Meet Information
Lockhart JH XC meet #2 DATE/Location: Wed, Oct. 5th at Lockhart City Park. (Lockhart City Park 504 E. City Park Rd. Lockhart, TX 78666)
Course: approx. 1.5 miles. Entry Fee: $200 per school(or $50 per race...7B, 7G, 8B, 8G = $200)
Make checks payable to: Lockhart High School Athletics
Mail to:
Lockhart High School Athletics
1 Lion Country Dr
Lockhart, TX 78666
Attn: Jamie West JH #2
Time: will begin approx. at 5:00 PM in the following order:
7th grade girls (Rolling Schedule)
7th grade boys
8th grade girls
8th grade boys
PLEASE read flyer/Pdf on how to save your spot to come to our meet. This is a very relaxed meet, no registration/timing, but has been a very fun meet for our middle school runners. Again, you must email me with the following info... Coach's name, School name, which divisions(7B 7G 8B 8G) are coming, and please bring or mail your check on time. Due to the popularity of our meet last year, if you do not confirm with me that you are coming, I cannot guarantee that we will have space for your team. My info is on the FLYER..
INFORMATION : We tried this the last two years and I believe it worked very well so we will do
the same format. So in saying that.
PRO's -We will have a Giant Racing Clock at the Finish Line to show overall time
---No registration/forms are needed due to this format, just email me so we
know you're attending & what divisions and bring your student-athletes.
-Awards/medals will be given out to the Top 20(per race) at the finish line..
-Very fan friendly course.
--Each team is responsible for timing their own student athletes.(if they
--No team standings will be taken
Again... No team standings/award will be taken/given. Each coach is responsible to time
their own athletes if they choose.
Clock will be provided at the finish line. Since it's more of
an open format, no need to submit entries to us. If interested: email me:
Example....Email Subject: JH Meet #2 Confirmation Hello Coach Ortiz, Lockhart JH would like to bring our 7th G, 7th B, 8th G, 8th B to your Oct 5th JH meet. Please email me back to confirm our school can attend. Once you confirm with me we can attend I will submit the paperwork to our athletics office to mail you the check for $200. Thank you, Coach