GIRLS:Vista Ridge sophomore Ashley Isham took the lead from the start, followedclosely last year's Cedar Park Invitational individual champion Georgetownsenior Alicia Jenkins and homeschooler Catherine Westenhover. Isham hit themile mark in 5:25 with a :07 lead over Jenkins who was starting to break awayfrom Westenhover. Over the last mile, Isham continued to pull away fromJenkins, who also continued to pull away Westenhover. Isham won in 11:22,with Jenkins :16 back in 11:38 and Westenhover in 11:46. Vista Ridge juniorZoe Galbraith (4th) and Georgetown junior Courtney Hale (5th) made strongmoves in the last half of the race to grab top five positions. KilleenEllison junior Anamaris Hernandez (6th), Harker Heights' Aliese Hyde (7th),and Westwood senior Emily Potter (8th) clocked 12:00 or faster for the 2 miletwisting course. The girls team chase was rather close, with Georgetown coming out on top with70 points over Vista Ridge (84 pts.), Cameron Yoe (86 pts.), and HarkerHeights (92 pts.) BOYS:This race was packed up front with Vista Ridge junior Zach Ornelas, Cedar Parksophomore twins Jay and Bobby McIllece, Round Rock senior Carl Stones, andMayde Creek senior Daniel Balbontin forming a tight early pack in the front. Ornelas lead the same lead pack by less than a stride through the mile mark in4:42, followed closely by Georgetown junior Evan Hibbs and Corpus ChristiCarroll's Justin Adame and another couple of Cedar Park runners, senior BenWroblewski and junior Austin Krohn. The race opened up slightly in the last1.1 mile with Ornelas getting some space at the finish on Hibbs who wascharging hard in the last mile. Ornelas won in 15:39, followed by Hibbs in15:42 and Balbontin in 15:47. Stones (4th), Adame (5th), Bobby McIllece(6th), Georgetown senior Jonathan Kern (7th), Mayde Creek seniors CollinDurham (8th) and Eric Doll (9th) and Georgetown's Jacob Guerrero (10th)rounded out those who ran 16:00 or faster. Cedar Park's top runner, JayMcIllece, who was in the lead pack for most of the race, had some late racedifficulties (dehydration?) and collasped shortly before the finish. The boys team chase was close up top with Cedar Park edging out Georgetown 58points to 64. Mayde Creek (80 pts.) rounded out the top three teams. Asecond Cedar Park squad (115 pts.) grabbed 4th place, showing the impressivedepth of the Cedar Park program.
Georgetown Girls and Cedar Park Boys Win at Cedar Park Invitational
Sep 15, 2007