Alamo City Mile and Relays 2024

San Antonio, TX

Start List

Antonian High School                                     DirectAthletics MeetPro
                        2024 Alamo City Mile and Relays                         
              Ferrara Field, San Antonio, TX - 3/8/2024 - 3/9/2024              

#1 Girls 4000m DMR
posi Team                 Sq 
Section 1 of 1
1    IWHS                  A 
2    San Antonio Antonian  A 
3    Round Rock McNeil     A 
4    San Antonio Home Sch  A 
5    Great Hearts Western  A 

#2 Boys 4000m DMR
posi Team                 Sq 
Section 1 of 1
1    Northside Holmes      A 
2    San Antonio Antonian  A 
3    San Antonio Saint Ma  A 
4    Great Hearts Western  A 
5    Great Hearts Western  B 

#3 Girls 4 x 200m Relay
Lane Team                 Sq 
Section 1 of 1
   3 San Antonio Antonian  A 
   4 Round Rock McNeil     A 
   5 Ingram Moore          A 
   6 San Antonio Saint Ma  A 

#4 Boys 4 x 200m Relay
Lane Team                 Sq 
Section 1 of 1
   1 Great Hearts Western  B 
   2 San Antonio Saint Ma  A 
   3 Ingram Moore          A 
   4 Round Rock McNeil     A 
   5 Kerrville Tivy        A 
   6 San Antonio Antonian  A 
   7 Great Hearts Western  A 

#6 Boys 4 x 800m Relay
Alley  Hip Team                 Sq 
Section 1 of 1
   3A    3 Great Hearts Western  A 
   4A    1 San Antonio Saint Ma  A 
   5A    2 Great Hearts Western  B 

#7 Girls 800m SMR
Lane Team                 Sq 
Section 1 of 1
   3 San Antonio Providen  A 
   4 Round Rock McNeil     A 
   5 Ingram Moore          A 
   6 San Antonio Saint Ma  A 

#8 Boys 800m SMR
Lane Team                 Sq 
Section 1 of 1
   3 Great Hearts Western  A 
   4 Ingram Moore          A 
   5 San Antonio Saint Ma  A 

#45 1600m Heat #8
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    NITSCHKE, Olivia     Great Hearts Western 
2    GARCIA, Maryssa      San Antonio Antonian 
3    ROGERS, Cohen        Northside Holmes     
4    ESPARZA, Elena       Great Hearts Western 
5    BERMUDEZ, Mario      Great Hearts Western 
6    RUGGLES, Caleb       Great Hearts Western 
7    IZAGUIRRE, Daniel    Great Hearts Western 
8    HERNANDEZ, Anbriell  Great Hearts Western 
9    WEISSLING, Oliver    San Antonio Swift Tr 
10   OLIVAS, Ean          Great Hearts Western 
11   TAYLOR, Emma         San Antonio Patriots 
12   CASEY, Tatum         Kerrville Tivy       
13   HERNANDEZ, Reuben    Great Hearts Western 

#46 1600m Heat #9
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    GARCIA, Jessiah      Kerrville Tivy       
2    IGLECIAS, Genesis    Energy Track Club    
3    HANKINS, Liam        San Antonio Swift Tr 
4    HARGESHEIMER, Helene Unattached           
5    SOLIZ, Olivia        San Antonio Antonian 
6    SHARPSTENE, Lauren   San Antonio Antonian 
7    KOEPNICK, Aiden      Great Hearts Western 
8    NELSON, Rhys         San Antonio Swift Tr 
9    DOYLE, Clayton       Unattached           
10   HENWOOD, Katelyn     San Antonio Home Sch 
11   AVILES, Mariana      Energy Track Club    
12   TURNER, Nia          San Antonio Swift Tr 

