Nike South Invitational 2011

The Woodlands, TX

Girls Varsity (racetab)

                      Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run                        
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Annie Fillers             11 Southlake Carroll          19:31.90     1
  2 Grace Huryn               11 The Woodlands              19:42.90     2
  3 Sarah Cory                11 Southlake Carroll          20:00.50     3
  4 Jennifer Poston            9 Humble Kingwood            20:09.40     4
  5 Megan Flanagan            11 Humble Kingwood            20:09.70     5
  6 Morgan Baulier            11 Southlake Carroll          20:12.80     6
  7 Marissa Mata              11 Mercedes                   20:17.70     7
  8 Taylor Ullmann            10 Southlake Carroll          20:17.90     8
  9 Virginia Ney              12 Pearland Dawson            20:19.90    --
 10 Madison Keen               9 Southlake Carroll          20:24.00     9
 11 Katelin Huckabee          12 Belton                     20:25.80    10
 12 Morgan Lebsack            10 The Woodlands              20:28.60    11
 13 Anna Lyons                10 The Woodlands              20:31.20    12
 14 Britiney White            10 Lewisville Flower Mound    20:40.50    13
 15 Taylor Wiseman            12 The Woodlands              20:42.20    14
 16 Allison Esposito           9 Lewisville Flower Mound    20:44.20    15
 17 Chyanne Ford              12 Clute Brazoswood           20:44.20    16
 18 Sidney Allen              12 Clute Brazoswood           20:45.00    17
 19 Jaymie Allen               9 Clute Brazoswood           20:46.00    18
 20 Kara Zuspan               10 The Woodlands              20:46.80    19
 21 Kali Miller               12 The Woodlands              20:50.10    20
 22 Morgan Livingston          9 Humble Kingwood            20:53.50    21
 23 Claire Hodges             11 Humble Kingwood            21:01.90    22
 24 Lauren Porter             10 The Woodlands              21:04.40    23
 25 Meghan Brown               9 The Woodlands              21:11.80    --
 26 Frankie Sun               10 The Woodlands              21:16.30    --
 27 Elyse Norman              10 John Cooper School         21:19.50    24
 28 Lauren Berry              11 Southlake Carroll          21:22.10    25
 29 Kirsten Brondial          11 Palos Verdes               21:23.20    26
 30 Jamie McCullough          10 Friendswood                21:25.60    27
 31 Katie Bouton              11 Lewisville Flower Mound    21:30.30    28
 32 Katey Hatter               9 Belton                     21:31.50    29
 33 Cailtin Bobb              11 The Woodlands              21:32.60    --
 34 Savannah Alaniz            9 Friendswood                21:37.00    30
 35 Chloe Peek                11 The Woodlands              21:37.70    --
 36 Katheryn Nolen            11 Humble Kingwood            21:39.40    31
 37 Teresa Sova               10 Mercedes                   21:43.20    32
 38 Alicia Pico               11 Lewisville Flower Mound    21:43.90    33
 39 Sabine Slome               9 Palos Verdes               21:44.50    34
 40 Shelby Hayes              12 The Woodlands              21:46.80    --
 41 Caitlin Kaltenbaugh       11 Friendswood                21:47.60    35
 42 Elizabeth Stantley        11 Palos Verdes               21:47.90    36
 43 Ashley Piontek            10 The Woodlands              21:48.30    --
 44 Lydia Hafer                9 The Woodlands              21:49.10    --
 45 Brianna Jackson           10 Coldspring-Oakhurst        21:51.10    --
 46 Alana Bittner             10 Lewisville Flower Mound    21:54.20    37
 47 Elizabeth Ivey            11 Humble Kingwood            21:57.80    38
 48 Lauren Gutierrez          11 The Woodlands              21:59.50    --
 49 Margaret Ranck             9 The Woodlands              21:59.90    --
 50 Arielle Coughlin          11 John Cooper School         22:01.70    39
 51 Kim Webber                12 Palos Verdes               22:02.40    40
 52 Isabelle Cheng            10 Humble Kingwood            22:04.60    41
 53 Stroblel Austin            9 Clute Brazoswood           22:09.90    42
 54 Morgan Gary               11 Humble Kingwood            22:13.80    --
 55 Sarah Martin              12 Friendswood                22:16.90    43
 56 Martha Adams              10 Lewisville Flower Mound    22:18.50    44
 57 Macy Bandfield            10 Belton                     22:18.80    45
 58 Lauren Spearman           10 John Cooper School         22:22.90    46
 59 Alison Robinson            9 John Cooper School         22:23.40    47
