Jamayle               
Event 401  Girls Long Jump Junior Varsity
 Min. Jump for Mark = 12'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Speed, Eehleeya            9 South Garlan                   16-02.00   10   
  2 Bradsher, Amani           12 Midlothian          16-02.50   15-03.00    8   
  3 Phillips, Charis          12 Arlington Bo                   14-00.00    6   
  4 Kotay, Sianeh             12 Arlington Bo                   13-11.00    4   
  5 King, Caroline             9 Sachse                         12-08.00    2   
 -- Toney, Jamyia             11 South Garlan                         ND  
 -- Sprem, Kristina           11 Sachse                               ND  
Event 402  Girls Triple Jump Junior Varsity
 Min. Jump for Mark = 27'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Phillips, Charis          12 Arlington Bo                   33-09.00   10   
  2 Pustejovsky, Claire       10 Midlothian                     27-00.50    8   
Event 403  Girls High Jump Junior Varsity
 Opening Height 4'-0"
 Bar will rise increments of 2"
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Speed, Eehleeya            9 South Garlan                    4-08.00   10   
  2 Eason, Brailyn            11 Midlothian                      4-06.00    8   
  3 Stansberry, Lillie        10 Midlothian           4-10.00   J4-06.00    6   
  4 Sprem, Kristina           11 Sachse                          4-04.00    4   
  5 Leff, Ann                  9 Sachse                          4-00.00    2   
  6 Jesmer, Abigail           10 Sachse               4-02.00   J4-00.00    1   
Event 404  Girls Pole Vault Junior Varsity
 Opening Height 5'-0"
 Increments of 6"
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jones, Gabby                 Sachse                          7-00.00   10   
  2 Teakell - Van Meter, Sav  10 Midlothian                      6-00.00    8   
 -- Coleman, Amy              10 Sachse                               NH  
Event 405  Girls Shot Put Junior Varsity
 Min. Throw for Mark = 25'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Progue, Kennedy           11 Sachse                         35-02.00   10   
  2 Johsnon, Mecaela          11 Sachse                         30-08.75    8   
  3 Jesmer, Abigail           10 Sachse                         29-09.50    6   
  4 Leonard, Cymaria          12 Arlington Ho        27-00.00   28-03.50    4   
  5 Hull-Chiplin, Lyric       11 South Garlan                   27-00.00    2   
  6 Anderson, Keyonah         12 Fort Worth S                   26-04.75    1   
 -- Body, Shanice              9 South Garlan                         ND  
 -- Walton, Ainsleigh         10 Midlothian                           ND  
 -- Clewis, Dariaunna         11 Fort Worth D        12-00.00         ND  
 -- Hall-Womack, Kyona        12 Fort Worth S                         ND  
 -- Brown, Alexiah            10 South Garlan        24-03.50         ND  
Event 406  Girls Discus Throw Junior Varsity
 Min. Throw for Mark = 75'
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Progue, Kennedy           11 Sachse                            80-08   10   
  2 Jesmer, Abigail           10 Sachse                 72-04      66-01    8   
  3 Anderson, Keyonah         12 Fort Worth S                      54-08    6   
  4 Roberts, Tytana            9 South Garlan                      53-09    4   
  5 Body, Shanice              9 South Garlan                   51-00.75    2   
  6 Johsnon, Mecaela          11 Sachse                            50-10    1   
  7 Hall-Womack, Kyona        12 Fort Worth S                   48-10.25  
  8 Walton, Ainsleigh         10 Midlothian                        46-06  
  9 Davis, Jakira             12 Fort Worth S                   37-09.50  
 -- Leonard, Cymaria          12 Arlington Ho           82-11         ND  
Event 407  Girls 3200 Meter Run Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Cepeda, Sofia              9 Arlington Ho                   13:41.24   10   
  2 Martinez, Jazmine         11 Sachse                         14:04.94    8   
  3 Bates, Kristina            9 Midlothian                     14:15.23    6   
  4 Olvera, Ashley            11 Midlothian          14:05.42   14:19.86    4   
  5 Gutierrez, Ana            11 Arlington Ho        16:09.88   14:19.86    2   
  6 Rivera, Ashley            11 South Garlan                   14:20.28    1   