#47 1600m Heat #10
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    LINDSEY, Shiloh      San Antonio Home Sch 
2    WATTS, Isaac         Great Hearts Western 
3    HERRERA, Sophia      Unattached           
4    GARCIA, Nataly       San Antonio Swift Tr 
5    FOREMAN, Liam        San Antonio Swift Tr 
6    VILLALOBOS, Maddie   McMullen County      
7    WEBB, Zachary        San Antonio Swift Tr 
8    WAGNER, Sarah        Great Hearts Norther 
9    DONOFRIO, Madison    San Antonio Christia 
10   ALVAREZ, Christian   Unattached           
11   SOLIS, Danielle      San Antonio Patriots 
12   REES, Sydney         San Antonio Swift Tr 

#48 1600m Heat #11
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    AKHAHENDA, Jordan    Great Hearts Western 
2    ROGERS, Kevin        Northside Holmes     
3    FRANZESE, Maria      Great Hearts Norther 
4    FLANIGAN, Josalyn    San Antonio Home Sch 
5    CORTINAS, Lila       Unattached           
6    CORTINAS, Elyse      Unattached           
7    SANCHEZ, Kimora      Unattached           
8    MARTINEAU, Harrison  San Antonio Home Sch 
9    HASLER, Cole         Great Hearts Norther 
10   DAVIS, Katherine     Great Hearts Norther 
11   ESPARZA, Raul        Great Hearts Western 
12   BAINBRIDGE, Isabella IWHS                 

#49 1600m Heat #12
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    ELIZABETH MARTINEZ,  San Antonio Antonian 
2    MENDOZA, Keeliana    Unattached           
3    DOYLE, Jet           Unattached           
4    BELL, Joshua         San Antonio Swift Tr 
5    GALINDO, Kaycee      Unattached           
6    SHEFFIELD, Aubrie    San Antonio Swift Tr 
7    RUMBO, Makenna       Ingram Moore         
8    HARTMAN, Sascha      Unattached           
9    DE LA GARZA II, EDWA Unattached           
10   WALLACE, Laura       Unattached           
11   WEISSLING, Seth      San Antonio Swift Tr 
12   WILSON, Elizabeth    Great Hearts Western 

#50 1600m Heat #13
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    BOSQUEZ, Marcus      Great Hearts Western 
2    NEWMAN, Julia        Unattached           
3    LEGAULT, Eleanor     San Antonio Antonian 
4    COPELAND, Claire     San Antonio Antonian 
5    LOPEZ, Svetlana      Unattached           
6    WAGNER , Addison     Unattached           
7    LUCERO, Amber        Unattached           
8    VIROSTKO, Cadence    Austin Speedsters    
9    LOVELL, Ryder        Holy Spirit MS       
10   URRABAZO, Avery      San Antonio Swift Tr 
11   GARZA, Acalain       Mules Running Club   
12   HARTMAN, Sascha      Unattached           

#51 1600m Heat #14
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    VILLARREAL, Daniella San Antonio Swift Tr 
2    SERRATA, Graysen     McMullen County      
3    VANPROOYEN, Kallie   San Antonio Swift Tr 
4    MONTEZ, Abby         San Antonio Swift Tr 
5    GILBREATH, Hattie    Kerrville Running    
6    CANTU, Kike          Unattached           
7    TALLEY, Olivia       Unattached           
8    TAMAYO, Sabin        San Antonio Home Sch 
9    LOPEZ, Olivia        IWHS                 
10   CHAVEZ, Lily         Kerrville Tivy       
11   MADISON) MENDEZ, Mad Great Hearts Norther 
12   VALDES, Paloma       San Antonio Antonian 
13   TEAGUE, Madison      Great Hearts Norther 

#52 1600m Heat #15
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    ROSENTHAL, Florence  San Antonio Patriots 
2    SKLOSS, Sadie        Unattached           
3    AGUDELO, Mila        Kerrville Tivy       
4    VILLARREAL, Alina    San Antonio Swift Tr 
5    COTA, Carson         San Antonio Antonian 
6    MEDINA, Mia          San Antonio Swift Tr 
7    SCOTELLO, Frances    Unattached           
8    NITSCHKE, David      Great Hearts Western 
9    CRIBLEY, Hannah      San Antonio Home Sch 
10   SLIMPIN, Sarah       San Antonio Home Sch 
11   CABAZA, Emily        San Antonio Antonian 
12   KANZ, Mia            San Antonio Swift Tr 