 60 Lucille Little            12 Pearland Dawson            22:24.50    --
 61 Johanna Madenijian        10 Clute Brazoswood           22:27.80    48
 62 Holly Connor              10 The Woodlands              22:28.20    --
 63 Becca Lewis                  Conroe Covenant Christian  22:29.30    --
 64 Monica Mehra               9 Palos Verdes               22:35.50    49
 65 Lauren Langston           12 The Woodlands              22:36.80    --
 66 Lauren Harrell             9 Rogers                     22:37.50    --
 67 Sara Keller               12 Palos Verdes               22:37.60    50
 68 Carly Stalder             11 John Cooper School         22:38.00    51
 69 Aaron Simmons             10 Pearland Dawson            22:39.40    --
 70 Chelsey Lindemann         11 John Cooper School         22:41.60    52
 71 Haley Gordon              10 The Woodlands              22:45.50    --
 72 Maddy Huerta              10 LC Clear Falls             22:45.50    53
 73 Christina Arellano        10 Belton                     22:48.10    54
 74 Keri Manger               12 Palos Verdes               22:48.60    55
 75 Maddie Kimmel             10 Friendswood                22:50.10    56
 76 Michelle Cohen            11 Palos Verdes               22:51.40    --
 77 Alma Turrubiartes         11 Mercedes                   22:51.80    57
 78 Hannah Richland           11 Palos Verdes               22:53.70    --
 79 Kelsey Viertel            12 Lewisville Flower Mound    22:54.50    58
 80 Erika Clifford             9 Friendswood                22:55.50    59
 81 Holly Murray              10 The Woodlands              23:01.90    --
 82 Kendra Long                9 Houston Cypress Creek      23:05.70    --
 83 Alyssa Deleon              9 Mercedes                   23:09.50    60
 84 Mackenzie Ilari           10 LC Clear Falls             23:14.80    61
 85 Eliana Sanchez            11 Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Memo  23:16.60    --
 86 Cassidy Bielat            10 LC Clear Falls             23:20.90    62
 87 Mari Cortez               10 Belton                     23:22.90    63
 88 Amanda Schaefbauer        11 LC Clear Falls             23:25.90    64
 89 Miranda Grey              11 Clute Brazoswood           23:26.60    65
 90 Madelinn Fink             11 Runnels                    23:28.80    --
 91 Jennifer Torres           10 Mercedes                   23:29.10    66
 92 Kathlyn Lee               11 Pearland Dawson            23:33.00    --
 93 Kyla Smith                 9 Belton                     23:36.50    67
 94 Grace Dunlap              10 John Cooper School         23:39.00    68
 95 Montes Alex                9 Belton                     23:41.80    69
 96 Judy Arrellano             9 Mercedes                   24:27.40    70
 97 Sullivan Catherine        11 St. Johns School           24:30.60    71
 98 Kristy Spicer             10 LC Clear Falls             24:36.60    72
 99 Makayla Hill              10 LC Clear Falls             24:41.40    73
100 Daniel Martha             11 St. Johns School           24:50.50    74
101 Jordan Etheridge          11 Runnels                    24:54.80    --
102 Maddie Clayton            11 St. Johns School           25:00.10    75
103 Mary Korenek              10 LC Clear Falls             25:03.00    76
104 Zoe Margolis               9 St. Johns School           26:02.00    77
105 Deanna Narveson           11 Houston Cypress Creek      26:56.90    --
106 Sharpless Helen           11 St. Johns School           27:34.40    78

                  Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run Team Scores                  
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Southlake Carroll           27      1    3    6    8    9   25    -  
      1     Annie Fillers              19:31.90
      3     Sarah Cory                 20:00.50
      6     Morgan Baulier             20:12.80
      8     Taylor Ullmann             20:17.90
      9     Madison Keen               20:24.00
      25    Lauren Berry               21:22.10*
      Total Time: 1:40:27      Average: 20:05.42      1-5 Split: 52
  2 The Woodlands               58      2   11   12   14   19   20   23  
      2     Grace Huryn                19:42.90
      11    Morgan Lebsack             20:28.60
      12    Anna Lyons                 20:31.20
      14    Taylor Wiseman             20:42.20
      19    Kara Zuspan                20:46.80
      20    Kali Miller                20:50.10*
      23    Lauren Porter              21:04.40*