  7 Hjelm, Abigail            11 Sachse              14:14.28   14:24.88  
  8 Colmenero, Anapatricia    11 Sachse                         16:28.65  
Event 408  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Junior Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Midlothian  'A'                                                52.99   20   
  2 Fort Worth Eastern Hills  'A'                       52.00      57.33   16   
Event 409  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Morgan, Jordan             9 Midlothian                        18.10   10   
  2 Speed, Eehleeya            9 South Garlan                      19.70    8   
  3 Ejim, Leslie              12 Arlington Bo                      19.93    6   
  4 Stewart, Daneisha         10 Fort Worth S           20.34      20.11    4   
  5 Augustus, April           11 Sachse                 20.41      20.17    2   
  6 Williams, Jerryon         10 Fort Worth E                      20.39    1   
  7 Price, Lauryn             11 Fort Worth E                      22.62  
Event 410  Girls 100 Meter Dash Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Sims, Allison             10 Midlothian                        13.24   3  10   
  2 Johnson, Jaylah            9 Arlington Ho                      13.49   1   8   
  3 Spears, Ia'Neiah           9 Sachse                            13.69   1   6   
  4 VanGilder, Sydnei         11 Fort Worth E           14.00      14.01   3   4   
  5 Curley, Isis              12 Fort Worth S                      14.18   1   2   
  6 Dragustinovis, Samantha   11 Fort Worth E           13.50      14.21   3   1   
  7 Sprem, Kristina           11 Sachse                            14.37   1 
  7 Stewart, Daneisha         10 Fort Worth S                      14.37   2 
  9 McNeal, Kiyah             12 Arlington Bo                      14.42   2 
 10 Rodgers, Aziria            9 Fort Worth D           15.00      14.45   3 
 11 Doze, Lillian              9 Ft Worth You                      14.55   1 
 12 Ware, Chloe                9 Fort Worth D           19.00      15.44   3 
 13 Williamson, Keanna        12 South Garlan           14.62      15.89   3 
 14 Munamba, Prescilla        12 Fort Worth E           15.00      16.09   3 
 15 Uwiringimana, Dinah        9 Fort Worth D           20.00      16.26   3 
Event 411  Girls 400 Meter Dash Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Tempelmeyer, Cate         10 Sachse                          1:03.68   2  10   
  2 Elliot-Car, Liyah         12 Fort Worth S                    1:05.34   2   8   
  3 Kotay, Sianeh             12 Arlington Bo                    1:06.06   2   6   
  4 Williams, Zariah           9 Arlington Ho         1:06.00    1:06.22   3   4   
  5 Pressley, Samiyah          9 Arlington Bo                    1:08.07   1   2   
  6 Green, Zyria              10 South Garlan                    1:09.04   2   1   
  7 Okpetu, Petra             12 Arlington Ho         1:12.05    1:09.25   3 
  8 Okoh, Ehioma              10 Midlothian                      1:10.41   2 
  9 Jeter, Makaela            10 Arlington Se                    1:10.47   2 
 10 Turner, Makenzie           9 Fort Worth D         1:25.00    1:11.30   3 
 11 McArthur, Reign           11 Midlothian                      1:11.91   3 
 12 Pustejovsky, Claire       10 Midlothian                      1:17.62   3 
 13 Hill, Heaven              12 Fort Worth S                    1:20.00   2 
 14 Kawaya, Francisca          9 Fort Worth D         1:30.00    1:26.32   3 
 15 Van Geem, Kathleen         9 Ft Worth You                    1:29.47   1 
Event 412  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Junior Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Midlothian  'A'                                              1:53.99   20   
  2 Fort Worth Eastern Hills  'A'                     1:55.00    2:00.88   16   
  3 Sachse  'A'                                                  2:02.21   12   
  4 Fort Worth Dunbar  'A'                            2:00.00    2:13.17    8   
     1) Miles, Jacelyn 9                2) Rodgers, Aziria 9              
     3) Uwiringimana, Dinah 9           4) Ware, Chloe 9                  
Event 413  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Gray, D'Mari              10 Midlothian                        50.13   10   
  2 Speed, Eehleeya            9 South Garlan                      51.86    8   