#11 Girls 3200 Meters
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
2    SCHMITT, Madi        San Antonio Christia 
3    MUNGIA, Madison      Unattached           
4    PETERSON, Justine    Round Rock McNeil    
5    LUCERO, Kristin      Unattached           
6    CERNOCH, Julie       IWHS                 
7    GONZALEZ, Giselle    San Antonio Providen 
8    VIROSTKO, Cadence    Austin Speedsters    
9    MEDINA, Mia          San Antonio Swift Tr 
10   TALLEY, Olivia       Unattached           
11   MENCHACA, Heidi      Round Rock McNeil    
12   RUMBO, Lillian       Ingram Moore         
13   GHARIS, Sydney       Round Rock McNeil    

#12 Boys 3200 Meters
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    HAGOS, Henok         Energy Track Club    
2    RULE, Adrian         San Antonio Christia 
3    RIVAS, Andrew        San Antonio Central  
4    WILLIAMS, Noah       Houston St Pius X    
5    GARZA, Ethan         Unattached           
6    COLLETTE, Mason      Houston St Pius X    
7    CASTRO, Nicholas     Unattached           
8    WARTHEN, Luke        Round Rock McNeil    
9    FLYNN, Harvey        Round Rock McNeil    
10   LIVELY, Graham       Houston St Pius X    
11   LOPEZ, Ian           Celerity Performance 

#13 Girls 2000m Steeple
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    SUAREZ, Stephanie    Harlingen            
2    REAGAN, Madeline     Celerity Performance 
3    MAYA, Haylee         San Antonio Antonian 
4    RUMBO, Lillian       Ingram Moore         

#14 Boys 2000m Steeple
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    PARRA, Marcelo       Celerity Performance 
2    CLARK, Ian           Unattached           
3    BUTLER, James        Celerity Performance 
4    RIVERS, Jeremy       Austin Champions     
5    RAMIREZ, Diego       RXC                  
6    STAFFORD, Jackson    620 Running          
7    BINGHAM, Owen        Austin Champions     
8    FERNANDEZ, Noah      San Antonio Central  
9    BUTLER, Spencer      Celerity Performance 
10   TORRES, Sean         Celerity Performance 
11   ROSAS, Jovanni       Celerity Performance 
12   EVANS, Hunter        Kerrville Tivy       
13   POWELL, Parker       Celerity Performance 
14   SHAEFFER, Channing   San Antonio Antonian 
15   GRIZZLE, Garison     BTR                  
16   FLING, Sam           Unattached           

#53 1600m Heat #16
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    ZIMMERMAN, ZAILEY    Celerity Performance 
2    MITCHELL, Greyson    San Antonio Antonian 
3    MAYA, Hannah         San Antonio Antonian 
4    POTH, Katelyn        Unattached           
5    GUZMAN, Fabian       Kerrville Tivy       
6    TORRES, Jonah        Great Hearts Western 
7    BEZERRA, Becca       Celerity Performance 
8    VINES, Hayden        San Antonio Christia 
9    CULLUM, Samuel       San Antonio Central  
10   PEHL, Christopher    Great Hearts Western 
11   ORTA, Paulina        Kerrville Tivy       
12   COPADO, Gavin        Great Hearts Western 

#54 1600m Heat #17
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    SCOTELLO, Michael    Unattached           
2    VILLALOBOS, Mason    McMullen County      
3    YOUNGBLOOD, Xoie     San Antonio Swift Tr 
4    KITSON, Ansley       San Antonio Home Sch 
5    GONZALEZ, Giselle    San Antonio Providen 
6    HUBER, Roark         Great Hearts Norther 
7    HAAS, Olivia         San Antonio Swift Tr 
8    SPURLOCK, Elly       San Antonio Swift Tr 
9    WALLACE, EMMA        Unattached           
10   ALCOTT, Juliet       Great Hearts Norther 
11   LUCERO, Kristin      Unattached           
12   BUENTELLO, Lola      San Antonio Antonian 

