Rocksprings Invitational I - (CANCELLED) 2016

Rocksprings, TX
Hosted by Rocksprings

Meet Information

Date: September 10 th , 2016

Time: Start at 9:00 A.M. with a Rolling Schedule!

Race Order:
JH Girls
JH Boys
HS Girls
HS Boys

*More divisions could be added (big school/small school, Varsity/JV, etc., depending on the number of teams coming to the meet. Last year all meet workers were home by 11:15 AM, we run a very efficient meet!)

Location: Edwards County Fairgrounds

Awards: Medals for top 10 and Team Medals for top three teams in each division.

Entry Fee: $10 per HS athlete. $7 per JH athlete. Please make checks payable to Rocksprings ISD.

Entries due: September 5 th @ noon. Please email your rosters to Please confirm if your team will attend ASAP!

There are two things that I ask of each coach attending:
1) Please ask your kids to pick up any trash left by your team and leave camp areas clean.
2) The Meet will be scored using the card system. Runners will receive a card after they finish and they are responsible for returning the card to their coach. Coaches will return the cards in a Ziploc bag (provided in your packet) to the scorers table. Please fill out all information on the card!

Erik Thormaehlen
Head Cross Country Coach
Rocksprings High School