UIL 5A - District 11 2014 vs UIL 5A - District 11 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +21 239 218
Overall Average +38.76 25:04.53 24:25.77
1st-10th Place -13.87 17:41.59 17:55.46
1st-25th Place -6.59 18:24.70 18:31.29
1st-50th Place -4.79 19:14.03 19:18.82
1st-100th Place +2.00 20:33.55 20:31.54
Common Athletes -- -- 92
Ran Faster -16 38 54
Ran Season Best 21 48 27
Average Time +7.20 23:13.95 23:06.76
Median Time -1.10 22:28.50 22:29.60
Middle 80% Times +4.82 22:56.04 22:51.22
Top 10% Times +15.76 18:19.88 18:04.12
Top 25% Times +18.23 18:58.52 18:40.28
Top 50% Times +10.27 20:00.83 19:50.57
Bottom 50% Times +4.13 26:27.07 26:22.95
Bottom 25% Times +18.10 29:08.50 28:50.40
Bottom 10% Times +19.66 31:41.60 31:21.94
Average Difference +7.20 -- --
Median Difference +16.40 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +9.27 -- --
Top 10% Difference +10.85 -- --
Top 50% Difference +13.67 -- --
Top 25% Difference +12.29 -- --
Top 50% Difference +13.67 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +0.72 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +13.76 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +11.73 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Troy Wiles Dallas Wilson +16.90 17:51.10 17:34.20
Patrick Sierra Dallas Conrad +1.70 17:36.20 17:34.50
Hayden Jackson Dallas Hillcrest +1:38.10 19:32.80 17:54.70
Allen Aragon Carrollton Creekview +1.30 17:57.00 17:55.70
Jesus Hernandez Carrollton Creekview -18.20 18:00.20 18:18.40
Cullen Renfro Carrollton Smith +20.60 18:24.60 18:04.00
Alexander Jett Dallas Hillcrest +27.00 18:32.20 18:05.20
Agustin Soto Dallas Jefferson +54.30 18:59.90 18:05.60
Michael Herrera Dallas Jefferson -55.50 18:31.10 19:26.60
Damien Hernandez Dallas Adams +53.50 19:25.70 18:32.20
Luke Malone Dallas Adams +41.10 19:17.80 18:36.70
Izak Sanchez Dallas Wilson +9.00 18:46.30 18:37.30
Christophe Cartwright Dallas Adams +1:04.20 19:50.20 18:46.00
Jonathon Sanchez Carrollton Smith -1:39.10 18:47.20 20:26.30
Demarkous Nunnally Dallas Jefferson -8.20 18:52.90 19:01.10
Daniel Castro Dallas Hillcrest +1:48.60 20:47.00 18:58.40
Julian Soria Dallas Adams +1:33.60 20:34.30 19:00.70
Gonzalo Gaytan Carrollton Creekview +1:18.80 20:22.50 19:03.70
Gregorio Longoria Dallas Adams +2:01.40 21:05.40 19:04.00
Jackson Bell Dallas Wilson +4.10 19:08.30 19:04.20
Matt Finchum Carrollton Creekview -14.20 19:08.60 19:22.80
Gerardo Ramirez Dallas Wilson -53.80 19:08.80 20:02.60
Christopher Gomez Carrollton Smith +55.80 20:06.80 19:11.00
Ernesto Silva Dallas Adams -1:50.30 19:23.30 21:13.60
Latham Davies Dallas Hillcrest +1:12.30 20:39.60 19:27.30
Josue Sandoval Dallas Jefferson -40.20 19:29.00 20:09.20
Erick Sandoval Dallas Adams +45.30 20:27.50 19:42.20
Rocky Khoshbin Dallas Hillcrest -1:09.70 19:50.80 21:00.50
Jose Ayala Carrollton Creekview -36.00 19:52.20 20:28.20
Juan Calixto Dallas Hillcrest -28.50 19:59.70 20:28.20
Dylan Rasbridge Dallas Wilson -3:14.80 20:00.50 23:15.30
Jeovanny Flores Dallas Conrad -43.40 20:11.30 20:54.70
Preston King Dallas Wilson +9.90 20:30.80 20:20.90
Daniel Vazquez Dallas Jefferson +0.10 20:23.80 20:23.70
Jesus Torres Dallas Wilson +25.50 20:57.40 20:31.90
