Mesquite Poteet Run the Farm 2011

Mesquite, TX

Girls 5A JV

 Mesquite High School Skeeters                              HY-TEK's Meet Manager
            8th Annual Poteet "Run the Farm"Invitational - 10/15/2011            
                              Samuell Farm-Mesquite                              
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 5  Girls 3200 Meter Run CC 5A Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Simmons, Sara                Wylie East            14:05.15                  
  2 Soto, Evelyn                 Garland               14:18.53    1             
  3 Reina, Gabriella             McKinney North        14:38.28                  
  4 Krontz, Alex                 Forney                14:40.50    2             
  5 Suhwail, Summer              Plano East Senior     14:44.09    3             
  6 Latham, Viershanie           Mesquite              14:46.78    4             
  7 Watts, Kenzie                Forney                14:52.25    5             
  8 Johnson, Morgan              Plano East Senior     14:55.56    6             
  9 Branton, Sara                Forney                14:57.81    7             
 10 Norris, Freddie              Forney                15:08.94    8             
 11 Hager, Erica                 Garland Rowlett       15:13.22                  
 12 Rodriquez, Orquidea          Garland               15:17.41    9             
 13 Larios, Rachel               Plano East Senior     15:21.56   10             
 14 Arreola, Karina              Plano East Senior     15:34.69   11             
 15 Dierkes, Mackenzie           Garland Rowlett       15:39.41                  
 16 Townsend, KiMondria          Forney                15:53.72   12             
 17 Bender, Ashley               Plano East Senior     15:59.28   13             
 18 Hulbert, Meredyth            Garland               16:01.88   14             
 19 Rojas, Cynthia               Garland               16:02.87   15             
 20 Gonzales, Maria              North Garland         16:05.34   16             
 21 Huerta, Stacey               North Garland         16:06.12   17             
 22 Fincher, Tayana              McKinney North        16:17.47                  
 23 Guardado, Angelica           Garland               16:18.09   18             
 24 Bexer, Courtney              Plano East Senior     16:21.38   19             
 25 Onyebuchi, Priscilla         North Garland         16:32.03   20             
 26 Kenworthy, Erica             Garland Rowlett       16:34.91                  
 27 VuPham, Demy                 Plano East Senior     16:37.12   21             
 28 Alemi, Nawal                 Plano East Senior     16:39.15                  
 29 Jones, Chellane              Garland               16:43.97   22             
 30 Maurel, Claire               Plano East Senior     16:54.34                  
 31 Klein, Cathy                 Forney                16:54.84   23             
 32 Garza, Itzel                 Garland               16:55.34   24             
 33 Reyes, Melia                 Plano East Senior     17:30.69                  
 34 Latham, Nosharian            Mesquite              17:37.15   25             
 35 Deleon, Maria                Greenville            17:41.56   26             
 36 Storey, Chirianna            Garland               17:54.22                  
 37 Anthony, Chynna              Mesquite              17:55.81   27             
 38 Valencia, Celene             Richardson Berkner    18:21.18                  
 39 Saenzpardo, Yisela           Garland               18:29.62                  
 40 Troche, Azaleaf              Garland               18:34.62                  
 41 Session, Haley               Mesquite              18:36.63   28             
 42 Chavez, Viridiana            Greenville            18:38.09   29             
 43 Davis, Zamonda               Mesquite              18:40.44   30             
 44 Arellano, Rosario            Greenville            18:40.87   31             
 45 Ochoa, Neida                 North Garland         18:42.00   32             
 46 Waites, Kristin              Garland               18:59.81                  
 47 Ramirez, Jenny               North Garland         19:16.91   33             
 48 Espinoza, Destiny            Greenville            19:18.66   34             
 49 Beasley, Misty               McKinney North        19:20.41                  
 50 San Miguel, Jackie           Plano East Senior     19:32.62                  
 51 Johnson, Tessa               Richardson Berkner    19:47.56                  
 52 Pearson, Natalie             Garland               19:51.94                  
 53 Taylor, Crystal              Mesquite              19:59.75   35             
 54 Carthon, Brianna             Mesquite              20:25.00   36             
 55 Corona, Stephanie            Greenville            20:27.84   37             
 56 Archila, Giselle             Greenville            20:28.43   38             
 57 Zabalegui, Magali            Richardson Berkner    20:37.66                  
 58 Armas, Brenda                North Garland         20:43.66   39             
 59 Lopez, Lucia                 North Garland         20:47.06   40             
 60 Ortiz, Jenny                 Richardson Berkner    21:01.94                  
 61 Carter, Tyler                Mesquite              21:02.31                  
 62 Aguinaga, Adriana            Greenville            21:08.38   41             
 63 Johnson, Tybria              Mesquite              21:27.78                  
 64 Williams, Marquesha          Mesquite              24:25.34                  
 65 Williams, Christian          Mesquite              24:54.88                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Forney                       34    2    5    7    8   12   23               
      Total Time:  1:15:33.22                                                    
         Average:    15:06.65                                                    
   2 Plano East Senior            43    3    6   10   11   13   19   21          
      Total Time:  1:16:35.18                                                    
         Average:    15:19.04                                                    
   3 Garland                      57    1    9   14   15   18   22   24          
      Total Time:  1:17:58.78                                                    
         Average:    15:35.76                                                    
   4 Mesquite                    114    4   25   27   28   30   35   36          
      Total Time:  1:27:36.81                                                    
         Average:    17:31.37                                                    
   5 North Garland               118   16   17   20   32   33   39   40          
      Total Time:  1:26:42.40                                                    
         Average:    17:20.48                                                    
   6 Greenville                  157   26   29   31   34   37   38   41          
      Total Time:  1:34:47.02                                                    
         Average:    18:57.41