#55 1600m Heat #18
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    HASLER, Carter       Great Hearts Norther 
2    DAVIS, Sam           Great Hearts Norther 
3    DAVIS, Christian     Energy Track Club    
4    HANES, Thomas        San Antonio Central  
5    CASTILLO, Sadrac     Energy Track Club    
6    PENA, Isaiah         San Antonio Antonian 
7    MENDEZ, Max          Great Hearts Norther 
8    SHEFFIELD, Ivory     San Antonio Swift Tr 
9    HAWKINS, Zoe         San Antonio Swift Tr 
10   KANZ, Mackenzie      San Antonio Swift Tr 
11   HAMMER, Hannah       San Antonio Swift Tr 
12   KITSON, Ansley       Unattached           

#56 1600m Heat #19
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    VASQUEZ, Edgar       Kerrville Tivy       
2    BERIOS, Maximus      San Antonio Antonian 
3    WINTERBAUER, Jacob   Wings Athletics HS   
4    HENNESSEY, Matthias  San Antonio Home Sch 
5    LOZANO-NAJERA, Aleja San Antonio Antonian 
6    DOYLE, Seth          Unattached           
7    CUCHRAN, Aden        Mules Running Club   
8    WURZBACH, Luke       San Antonio Antonian 
9    VINES, collin        San Antonio Christia 
10   REYNA, Adrian        Unattached           
11   REES, Brady          San Antonio Swift Tr 
12   SCOTT, William       San Antonio Antonian 

#57 1600m Heat #20
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    SATERY, William      Wings Athletics HS   
2    CANTU, Nune          San Antonio Patriots 
3    MERCADO, Daniel      Unattached           
4    REYNA, Diego         Unattached           
5    RODRIGUEZ , Andres   Unattached           
6    SALINAS, Jose        Kerrville Tivy       
7    ALBERTSON, Braydon   Great Hearts Norther 
8    CORBIN, Ben          Great Hearts Norther 
9    MATA SALDIVAR, JuanP Unattached           
10   NOVEROSKE, Ryker     San Antonio Swift Tr 
11   CANTU, Jacob         Unattached           
12   SATERY, Joseph       Wings Athletics HS   

#15 Girls 4 x 100m Relay
Lane Team                 Sq 
Section 1 of 1
   3 Great Hearts Western  A 
   4 Round Rock McNeil     A 
   5 San Antonio Antonian  A 

#16 Boys 4 x 100m Relay
Lane Team                 Sq 
Section 1 of 1
   2 Great Hearts Western  A 
   3 San Antonio Antonian  A 
   4 Round Rock McNeil     A 
   5 Ingram Moore          A 
   6 Great Hearts Western  B 

#17 Rising Stars (1600)
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    LOWELL, Reesa        Unattached           
2    MUNGIA, Madison      Unattached           
3    PETERSON, Justine    Round Rock McNeil    
4    MONTELEONE, Micah    Mules Running Club   
5    TAYLOR, Camie        McMullen County      
6    WASCHEK, Jessie      San Antonio Patriots 
7    REVEIRA , Laleina    Unattached           
8    REVEIRA, Laleina     Unattached           
9    GHARIS, Sydney       Round Rock McNeil    
10   TRUDEAU, Caroline    McMullen County      
11   DAVID, Ella          McMullen County      
12   YANITY, London       McMullen County      