James Ventura Carrollton Creekview +1:52.80 22:32.40 20:39.60
Arturo Ramirez Carrollton Smith -43.20 20:47.40 21:30.60
Carlos Escobedo Dallas Adams +1:22.10 22:19.40 20:57.30
Luiz Astorga-arambula Carrollton Smith -47.90 20:58.80 21:46.70
Ardarius Turner Dallas Hillcrest -35.00 21:19.20 21:54.20
Max Keough Carrollton Creekview -20.70 21:20.10 21:40.80
Samantha Bowen Carrollton Creekview +42.90 22:04.30 21:21.40
Aaron Lopez Dallas Adams +1:47.70 23:10.00 21:22.30
Carlo Kauffman Carrollton Creekview +24.10 21:47.30 21:23.20
Rian Manley Carrollton Smith -2:06.70 21:25.50 23:32.20
Eric Rahlfs Carrollton Smith +35.80 22:07.30 21:31.50
Diana Cruz Dallas Hillcrest +2:59.80 24:32.30 21:32.50
Hugo Valerio Dallas Adams -6:11.70 21:35.80 27:47.50
Christopher Anaya Dallas Adams +40.70 22:20.40 21:39.70
Ivan Lopez Carrollton Creekview -1.10 22:28.50 22:29.60
David Martinez Carrollton Smith +36.30 23:15.40 22:39.10
Stephen Moitz Carrollton Creekview -2:33.70 22:41.90 25:15.60
Dejonna Walker Dallas Hillcrest -39.20 22:45.20 23:24.40
Leslie Hernandez Carrollton Smith -2:01.90 22:49.00 24:50.90
Sandoval Robert Dallas Adams +16.40 23:06.60 22:50.20
Emm Pfundheller Dallas Wilson +12.50 23:06.10 22:53.60
Jorge Nieto Carrollton Creekview +3:19.00 26:14.60 22:55.60
Kelsey Nguyen Carrollton Creekview +1:27.90 24:29.40 23:01.50
Juan Orduna Dallas Jefferson +14.70 23:31.10 23:16.40
Briana Galindo Carrollton Creekview -14.40 23:16.60 23:31.00
Chris Davis Dallas Wilson +22.00 23:46.30 23:24.30
Odalis Bernabe Dallas Adams -16.20 23:24.90 23:41.10
Natalie Solorio Dallas Wilson +4.60 23:39.80 23:35.20
Nick Hanson Carrollton Creekview +46.40 24:48.10 24:01.70
Sandra Gallardo Dallas Jefferson -1:49.40 24:23.90 26:13.30
Romana Castenada Dallas Hillcrest -53.10 24:27.80 25:20.90
Angeles Castro Dallas Adams -47.70 24:36.80 25:24.50
Ashley Hernandez Dallas Adams -1:17.50 24:39.90 25:57.40
Nhat Chu Carrollton Creekview +1:31.90 26:21.70 24:49.80
Lorena Correa Dallas Adams +39.00 25:36.30 24:57.30
Maika Beckner Dallas Wilson +10.70 25:30.60 25:19.90
Cristal Abrego Dallas Jefferson -4:51.30 25:27.20 30:18.50
Alana Mitchell Dallas Conrad -0.70 25:45.50 25:46.20
Abigail Aldape North Dallas +1:48.60 27:35.70 25:47.10
Annabell Castillo Dallas Hillcrest +33.30 26:24.60 25:51.30
Ana Sanchez Dallas Jefferson -3.10 25:57.10 26:00.20
Arrick Laird Carrollton Smith +1:42.10 28:16.00 26:33.90
Silvia Briseno Dallas Hillcrest +1.20 26:58.50 26:57.30
Ricardo Martinez Dallas Wilson +1:38.40 28:51.10 27:12.70
Julia Trejo Dallas Adams +1:17.60 28:36.80 27:19.20
Daniela Alonzo Dallas Wilson -1.40 27:46.50 27:47.90
Edith Cervantes North Dallas +2:09.30 30:11.40 28:02.10
Melissa Calderon North Dallas +2:00.50 30:10.50 28:10.00
Ashleigh Gutierrez Dallas Adams -12.70 28:55.20 29:07.90
Jessica Lopez Dallas Jefferson -17.70 29:47.50 30:05.20
Jacqueline Gonzalez Dallas Adams +2:17.80 32:19.10 30:01.30
Mary Valdivia North Dallas +3:59.60 34:23.90 30:24.30
Jesus Velasquez Dallas Adams -19.90 30:32.40 30:52.30
Sha Rae Campbell North Dallas -3:04.60 31:25.20 34:29.80
Jacob Hernandez Carrollton Creekview -2:46.30 31:31.70 34:18.00
Miranda Tristan Dallas Adams +1.00 31:43.70 31:42.70
Nava Christian Dallas Adams +2:31.20 34:50.60 32:19.40