St. John's Maverick Ramble 2018

Houston, TX

St. John's Maverick Ramble 2018 vs 35th St. John's Maverick Ramble 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +125 467 342
Overall Average +30.54 21:44.13 21:13.59
1st-10th Place +15.25 16:36.76 16:21.51
1st-25th Place +17.03 17:04.78 16:47.75
1st-50th Place +12.34 17:32.52 17:20.18
1st-100th Place +3.05 18:09.26 18:06.21
Common Athletes -- -- 28
Ran Faster 8 18 10
Ran Season Best -13 7 20
Average Time -8.47 20:09.48 20:17.95
Median Time -14.80 20:33.10 20:47.90
Middle 80% Times -12.22 20:18.68 20:30.90
Top 10% Times -9.83 16:22.03 16:31.87
Top 25% Times -36.17 17:04.27 17:40.44
Top 50% Times -43.91 18:04.40 18:48.31
Bottom 50% Times +26.97 22:14.56 21:47.59
Bottom 25% Times +41.41 23:11.44 22:30.03
Bottom 10% Times +43.63 23:58.43 23:14.80
Average Difference -8.47 -- --
Median Difference -1:39.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -27.61 -- --
Top 10% Difference +2.63 -- --
Top 50% Difference -45.16 -- --
Top 25% Difference -35.17 -- --
Top 50% Difference -45.16 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +28.23 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +54.29 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:43.87 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Habtamu Geta Bay Area Christian -18.30 15:46.60 16:04.90
Sam Faraguna St. John's Houston -10.80 16:27.20 16:38.00
Joshy Shearer The Woodlands Christian -1:50.70 16:52.30 18:43.00
Cymon Shy Home School +37.00 17:29.70 16:52.70
Carson Kurad St. Andrews Episcopal HS -1:37.80 16:56.20 18:34.00
Ethan Huie St. Andrews Episcopal HS -27.90 17:35.40 18:03.30
Conner Brotherton Fort Bend Christian Academy -1:18.80 18:22.50 19:41.30
Jonathan Lim St. Andrews Episcopal HS -17.70 18:29.50 18:47.20
John Paul Bartsch Spring Frassati Catholic High School -2:02.30 18:46.60 20:48.90
Dylan Sanders Houston Second Baptist -45.00 18:47.40 19:32.40
Garrett Valez Houston Cyp. Creek -1:57.80 18:50.10 20:47.90
Joshua Tsai St. John's Houston -41.40 19:01.90 19:43.30
Nicholas Teutsch The Woodlands Legacy Prep Christian Academy -1:39.60 19:29.40 21:09.00
Arvind Mohan Houston St. Thomas Episcopal HS +1:07.90 20:37.90 19:30.00
Eric Lee St. John's Houston -48.70 20:06.80 20:55.50
Kenji Chevray St. John's Houston +3:46.70 23:56.00 20:09.30
Caroline Keller Kinkaid School +1:12.70 21:38.70 20:26.00
Cole Wilson The Woodlands Christian +1:26.50 21:57.40 20:30.90
Jacob Hall Houston Cyp. Creek -57.70 20:33.10 21:30.80
Emma Tuhabonye St. Andrews Episcopal HS +22.80 21:20.80 20:58.00
Lauren Kearns Houston Christian -1:50.30 21:22.70 23:13.00
Chris Morrell St. John's Houston +1:29.60 22:56.00 21:26.40
Beto Vasquez Houston Cyp. Creek +2:43.30 24:13.70 21:30.40
Lance Vu The Village Houston -2.80 21:33.20 21:36.00
Emily Feng St. John's Houston +1:41.60 23:45.60 22:04.00
Eli Witt Houston The Briarwood -1:36.90 22:06.30 23:43.20
Alexandra Lee St. Andrews Episcopal HS -6.70 22:28.30 22:35.00
Jonah Pesikoff St. John's Houston +6.00 22:54.20 22:48.20