Meet Information
Date: Saturday, August 24, 2024
Race Site: Avery I.S.D.
Check in\Packet Pick-up: 7:15 AM
Race Times:
V Girls 2 mile course 8:00 AM
V Boys 3.125 mile course 8:30 AM
JV Boys 3.125 mile course 9:00 AM
JV Girls 2 mile course 9:40 AM
JH Girls 2 mile course 10:10 AM
JH Boys 2 mile course 10:40 AM
After VG we will run ahead of schedule if possible.
Awards: The top 10 individuals in each division will receive medals at the finish. Top 2 teams in each high school varsity division will receive awards. Top team in Junior High and Junior Varsity division will receive awards.
Cost per team (7 or less runners) is $75.00 or $20.00 per individual runner, not to exceed $250.00 per school.
Make checks payable to Avery Athletic Booster Club.
Mail Entry fee to: Avery High School
Fax: (903) 684-3059
Brett Harp School: (903) 684-3431
150 San Antonio Street, Avery, TX 75554.