Meet Information
updated meet info as of 11/2/2020
As a reminder, you are able to enter up to 10 runners if you
qualify a team. It is NOT required that you enter 10, however it is your
responsibility to enter all runners you are considering running race day. The
correct spelling and year classification is required at the time of
registration. We will not add names at packet pick up. If an athlete is not
entered as an alternate they will not be able to run as they will not have a
bib number assigned to race. We will NOT swap names at the meet, or conductnamechanges on site. The entry deadline is extended until 6:30pm today so
that you may review your entries to ensure you have corrections made, and all
possible (up to 10) runners entered. I want to stress there will be no exceptions
at packet pick up this year as we are going to a method with the least contact as