Salute To Seniors: Katie Willard- The Woodlands

What was your most memorable race?

I would have to say getting second in the 800 this past winter at the 2013 Brooks PR Indoor Invitational. They really put together an awesome meet up there in Seattle. I went in with the greatest high school runners in the country and I made a lot of friends. The race itself was crazy, lots of fun, and I pr'd with a 2:09.8 for an indoor 800! They don't call it the PR Invitational for nothing! 

Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?

It varied throughout the years. But, I always knew going into bigger meets that I'd run into a phenomenal 400 runner that moved up to the 800. It's kinda intimidating, I would look at their 400 times and think "They can totally out-kick me, they're so fast! What the heck am I gonna do?" I had two of the fastest 400 runners in the state in the 800 this past may at the state meet(one went on to win the 400 later that night, it was amazing to watch) and they really pushed me to kick it in and finish as hard as I could. I'm really grateful for competition like that, they drive me to best that I can be, and I really hope I do the same for them. 

What was your greatest accomplishment?

Winning my second consecutive state title this year in the 800. I put all my time and effort towards defending my state title, and I kept a good mentality of not letting pressure get to me. I really have my coaches and teammates to thank for encouraging me to strive towards my second title. It was mixture of happiness and relief when I crossed that line for sure.

If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school?

I don't think there would be anything I would change. All my of my unsuccessful races made me into a better runner, and it gave me experience. Everyone has a bad day, but it's how you react and move forward that makes you who you are. 

What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?

I think the biggest obstacle you can face is yourself. There were many times in this sport that I got down on myself and didn't think I could get any better. But, you learn to push past the negative thoughts and become stronger. Plus it helps to have really great friends and family that keep you going through all the hard times you face! Having faith in your training and yourself help you along the pathway to success, and you always have to remember how blessed you are to be given the opportunity to race and have fun.

What will you miss the most?

The friendships I made along the way. I always made an effort to reach out and talk to other runners on other teams. Throughout the years I made the best friends I could ask for, and they really made me into a better runner. From Madi or my track girls, who have been my teammates for these past four years, to Sandie, Karis, and Courtney or anyone else I had the opportunity to meet and talk to on different teams, they've all made an impact on me, and I'll really miss being able to see them at meets and cheer them on.

What advice you would give to younger athletes?

Have FUN! That's the best advice I can give. If it's not enjoyable, then you're in it for the wrong reasons. I always made the most out of every opportunity I had racing, and that's when you make memories. Life is way too short to take everything so seriously. 

What influence has your coach had with respect to your performance and overall life goals?

My coach Noel Hansen really showed me what it's like to be an 800 meter runner. It was his race when he ran in college, and he passed down to me all he knew about it. He put time and effort in my training and races and always encouraged me. Not to mention he had cheesy jokes galore to make every workout better! He has given me experiences that have prepared me going into my collegiate career, and he made sure that I was always giving my best effort in everything I did. He has been an amazing influence for me. 

What are your college plans?

I'm signed to Texas A&M University to run track and study to become an elementary school teacher. I'm so excited to be an Aggie! 

Who would you like to say thank you to?

My teammates for always making me smile and encouraging me to be my best.
My coaches, Coach Hansen for pushing me, and my assistant coach of three years Coach Saldana for being like my second mom. 
And of course my family. My mom is my rock and best friend. She has always been there when I needed her. She always knew what was best for me, and supported me through all the ups and downs of running. I would be no where without her. My dad for all of his goofiness and making me smile when I was worried about races or workouts, and of course my little brother Jake for coming to my meets even though I know he really didn't want to. 

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Thanks so much for all the support!



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