Ysleta ISD Middle School District Track Championships 2023

El Paso, TX

Meet Information

Please make sure the proper athlete gets the proper bib before the race.

We will start promptly at 4pm, so please make sure your athletes are

at the starting line on time. We will be using wave starts so please

explain this to your athletes. Results will be found by going to

ehstrack.bravehost.com and clicking on the "Live Cross Country Meet

Results" link at the top middle of the page, then search by typing in

the meet name. The results will also be posted on milesplit after the

meet is over, please give this information to your coaches, athletes and

administrators. Parents are welcome to watch the meet but need to keep

their distance from the homes lining the course. We want to be-able to

keep using this facility so please make sure your teams and parents do

not leave any trash anywhere on the golf course. Thank you!!!!!


4:00PM 7th grade boys (wave start)

4:10PM 7th grade girls (wave start)

8th grade boys start immediately after the 7th grade race finishes (wave start)

8th grade girls start 10min after the 8th boys race starts (wave start)