Meet Information
This meet, held on Friday, 10/20/23, is hosted by and at Southwest Christian School Lakeside Campus. We will run it at the same time as our District meet, but divisions will be scored separately.
Here is the schedule:
9:00 AM - HS Girls 2 Mile
9:30 AM - HS Boys 5K
10:00 AM - MS Girls 2 Mile
10:30 AM - MS Boys 2 Mile
11:30 (approximately, based on completion of scoring) - awards
The fee per school is $125. Please make checks out to Southwest Christian School. They may be brought to the meet or mailed to 6901 Altamesa, Fort Worth, TX, 76123.
The top ten athletes in each division will receive medals. Top teams in each division will also receive a plaque.
Questions may be directed to Sydney Moyer via email at or to Kaci Snyder at