      Total Time: 1:42:12      Average: 20:26.34      1-5 Split: 1:04
  3 Humble Kingwood             83      4    5   21   22   31   38   41  
      4     Jennifer Poston            20:09.40
      5     Megan Flanagan             20:09.70
      21    Morgan Livingston          20:53.50
      22    Claire Hodges              21:01.90
      31    Katheryn Nolen             21:39.40
      38    Elizabeth Ivey             21:57.80*
      41    Isabelle Cheng             22:04.60*
      Total Time: 1:43:54      Average: 20:46.78      1-5 Split: 1:30
  4 Lewisville Flower Mound     126    13   15   28   33   37   44   58  
      13    Britiney White             20:40.50
      15    Allison Esposito           20:44.20
      28    Katie Bouton               21:30.30
      33    Alicia Pico                21:43.90
      37    Alana Bittner              21:54.20
      44    Martha Adams               22:18.50*
      58    Kelsey Viertel             22:54.50*
      Total Time: 1:46:33      Average: 21:18.62      1-5 Split: 1:14
  5 Clute Brazoswood            141    16   17   18   42   48   65    -  
      16    Chyanne Ford               20:44.20
      17    Sidney Allen               20:45.00
      18    Jaymie Allen               20:46.00
      42    Stroblel Austin            22:09.90
      48    Johanna Madenijian         22:27.80
      65    Miranda Grey               23:26.60*
      Total Time: 1:46:53      Average: 21:22.58      1-5 Split: 1:44
  6 Palos Verdes                185    26   34   36   40   49   50   55  
      26    Kirsten Brondial           21:23.20
      34    Sabine Slome               21:44.50
      36    Elizabeth Stantley         21:47.90
      40    Kim Webber                 22:02.40
      49    Monica Mehra               22:35.50
      50    Sara Keller                22:37.60*
      55    Keri Manger                22:48.60*
      Total Time: 1:49:34      Average: 21:54.70      1-5 Split: 1:12
  7 Friendswood                 191    27   30   35   43   56   59    -  
      27    Jamie McCullough           21:25.60
      30    Savannah Alaniz            21:37.00
      35    Caitlin Kaltenbaugh        21:47.60
      43    Sarah Martin               22:16.90
      56    Maddie Kimmel              22:50.10
      59    Erika Clifford             22:55.50*
      Total Time: 1:49:57      Average: 21:59.44      1-5 Split: 1:25
  8 Belton                      201    10   29   45   54   63   67   69  
      10    Katelin Huckabee           20:25.80
      29    Katey Hatter               21:31.50
      45    Macy Bandfield             22:18.80
      54    Christina Arellano         22:48.10
      63    Mari Cortez                23:22.90
      67    Kyla Smith                 23:36.50*
      69    Montes Alex                23:41.80*
      Total Time: 1:50:27      Average: 22:05.42      1-5 Split: 2:57
  9 John Cooper School          207    24   39   46   47   51   52   68  
      24    Elyse Norman               21:19.50
      39    Arielle Coughlin           22:01.70
      46    Lauren Spearman            22:22.90
      47    Alison Robinson            22:23.40
      51    Carly Stalder              22:38.00
      52    Chelsey Lindemann          22:41.60*
      68    Grace Dunlap               23:39.00*
      Total Time: 1:50:46      Average: 22:09.10      1-5 Split: 1:19
 10 Mercedes                    222     7   32   57   60   66   70    -  
      7     Marissa Mata               20:17.70
      32    Teresa Sova                21:43.20
      57    Alma Turrubiartes          22:51.80
      60    Alyssa Deleon              23:09.50
      66    Jennifer Torres            23:29.10
      70    Judy Arrellano             24:27.40*
      Total Time: 1:51:31      Average: 22:18.26      1-5 Split: 3:11
 11 LC Clear Falls              312    53   61   62   64   72   73   76  
      53    Maddy Huerta               22:45.50
      61    Mackenzie Ilari            23:14.80
      62    Cassidy Bielat             23:20.90
      64    Amanda Schaefbauer         23:25.90
      72    Kristy Spicer              24:36.60
      73    Makayla Hill               24:41.40*
      76    Mary Korenek               25:03.00*
      Total Time: 1:57:24      Average: 23:28.74      1-5 Split: 1:51
 12 St. Johns School            375    71   74   75   77   78    -    -  
      71    Sullivan Catherine         24:30.60
      74    Daniel Martha              24:50.50
      75    Maddie Clayton             25:00.10
      77    Zoe Margolis               26:02.00
      78    Sharpless Helen            27:34.40
      Total Time: 2:07:58      Average: 25:35.52      1-5 Split: 3:04