Mesquite Poteet Run the Farm 2011

Mesquite, TX

Girls 5A Varstiy

 Mesquite High School Skeeters                              HY-TEK's Meet Manager
            8th Annual Poteet "Run the Farm"Invitational - 10/15/2011            
                              Samuell Farm-Mesquite                              
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 1  Girls 2 Mile Run CC 5A Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Gatlin, Elizabeth            Wills Point           12:29.22                  
  2 Acres, Margaret              Richardson Berkner    12:39.12                  
  3 Schraer, Elise               McKinney North        12:40.09    1             
  4 Dees, Angela                 Kaufman               12:44.50    2             
  5 Gutirerrez, Mayela           Garland Naam          12:47.66                  
  6 Jahant, Eleanor              Prosper               12:48.50    3             
  7 Howell, Kristin              Prosper               12:53.44    4             
  8 D'Annibale, Annelise         McKinney North        12:56.44    5             
  9 Rosales, Ruth                Garland               13:08.47    6             
 10 Henry, Laura                 Prosper               13:11.72    7             
 11 Androes, Danielle            Prosper               13:12.78    8             
 12 Kilgore, Joeanna             Kaufman               13:13.75    9             
 13 Crossland, Maggie            Plano East Senior     13:26.97   10             
 14 Graham, Carnley              Prosper               13:32.97   11             
 15 Jacques, Jade                Kaufman               13:35.38   12             
 16 Azzo, Mona                   Plano East Senior     13:36.09   13             
 17 Lalumia, Megan               Kaufman               13:38.56   14             
 18 Chavez, Mia                  Kaufman               13:39.15   15             
 19 Amendson, Samantha           Forney                13:39.59   16             
 20 Garcia, Mildred              Garland Rowlett       13:40.21   17             
 21 Rodriguez, Sabrina           McKinney North        13:42.81   18             
 22 Moreno, Isabel               Garland               13:43.96   19             
 23 Miles, Kari                  North Garland         13:44.34                  
 24 Boren, Micayla               Garland Rowlett       13:45.81   20             
 25 Campbell, Emily              Plano East Senior     13:46.56   21             
 26 Brito, Melissa               Garland               13:47.02   22             
 27 Salazar, Julia               Plano East Senior     13:52.18   23             
 28 McDaniel, Keirsyn            McKinney North        13:53.59   24             
 29 Castleman, Emily             Garland Naam          13:56.28                  
 30 Ramos, Idalia                Plano East Senior     13:57.91   25             
 31 Rolfe, Dasia                 Lakeview Centennial   13:58.87                  
 32 Smith, Whitney               Kaufman               13:59.65   26             
 33 Burrows, Jannah              Kaufman               14:02.22   27             
 34 Horn, Brooke                 Garland Rowlett       14:02.78   28             
 35 Blank, Taylor                Garland Rowlett       14:03.81   29             
 36 Birmingham, Rachel           Prosper               14:04.18   30             
 37 Bradshaw, Kara               Forney                14:04.62   31             
 38 Jones, Chelsie               Forney                14:05.02   32             
 39 Holland, Christa             Forney                14:05.40   33             
 40 Jones, Lexie                 Garland               14:06.27   34             
 41 Herrera, Natalie             Garland               14:06.68   35             
 42 Ramirez, Madison             Mesquite              14:06.96   36             
 43 Leighton, Morgan             Forney                14:07.28   37             
 44 Payan, Edith                 Garland Rowlett       14:07.72   38             
 45 Ramos, Zulma                 Plano East Senior     14:09.37   39             
 46 Liston, Rachel               Garland Rowlett       14:10.59   40             
 47 Sovino, Rachel               Plano East Senior     14:13.21   41             
 48 Hanley, Jenna                Garland Rowlett       14:16.65   42             
 49 Alvarez, Virginia            Garland               14:18.43   43             
 50 Cristan, Gabriella           Garland Rowlett       14:21.65                  
 51 Minnis, Julia                McKinney North        14:25.78   44             
 52 Ramirez, Erica               Garland               14:33.81   45             
 53 Mendiola, Belicia            McKinney North        14:38.28   46             
 54 Mendiola, Michaela           McKinney North        14:49.03   47             
 55 Garza, Alexza                Forney                14:51.34   48             
 56 Sheran, Esme                 North Garland         14:58.00                  
 57 Carter, Ashley               Forney                15:00.18   49             
 58 Burroughs, Bethany           Wylie                 15:19.75                  
 59 Willis, Andrea               Mesquite              15:21.06   50             
 60 Boone, Kyrstyn               Lakeview Centennial   15:26.06                  
 61 Shaw, Beka                   Lakeview Centennial   15:38.62                  
 62 Perkins, Gabrielle           Mesquite              15:43.72   51             
 63 Guardiola, Elsie             North Garland         16:26.66                  
 64 Villafranco, Ally            Lakeview Centennial   16:27.81                  
 65 Ruiz, Lauren                 Mesquite              16:45.41   52             
 66 Barnett, Taylor              Mesquite              16:48.18   53             
 67 Lucas, Ihscesce              Mesquite              16:53.88   54             
 68 Watson, Alexis               Mesquite              16:54.56   55             
 69 Anderson, Regan              Wylie                 16:54.56                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Prosper                      33    3    4    7    8   11   30               
      Total Time:  1:05:39.41                                                    
         Average:    13:07.89                                                    
   2 Kaufman                      52    2    9   12   14   15   26   27          
      Total Time:  1:06:51.34                                                    
         Average:    13:22.27                                                    
   3 Plano East Senior            92   10   13   21   23   25   39   41          
      Total Time:  1:08:39.71                                                    
         Average:    13:43.95                                                    
   4 McKinney North               92    1    5   18   24   44   46   47          
      Total Time:  1:07:38.71                                                    
         Average:    13:31.75                                                    
   5 Garland                     116    6   19   22   34   35   43   45          
      Total Time:  1:08:52.40                                                    
         Average:    13:46.48                                                    
   6 Garland Rowlett             132   17   20   28   29   38   40   42          
      Total Time:  1:09:40.33                                                    
         Average:    13:56.07                                                    
   7 Forney                      149   16   31   32   33   37   48   49          
      Total Time:  1:10:01.91                                                    
         Average:    14:00.39                                                    
   8 Mesquite                    242   36   50   51   52   53   54   55          
      Total Time:  1:18:45.33                                                    
         Average:    15:45.07