#18 Rising Stars (1600)
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    CLARK, Ian           Unattached           
2    GILL, Titus          San Antonio Home Sch 
3    GONZALEZ, Noah       Northside Holmes     
4    SCOGIN, Maddux       Kerrville Tivy       
5    WOMACK, Nathan       San Antonio Christia 
6    GARZA, Ethan         Unattached           
7    BOLAND, John         San Antonio Antonian 
8    ESPARZA, Chris       San Antonio Swift Tr 
9    O'BRIEN, Malachi     San Antonio Christia 
10   FLYNN, Harvey        Round Rock McNeil    
11   OWEN, Blaine         San Antonio Christia 
12   TIMMS, Brandon       McMullen County      

#19 Girls 800 Meters
Alley  Hip Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
   1A    7 DAVIS, Dorian        Energy Track Club    
   2A    5 STAFFORD, Katie      620 Running          
   3A    3 CORTEZ, Leah         Energy Track Club    
   4A    1 HAAS, Olivia         San Antonio Swift Tr 
   5A    2 LOPEZ, Olivia        IWHS                 
   6A    4 HAWKINS, Zoe         San Antonio Swift Tr 
   7A    6 GALINDO, Kaycee      Unattached           
   8A    8 WILSON, Elizabeth    Great Hearts Western 

#32 800m Seeded
Alley  Hip Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
   1A    7 MEDINA, Mia          San Antonio Swift Tr 
   2A    5 TROST, Peyton        Round Rock McNeil    
   3A    3 CRIBLEY, Hannah      San Antonio Home Sch 
   4A    1 COOK, Klayre         Unattached           
   5A    2 CORRAL, Daniela      Round Rock McNeil    
   6A    4 SHAW, Sophia         Round Rock McNeil    
   7A    6 VARU, Bharvi         Round Rock McNeil    
   8A    8 STEWART, Natasha     San Antonio Swift Tr 

#20 800m Open
Alley  Hip Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
   1A    7 LEHTINEN, Steve      Unattached           
   2A    5 NITSCHKE, David      Great Hearts Western 
   3A    3 WATTS, Isaac         Great Hearts Western 
   4A    1 PEHL, Christopher    Great Hearts Western 
   5A    2 YOUNGBLOOD, XAVIER   San Antonio Swift Tr 
   6A    4 AKHAHENDA, Jordan    Great Hearts Western 
   7A    6 ESPARZA, Raul        Great Hearts Western 
   8A    8 KOEPNICK, Aiden      Great Hearts Western 

#30 800m Seeded
Alley  Hip Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
   1A    7 DONATO, Aaden        Great Hearts Western 
   2A    5 SANDRIA, Williams    Energy Track Club    
   3A    3 GARCIA, Kevin        Round Rock McNeil    
   4A    1 ROBINSON, John       Round Rock McNeil    
   5A    2 BLISS, ELIJAH LAFAYE Unattached           
   6A    4 LIVELY, Graham       Houston St Pius X    
   7A    6 PENA, Caleb          Celerity Performance 
   8A    8 TORRES, Jonah        Great Hearts Western 

#58 1600m Heat #21
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    MOUNTS, Joshua       Great Hearts Norther 
2    LOZANO, Adam         San Antonio Central  
3    HARRISON, Noah       San Antonio Swift Tr 
4    MILLER, Oliver       Track Houston Youth  
5    CANTU, Nune          Unattached           
6    MILLER, Garrett      San Antonio Antonian 
7    KITSON, Levi         San Antonio Home Sch 
8    CANTU, Armando       Northside Holmes     
9    VINES, Andrew        Unattached           
10   BAXTER, Ryan         Great Hearts Norther 
11   WILLIAMS, Hayden     San Antonio Antonian 
12   ARIZMENDI-ALANIS, Ma San Antonio Antonian 

#59 1600m Heat #22
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    WARRICK, Cooper      Unattached           
2    DROUILLARD, Benjamin San Antonio Antonian 
3    MARTINEZ, Sergio     San Antonio Central  
4    ROSALES, Mateo       Unattached           
5    DONATO, Aaden        Great Hearts Western 
6    GARCIA-ASPE, Petrici San Antonio Antonian 
7    LITTLE, Nathan       Billingsley Track Cl 
8    NEFF, Henry          San Antonio Central  
9    BENDELE, Leonidas    San Antonio Central  
10   MENN, Valot          Celerity Performance 
11   LOZANO, Aiden        San Antonio Central  
12   GARZA, Nathan        Unattached           

