Meet Information
Date: Saturday, September 25, 2004
Race Site: Norbuck Park, Northwest Highway & N. Buckner Ave.
Course: Boys 3.0 mi.- featuring a challenging wooded hill
Girls 2.0 mi.- incorporating the big hill
Both courses are run entirely on grass/dirt trail
Time Schedule:
7:30 Registration
8:30 5A/4A Varsity Girls
9:00 5A/4A Varsity Boys
9:30 3A & Under Varsity Girls
10:00 3A & Under Varsity Boys
10:30 JV Girls
11:00 JV Boys
Awards: Trophies to top two teams per division
Awards to top 20 varsity division
Awards to top 20 JV division
Entry Fees:
Individual $8
1 team $30
2 teams $60
3 teams $85
4 teams $110
Make Checks Payable & Send to:
Lake Highlands Wildcat Club
C/O Gerry Graves-cross country
Lake Highlands High School
9449 Church Rd.
Dallas, TX 75238
Please call, fax, or e-mail Gerry Graves
469-593-1391 LH Fresh. Center school e-mail
214-348-4999 Home personal e-mail
469-593-1030 School Fax