Leo Manzano Marble Falls Mustang XC Invitational 2020

Marble Falls, TX

Leo Manzano Marble Falls Mustang XC Invitational 2020 vs Leo Manzano Marble Falls Mustang XC Invitational 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -114 304 418
Overall Average -1:01.45 20:11.31 21:12.75
1st-10th Place +0.83 16:31.09 16:30.26
1st-25th Place -1.43 16:49.76 16:51.19
1st-50th Place -7.97 17:08.01 17:15.98
1st-100th Place -15.16 17:36.80 17:51.96
Common Athletes -- -- 91
Ran Faster 33 62 29
Ran Season Best -1 3 4
Average Time -24.80 19:14.97 19:39.77
Median Time -25.50 18:41.80 19:07.30
Middle 80% Times -27.11 19:07.87 19:34.98
Top 10% Times -9.49 16:43.50 16:52.99
Top 25% Times -22.27 17:09.23 17:31.50
Top 50% Times -26.34 17:40.55 18:06.89
Bottom 50% Times -22.72 20:24.29 20:47.01
Bottom 25% Times -20.17 22:03.96 22:24.12
Bottom 10% Times -23.31 23:10.26 23:33.57
Average Difference -24.80 -- --
Median Difference -12.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -29.30 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1.52 -- --
Top 50% Difference -23.15 -- --
Top 25% Difference -12.83 -- --
Top 50% Difference -23.15 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -26.19 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -33.81 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -42.66 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jack Woods Cedar Park +1:01.30 16:54.20 15:52.90
Caleb Lopez Dripping Springs -10.60 16:05.00 16:15.60
Kevin Sanchez Austin Vandegrift -15.90 16:22.20 16:38.10
Will Powers Austin High -10.90 16:29.50 16:40.40
Gareth Hopwood Cedar Park -1:01.40 16:41.20 17:42.60
William Plotts Cedar Park -2:02.90 16:43.20 18:46.10
Garrison Mangan Smithson Valley -17.00 16:46.00 17:03.00
Evan Deeny Austin Vandegrift -46.20 16:51.30 17:37.50
Gilbert Wurn Smithson Valley +31.50 17:27.20 16:55.70
Austin Flores Marble Falls +13.20 17:19.00 17:05.80
Austin Wolfe Dripping Springs -59.90 17:09.10 18:09.00
Brant Melton Dripping Springs +16.50 17:29.50 17:13.00
Samuel Valdez Marble Falls -1:20.20 17:13.30 18:33.50
Warren Anguiano Johnson -35.90 17:17.20 17:53.10
Mason Simons Dripping Springs -6.70 17:21.20 17:27.90
Gavin Weinheimer Austin Vandegrift -39.30 17:29.20 18:08.50
Aidan Bauman Austin Vandegrift -51.40 17:30.40 18:21.80
Dominic Gearing Dripping Springs -27.10 17:30.70 17:57.80
Adam Perez Smithson Valley -1:35.10 17:30.90 19:06.00
Joshua Wesloh Smithson Valley -59.40 17:32.80 18:32.20
Kasey Copley Cedar Park -1:42.90 17:34.90 19:17.80
Mark Lucas Cedar Park -18.80 17:36.20 17:55.00
Hank Gardner Austin High +22.80 18:00.70 17:37.90
Jett Zurita Marble Falls -36.50 17:38.10 18:14.60
Seth Vydrzal Smithson Valley -1:52.50 17:42.60 19:35.10
Travis Graham Austin Vandegrift -35.20 17:45.10 18:20.30
Eric Nickowski Marble Falls +31.10 18:18.60 17:47.50
Tyler Papp Dripping Springs -36.10 17:47.50 18:23.60
Ben Wilson Austin High -30.80 17:52.60 18:23.40
Alex Peterson Austin Vandegrift -46.30 17:55.20 18:41.50
Lance Tobey Austin Vandegrift -28.60 17:55.50 18:24.10
Javier Castro Marble Falls -1:58.20 17:59.00 19:57.20
Shane Bookbinder Dripping Springs -5.70 18:00.00 18:05.70
