Meet Information

Elkhart Cross County Meet

Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Location: Elkhart High School

Entry Fee: $75.00 per team, $15 per individual  A maximum of $300.00. (Make checks payable to Elkhart Cross Country and Bring Them With You to Packet Pick-up)

We will be using Extra Mile Timing and all races will be using reusable chips that will have to be turned in at the end of the race before the runners leave the shoot/finishing area.

Check in: 8:00 - walk course

Race Times:9:00 - VG

9:30 - VB

10:00- JVG

10:30- JVB

3:30- JHB

3:55- JHG

Awards: Team Plaques will be presented to the champion for Varsity Divisions.  Medals will be awarded at the finish line for the top 10 in each division.  

Concessions:  Drinks, Candy, Chips, Pickles, and a few other items will be for sale at the concessions.