Open Boys 5K Results

Open Boys 5K							
	Place 	Name		          Team		                         Time	
	1	Dominick Arnaud		The Woodlands College Park		18:00	
	2	David Hovland		The Woodlands College Park		18:08	
	3	Tyler Hedengren		The Woodlands		                18:08	
	4	Aidan Bell		The Woodlands		                18:13	
	5	Eduardo Rodriguez	The Woodlands College Park		18:16	
	6	Bryce Cantu		The Woodlands		                18:16	
	7	Henrik Irgens		The Woodlands College Park		18:20	
	8	Nicholas Bello		The Woodlands		                18:24	
	9	Alastair Edmond		The Woodlands		                18:32	
	10	James Marker		The Woodlands		                18:53	
	11	Julian de Los Santos	The Woodlands College Park		18:54	
	12	Gerald Hutt		The Woodlands College Park		18:58	
	13	Matthew Delange		The Woodlands College Park		19:00	
	14	Alberto Lopez Perez	The Woodlands College Park		19:01	
	15	Hudson Rook		The Woodlands		                19:01	
	16	Cesar Quintero-Rod	The Woodlands College Park		19:16	
	17	Jose Gonzalez-Alvarez	The Woodlands		                19:17	
	18	Emilio Vizcardo		The Woodlands		                19:22	
	19	Logan Scott		The Woodlands		                19:24	
	20	Jonathan Rhett		The Woodlands College Park		19:28	
	21	Oliver Belforti		The Woodlands		                19:30	
	22	Simon Watt		The Woodlands College Park		19:34	
	23	Robert Parker		The Woodlands		                19:50	
	24	Luke Tresaugue		The Woodlands		                19:51	
	25	William Jordan		The Woodlands		                19:56	
	26	Garrison Wright		The Woodlands College Park		19:57	
	27	Maxwell Chan		The Woodlands College Park		19:58	
	28	Hector Vallejo		The Woodlands		                20:03	
	29	Nicolas Castillo	The Woodlands		                20:06	
	30	Bode Lyman		The Woodlands College Park		20:25	
	31	Parras Dumlao		The Woodlands College Park		20:30	
	32	Aidan Druskoff		The Woodlands		                20:33	
	33	Nick Labanca		The Woodlands		                20:40	
	34	Zivanovic Spencer	The Woodlands		                20:40	
	35	Caden Gibson		The Woodlands		                20:46	
	36	Diego Chapellian	The Woodlands College Park		20:53	
	37	Alec Webster		Conroe Grand Oaks		        20:54	
	38	Homero Rangel		Conroe Caney Creek	 	        21:06	
	39	Terrance Schenck	The Woodlands College Park		21:11	
	40	Camden Walther		The Woodlands		                21:25	
	41	Gannon Dixon		The Woodlands College Park		21:29	
	42	Gabe Veath		The Woodlands		                21:32	
	43	Ty Collura		The Woodlands		                21:43	
	44	Bernie Bernardo		The Woodlands		                21:47	
	45	David Crider		Conroe Caney Creek		        21:54	
	46	Christaniel Gonzales	The Woodlands College Park		22:00	
	47	Mauricio Santos		Conroe Caney Creek		        22:03	
	48	Eden Cardona		Conroe Caney Creek		        22:17	
	49	Isai Quintana		Conroe Caney Creek		        22:35	
	50	Ulises Pelcastre	Conroe Grand Oaks		        22:41	
	51	Alexis Gutierrez	Conroe Caney Creek		        22:53	
	52	Thomas Meyer		The Woodlands		                23:14	
	53	Aidan Martinez		The Woodlands		                23:20	
	54	Alex Mendoza		Conroe Caney Creek		        23:52	
	55	Wyatt Wright		Conroe Caney Creek		        24:02:00	
	56	Raul Moreno		Conroe Caney Creek		        24:13:00	
	57	Cristian Saravia	Conroe Grand Oaks		        24:13:00	
	58	Abdias Cruz		Conroe Caney Creek		        25:06:00	
	59	Matthew Minichiello	Conroe Grand Oaks		        25:09:00	
	60	Marcos Lopez		Conroe Caney Creek		        25:20:00	
	61	Abel Ramirez		Conroe Caney Creek		        25:23:00	
	62	Nick Paredes		Conroe Caney Creek		        25:26:00	
	63	Carson Harrison		Conroe Caney Creek		        25:37:00	
	64	Francisco Santos	Conroe High		                29:49:00	
	65	Adam Lopez		Conroe High		                32:53:00