  3 Morgan, Jordan             9 Midlothian                        52.71    6   
  4 Ejim, Leslie              12 Arlington Bo                      52.98    4   
  5 Augustus, April           11 Sachse                            53.05    2   
  6 Idowu, Temiloluwa         12 Midlothian             56.29    1:02.09    1   
  7 Williams, Jerryon         10 Fort Worth E                    1:02.15  
  8 Price, Lauryn             11 Fort Worth E                    1:06.07  
Event 414  Girls 200 Meter Dash Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Elliot-Car, Liyah         12 Fort Worth S                      29.27   1  10   
  2 Pressley, Samiyah          9 Arlington Bo                      29.55   1   8   
  3 Phillips, Charis          12 Arlington Bo                      29.83   2   6   
  4 Ifagbayi-Adeniran, Nefem  10 Arlington Ho           29.50      29.97   4   4   
  5 Ogundeinde, Susan          9 Fort Worth E           28.00      30.05   4   2   
  6 Green, Zyria              10 South Garlan                      30.17   3   1   
  7 Johnson, Jaylah            9 Arlington Ho           28.00      30.18   4 
  8 Lomax, Makalyn             9 South Garlan                      30.55   2 
  9 Eason, Brailyn            11 Midlothian                        31.35   2 
 10 McNeal, Kiyah             12 Arlington Bo                      31.86   1 
 11 Arnold, Jaeleigh          10 Midlothian             29.74      32.06   4 
 12 Curley, Isis              12 Fort Worth S                      32.38   1 
 13 Elewode, Mercy            10 Sachse                            33.09   2 
 14 Stewart, Daneisha         10 Fort Worth S                      33.22   3 
 15 Kawaya, Francisca          9 Fort Worth D           30.00      33.78   4 
 16 Howard, Deanna            11 Fort Worth E           31.89      33.88   3 
 17 Rodgers, Aziria            9 Fort Worth D           30.00      34.60   4 
 18 Santillan, Mikeila         9 Ft Worth You                      35.01   3 
 19 Munamba, Prescilla        12 Fort Worth E           35.00      35.89   3 
 20 Miles, Jacelyn             9 Fort Worth D                      35.99   2 
 21 Fuentes, Valeria           9 Ft Worth You                      36.42   2 
 22 Williamson, Keanna        12 South Garlan                      37.58   3 
 23 Van Geem, Kathleen         9 Ft Worth You                      38.53   2 
Event 415  Girls 800 Meter Run Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Eischen, Ella              9 Sachse                          2:38.02   10   
  2 Nguyen, Phuong            12 Arlington Ho                    2:45.54    8   
  3 Davidson, Faith           11 Midlothian           2:42.73    2:46.83    6   
  4 Lofgren, Madiana          10 Midlothian                      2:49.85    4   
  5 Kayode, Victoria          10 Arlington Bo         3:06.46    2:53.50    2   
  6 Martinez, Jazmine         11 Sachse                          2:57.24    1   
  7 Hill, Heaven              12 Fort Worth S                    3:08.83  
  8 Chorn, Emma                9 Ft Worth You                    3:21.00  
  9 Doze, Lillian              9 Ft Worth You                    3:21.91  
 10 Larsen, Arianna           11 Fort Worth D         3:15.87    3:22.28  
Event 416  Girls 1600 Meter Run Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
 -- Olvera, Ashley            11 Midlothian           6:39.51         NT  
 -- Pustejovsky, Claire       10 Midlothian                           NT  
 -- Hjelm, Abigail            11 Sachse               6:21.26         NT  
 -- Kayode, Victoria          10 Arlington Bo         7:23.18         NT  
 -- Wepler, Clara             10 Sachse                               NT  
 -- Ombuya, Faith                Arlington Ho                         NT  
 -- Rivera, Ashley            11 South Garlan                         NT  
 -- Cepeda, Sofia              9 Arlington Ho                         NT  
 -- Chorn, Emma                9 Ft Worth You                         NT  
 -- Bates, Kristina            9 Midlothian                           NT  
 -- Flores, Enid              10 Arlington Ho                         NT  
 -- Gutierrez, Ana            11 Arlington Ho         7:21.64         NT  
 -- Eischen, Ella              9 Sachse                               NT  
Event 417  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Junior Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Midlothian  'A'                                              4:26.85   20   