#60 1600m Heat #23
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    REAGAN, Blake        Celerity Performance 
2    RICHTER, Skyler      McMullen County      
3    FLANIGAN, Aaron      San Antonio Home Sch 
4    DE LOS SANTOS, Adria Unattached           
5    ALBEE, Shivam        Unattached           
6    CHAVARRIA, Gerardo   Energy Track Club    
7    CAMARILLO, Evan      Northside Holmes     
8    LIVELY, Graham       Houston St Pius X    
9    UPTON, Micah         San Antonio Home Sch 
10   KOPECKI, Ty          Unattached           
11   HENNESSEY, Xavier    San Antonio Home Sch 
12   LAYA, Alan           620 Running          
13   TIMMS, Joseph        McMullen County      

#61 1600m Heat #24
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    RODRIGUEZ, Jeremiah  Northside Holmes     
2    MCLIN, Thomas        San Antonio Antonian 
3    BILDERBACK, Trent    Celerity Performance 
4    WARTHEN, Luke        Round Rock McNeil    
5    MALESICH, Devin      Unattached           
6    JENSEN, Alex         San Antonio Patriots 
7    BRAXTON, Ilias       San Antonio Swift Tr 
8    SALAZAR, Lucas       Unattached           
9    FEINSTEIN, Owen      Mules Running Club   
10   KUMAUS, Peteros      San Antonio Patriots 
11   SHAEFFER, Channing   San Antonio Antonian 
12   JAMES, Jaxon         Unattached           

#62 1600m Heat #25
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    SILVA, Brandon       Corpus Christi Incar 
2    DEFELIPPIS, Payton   San Antonio Swift Tr 
3    DELGADO, Lorenzo     Northside Holmes     
4    KELBAUGH, Henry      620 Running          
5    WALLACE, PAUL        Unattached           
6    SERDA, Marcos        San Antonio Central  
7    KIRKDORFFER, Jonatha Houston Homeschool   
8    BLISS, ELIJAH LAFAYE Unattached           
9    SALZWEDEL, Brayden   Great Hearts Norther 
10   MONTES-RODRIGUEZ, Br Unattached           
11   ESQUIVEZ, Yandel     Unattached           

#63 1600m Heat #26
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    WARRICK, Taylor      Unattached           
2    COLLETTE, Mason      Houston St Pius X    
3    RUIZ, Adam           Energy Track Club    
4    REY ALVAREZ, Johnny  Unattached           
5    ALVAREZ, Johnny      Unattached           
6    EDWARDS, Shawn       Celerity Performance 
7    KITSON, Caden        San Antonio Home Sch 
8    VIJAVERGIA, Krish    Great Hearts Norther 
9    GARCIA, Aaron        Celerity Performance 
10   DELGADO, Dionell     Unattached           
11   CARDENAS, Tristan    Celerity Performance 
12   HUMMEL, Graham       Home School Athletic 

#37 Girls 1600m Seeded
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    BASS, Gigi           Unattached           
2    STEWART, Margaret    Unattached           
3    HERNANDEZ, Danel     Celerity Performance 
4    ELLIS, Rylee         Unattached           
5    GALVEZ, Alicia       Unattached           
6    BILLINGSLEY, Isabell Billingsley Track Cl 
7    JOHNSON, Alexandra   San Antonio Antonian 
8    CERNOCH, Julie       IWHS                 
9    MUNGIA, Madison      Unattached           
10   SCHMITT, Madi        San Antonio Christia 
11   STRATTON, ASHLEY     Celerity Performance 
12   GONZALES, Loghan     Celerity Performance 
13   KIEFER, Olivia       Unattached           
14   POPOV, Palmer        Unattached           
15   DAVIS, Josie         Great Hearts Norther 
16   GILBREATHE, Ainslee  Kerrville Tivy       