AJ Alfaro Vista Ridge MS -41.30 18:07.10 18:48.40
Harry Miller Dripping Springs -44.00 18:07.20 18:51.20
Jayan Nitzsche +7.00 18:14.50 18:07.50
Jack Batiansila Austin High -21.20 18:10.20 18:31.40
Daniel Garcia Smithson Valley +5.40 18:22.30 18:16.90
Carlos Cogan Austin High +2:56.70 21:15.20 18:18.50
Quinlan Huh Austin High -12.60 18:23.70 18:36.30
Vincent Cruz Leander Glenn -2:46.90 18:24.80 21:11.70
Amalie Mills Smithson Valley -10.20 18:27.50 18:37.70
Chris Talamantez Marble Falls -2:53.90 18:27.50 21:21.40
Ulysses Boulton Austin High -57.10 18:29.00 19:26.10
Dylan Kaifesh Vista Ridge MS +15.60 18:48.10 18:32.50
Maddie Livingston Dripping Springs -27.30 18:40.00 19:07.30
Ben Mcdanald Cedar Park -2:04.80 18:40.60 20:45.40
Merrick Peeples Austin Vandegrift -12.70 18:41.80 18:54.50
Bryce Atkinson Marble Falls -1:24.60 18:45.10 20:09.70
Mikey Alvord Vista Ridge MS +4.70 18:51.70 18:47.00
Grant Chang Vista Ridge MS -19.60 18:48.50 19:08.10
Gemma Goddard Austin Vandegrift -41.20 18:51.40 19:32.60
Nathan Mork Brady +5.90 18:58.50 18:52.60
Alex Dysart Cedar Park -4:07.60 18:54.70 23:02.30
Mark Valdez Brady +1:20.30 20:15.20 18:54.90
Sophia Perez Smithson Valley +1:40.30 20:40.20 18:59.90
Karsten Bobb Dripping Springs -12.90 19:05.80 19:18.70
Emma Saia Austin Vandegrift +2.60 19:08.90 19:06.30
Sophia Muñoz Austin High +1:28.40 20:37.10 19:08.70
Joshua Sanford Vista Ridge MS +45.30 19:55.70 19:10.40
Aiden Stubblefield Leander Glenn -1:59.20 19:18.90 21:18.10
Archer Brooks Austin High -1:38.20 19:39.80 21:18.00
Ethan Karabinas Vista Ridge MS -19.30 19:41.00 20:00.30
Kaitlyn Childress Austin Vandegrift -6.60 19:41.70 19:48.30
Marleena Mickel Dripping Springs -1:12.00 19:45.30 20:57.30
Taylor Mathis Austin Vandegrift +40.00 20:34.40 19:54.40
Aidan Watkins Vista Ridge MS -52.50 20:06.70 20:59.20
Reese Barucky Cedar Park +34.00 20:49.30 20:15.30
Madison Tafoya Dripping Springs -58.70 20:20.10 21:18.80
Henry Wilson Austin High -3:27.60 20:26.40 23:54.00
Annalise Woolley Austin High +1:33.60 22:02.00 20:28.40
Erik Martinez Leander Glenn -1:44.10 20:31.80 22:15.90
Xanthe Sparkman Cedar Park +53.70 21:27.20 20:33.50
Caroline Russey Dripping Springs -37.20 20:36.70 21:13.90
Jennifer Arreguin Marble Falls +3:06.10 23:43.20 20:37.10
Sophia Peterson Austin Vandegrift +17.70 20:57.30 20:39.60
Juliana Lozano Cedar Park -5.70 20:58.70 21:04.40
Cassidy Janda Vista Ridge MS +17.30 21:22.60 21:05.30
Julia Douglas Smithson Valley -23.30 21:08.40 21:31.70
Avery Jurica Smithson Valley +18.80 21:37.20 21:18.40
Kate Hansen Austin High -39.20 21:30.60 22:09.80
Katrina Heide Austin High -45.80 21:38.30 22:24.10
Alexa Yeager Cedar Park +17.60 21:57.50 21:39.90
Myla Castillo Smithson Valley -16.40 21:46.30 22:02.70
Destiny Raya Leander Glenn -17.20 21:52.20 22:09.40
Peyton Molacek Cedar Park -2:47.20 22:03.00 24:50.20
Jocelyn Cantu Leander Glenn +2:23.20 24:47.80 22:24.60
Renee Roca Vista Ridge MS +24.00 23:15.20 22:51.20
Sayra Salazar Marble Falls -1:27.90 22:51.90 24:19.80
Sally Phillips Austin High -53.50 23:22.70 24:16.20
Sara Kutchey Vista Ridge MS +29.70 25:47.10 25:17.40