Meet Information
We have room for 3 more teams. Info:
Clear Lake High School
2929 Bay Area Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77058
You are invited to compete at the Clear Lake Relays February 23rd at Clear Lake High School. The entry fee will be $60 per team. All entry fee checks should be made out to Clear Lake High School c/o Coach Menze. Entries will be done through txmilesplit. The meet will be hand timed.
12:15 am- Scratch Meeting & Coaches Meal in the press box.
1:00 pm
3200 meter final & Field Events
Each competitor receives 4 attempts except HJ & PV
We will run the Discus and Shot for Boys and Girls together- Discus first.
We will run TJ and LJ together for boys and girls- TJ first.
High Jump Boys first followed by girls.
2:15 PM
RUNNING EVENTS: Rolling Time Schedule
Girls followed by Boys and against time
4 x 100 relay followed by the UIL order of events