This past weekend I made the trip to Portland, Oregon to race at Nike Cross Nationals. When I got there on Thursday we went to Nike Headquarters where we had opening ceremonies and got all of our free gear. The next day we went to the course and compared to what we have been running in, the conditions were great! Going into the race my plan was the same as what I've been doing all season. I wanted to get out hard, have a fast first mile, and then just hold on as long as I could. I went through the first mile around 5:20 which was exactly what I
wanted. I ended up placing 36th with a new PR of 17:57. I am so happy with how the race played out and it was definitely a really good feeling to know I ended the season with a race I was really proud of. Representing the South and running at the national meet was a dream come true. A big thank you to Nike for all of the gear and for putting on such an amazing weekend. This past weekend was one I will never forget and it was the perfect ending to a great season. Since season is over and this is my last race report I wanted to say a big thank you to some people.
To my coaches who have always believed in me. I wouldn't be the person or runner I am today without them. And a special thanks to Coach Grennier & Papa Grennier for making the trip up to Portland with me. It meant the world to me to have you guys there.

Thank you....
To all of the people who put on all of the races we got to run in this season
To my teammates who are the best teammates I could ever ask for. I've never met a group of girls more dedicated and hard working and I am so lucky that I get to train with them every day.
To my parents for coming to every single one of my high school meets & for always being my #1 fans

To all of you who actually read all of my race reports. They might be boring, but I really am so thankful for all of your support.
And lastly, To Texas Milesplit for all of the coverage they provide for this sport. In a sport that doesn't always get the most recognition, it is so nice to have people who make cross country a big deal. We really, really appreciate everything that you do.
It's such a bitter/sweet feeling knowing that the next time I run a cross country race will be in an Ole Miss singlet instead of a Hebron one, but I could not be happier with how my cross country career at Hebron played out and I am so excited for the big things to come in the upcoming track season!!