Meet Information
You are invited to the BFND 4K (2.485 miles) and (Freshmen and Girls' Sub-Varsity- 2 mile) Invitational, hosted by Cy-Fair High School Athletic Booster Club. The BFND 4k is a great early season transition distance to the 5k. The BFND 4k will be run at the challenging but shaded Spring Creek Park in Tomball, it is the perfect setting for a early season race. A well marked course and timing provided by RunHoustonTiming will provide your team with a great racing experience. Cost- $75.00 per Team- Boys' Team and Girls' Team. (Athletic Agreement Teams-60.00 per team). Enter your athletes on TxMileSplit
Varsity, Sub-Varsity, and Freshmen Divisions
Race Schedule: (Rolling Schedule but approximate times are as follows)
- Boy's Varsity- 7:30 am
- Girl's Varsity- 8:00 am
- Boy's Sub-Varsity 8:30 am
- Girl's Sub-Varsity- (2 miles) 9:00 am
- Freshmen Boys' (2 miles) 9:30 am
Registration- Online with TxMileSplit (Team Entries close on 8/22 at 5:00 PM)
Costs: 75.00 per Team. ( Boys' Team- $75.00 and Girls' Team- $75.00). If your District is part of the Athletic Agreement, your cost is $60.00 per Boys' Team and $60.00 per Girls' Team. Make Checks payable to Cy-Fair Athletic Booster Club
- Medals to the top 15 in each Division
- 1st Place Team Award- All Divisions
- Runner-Up Team award in Varsity Division only
Contact for more information