#36 Boys 1600m Seeded
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    WILLIAMS, Noah       Houston St Pius X    
2    ADAMS, Luke          Northside Holmes     
3    TELLEPSAN, Talan     Unattached           
4    RIVAS, Andrew        San Antonio Central  
5    FLANIGAN, Ben        San Antonio Home Sch 
6    GAMIZ, Sebastian     Celerity Performance 
7    PACEY, Will          Unattached           
8    MATTHEWS, Constantin Unattached           
9    HAWKINS, Jack        San Antonio Christia 
10   ACKERMAN , Sam       Celerity Performance 
11   SANCHEZ, Abel        Unattached           
12   BAEZ CORPUS, Alan    Unattached           
13   PETERSON, Wells      Celerity Performance 
14   ARIZPE, Uriel        Northside Holmes     
15   ALVARADO, Caden      Mules Running Club   
16   RAMIREZ, Diego       RXC                  

#21 Girls 1600m SMR
Lane Team                 Sq 
Section 1 of 1
   3 San Antonio Providen  A 
   4 Round Rock McNeil     A 
   5 IWHS                  A 
   6 Great Hearts Western  A 

#33 800m Elite
Alley  Hip Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
   1A    7 BOYDSTUN, Jada       San Antonio Swift Tr 
   2A    5 HERNANDEZ, Dvani     Celerity Performance 
   3A    3 STEWART, Margaret    Unattached           
   4A    1 MOYA, Savanah        San Antonio Swift Tr 
   5A    2 ALBERT, Brooklyn     Unattached           
   6A    4 HAMMER, Hannah       San Antonio Swift Tr 
   7A    6 MENCHACA, Serenity   San Antonio Antonian 

#31 800m Elite
Alley  Hip Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
   1A    7 CUMMINGS, Jackson    Mules Running Club   
   2A    5 ROWAN, Ian           Round Rock McNeil    
   3A    3 CROCUT, Barret       Celerity Performance 
   4A    1 WOKOMA, Mason        San Antonio Antonian 
   5A    2 FERNANDEZ, Noah      San Antonio Central  
   6A    4 DEFELIPPIS, Payton   San Antonio Swift Tr 
   7A    6 RAMIREZ, Diego       RXC                  
   8A    8 WILLIAMS, Noah       Houston St Pius X    

#35 Girls 1600m Elite
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    LYONS, Caila         Celerity Performance 
2    VILLARREAL, Micaela  San Antonio Antonian 
3    ALBERT, Brooklyn     Unattached           
4    MOYA, Savanah        San Antonio Swift Tr 
5    HAAS, Bella          Celerity Performance 
6    SOLANSKY, Brady      San Antonio Swift Tr 
7    HAAS, Bella          Great Hearts Norther 
8    PIM, Penny           Celerity Performance 
9    KIDDER, Payton       Celerity Performance 
10   HERNANDEZ, Danel     San Antonio Christia 
11   COOK, Jadyn          San Antonio Swift Tr 
12   PREHEIM, Katherine   Unattached           

#34 Boys 1600m Elite
posi Name                 Team                 
Section 1 of 1
1    HEEMAN, Kevin        Unattached           
2    RINGWALD, Evan       Unattached           
3    PARRA, Franco        Celerity Performance 
4    HAGOS, Henok         Energy Track Club    
5    WORTH, Todd          San Antonio Antonian 
6    MARINO, Sam          Unattached           
7    MILLER, Zachary      Unattached           
8    MORAN, Isai          Great Hearts Norther 
9    WEBSTER, Jude        BTR                  
10   TOVAR, Luis          Celerity Performance 
11   RULE, Adrian         San Antonio Christia 
12   COLLINS, Jack        Celerity Performance 
13   ALCOTT, Benjamin     Great Hearts Norther 
14   SALAS, David         Unattached