UIL 3A - Region 2 2016

Grand Prairie, TX

UIL 3A - Region 2 2016 vs UIL 3A - Region 2 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +6 179 173
Overall Average +22.47 21:01.36 20:38.89
1st-10th Place +24.37 17:23.45 16:59.07
1st-25th Place +18.34 17:47.08 17:28.74
1st-50th Place +16.16 18:23.88 18:07.72
1st-100th Place +9.79 19:15.32 19:05.54
Common Athletes -- -- 61
Ran Faster -23 19 42
Ran Season Best 6 11 5
Average Time +35.75 19:50.34 19:14.58
Median Time +27.92 19:33.60 19:05.68
Middle 80% Times +32.27 19:44.57 19:12.30
Top 10% Times +36.02 17:35.56 16:59.54
Top 25% Times +38.00 17:57.80 17:19.80
Top 50% Times +36.79 18:33.33 17:56.54
Bottom 50% Times +33.57 20:28.95 19:55.38
Bottom 25% Times +42.15 22:08.11 21:25.96
Bottom 10% Times +1:08.90 23:29.97 22:21.08
Average Difference +35.75 -- --
Median Difference +28.52 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +30.42 -- --
Top 10% Difference +30.61 -- --
Top 50% Difference +32.01 -- --
Top 25% Difference +29.43 -- --
Top 50% Difference +32.01 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +39.27 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +58.40 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:27.27 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Michael Urbina Whitesboro +28.77 16:48.63 16:19.86
Adam Mendoza Pilot Point +53.49 17:28.79 16:35.30
Adan Franco Pilot Point +47.49 17:52.09 17:04.60
Dalton Page Eustace +1:18.42 18:25.67 17:07.25
Max Merlyn Whitesboro +1:02.70 18:15.91 17:13.21
Eric Grant Grand Saline +37.54 17:53.56 17:16.02
Jervaughn Muriel Harmony School of Innovation (Fort Worth) +37.76 17:58.32 17:20.56
Nobel Smith Edgewood +3:14.60 20:39.31 17:24.71
Juan Arreguin Commerce +2:25.50 19:53.37 17:27.87
Juan Giron Pilot Point -10.94 17:29.39 17:40.33
Armando Borrego Gladewater Sabine +1:47.24 19:18.64 17:31.40
Nicholas Westbrook Eustace +59.23 18:30.63 17:31.40
Bryce Sevarino Van Alstyne +1:42.79 19:17.25 17:34.46
Micah Zimmerer Eustace +20.14 17:58.09 17:37.95
Luis Garcia Kemp HS -2:31.65 17:40.61 20:12.26
William Hunter Troup +45.69 18:29.95 17:44.26
Preston Garrett Whitesboro +24.42 18:11.99 17:47.57
Chris Morris Elysian Fields -21.02 17:55.84 18:16.86
Sergio Portillo Pilot Point +1:20.79 19:18.81 17:58.02
James Perot Elysian Fields +1:29.09 19:33.60 18:04.51
Marshall Varner Farmersville -1.96 18:09.37 18:11.33
Dustin White Whitesboro -4.89 18:15.93 18:20.82
Wesley Chavez Commerce +1:36.44 20:03.08 18:26.64
Jaden Alexander Hughes Springs +1:05.07 19:35.84 18:30.77
Antonio Flores Whitesboro +14.06 18:50.63 18:36.57
Noah Crownover Sunnyvale +55.14 19:38.75 18:43.61
Hunter Case Whitesboro -5.77 18:45.45 18:51.22
Ian Campbell Farmersville +1:14.89 20:05.32 18:50.43
Logan Nelson Gunter +8.42 19:04.77 18:56.35
Manuel Labrada Whitesboro -23.84 18:58.70 19:22.54
Alec Leos Sunnyvale +49.63 19:49.51 18:59.88
Magnus Michaud Leonard -18.68 19:01.76 19:20.44
Daniel Morris Van Alstyne +1:32.25 20:35.64 19:03.39
Dylan Harris White Oak -13.87 19:05.07 19:18.94
Hayden Gaddis Mount Pleasant Chapel Hill +1:44.03 20:49.71 19:05.68
Will Tate Beckville +24.48 19:30.60 19:06.12
Saul Martinez Mount Pleasant Chapel Hill +1:10.13 20:18.43 19:08.30
David Palacios Como-Pickton -46.51 19:10.09 19:56.60
Allan Anderson Commerce -27.73 19:12.28 19:40.01
Carlos Jimenez New Boston -45.42 19:13.79 19:59.21
Trey Beam Hughes Springs +28.52 19:51.57 19:23.05
Ty Findley Mount Pleasant Chapel Hill +43.24 20:07.62 19:24.38
Ruben Preciado Como-Pickton -42.03 19:27.13 20:09.16
Jerec Wilson Hughes Springs +3:05.46 22:59.26 19:53.80
Gabe Wells Gunter -1:55.87 19:55.68 21:51.55
Jonathan Ramsey Elysian Fields +1:29.40 21:28.44 19:59.04
David Denton Gunter +18.58 20:18.46 19:59.88
Esneyder Hernandez Commerce -17.75 20:06.11 20:23.86
Zander Turner Gunter +17.49 20:30.94 20:13.45
Juan Olguin Daingerfield -0.61 20:32.90 20:33.51
Caleb Mobbs Diana New Diana -44.65 20:37.73 21:22.38
Chase Lopez Gladewater Sabine -17.61 20:37.79 20:55.40
Connor Hubbard Diana New Diana +9.68 21:05.95 20:56.27
Matt Pegues Como-Pickton +53.15 21:51.99 20:58.84
Jaden Cabellero Dallas Life Oak Cliff +50.72 21:53.44 21:02.72
Kelsey Bogue Diana New Diana +1:39.92 22:51.45 21:11.53
Wesley Mcgarity Gladewater Sabine +54.10 22:10.76 21:16.66
Chris Pineda Waskom +1:20.48 22:41.17 21:20.69
Nathaniel Dancer Daingerfield +2:48.63 24:32.21 21:43.58
Chris Smith Harmony School of Innovation (Fort Worth) -10.24 23:49.58 23:59.82
Nicholas Ferguson Daingerfield +32.52 25:25.37 24:52.85