Wylie Dustin Rodriguez XC Run 2022

Wylie, TX

Meet Information

Meet Info UPDATED, 9/27:

Location: Wylie High School / Founders Park

2550 West FM 544, Wylie, TX 75098

Registration: on Tx.Milesplit.com by September 27th at NOON.

Course: Flat and Fast. Mats will cover any concrete race surfaces.

Timing: Chip Timing:Compton Time and Measure

6:30a.m. -7:45a.m. Check in

Race Schedule:  Updated, 9/27: WE NOW WILL FOLLOW A TIME SCHEDULE.

8:00a.m.VarsityGirls (Elite & Open Combined) 5000m

8:30a.m.VarsityBoys (Elite & Open Combined) 5000m

9:05a.m.JV Girls (Elite & Open Combined) 5000m

9:45a.m.JV Boys (Elite & Open Combined) 5000m

Teams who entered athletes in both the Elite and Open Divisions will have

two teams entered in the combined division race, entered as an A and B Team,

scored separately.