  2 Arlington Bowie  'A'                              4:25.00    4:35.10   16   
     1) Phillips, Charis 12             2) Pressley, Samiyah 9            
     3) Kotay, Sianeh 12                4) Washington, Maleah 9           
  3 Arlington Houston  'A'                                       4:41.10   12   
     1) Johnson, Jaylah 9               2) Williams, Zariah 9             
     3) Ifagbayi-Adeniran, Nefemi 10    4) Nwabufo, Vivian 11             
  4 Arlington Houston  'B'                                      x4:42.97  
  5 Sachse  'A'                                                  4:51.15    8   
 -- Fort Worth Dunbar  'A'                            5:00.00        DNF  
     1) Larsen, Arianna 11              2) Kawaya, Francisca 9            
     3) Turner, Makenzie 9              4) Harmon, S'Nia 9                
Event 508  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9th Grade
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Sachse  'A'                                                    58.14   20   
Event 608  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9th Grade
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
 -- Sachse  'A'                                                       DQ   Zone Violation
Event 708  Women 4x100 Meter Relay Throwers
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 South Garland  'A'                                           1:02.37  
     1) Body, Shanice 9                 2) Roberts, Tytana 9              
     3) Salazar, Shany 12               4) Dawkins, Darlie 12             
  2 Sachse  'A'                                                  1:06.72  
Event 808  Men 4x100 Meter Relay Throwers
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Grand Prairie  'A'                                             52.03  
  2 Arlington Houston  'A'                                         55.20  
  3 Fort Worth Southwest  'A'                                      56.89  
     1) Gorvie, Raymond 12              2) Guardado, Joshua 10            
     3) Pena, Andrew 9                  4) Thompkins, Isaiah 11           
  4 Lancaster  'A'                                                 57.94  
     1) Huff, Daleon 11                 2) Chatmon, Duvail 11             
     3) Martinez, Joeb 11               4) Marks, Jeremiah 11             
  5 Fort Worth Eastern Hills  'A'                                  58.89  
              Women - Varsity - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Midlothian                 144        2) Arlington Bowie           123   
    3) Sachse                      80        4) Fort Worth Dunbar          60   
    5) Arlington Houston           31        6) Arlington Seguin           28   
    7) South Garland                8                                           
           Women - Junior Varsity - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Midlothian                 155        2) Sachse                    121   
    3) Arlington Bowie             70        4) Arlington Houston          52   
    5) South Garland               47        6) Fort Worth Eastern Hills   40   
    7) Fort Worth Southwest        31        8) Fort Worth Dunbar           8   
              Women - 9th Grade - Team Rankings - 1 Events Scored
    1) Sachse                      20                                           
                Men - Varsity - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Midlothian                  95        2) Sachse                     88   
    3) Fort Worth Southwest        87        4) Arlington Bowie            83   
    5) Arlington Houston           82        6) South Garland              40   
    7) Grand Prairie               31        8) Fort Worth Wyatt           16   
    9) Fort Worth Eastern Hills    11       10) Fort Worth Dunbar           6   
   11) Lancaster                    2                                           
            Men - Junior Varsity - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Midlothian                 141        2) Sachse                     95   
    3) Arlington Bowie             94        4) Arlington Houston          89   
    5) South Garland               33        6) Lancaster                  16   
    7) Fort Worth Southwest        14        8) Grand Prairie              11   
    9) Fort Worth Dunbar            7       10) Fort Worth Eastern Hills    5