Meet Information
2021 Kaufman Golden Lion Relays
Dear Track Coaches,
We would like to extend an invitation for your teams to compete in the Kaufman
Golden Lion Relays on Thursday, March 4th, 2021. There will be four divisions:
Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys, JV Girls, JV Boys. Entry Fees are as follows: $200 per
Varsity team and $200 per JV team. The total for each school with all 4 divisions is
$800. Our goal is to make this a great meet experience for you and your athletes. We
will provide all coaches a BBQ lunch. I will send out a meet schedule in January.
Please go ahead and start getting your entry fees sent in. I am ordering the plaques
and medals before Christmas break. We will medal the top 3 finishers in all events.
The medals will be custom Kaufman Golden Lion Relays medals. We will also give out
champion and runner up team plaques along with a high point varsity girl and boy
Make checks payable to: KISD Track Activity Fund
3205 S. Houston St.
Kaufman, TX 75142
Thank you for attending the 2021 Kaufman Golden Lion Relays. We look
forward to seeing everyone on March 4 th . It should be a fun, competitive meet.
Head Boys Track Head Girls Coach
Justin Horton Denver Stone dstone@kaufman-isd-net
Dear Track Coaches,
We would like to extend an invitation for your teams to compete in the Kaufman
Golden Lion Relays on Thursday, March 4th, 2021. There will be four divisions:
Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys, JV Girls, JV Boys. Entry Fees are as follows: $200 per
Varsity team and $200 per JV team. The total for each school with all 4 divisions is
$800. Our goal is to make this a great meet experience for you and your athletes. We
will provide all coaches a BBQ lunch. I will send out a meet schedule in January.
Please go ahead and start getting your entry fees sent in. I am ordering the plaques
and medals before Christmas break. We will medal the top 3 finishers in all events.
The medals will be custom Kaufman Golden Lion Relays medals. We will also give out
champion and runner up team plaques along with a high point varsity girl and boy
Make checks payable to: KISD Track Activity Fund
3205 S. Houston St.
Kaufman, TX 75142
Thank you for attending the 2021 Kaufman Golden Lion Relays. We look
forward to seeing everyone on March 4 th . It should be a fun, competitive meet.
Head Boys Track Head Girls Coach
Justin Horton Denver Stone dstone@kaufman-isd-net